1. #4901
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    I'm still confused as to what a zygote has to do with a PS5?

    No it's not..... Lol

    I'm all for evolution.

    But I think we can agree that a human ist gonna evolve into a PS5.

    Again the point is that a zygote is just an early start of HUMAN development, like how an infant is compared to an adult.

    That's why I say, will a zygote turn into a carrot or PS5 or we.

    Because if a infant has as much of a right as an adult, why not a zygote? Because it's inconvenient to a women who didn't practice safe sex and it ..ales millions of dollars?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Mekh View Post
    It's what we're doing. And we have already established you are against that. Dementia much?
    A human zygote is not an ameba, try again

  2. #4902
    The Lightbringer Pannonian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    Reminder; we're not trying to convince Varx that they're wrong. We're convincing everyone else that Varx is an extremist who doesn't have a legitimate case.
    I know, and that's why i'm still posting because i don't want religious hogwash to stand unopposed. Still, i have been 17 once too and dug myself way to deep into discussion i should never have participated in as i lacked the mental capacity for the topic, so i can empathize a bit.

  3. #4903
    Quote Originally Posted by Pannonian View Post
    Dude seriously... This is one of the worst mix of goal post moving and ignorance i have encountered in a while here. I actually feel somewhat bad posting yet again, because honestly... you're humiliating yourself really hard right now... i don't mind a good discussion, but god, if you want to talk about a topic like biology, at least try to read up on the basics...
    I'm not the one who is using micro life to classify male ejaculation as genocide.

  4. #4904
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Because if a infant has as much of a right as an adult...
    They don't. Adults have a bunch of rights infants don't. Again, what's wrong with your brain? Underfed because you had to share with 7 siblings?
    “There you stand, the good man doing nothing. And while evil triumphs, and your rigid pacifism crumbles to blood stained dust, the only victory afforded to you is that you stuck true to your guns.”

  5. #4905
    The Lightbringer Pannonian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fugus View Post
    Um... Who here doesn't already know this? Would be much easier to explain that to the newbies that show up rather then let Varx kick your collective asses for pages in games you pretend you aren't playing while he objectively is.
    I mean i get the concern for the limited space of pages this forum can ultimately support. But if you cut down on the backseat-moderation in this thread, we could probably safe another page?

  6. #4906
    Quote Originally Posted by Pannonian View Post
    I know, and that's why i'm still posting because i don't want religious hogwash to stand unopposed. Still, i have been 17 once too and dug myself way to deep into discussion i should never have participated in as i lacked the mental capacity for the topic, so i can empathize a bit.
    And again, not religious.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Mekh View Post
    They don't. Adults have a bunch of rights infants don't. Again, what's wrong with your brain? Underfed because you had to share with 7 siblings?
    To LIFE. I ain't advocating for babies to vote or drive.

    Keep trying

  7. #4907
    The Lightbringer Pannonian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    And again, not religious.

    - - - Updated - - -

    To LIFE. I ain't advocating for babies to vote or drive.

    Keep trying
    As soon as you start using arguments that are no rooted solely in your religious belief, i'm willing to rethink my classification

  8. #4908
    Boy I sure am glad Varx decided to once again come and shit himself for 7 straight pages. I am sure his poor Hispanic mother must be proud.

  9. #4909
    Quote Originally Posted by Pannonian View Post
    I know, and that's why i'm still posting because i don't want religious hogwash to stand unopposed. Still, i have been 17 once too and dug myself way to deep into discussion i should never have participated in as i lacked the mental capacity for the topic, so i can empathize a bit.
    The issue is that not responding to it is the best course of action here because everyone knows what and who he is. You aren't opposing him in the slightest, you're feeding him and giving him air to keep posting and derailing the thread which is all he is actually trying to do.

    He is fishing for replies and too many here decide to feed them and get lose to him rather than just admit what he is, ignore him and let him gas his way out. Quite literally explaining to a new guy exactly what he is if one actually shows up here is the best course of action but none here are mentally disciplined enough to do that.
    Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
    to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.

  10. #4910
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    To LIFE. I ain't advocating for babies to vote or drive.
    I mean, you suck at communicating... well... pretty much anything in this thread. I assume it's because your mom didn't talk to you enough.

    Brush up on your ability to convey ideas and you might be able to debate an elementary student in a few years though. So yeah...

    Keep trying.
    “There you stand, the good man doing nothing. And while evil triumphs, and your rigid pacifism crumbles to blood stained dust, the only victory afforded to you is that you stuck true to your guns.”

  11. #4911
    Quote Originally Posted by Pannonian View Post
    As soon as you start using arguments that are no rooted solely in your religious belief, i'm willing to rethink my classification
    Except they're not. They're rooted in what is right. Not what is convenient and profitable.

    Do you need to be religious to understand murder is bad?

