Just answering your last post regarding to tell the patient and should we have a law preventing that too?. I'm not talking about speech laws.
You're confusing the issue. Multiple people here and elsewhere argue that there should be no legal consequences for aborting a healthy baby post-viability. They've stated multiple times that the mere fact that a mother wants an abortion at the later stages guarantees that it's only for good reasons. And you're actually saying every doctor would be very different than these posters, and choose to doubt the mother's motives, refuse to perform the abortion, if it were legal to do so? Yeah, I think you're the one peddling horseshit.Horseshit and you know it. You're now attacking doctors' ethics and decisions that you had no part in. I'll say it again, no doctor that wants to avoid breaking the law that will put themselves in a situation where they either can goto jail or be sued.
How do you get to "fault" from what you quoted? You just ignored the multiple reasons that I would call insufficient reasons a mother could present. Maybe you need to reread the earlier post and actually address instead of dismiss "why a doctor might abort a viable child."So you're moving goalposts to the doctors being the ones at fault? Along with mothers?
Again, what's your line of thinking here and what does it have to do with sensible and easily interpretable law?
You're willing to admit to the existence of unethical doctors that break the law, but refuse to consider unethical doctors that would do perfectly legal things in proposed abortion law? But I'm being mighty presumptuous of you even then regarding what you consider unethical! You ignored or purposely neglected my post when I listed a few things I'd consider insufficient or less-than-justifiable reasons to abort a healthy baby. Maybe they're all reasons you support and would also declare that doctors would support as well!I guess you could find sick doctors that did illegal shit cause they're sick people. But existing law already covers these insane suggestions you make of doctors and mothers in terms of abortion. Maternal infanticide, fucking hilarious!
You have an annoying habit of declaring something "pretty fucking simple" for "If the child is viable and the pregnancy is doing fine, it should be illegal to have an abortion when the fetus is viable outside the womb" then immediately contradicting yourself for why an entire national political party opposes it as do many people replying to me in this thread. If it were really a simple issue, then it'd have broad support among both parties ... but your own words betray that you know it's not so simple.Why don't you tell them? I'm not on some crusade to vilify abortion. You tell them. And tell them your law was inspired by me, pro-choice Chonogo!
What I think you fail to comprehend, is that Democrat politicians like to leave the government out of the decisions with abortion. I think that's the right idea, but the wrong approach. Pro-life folks like yourself will demonize any and all aspects of abortion. I think it's best to come out with a strong front that even most pro-lifers will say "yeah, I guess that's pretty decent", and leave the *difficult* decision to women and their doctors, not you or the government. Guard rails for viability and mother/fetus/child in danger to satisfy people like you, but not defined by people like you.
I am criticizing Democrat politicians for leaving healthy babies, viable outside of the womb, cast off from the protection of law. I don't care that they'd rather have a system without guardrails. I think the individual nature of a new human capable of living independently demands respect guaranteed by legislation. If all these are too difficult to put in a party platform, then absolutely people should describe them as permitting abortions through every week of the pregnancy and reject such extremism. Maybe even contrast the party position against 8-week bans and force them to adopt a better negotiating position. If Democrats would rather more first-term bans stay than actually advocate for post-viability restrictions, then their current position is actually in harmony with that aim.
Just a simple ban on a particularly objectionable abortion procedure. Very rare, not that it seemed to matter to the pro-choice side.Remember, it's you and the right that came up with nonsense like "partial birth abortion" to support your views. Doesn't fucking happen.
If only more people believed as you do that it should be illegal! I'd consider it great progress for humanity if there were actually a national pro-choice party willing to be so forward on the issue!EDIT - reread your response, and I gotta say, it's ok for you to admit that my proposal works.
The issue is if you support any general prohibition on abortions for viable babies, with any exceptions you would support. Any at all. I'm not asking you to personally draft the language. I'm not asking you to sign something a Republican has drafted. I'm not asking your opinion on how much Republicans "care to know how exactly abortions and pregnancies work," or asking you to support "outlandishly harsh punishments," or morons "criminally investigat[ing] miscarriages," or "medically nonviable or dead fetuses."
You said a couple posts ago that you're not arguing for -no- regulation, but you haven't made it clear if any impact healthy babies post-viability.