And we have a judge in Texas attempting to give wife beaters their firearms back based on his last screwed up ruling.
This one, I can see a local ISP refusing to offer service to LBGTQ individuals and I can see many other companies starting to refuse to offer services to companies that refuse to service them as well.
Imagine Comcast or Spectrum refusing service to LBGTQ and start seeing stores refuse to offer supplies to other businesses that refuse to serve LBGTQ. That can be one hell of a cluster fuck.
Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.
Well this is in TX, so no big surprise here...
We may joke about this, but it needs to be struck down everywhere it pops up. It's literally nothing more than a tool for them to try to justify their "a fetus is a person, therefore abortion is murder" bullshit.
Well a fetus IS a person, so....
It ain't a pumpkin that's for sure.
But leftists clearly don't consider it a person to justify to themselves that they killed a baby.
But here's the thing. Let's say person hood is determined at 25 weeks or whenever you guys consider person hood. What about 24 hours before reaching that threshold, you still okay with killing it?
I dunno man, they're really hardcore fetishizing this one issue. But we also know they're one of those breeding fetishists.
You have to wonder at one point conservatives will realize that even with legal abortion, the human population growth at its current rate is utterly unsustainable.
“Terrible things are happening outside. Poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes. Families are torn apart. Men, women, and children are separated. Children come home from school to find that their parents have disappeared.”
Diary of Anne Frank
January 13, 1943
"i hAvE HoRrIbLe tAkEs aBoUt pErSoNhOoD AnD SoMeOnE ReFuSiNg tO EnGaGe wItH My dIsInGeNoUs aRgUmEnTs mEaNs i wIn."
Yall need new material. It's hilarious how even in the most conservative states, when they went for outright complete abortion bans even most conservatives said "whoa now, let's not go that far".
It's clear that only the most fringe whack jobs think abortion should be banned. Is it really any surprise that most of these people are rapist Andrew "Human Trafficking" Tate fans?
“Terrible things are happening outside. Poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes. Families are torn apart. Men, women, and children are separated. Children come home from school to find that their parents have disappeared.”
Diary of Anne Frank
January 13, 1943
Definitively untrue. You're pushing religious extremist nonsense.
Because no baby is killed in an abortion. Despite your religious extremism.But leftists clearly don't consider it a person to justify to themselves that they killed a baby.
Here's the thing; "personhood" is a red herring. It's utterly irrelevant to this question. It's brought up as a bad-faith attack to distract from the meaningful question; do women own themselves, like men do?But here's the thing. Let's say person hood is determined at 25 weeks or whenever you guys consider person hood. What about 24 hours before reaching that threshold, you still okay with killing it?
The pregnant person has the right to terminate that pregnancy. Period. The fetus does not matter in this. Even if we wanted to take a fully-born and definitely-legally-a-person infant and put it surgically back inside the mother, the mother has the right to say "no, get it out of me", and that's that. That it's a person does not matter and does not enter consideration. Right to control over your own body trumps right to life of another. This is why you can't be forced to donate an organ against your will; your right to control the use of your organs overrules the right to life of the patient who could be saved if your organ was harvested.
Man, liberals always so hostile after hearing some truth.
I know the truth may be scary but yes, a fetus is a person and abortion is murder. No amount of mental gymnastics is gonna change that simple truth.
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You have zero respect for human life. There's nothing religious about that.
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Everyone deserves healthcare. Good thing robust social safety nets exist.
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It's very disingenuous to call the right opinion a shit opinion
If that were "true", then abortion patients would be charged with murder.
And they aren't.
Because you're lying, to push a religiously extremist and deeply misogynist viewpoint.
My secular respect for human life has nothing to do with religion, yes. It's really fuckin' weird if you need a God to tell you to respect human life. Opposing abortion is the antithesis of such respect, however. It dehumanizes women. Which is why no developed nation on the planet entertains the brutal misogyny that banning abortion amounts to.You have zero respect for human life. There's nothing religious about that.
They aren't charged with murder because the law allows them to... For now, as rvw's abolishment has shown
You're the only one bringing religion into this. I've made it very clear multiple times I ain't religious. I'm all about self accountability and keeping innocent babies alive despite the decisions of their unfit mother's.
Look I could come into some middle ground and be okay with abortions 17 and younger.
But AT LEAST I think 18 and older should have their babies unless the life of the mother is threatened or rape.
But outside of that there is zero excuse. If you can't afford it then put it for adoption.
Lest we forgot how not pro-life these "pro lifers" are and are just massive hypocrites. Let's just for a moment forget that they're pro gun, let's just for a moment that they're fine with elementary students being shot and having to do active shooter drills, let's just forget that kids are going hungry because they refuse to fund school lunches or because they refuse to pay a fair wage to parents, let's forget all of that shit.
One only needs to look back through this thread at all of the women who nearly or did lose their lives because doctors either would not or could not perform an abortion when the woman's life was in danger. Fetus is going to come out dead anyway? Nope, still can't abort, them's the laws.
Pro lifers want you to believe that they respect human life because they define fetuses as human lives, then turn around and in basically every other belief they have will be fine with dead bodies because of their stances. As George Carlin famously said, as long as you're unborn you're fine, but the minute you're born you're fucked.
It's an inconvenient truth for them, and they don't like hearing it, and will often just quip back with stupid one liners because they have no real argument. Let's be real, these pro-lifers not only don't care about human life for as much as they claim to, they often want people to just die.
And remember, the Venn Diagram of people who love Andrew Tate and who are pro life is basically a circle, or a circle inside of a slightly larger circle. Because this was and never has been about protecting life. It's about controlling women's bodies and forcing them to be incubators against their will.
I realize saying this might trigger them, but the more this one breeder fetishist replies, the more it proves my point.
Again, one really only needs to look back through this thread at all of the news stories about women losing their lives due to pregnancy complications that prove just how little pro lifers care about life.
“Terrible things are happening outside. Poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes. Families are torn apart. Men, women, and children are separated. Children come home from school to find that their parents have disappeared.”
Diary of Anne Frank
January 13, 1943
Omg again with the "controlling women" thing.
No one is forcing anyone to get pregnant.
If you have consensual sex, you know that there's always a chance of pregnancy even if you use contraception.
So if your gonna partake in heterosexual sex, then you need to be prepared about the possibility of creating human life.
It's as simple as that. No one is being controlled.