1. #5921
    Quote Originally Posted by Masark View Post
    They're students for life because they aren't smart enough to ever graduate.

    EDIT: Apparently we both had that same thought.
    Its also as ironic as that "Moms for Liberty" group that is banning books in all these schools.

  2. #5922
    Quote Originally Posted by Cthulhu 2020 View Post
    When guns are heavily regulated or banned I'll take the right seriously when they pretend to care about innocent lives.

    Only reason the US hasn't turned into Handmaid's Tale is because of the liberals. If the GOP had their way unbarred, women would all be pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen. It's why the GOP is trying so hard to get rid of liberals, they can't have their fascist utopia when more than half the nation opposes their radical views.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Or when yet another pro-lifer is arrested for being a pedo.
    Pretty sure Liberals exist in the US because Conservatives aren’t trying to get rid of them. That would in and of itself be pretty un-Conservative. Pretty un-Liberal too but that’s neither here nor there.

  3. #5923
    Immortal Poopymonster's Avatar
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    I'll admit, I never had "The unborn child has been deprived of due process of law in this incarceration" on my RvW Fallout bingo card, but here we are.

    Pregnant woman in prison, lawyer says unborn person did nothing wrong, was deprived of due process by being jailed. Let the unborn person free. The mother has go be freed too because unborn.

    There are also claims the prison deprived her of health/medical shit a pregnant woman requires.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  4. #5924
    Quote Originally Posted by D3thray View Post
    Pretty sure Liberals exist in the US because Conservatives aren’t trying to get rid of them. That would in and of itself be pretty un-Conservative. Pretty un-Liberal too but that’s neither here nor there.
    The constant rhetoric about "taking the country back by force" and the you know violently trying to overthrow democracy thing says otherwise.

  5. #5925
    Quote Originally Posted by Poopymonster View Post
    I'll admit, I never had "The unborn child has been deprived of due process of law in this incarceration" on my RvW Fallout bingo card, but here we are.

    Pregnant woman in prison, lawyer says unborn person did nothing wrong, was deprived of due process by being jailed. Let the unborn person free. The mother has go be freed too because unborn.

    There are also claims the prison deprived her of health/medical shit a pregnant woman requires.
    See this is my fucking jam.

    Because it takes their argument and treats it actually seriously. These are the kinds of consequences and legal ramifications that need to be considered here, but that the "pro-life" crowd never actually seem to consider as a consequence of their views. You want to give a fetus legal protections and/or status? That needs to extend beyond reproductive care considerations, buckos.

  6. #5926
    Quote Originally Posted by D3thray View Post
    Pretty sure Liberals exist in the US because Conservatives aren’t trying to get rid of them. That would in and of itself be pretty un-Conservative. Pretty un-Liberal too but that’s neither here nor there.
    Without Liberals, Conservatives would be FUCKING BROKE.

  7. #5927

    A new bill introduced in the South Carolina Statehouse could put the death penalty on the table for women who get an abortion.

    House Bill 3549 is an amendment to the South Carolina Prenatal Equal Protection Act of 2023 and would define "person" to include an unborn child at any stage of development. This would ensure that an unborn child who is a "victim of homicide" or "victim of assault" is given the same protections under state laws -- including, up to the death penalty.
    I'm sure I hear, "It's not about punishing the women!" shouted from a distant peanut gallery somewhere.

    And they're still wrong.

  8. #5928
    Quote Originally Posted by D3thray View Post
    Pretty sure Liberals exist in the US because Conservatives aren’t trying to get rid of them. That would in and of itself be pretty un-Conservative. Pretty un-Liberal too but that’s neither here nor there.
    So what's the implication here? "Limp-dicked libruls would be wiped out if giga-chad conservatives actually wanted to 'get rid of them?'" I disagree with the person you quoted in that the only reason we aren't living out the Handmaid's Tale nightmare that the GOP creams itself in anticipation of is: conservative fanatics (at least this current incarnation of them) are largely incompetent. But this idea that the right is the silent majority that need only be roused into violent action is fucking laughable.

    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    I'm sure I hear, "It's not about punishing the women!" shouted from a distant peanut gallery somewhere.

