1. #8081
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    And given that they don't actually provide the data that the TERF group submitted I'm perfectly happy summarily ignoring that claim.
    Once you get out of anti-trans hate groups, pretty much all the scientific research shows that within about a year of starting hormone therapy, any potential physical advantage is gone. Particularly if you're focusing on testosterone, since there's plenty of cis female athletes with abnormally high testosterone levels who either don't get scrutiny, or even more ridiculously, do get scrutiny as if their natural advantages over other athletes are somehow "unfair" and makes them less of a "woman".

    Like, if you read over that report, it is not a broad analysis of the extant science. It's "an advocacy group with an agenda fed us a talking point and we engaged in literally no further examination of the issue and just presented that advocacy group's agenda without further consideration". It's a political document pushing an agenda and cherry-picking the sources (that often have no scientific basis) which agree with the conclusions those composing the report wanted to draw.
    Last edited by Endus; 2024-12-05 at 05:19 PM.

  2. #8082
    Id rather not even bother with the issue bc its so irrelevant compared to what conservatives actually want to do.

  3. #8083
    Quote Originally Posted by NED funded View Post
    Id rather not even bother with the issue bc its so irrelevant compared to what conservatives actually want to do.
    You spoke too soon

    Supreme Court appears ready to uphold Tennessee ban on youth transgender care

    And for those who forgot the Roe V. Wade decision put everything on the line sexual predator and bribe enthusiast Clarence Thomas made it obvious in his comments on the decision. Gay marriage, trans rights even interracial marriage are now reversible, we now have Christian ISIS in charge who are itching to make that happen. A lot of people are not going to like the found out phase federal abortion bans, LGBTQ rights being reversed the bottom (heading to hell) is the limit.

  4. #8084
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    Once you get out of anti-trans hate groups, pretty much all the scientific research shows that within about a year of starting hormone therapy, any potential physical advantage is gone. Particularly if you're focusing on testosterone, since there's plenty of cis female athletes with abnormally high testosterone levels who either don't get scrutiny, or even more ridiculously, do get scrutiny as if their natural advantages over other athletes are somehow "unfair" and makes them less of a "woman".

    Like, if you read over that report, it is not a broad analysis of the extant science. It's "an advocacy group with an agenda fed us a talking point and we engaged in literally no further examination of the issue and just presented that advocacy group's agenda without further consideration". It's a political document pushing an agenda and cherry-picking the sources (that often have no scientific basis) which agree with the conclusions those composing the report wanted to draw.
    And frankly even if there were some advantage… while I know people love them some sportsball the number of trans people who are/go on to be athletes is a vanishingly small number of trans people, let alone the entire population.

    We shouldn’t be blanket legislating how people want to lead their private lives “oh because sports or whatever.” That’s absurd. and it’s an excuse to repress trans rights with some vanishingly vague pretext of scientific reasoning.

    If someone doesn’t like trans people because they think they’re icky or whatever they should just say that so we can dismiss or ignore them, and not faff around pretending that “otherwise they’d totally be okay, but you know sports might be unfair, so we just gotta be against the trans people I guess.”
    Last edited by Kaleredar; 2024-12-05 at 05:55 PM.
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  5. #8085
    It's not really irrelevent because I can assure you they don't want us forgotten or left to our own machinations, they want us eradicated. The overturning of RvW amplifies this; as women are not seen as autonomous but as breeding chambers, and trans women don't fit that mold for obvious reasons. That doesn't mean outright murdering us, but just look at the rhetoric: schools are cutting children up for the trans agenda, criminals are getting it for free or trans migrants are stealing your resources to get surgeries. Look in this very thread that sanity is applied as a descriptor for literally just letting people exist: it implies my existence requires a degree of lost mental faculty.

    This is very much a problem, and it's part of a system built to punish individuality and enforce conformity, a big reason why they want cis women to just be incubators.
    “World of Warcraft players are some of the smartest players in the world” - Someone who never played with wow players.

    Wuk Lamat got bigots seething.

  6. #8086
    Quote Originally Posted by Draco-Onis View Post
    You spoke too soon

    Supreme Court appears ready to uphold Tennessee ban on youth transgender care

    And for those who forgot the Roe V. Wade decision put everything on the line sexual predator and bribe enthusiast Clarence Thomas made it obvious in his comments on the decision. Gay marriage, trans rights even interracial marriage are now reversible, we now have Christian ISIS in charge who are itching to make that happen. A lot of people are not going to like the found out phase federal abortion bans, LGBTQ rights being reversed the bottom (heading to hell) is the limit.
    I read that article and made a post about it. The trans athlete thing is a thinly veiled excuse to appear scientific on the issue of trans stuff.

    The court's other two liberals followed up. Justice Sonia Sotomayor asked whether, given Tennessee's logic, the state could block gender-affirming treatment for adults, too. Rice responded in the affirmative, saying that "democracy is the best check on potentially misguided laws." Justice Sotomayor shot back that "when you're 1% of the population or less, [it's] very hard to see how the democratic process is going to protect you."

    Even if we were to concede on the issue of trans athletes or whatever. Thats not what they want. They want to ban trans healthcare for all people regardless of age. (So I dont want to hear excuses that its to protect children)

    Conservatives dont want people to have bodily autonomy. We knew this already from the abortion ban but in this case they decide to stop pretending they have any other reason besides pure spite and bigotry.

  7. #8087
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post
    And frankly even if there were some advantage… while I know people love them some sportsball… the number of trans people who are/go on to be athletes is a vanishingly small number of trans people, let alone the entire population.

