What are you on about? Cancer is in essence a lifeform that wants to survive, like any other lifeform. Or to be even more abstract - a complex system separate from the entropy of the universe, that tries to keep this separation going on, by constantly seeking and transforming energy, until it inevitable breaks up, and the entropy will win.
Last edited by Pannonian; 2022-11-10 at 06:15 PM.
Your claims to be irreligious don't "scare" anyone. You can't provide any secular reasoning to justify your position, because it's inherently not based on secular reality, and thus we can all tell you're pushing some kind of faith-based dogma about human souls, even if you don't want to come right out and say it. If you could actually make a solid, secular case against abortion, that would be fascinating, considering this "debate" has been ongoing for better than a half-century now and literally no person has ever produced a single secular argument based on reason and science to oppose abortion rights for women. You'd be the first. So we have to wonder; why aren't you making that case?
The easy assumption is that, like everyone else who's tried, you're actually just pushing religious dogma and lying about it. And that assumption will remain until you actually provide that earth-shattering new reasoning that nobody's ever managed to come up with before you, today, that's so ironclad it convinces all of us that we're wrong about all this.
Put up or shut up, basically.
Also, for the record, there is no reason to liken pregnancy to cancer. There's stupidly long lists of actual side-effects of pregnancy. Spoilers: it's so bad, that if they were the side-effects to a "Grow a baby in 9 months!"-pill, it wouldn't be allowed by the CDC.
“There you stand, the good man doing nothing. And while evil triumphs, and your rigid pacifism crumbles to blood stained dust, the only victory afforded to you is that you stuck true to your guns.”
Well, @Endus put it much more eloquently than i ever could, but glad you finally showing your true colors. So just to get it straight. Because you describe some immaterial features based on your personal beliefs to a lump of cells, you're fine with taking away rights from half the human population. Glad we could clear that up.
Pro-tip: Contraception can fail, and abortions happen because of medical necessity, but that would make the colorful and easy to understand world of yours to complicated. Am i right?
And to think I’ve been missing the empanadas this whole time.
The radical comparisons like cancer or organ donation just affect the political winds pushing on people without firm convictions. Its a weakness in popular argument, but it doesn’t invalidate all the others. Allowances for the failure of birth control, allowances for youth, allowances for the father abandoning responsibility, allowances for very early stage abortions after a mistake. Those all involve compromises. Those are still around even as the pro choice side becomes more shrill and dogmatic. Especially on the internet.
"I wish it need not have happened in my time." "So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
This is the key bit he's willfully ignoring; consent is an active process. It can, at any moment, be withdrawn. Abortion is the withdrawal of consent to remain pregnant, essentially.
Saying you can't withdraw consent is the kind of shit rapists try and argue; "she said she wanted it, she doesn't get to tell me "no" once I've got my pants off!" Literally that same misogyny.