So when is the protest? I see my FB feed is blazing with this topic right now. Yet I haven’t seen anyone talking about an organized march in DC yet. This definitely seems to be something worthy of protest.
So when is the protest? I see my FB feed is blazing with this topic right now. Yet I haven’t seen anyone talking about an organized march in DC yet. This definitely seems to be something worthy of protest.
RIP Genn Greymane, Permabanned on 8.22.18
Your name will carry on through generations, and will never be forgotten.
Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power.
Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free.
–The Sith Code
Abortion is on the decline, everywhere. Republicans are trying to virtue signal by coming up with a problem that isn't even a problem -- red states have much lower rates.
I guess they're desperate to come up with a 2022 campaign issue that isn't "Trump won".
Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866
Since Trump they have been entirely focused on the culture wars and those type of issues because they have nothing else. All this bluster about saving the filibuster is moot, once republicans have power it will be gone so they can pass federal versions of all these laws.
Well is this not something they can already do? It only being slightly more cost prohibitive, but hey I guess you could like plan a whole vecation araund it.
And to my understanding (personally idgaf on abortion tbh) the overruling is for allowing states to decide on the state level; not a nationwide ban.
So you would still have xyz states "right" next door, where you could go deletus that fetus.
With that in mind, I would reason it only really applies to the republican states bordering canada; ID MT ND.
Not exactly population dense states and then again; only the northernmost areas of those states; so even less people.
That makes it seem alittle bit crazy/ blown up to me;
But at the same time something nice for those idk 100-200k? who live in that particular area.
I was told I was wrong on Twitter when I pointed out that abortions since Roe have been trending downwards because people believe abortions are just rising.
- - - Updated - - -
Yeah, but there are states proposing legislation to make it illegal to go to another state or country for abortion services.
Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power.
Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free.
–The Sith Code
It's tangential, but I remember some Swiss researchers came up with a test to detect Down syndrome as early as the 5th week.
You know who started protesting and calling for a ban? So-called Down advocates. They claimed mothers would surely want to abort those precious little gems so they cannot know.
So, yes, most birth defects can be detected... if they allow you to test. And in this case, if somehow medical exemptions stay alive, I fully expect ratfucking with access to such tests.
Simple, and obvious, and explicit in those laws. Attacking or killing a pregnant woman is seen as particularly egregious, so in some jurisdictions they're treated as if the fetus were a person. Because it's clear the fetus is not actually a person, because if it were, such laws would not exist at all.
The very existence of those laws is a strong argument against pro-life positions, not a seeming support of the same.
The discussion is absolutely fucking meaningless. It's a distraction from the relevant issue.
That issue is women's basic human rights to the control and use of their own body.
You can't force a corpse to donate organs or tissue against the will of the now-deceased person it used to be, so why the everloving hell would you be able to force a living person to do the same, in the case of a pregnancy? And no; "because the fetus is a human being" is not an argument; in the case of organ donations, those organs save actual human lives, no dispute about when they become human available. And in the case of the corpse, the position is clear; the individual has the inalienable right to deny such use. Even if other people will die as a result of that decision.
Fetal personhood does not matter. If we decided to grant that a fetus was fully a human being at conception (I'm not granting that, this is hypothetical), that provides no argument or principle that would justify banning abortion, at any particular abitrary stage of fetal development. At best, it argues for inducing birth or removing the fetus intact if it has reached a stage of potential viability, and if the fetus survives or not is up to the fetus and post-natal NICU care. Ending the pregnancy must always be the pregnant woman's right.
Anything less is a dehumanization of women and a declaration that their rights are considered inferior to those of others, including the fetus in their womb. There is no argument for restrictions or bans on abortion that does not, fundamentally, boil down to "women are lesser and their purpose as breeding stock takes precedence over any illusion that they're actually people". It's outright misogyny, and nothing more. "But my religious views . . . " congrats, your religion is misogynist and treats women like absolute shit.
Last edited by Endus; 2022-05-04 at 02:06 PM.
His argument doesn't hold any water either, considering Roe is supported by a vast majority of Americans.
Overturning it is simply a minority ruling over a majority and is antithetical to either a Democracy or a Republic since I know we're gonna have a few smartasses that'll try to argue the U.S. is a RePuBlIc NoT a DeMoCrAcY
I mean, if we're fair, Roe is a really shitty decision that tried to avoid the actual topic of abortion rights and focused on a right to privacy so they could avoid taking an actual stance on the relevant issue. It's a decision rooted in moral cowardice, for all that it's been held up and lauded for so long.
The outcome was good, but we're at this point because the justices in Roe v. Wade were too chickenshit to make a proper decision. Right to health and bodily autonomy is right there, it's an easy argument to make.
Last edited by Endus; 2022-05-04 at 02:12 PM.
We have a growing population in the United States of people who believe the courts are the sole determiner of law here.
And even then they make up rules on what courts actually do that.
As for why it was never done, the United States suffers from political theater. Politics that do nothing, but look like they are doing something.
There are politicians who vote against a bill, and then take credit for the bill if passed if their supporters love it.
There are politicians who say they'll support X, but then vote no because "it wasn't passing anyway."
The reason I am not affiliated with a party is I HATE political theater. Republicans don't want a national ban on abortion when they had control because then they lose a selling point of why they are the better party.
Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power.
Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free.
–The Sith Code
Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power.
Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free.
–The Sith Code
People say that, but it seems to me that minority rule is far worse.
The Senate is more than sufficient of a power check on a theoretical malicious majority. There's no need to skew the result of a national two horse race for the office of the Presidency. It only serves to facilitate fringe candidates sneaking into the role.