"2. With intent to harass or threaten another person, he or she makes a telephone call, whether or not a conversation ensues, with no purpose of legitimate communication".
Again, the law in Canada you're bitching about is not criminal law.Calling people racial or homophobic slurs ain't criminalizing behavior and never should be.
Repeating the lie after being corrected demonstrates it's malicious intent, not ignorance.Canada on the other hand are criminalizing misgendering people cuz their feefees are a human right, lmao.
I don't see any laws cited nor am I finding the law on Google since you seem to know the law it should be easy to cite the article number
- - - Updated - - -
Just double checked your post. I see it talking about a civil suit not criminal. Do you understand the difference between civil and criminal
Try that on for size
The guy had a restraining order and violated it.
The article links to a more neutral article, where its pretty clear this was an ongoing issue, which brought about a restraining order which he then violated. The neutral article also makes it clear the mother is in support of the child's choice.
Last edited by Myradin; 2022-11-11 at 08:56 PM.
Here's a less biased and more thorough account; https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/...-decision.html
Not only was he being emotionally/verbally abusive towards his trans son, he was under a gag order to not discuss the details of the ongoing litigation his family was part of, as he tried to block his son's hormone therapy (which the kid's mother was fully supportive of, so it's a dispute between the parents). The case was not to be discussed because of privacy concerns for all involved, thus the gag order, and the father repeatedly violated that order to discuss the case, with names and other identifiers included, on as many media sites as he could. That's what got him jailed. Not his opposition to his trans kid's transition, which just makes him a transphobic and abusive (albeit non-criminally) father. That's not a crime, it just makes him a supremely shitty person and a failure as a father, since he cares more about his petty bigotries than the welfare of his actual child.
Last edited by Endus; 2022-11-11 at 09:15 PM.
Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.
Just curious in what way did he kick our butts? because we replied? I'm still not understanding this game you think somehow we were all playing but didn't know. How is it possible to lose a game that you never agreed to play?
Are you suggesting we ignore people that say stupid shit? Can I start with you lmao.
Keep in mind his terms for victory is who can make the other side waste the most time with pointless debate. Unfortunately that ignores the fact that Varx posted more than anyone else here recently (even at the potential cost of his own life by posting and driving). I suppose if he crashed his car and died it would've been a draw?
Well, he DID routinely reply with an ever-increasing amount of "LOLOLOLOL" responses. In the idiots guide to internet debate, it clearly states "if you can't form a decent retort, simply add a few more L's and O's and it will stagger your opponents into defeat." We never had a chance.
As Nastard said, his goal wasn't to debate you, if he was trying to engage in something that intellectual, then he would be considered to have failed. But that was never his intent, his intent was to get you guys worked up and wasting time and energy engaging him and watching how frustrated you would get doing it.
The only way to win his game is to not play. He didn't care if you were right or he was wrong, your reactions and engagement is what he was going for and he got it. When I called him out on it, even he admitted that if you guys stopped responding to him he would have likely moved on.
Every time you responded to him, he won, you lost. For the 10 pages you guys kept responding to him that was 10 pages of him kicking your butts. When you guys stopped responding to me when I called you out for it, THAT is how you guys need to react to him and others like him.
And am I suggesting we ignore people who say stupid shit? Depends, are they saying stupid shit to engage in an actual debate or are they intentionally saying stupid shit to get a reaction from you?
If they are trying to engage in a real debate and question, by all means respond, debate, and educate.
If they are just trying to get a reaction and interaction from you, ignore and move on, they will get bored and move only pretty quickly when they aren't getting the attention they crave.
As far as his time, who knows what his time is like in real life? Could be someone stuck working a lot of "On Call" positions, could be retired and bored, could be mentally stunted and in the mindset of a child or quite literally just be a child who's parents "Home School" them using a website and no oversight of them.
He won when you kept engaging him and watching how you would respond to him and get frustrated at him. He didn't care if you were right, he cared that he got reactions from you guys and got under your skins and responded to him, THAT was his game.I mean did he really win when we are all laughing at him while he is banned? He won because we posted on a site we normal post on? Fugus is just making no sense here.
This is a situation where you can't look at it from the perspective of a good faith debate, this is the mindset of someone bored and just having fun pissing people off, when you see his posts with that mindset, you understand what he did and what you fell for.
Kinda like Bart's repeated pranks on Moe's Tavern in the Simpsons if Bart had stayed on the phone and kept it going.
Last edited by Fugus; 2022-11-12 at 12:58 AM.
Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.
Nobody got frustrated. Plenty of us were bemused that his position was ultimately that pregnancy should be a punishment for sex.
But this kind of "troll game" is all ironic, and not for the reason the right wingers think it is. They come onto boards where PEOPLE ARE ALREADY POSTING, say a bunch of stupid shit, get people to debate them, then flaunt that they won some sort of game of wasting people's time? The reality is they only throw that line out when they've otherwise made a complete idiot of themselves and everyone is calling them out for their idiocy. They need to retrieve a shred of their dignity they lost.
It's basically that comic where one guy walks up to a group of people, goes "HEY LOOK AT ME, I'M AN IDIOT HURRR DURRRRRRRRRRRR"
The next panel is just the others saying "Fuck off idiot"
And then he says "Joke's on them, I was only pretending"
They think they're winning some game when they're the only person playing said game. Ironic humor trolling is not the "own" some people seem to think it is. You included.
“Terrible things are happening outside. Poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes. Families are torn apart. Men, women, and children are separated. Children come home from school to find that their parents have disappeared.”
Diary of Anne Frank
January 13, 1943
Aha! But that's where he was falling into OUR trap! We were doing the exact same thing back to him. Though, he knew we knew which emboldened him in his replies. However, WE knew he knew we knew. Alas, he knew we knew he knew we knew. Conversely, we knew he knew we knew he knew we knew.
Um...have you ever used a word so much it starts to look weird and wrong? Knew... knew... No, I don't think that's actually a word. What were we talking about again? Oh yeah, people feeding a troll. Yeah, the moment he said "no one forces pregnancy on a woman" it was clear he was trolling, but let's be honest here. Nothing ever ACTUALLY gets resolved on these forums even in the most civil of debates. It's just entertainment for bored people, and as dumb as his posts were he was amusing for a time. Also to be clear, I don't think it's possible for there to ever be a "winner" in this kinda situation. It implies that him wasting his own time in an attempt to get others to waste time is a victory. That's only true if his time was worthless in the first place. Hmm.. you may be onto something here...