(emphasis added by myself)
ACB was literally a Handmaid, her literal title during some of her time in her religious affiliation. She was part of, and in some respects held a leadership role in, a religious organization who believe that women are subservient to men.
The fact that you don't understand how her affiliation impacts her position on SCOTUS is demonstrative of your inability to understand even the most basic issues surrounding their deliberations, and those impacts on society.
The fact that you think discussing reality is "pointless" merely demonstrates your inability to grasp sincere public discourse on important topics.
The fact that we all already know that you'll do your usual handwave and whataboutism when faced with a reality check that contradicts your world is because you've always been that predictable.
When you're ready to discuss reality, you can come back to the table. Until then, we'll relax and enjoy your feeble attempts at discourse, all the while knowing that YOU know you're lying.