1. #7741
    Quote Originally Posted by Cthulhu 2020 View Post
    Just a reminder that elections have consequences, even state/local ones, like AG.
    It's trite, but especially state/local elections have consequences. National stuff is big and sexy and well covered, but most of what affects our day to day lives is decided on the local and state levels.

    I won't pretend I'm ultra informed on my neck of the woods. But everyone should be taking those elections seriously and at least doing a modicum of research on candidates before picking. There are a lot of good nonpartisan sources and organizations filling in for some of the local media gaps that make it pretty easy to get some general ideas at least.

  2. #7742
    Quote Originally Posted by Cthulhu 2020 View Post
    Arizona AG says she won't prosecute abortion.
    It doesn't really matter. Doctors are likely not going to perform an abortion that's against the law, the fact that they COULD be prosecuted is enough of a deterrent even if they likely won't be. We've seen this play out in other states.

  3. #7743
    This ruling probably helps Biden keep AZ but he's deeply underwater in most other battleground states that it doesn't matter.

    It will obviously be a big issue in November but immigration and grocery prices are what will sink Biden.

  4. #7744
    Quote Originally Posted by Somewhatconcerned View Post
    This ruling probably helps Biden keep AZ but he's deeply underwater in most other battleground states that it doesn't matter. It will obviously be a big issue in November but immigration and grocery prices are what will sink Biden.
    Easy for democrats to be optimistic when you're always wrong.

  5. #7745
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    Easy for democrats to be optimistic when you're always wrong.
    Biden somehow found a way to be even more unpopular than Trump. LOL

    "Not Trump" only goes so far. And falls flat when people have sticker shock every time they go out to get groceries.

  6. #7746
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Somewhatconcerned View Post
    "Not Trump" only goes so far. And falls flat when people have sticker shock every time they go out to get groceries.
    Are you arguing that Biden should have nationalized the food industry entirely, running it as a public service? Because I'm not sure how you connect "capitalist greedflation" to "shit Biden could have done something about".

    The only people who see sticker shock at grocery stores and wave a clenched fist in the air muttering "Biden . . . " are far-right extremist lunatics.

  7. #7747
    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    Are you arguing that Biden should have nationalized the food industry entirely, running it as a public service? Because I'm not sure how you connect "capitalist greedflation" to "shit Biden could have done something about".

    The only people who see sticker shock at grocery stores and wave a clenched fist in the air muttering "Biden . . . " are far-right extremist lunatics.
    I never said that. In fact I don't think it's his fault at all. But it is an easy outlet for the electorate's frustrations, right or wrong. And it will be a major reason he loses.

  8. #7748
    Quote Originally Posted by Somewhatconcerned View Post
    Biden somehow found a way to be even more unpopular than Trump. LOL "Not Trump" only goes so far. And falls flat when people have sticker shock every time they go out to get groceries.
    I find it utterly amusing that you continue to defend Trump's abortion stance.

  9. #7749
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Somewhatconcerned View Post
    I never said that. In fact I don't think it's his fault at all. But it is an easy outlet for the electorate's frustrations, right or wrong. And it will be a major reason he loses.
    Even if true, it's not a problem with Biden. It's a problem with the American electorate's broad willful ignorance.

    Not that I believe you. Just pointing out your issue doesn't actually have anything to do with Biden, on any level.

  10. #7750
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    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    Even if true, it's not a problem with Biden. It's a problem with the American electorate's broad willful ignorance.

    Not that I believe you. Just pointing out your issue doesn't actually have anything to do with Biden, on any level.
    The bolded section is unfortunately true. A large portion of the US population are effectively "the mob" from Honor Harrington, people only interested in their bread and circuses. If something big and out of their control is going wrong, they lash out against 'whoever is in charge' even if that has nothing to do with why things are going wrong. It's a knee-jerk response, that unfortunately, might have more impact than a lot of us would like.

    Honestly, you'd think your rights would be more important than the price of gas or your grocery bill, but sadly that's not the case for a lot of people...

  11. #7751
    Quote Originally Posted by The Stormbringer View Post
    Honestly, you'd think your rights would be more important than the price of gas or your grocery bill, but sadly that's not the case for a lot of people...
    And yet recent elections when a candidate ran purely on "my body, my choice" platform, pretty much ran away with the election. It's why almost every gop'er is trying to distance him/herself from AZ.

  12. #7752
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    I find it utterly amusing that you continue to defend Trump's abortion stance.
    "Leave it to the states" is probably the least abrasive take he could have right now, as evidenced by many anti-abortion activists attacking Trump on this.

    Will he stay true to his word? I don't know. But when coupled with the message of lower crime, lower prices, it will be enough. Especially given the recent success of state-level referendums on abortion in red states. He is taking the wind out of the sails for Dems on abortion messaging and you don't even realize it.

  13. #7753
    Merely a Setback Sunseeker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Stormbringer View Post
    Honestly, you'd think your rights would be more important than the price of gas or your grocery bill, but sadly that's not the case for a lot of people...
    It's not that they aren't, but folks are constantly being smacked in the face with new high prices, new limits on their spare funds, lower wages, a tighter job market, higher home prices, etc...

    The Average American isn't ignorant, they're overwhelmed. Sure, the Average American isn't the brightest bulb, but they are prioritizing the here and now, groceries, gas bill, because the rest of That Stuff is wildly beyond their control.