    And they're still wrong.
    And see, if you want violence in the streets, this is how you get it. Not the delusional horseshit that conservative pretend is happening so that they can feel good about persecuting/oppressing everyone else. Proposing that women be murdered executed for exercising control over their bodies is dystopian shit. And as apathetic as the US population usually is when it comes to this stuff, the first time such an execution makes headlines, there will be...a reaction.
    Last edited by s_bushido; 2023-02-23 at 01:47 AM.

  9. #5929
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by postman1782 View Post
    Without Liberals, Conservatives would be FUCKING BROKE.
    Leaches of society.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    I'm sure I hear, "It's not about punishing the women!" shouted from a distant peanut gallery somewhere.

    And they're still wrong.
    Ah yes, good ol party of "pro-life", wanting to kill more people.

    Fucking disgusting.

  10. #5930
    High Overlord
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    You can get the death penalty for rape in South Carolina. So in a state where that is acknowledged as a serious crime, they want to execute you for dealing with the additional consequences of the rape. The same people who are totes fine with separating parents from their kids at the border and losing track of their families.

  11. #5931
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    Source in the tweet.

    Imagine that.
    But it won't stop the scum taking rights away.
    This has always been the case. And it's why Republicans are trying to achieve their goals through the Legislature rather than by putting it to the voters.

    Because every time they've put it to the voters, no matter how red the state is, they've fuckin lost.

    Once again, I'm here to remind anyone who has forgotten that Republican/conservative policy positions like this remain consistently plurality or majority unpopular. The Democratic/liberal positions? They consistently remain plurality or majority popular. Like letting girls and women have autonomy over their bodies. Or the ACA.

  12. #5932
    The Lightbringer
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    Look behind you.
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    Source in the tweet.

    Imagine that.
    But it won't stop the scum taking rights away.
    Again going to tap the 'Republican Legislative Policies are all pretty unpopular' sign for the people who still seem to think that there's some silent majority still rallying behind them.

  13. #5933
    The Insane Masark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Taifuu View Post
    You can get the death penalty for rape in South Carolina.
    No, that was struck down in the 70s, and reinforced in 2008.



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    What the world has learned is that America is never more than one election away from losing its goddamned mind
    Quote Originally Posted by Howard Tayler
    Political conservatism is just atavism with extra syllables and a necktie.
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  14. #5934
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    I am going off this which states that it's still on the books, just not put into practice at the moment because they can't find suppliers for the lethal injections:


    Missed the part in my own article where it mentions that they are going to proceed with the death penalty by firing squad or electrocution.
    Last edited by Taifuu; 2023-02-24 at 12:41 PM.

  15. #5935
    The Unstoppable Force Orange Joe's Avatar
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    IF you want anymore proof they aren't pro life and only pro birth...


    “In the case where child abuse is fatal, obviously it’s not good for the child, but it’s actually a benefit to society because there aren’t needs for government services and whatnot over the whole course of the child’s life,” Eastman said during the hearing on Monday.

    He was only censured for saying the quiet part out loud.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Taifuu View Post
    I am going off this which states that it's still on the books, just not put into practice at the moment because they can't find suppliers for the lethal injections:


    Missed the part in my own article where it mentions that they are going to proceed with the death penalty by firing squad or electrocution.
    did you read your own link?

    South Carolina also provides for the death penalty for criminal sexual conduct with a minor under 11 if the offender was a repeat offender, but such law is unenforceable under Kennedy v. Louisiana.[5]
    Kennedy v. Louisiana, 554 U.S. 407 (2008), is a landmark decision by the Supreme Court of the United States that held that the Eighth Amendment's Cruel and Unusual Punishments Clause prohibits imposing the death penalty for a crime where the victim did not die.
    MMO-Champ the place where calling out trolls get you into more trouble than trolling.

  16. #5936
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    I did read it, just read over some parts. In that same article, just above the part you listed, is this:

    Murder can be punished by death if the crime involved at least one of 12 aggravating factors, as listed under Title 16, Chapter 3, Article 1, Section 16-3-20 of the South Carolina Code of Laws. Among them are murder involving another felony such as rape, robbery or "physical torture", murder of a law enforcement or correctional officer during or because of the performance of his duties, murder committed for pecuniary gain, and murder of a child under the age of 11.

    So as far as the state's legislature is concerned, that is the punishment for rape, just not something they can enforce legally. Which makes an already horrendous situation quite a bit worse since a victim of rape can now face a harsher punishment than the person that commited said rape.