    No right?

    The disconnect is that you think a zygote isn't human enough.

  12. #4912
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    I'm all for evolution.
    I wasn't arguing you weren't. Simply highlighting your using the same dishonest argument as many who deny evolution.

    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    But I think we can agree that a human ist gonna evolve into a PS5.
    I think this is such a silly point it's not worth addressing. It's a terrible strawman.

    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Again the point is that a zygote is just an early start of HUMAN development, like how an infant is compared to an adult.
    Except a zygote and an infante are two wildly different things even if they're different stages of the development.

    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Because if a infant has as much of a right as an adult, why not a zygote?
    How many zygotes outside of the womb have developed into infants and then onto adulthood?

    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Because it's inconvenient to a women who didn't practice safe sex and it ..ales millions of dollars?
    And back to the misogynist position of blaming women, while also demanding that the same women who may have an unplanned, unwanted pregnancy that could upend their whole life be forced to essentially be an incubator.

    Which is pretty much straight up objectifying women (and girls) while denying them agency over what they do with their body.

  13. #4913
    Quote Originally Posted by Pannonian View Post
    I mean i get the concern for the limited space of pages this forum can ultimately support. But if you cut down on the backseat-moderation in this thread, we could probably safe another page?
    Not really, because for every page of me explaining this to you guys, you decided to add another 7 pages of shit from you feeding the pigeons. I typically ignore it at this point as you guys have proven yourself mentally incapable of letting the stuff slide, but still feel the urge to point out how theses guys you are responding to are flat out kicking your asses on here every time they come on.

    Even I did it once and kept it going for 2 pages before they finally caught on and I explained what I was doing, literally giving a flash light and a map and still went for two pages before they learned how to stop the game was to not play.
    Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
    to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.

  14. #4914
    Quote Originally Posted by Mekh View Post
    I mean, you suck at communicating... well... pretty much anything in this thread. I assume it's because your mom didn't talk to you enough.

    Brush up on your ability to convey ideas and you might be able to debate an elementary student in a few years though. So yeah...

    Keep trying.
    I need to clarify that I don't think babies should vote and that I'm not talking about micro life..?

    And I'm the one that should work on communication? Do you take everything everyone says at face value and literally???

    Jesus Christ man.

  15. #4915
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    I need to clarify that I don't think babies should vote and that I'm not talking about micro life..?

    And I'm the one that should work on communication? Do you take everything everyone says at face value and literally???

    Jesus Christ man.
    You said infants have the same rights as adults. You said single cells are not organisms. And you think cancer is programmed and has a purpose.

    I'll take the infraction here: You are completely retarted and unfit to speak on any subject.
    “There you stand, the good man doing nothing. And while evil triumphs, and your rigid pacifism crumbles to blood stained dust, the only victory afforded to you is that you stuck true to your guns.”

  16. #4916
    The Lightbringer Pannonian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fugus View Post
    The issue is that not responding to it is the best course of action here because everyone knows what and who he is. You aren't opposing him in the slightest, you're feeding him and giving him air to keep posting and derailing the thread which is all he is actually trying to do.

    He is fishing for replies and too many here decide to feed them and get lose to him rather than just admit what he is, ignore him and let him gas his way out. Quite literally explaining to a new guy exactly what he is if one actually shows up here is the best course of action but none here are mentally disciplined enough to do that.
    Man, i'm glad at least you have the mental discipline to not post unnecessary I fundamentally disagree. If i look at history too much ignorance has never been opposed which should have. If YOU don't want to do it, be my guest, but it's getting a bit grating if you try to enforce your moral pov every few pages...

    Because guess what, no one is here to convince anyone, we all have our opinions, and i have never seen anyone genuinely change their mind because of a discussion here. It is not a news site for accurate information. It is a DISCUSSION board. If you don't like it maybe just ignore it, but your moral grandstanding and own perceived superiority is getting annoying.

  17. #4917
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    I wasn't arguing you weren't. Simply highlighting your using the same dishonest argument as many who deny evolution.

    I think this is such a silly point it's not worth addressing. It's a terrible strawman.

    Except a zygote and an infante are two wildly different things even if they're different stages of the development.

    How many zygotes outside of the womb have developed into infants and then onto adulthood?

    And back to the misogynist position of blaming women, while also demanding that the same women who may have an unplanned, unwanted pregnancy that could upend their whole life be forced to essentially be an incubator.

    Which is pretty much straight up objectifying women (and girls) while denying them agency over what they do with their body.
    Yeah an infant and a zygote are differently completely fr a development standpoint, but not of the species and organism they are.

    Look I'm sorry but it's not misogynistic, it's reality.

    The fact is that women carry the burden of pregnancy. If men could get pregnant too then I would still have the same exact mindset, but we don't.