    The "knee-jerk-reaction" is what many people feel is their only option. Sure, there truly are other options, but those options require time, energy, and willpower that is constantly being battered out of them. They barely have time to breathe, how would they ever find the time to think?
    Human progress isn't measured by industry. It's measured by the value you place on a life.

    Just, be kind.

  14. #7754
    Quote Originally Posted by Somewhatconcerned View Post
    Will he stay true to his word? I don't know. But when coupled with the message of lower crime, lower prices, it will be enough.
    Add in his pledge to the 1% for more tax cuts and his continued acrimony towards his iwn base...he'll lose...bigly...from the jail cell he'll likely be in by then.

  15. #7755
    Quote Originally Posted by Somewhatconcerned View Post
    "Leave it to the states" is probably the least abrasive take he could have right now, as evidenced by many anti-abortion activists attacking Trump on this.

    Will he stay true to his word? I don't know. But when coupled with the message of lower crime, lower prices, it will be enough. Especially given the recent success of state-level referendums on abortion in red states. He is taking the wind out of the sails for Dems on abortion messaging and you don't even realize it.
    I haven't seen cope this potent in a while. Try not to overdose

    He's not "taking the wind out" of anyone's sails with this transparent attempt to move back towards the middle, now that we've had a couple years of Republicans soundly losing when their Democratic opponent has run on a platform of "they want your wives and daughters be jailed, lose the ability to get pregnant ever again, or just die in agony because they can't get proper medical care." Anyone paying attention knows that Trump is just lying. Because anyone paying attention knows that if he gets into office, and if that party controls Congress, they will attempt to pass a nationwide ban.

  16. #7756
    Quote Originally Posted by s_bushido View Post
    I haven't seen cope this potent in a while. Try not to overdose

    He's not "taking the wind out" of anyone's sails with this transparent attempt to move back towards the middle, now that we've had a couple years of Republicans soundly losing when their Democratic opponent has run on a platform of "they want your wives and daughters be jailed, lose the ability to get pregnant ever again, or just die in agony because they can't get proper medical care." Anyone paying attention knows that Trump is just lying. Because anyone paying attention knows that if he gets into office, and if that party controls Congress, they will attempt to pass a nationwide ban.
    I can assure you there will be a divided Congress during Trump's next term, so no bill will ever get to his desk.

    All I'm saying is that he is attempting to walk a fine line on the issue, and as long as he doesn't outright support a national ban, it will be a successful strategy. This is as much an indictment on Biden's unpopularity as much as anything.

  17. #7757
    Quote Originally Posted by Somewhatconcerned View Post
    All I'm saying is that he is attempting to walk a fine line on the issue
    Let's not oversell this, here.

    The, "Let the states handle it." isn't a new or interesting or different position. That's long been the "palatable" position for Republicans when asked about the topic nationally and they don't have an extremist electorate. And it's long been understood to largely mean, "I want to ban abortion but I don't want to accept responsibility for that position."

    Why is why despite anti-abortion groups complaining, we know they'll all line up behind him in November over this issue. Because not only do they understand the not-so-coded-language very well (despite their performative outrage now), but they know Donald will double down on the sector of the electorate that lavishes him with the most praise (them) and deliver them policy wins that hurt the right people.

  18. #7758
    Pfft...pro-choice ballot measures have won in every state where they’ve been introduced, including red states like Ohio and Kansas. Even Trump can see the warning lights flashing...which is why he's flip-flopping. But his shitty problem now is no one with an ounce of sense believes him. He spent too long radicalizing the gop, and his lackeys Graham and Scott are even now putting together a bill for a national ban on abortion. The MAGA rats and conservative allies swore their shit position on abortion was something that everyone voting "conservative" agreed upon. Now...you've the likes of Kari Lake trying hard to dodge such extremism. And now you've Trump...stupidly reaching for a more crowd-friendly position, never realizing such a position doesn't exist.

  19. #7759
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    Pfft...pro-choice ballot measures have won in every state where they’ve been introduced, including red states like Ohio and Kansas. Even Trump can see the warning lights flashing...which is why he's flip-flopping. But his shitty problem now is no one with an ounce of sense believes him. He spent too long radicalizing the gop, and his lackeys Graham and Scott are even now putting together a bill for a national ban on abortion. The MAGA rats and conservative allies swore their shit position on abortion was something that everyone voting "conservative" agreed upon. Now...you've the likes of Kari Lake trying hard to dodge such extremism. And now you've Trump...stupidly reaching for a more crowd-friendly position, never realizing such a position doesn't exist.
    The Overton window has shifted to the right recently so "let the states decide" is no longer as toxic as it once was, especially as you said, since voters have seen that they can largely control their own destiny with state level referendums even in red states.

  20. #7760
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    Quote Originally Posted by Somewhatconcerned View Post
    The Overton window has shifted to the right recently so "let the states decide" is no longer as toxic as it once was, especially as you said, since voters have seen that they can largely control their own destiny with state level referendums even in red states.
    Except they don't, because we've seen time and time again where Republican controlled legislatures do their damnedest to ignore and overturn what the voters actually want, in multiple states. The only way for voters to get access to abortion is to get rid of the GOP.

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