    Cannot read today I had read that as murder and/or other felonies, not as murder AND other felonies.
    Last edited by Taifuu; 2023-02-24 at 07:36 PM.

  17. #5937
    The Unstoppable Force Orange Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Taifuu View Post
    I did read it, just read over some parts. In that same article, just above the part you listed, is this:

    Murder can be punished by death if the crime involved at least one of 12 aggravating factors, as listed under Title 16, Chapter 3, Article 1, Section 16-3-20 of the South Carolina Code of Laws. Among them are murder involving another felony such as rape, robbery or "physical torture", murder of a law enforcement or correctional officer during or because of the performance of his duties, murder committed for pecuniary gain, and murder of a child under the age of 11.

    So as far as the state's legislature is concerned, that is the punishment for rape, just not something they can enforce legally. Which makes an already horrendous situation quite a bit worse since a victim of rape can now face a harsher punishment than the person that commited said rape.

    Cannot read today I had read that as murder and/or other felonies, not as murder AND other felonies.
    That is why it's important to check sources. It clarified that matter. They can only apply capital punishment when "murder" is involved.
    MMO-Champ the place where calling out trolls get you into more trouble than trolling.

  18. #5938

    How do you ensure that your pesky voters in a deep red state can't vote to protect access to reproductive care?

    Use an overturned initiative that allowed citizens to propose any ballot measure (due to a technicality) and turn it into a new legislation that does the exact same thing, with a specific ban on any ballot initiatives relating to reproductive health care.

    The initial version of the resolution had no provisions related to abortion; those were added Tuesday. Rep. Fred Shanks, the Republican chair of the House Constitution Committee, told reporters there was concern among GOP lawmakers that Mississippi voters might use the initiative process to expand abortion access, which is now tightly restricted.

    "There was some concern about it, yeah," Shanks said.
    Once again, I am here reminding the people in this thread that this is nothing more than Republicans pushing for a large expansion of government into our personal lives and the precedent it sets continues to be terrifying.

    No health care decisions should be made with the patient, their physician, and their local politician in the room. Health care decisions are between a patient, or their next of kin/etc. should they be unable to make the decision themselves, and their physician/care team. That's it.

    As a reminder of how long Republicans have held their extremist positions that are out of step with even their voters?

    In 2011, Mississippi voters rejected a "personhood" initiative that would have defined life as beginning at fertilization. The measure was promoted as a way to eliminate abortion rights, and its failure surprised many in the deeply conservative state.
    Let's hope this doesn't pass with that change in it, because it's nothing more than Republicans continuing their long-standing pattern of complaining about the size of government while trying to make it bigger and actually control more of your personal life.

  19. #5939
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    How do you ensure that your pesky voters in a deep red state can't vote to protect access to reproductive care?

    Use an overturned initiative that allowed citizens to propose any ballot measure (due to a technicality) and turn it into a new legislation that does the exact same thing, with a specific ban on any ballot initiatives relating to reproductive health care.

    Once again, I am here reminding the people in this thread that this is nothing more than Republicans pushing for a large expansion of government into our personal lives and the precedent it sets continues to be terrifying.

    No health care decisions should be made with the patient, their physician, and their local politician in the room. Health care decisions are between a patient, or their next of kin/etc. should they be unable to make the decision themselves, and their physician/care team. That's it.

    As a reminder of how long Republicans have held their extremist positions that are out of step with even their voters?

    Let's hope this doesn't pass with that change in it, because it's nothing more than Republicans continuing their long-standing pattern of complaining about the size of government while trying to make it bigger and actually control more of your personal life.
    Just further proof that Republicans know they do not have the public's backing AND that they hate the concept of democracy itself. Deliberately going out of their way to make it an issue that their constituents can't even vote on. Unfortunately, the same people who would have voted No on a state referendum are still going to vote Republican because some 40% of our country are just the worst kind of masochist.

  20. #5940
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    This is your brain on right wing American politics (and probably coke).
    Looks like he needed a mid-speech bump.

    But this is hardly the first time a Republican has made it clear that they have absolutely zero understanding of human biology and reproductive systems. These are the type of folks that claim the female orgasm is a myth because they've literally never actually pleased their partner in their lives.

    This is big, "Where is the clitoris?" energy.

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