    So that being said women and their sexual partners should practice safe sex and prepare for unwanted consequences of the contraceptive fails because what you're doing is creating another human being.

  18. #4918
    Quote Originally Posted by Mekh View Post
    You said infants have the same rights as adults. You said single cells are not organisms. And you think cancer is programmed and has a purpose.

    I'll take the infraction here: You are completely retarted and unfit to speak on any subject.

    I was implying right to LIFE. Never did I imply anything else.

    I was talking about the cells for multi cell organisms. Never once implied micro life.

    Cancer is literally a killer desiease and. It meant for anything else. I didn't mean literally programmed like fucking soft ware.

    And I'm what you think I am...




    And learn to read between the lines and pick up context clues before you go out next time. Ffs

  19. #4919
    Quote Originally Posted by Pannonian View Post
    Man, i'm glad at least you have the mental discipline to not post unnecessary I fundamentally disagree. If i look at history too much ignorance has never been opposed which should have. If YOU don't want to do it, be my guest, but it's getting a bit grating if you try to enforce your moral pov every few pages...

    Because guess what, no one is here to convince anyone, we all have our opinions, and i have never seen anyone genuinely change their mind because of a discussion here. It is not a news site for accurate information. It is a DISCUSSION board. If you don't like it maybe just ignore it, but your moral grandstanding and own perceived superiority is getting annoying.
    Whether you disagree or not doesn't change the facts, I know the game he is playing, I played it in the 90s and even did it here once and you guys are fish in a barrel on it.

    Ok, last time I really want to post on this right now because you guys never really learn this lesson and lose every time because of it.

    But before I do, let me ask you these questions.

    1) Who on this forum doesn't know what Varx is doing? Not some mythical person who just reads and never posts because even for those, ignoring him and moving on would let Varx stuff fall off the page instead of going for pages. Who on here doesn't know what Varx is doing and actually believes him?

    2) How does your responding to him actually change or inform the views of those on this page given the answer of the first question?

    3) How does your responding encourage or discourage him from posting even more? Are you correcting him or just feeding him?

    4) How does your posting actually inform others or productively progress the thread? And do not give the response of "I disproved him which helped" because that is a cop out response if you give an honest answer to question #1 and is about as productive as me just posting the multiplication table over and over again, being factually true doesn't make it productive in context.

    Answer these questions honestly and you will see just how unproductive your actions with Varx is and just how much he is kicking your collective butts in the process.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    Can you stop bringing this shit up at every opportunity? People knew what you were doing and nobody actually gives a fuck. Get over it. Go apply to be a mod or something. How do you still not see that you add to all of this with your posts? Fuck me...
    If you haven't noticed, I had ignored it for a while now. Not my fault he keeps kicking your asses with so many others doing the same thing. Dropping it now.

    If you actually want to post productively, I encourage you to actually start doing the same thing when you see actual shit posters instead of feeding them.
    Last edited by Fugus; 2022-11-10 at 07:02 PM.
    Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
    to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.

  20. #4920
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fugus View Post
    Not really, because for every page of me explaining this to you guys, you decided to add another 7 pages of shit from you feeding the pigeons. I typically ignore it at this point as you guys have proven yourself mentally incapable of letting the stuff slide, but still feel the urge to point out how theses guys you are responding to are flat out kicking your asses on here every time they come on.

    Even I did it once and kept it going for 2 pages before they finally caught on and I explained what I was doing, literally giving a flash light and a map and still went for two pages before they learned how to stop the game was to not play.
    Fundamentally, this is a thread about the attack on women's basic human rights and dignity, as enshrined by the removal of Roe v. Wade.

    The anti-abortion crowd make similar non-arguments as Varx to justify their misogyny.

    So this isn't really even off-topic. This is the bullshit being pulled up in state legislatures to justify harming women. Most of us can't get access to those discussions, so all we can really do to engage in kick the beans out of people like Varx who present the same non-arguments, to try and ensure that at least the counter-arguments get as much air as the bullshit.

    Because that's all leaving them alone does. It grants them the stage, unopposed, without counterpoint or contradiction. And when that's all people hear, that's all people end up believing, and you end up with crazy bullshit like SCOTUS removing Roe v. Wade and half the country applauding.

    The pigeons aren't just a nuisance. They're running for office and winning.

    If we were talking about something like young-earth Creationism I could get your point; granting them consideration in debunking them is granting them too much credence. But for anti-abortion arguments, specifically? This shit's got political heft, because we haven't been pointing out how deeply dishonest and misogynistic it is. It has to be opposed. Just keeping quiet and letting it gain power isn't a reasonable alternative. It's like not bothering to shout down the KKK member who's being wildly racist. If I see that in real life, I'm gonna protect his victim and tell him to fuck off. Rather than keep quiet. Because it really isn't just "trolling". It's active pursuit of harming and victimizing innocent people.

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