    We shouldn’t be blanket legislating how people want to lead their private lives “oh because sports or whatever.” That’s absurd. and it’s an excuse to repress trans rights with some vanishingly vague pretext of scientific reasoning.

    If someone doesn’t like trans people because they think they’re icky or whatever they should just say that so we can dismiss or ignore them, and not faff around pretending that “otherwise they’d totally be okay, but you know sports might be unfair, so we just gotta be against the trans people I guess.”
    Some people have gotten physically violent because they thought I tricked them. It's not fun to be held by the scruff of your neck by someone a good 15cm taller and wider than you because I had the audacity to not be a cis woman. I hate feeling like I have to only flirt with women/enbies because a guy COULD be super nice and fun but also could shunt me into the back of an ambulance. Not discounting someone not-masc couldn't, but I'd rather risk rejection over physical abuse.
    Last edited by Polgara; 2024-12-05 at 05:52 PM.
    “World of Warcraft players are some of the smartest players in the world” - Someone who never played with wow players.

    Wuk Lamat got bigots seething.

  8. #8088
    Quote Originally Posted by NED funded View Post
    Even if we were to concede on the issue of trans athletes or whatever. Thats not what they want. They want to ban trans healthcare for all people regardless of age. (So I dont want to hear excuses that its to protect children)

    Conservatives dont want people to have bodily autonomy. We knew this already from the abortion ban but in this case they decide to stop pretending they have any other reason besides pure spite and bigotry.
    You need to stop thinking about conservatives and think about white evangelicals because they are the ones driving this train. Do you think it's something white evangelicals want? you know the very reasonable people who want to use Trump to bring about the end of the world.

  9. #8089
    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    , pretty much all the scientific research shows that within about a year of starting hormone therapy,
    Gaidax doesn't talk about trans people, he talks about people pretending to be trans. Nothing you say will even register with him simply because the both of you ain't part of the same conversation.

  10. #8090
    Quote Originally Posted by Draco-Onis View Post
    You need to stop thinking about conservatives and think about white evangelicals because they are the ones driving this train. Do you think it's something white evangelicals want? you know the very reasonable people who want to use Trump to bring about the end of the world.
    Conservatives arent driving the train but they support this. If they didnt they would mot have voted as they did. Revealed preferences.

  11. #8091
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twdft View Post
    Gaidax doesn't talk about trans people, he talks about people pretending to be trans. Nothing you say will even register with him simply because the both of you ain't part of the same conversation.
    The fictional "problem" invented solely by transphobes as an excuse to inflict their bigotry upon innocent trans people?

    He said he supports trans rights. He's clearly lying about that. He's implicitly admitted he lied, in the post I critiqued. We're having the same conversation, he just wants to pretend that open transphobia is "sane" and "reasonable", when it isn't. Just because he's determinably wrong in his views doesn't mean we're "not having the same conversation". It just means he's wrong. If he won't accept that when the evidence is provided to prove that, that's just another mark against him.

  12. #8092
    The Lightbringer Iphie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draco-Onis View Post
    You spoke too soon

    Supreme Court appears ready to uphold Tennessee ban on youth transgender care

    And for those who forgot the Roe V. Wade decision put everything on the line sexual predator and bribe enthusiast Clarence Thomas made it obvious in his comments on the decision. Gay marriage, trans rights even interracial marriage are now reversible, we now have Christian ISIS in charge who are itching to make that happen. A lot of people are not going to like the found out phase federal abortion bans, LGBTQ rights being reversed the bottom (heading to hell) is the limit.
    I want to say Thomas wouldn't vote for abolishing interracial marriage, since he's in one, but I can totally see him cut of his own nose...

  13. #8093
    Quote Originally Posted by Iphie View Post
    I want to say Thomas wouldn't vote for abolishing interracial marriage, since he's in one, but I can totally see him cut of his own nose...
    Maybe he wants to trade his old wife for a new model "I am sorry honey that dang supreme court says I have to divorce you".

  14. #8094
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaidax View Post
    Okay sure, let me give you some examples of things 80%+ of the population of US would agree on.

    • Trans athletes should not compete in women divisions.
    • Men who identify as women should not go to women jail.
    • Schools should not hide children gender identity from parents.

    These are just 3 examples of such cases.

    • In case of athletes, you have a UN report has hundreds of cases of female athletes losing to trans men in various competitions.
    • In case of men who identify as women, you have cases where such male inmates sexually harassed or raped female inmates in prison.
    • And the final is obvious, given parents/guardians have legal responsibility for their children wellbeing.

    Ask 10 people on the street what they think about that - 8 answers will be "this is fucked up". So that's where the envelope of sanity was breached.
    No there isn't. There is only 40 trans athletes at the college level and probably even less for professional sports or the olympics. Look at the Olympics this year, there was only 2, and it wasn't the boxer.

  15. #8095
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iphie View Post
    I want to say Thomas wouldn't vote for abolishing interracial marriage, since he's in one, but I can totally see him cut of his own nose...
    Any law probably wouldn't invalidate established contracts.
    Just new ones.
    - Lars

  16. #8096
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by postman1782 View Post
    No there isn't. There is only 40 trans athletes at the college level and probably even less for professional sports or the olympics. Look at the Olympics this year, there was only 2, and it wasn't the boxer.
    And I proffer that regardless of any of that we should respect people’s individual rights with no concern for “the impact on sports.” That what basically comes down to athletic decorum in contrast to basic human respect and decency is so exceedingly unimportant by comparison. The number or abilities of trans athletes is ultimately just distraction to give vague pretense and allow goalpost shifting for people who are deep down just anti-lgbtq+ rights on some level.
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  17. #8097
    Quote Originally Posted by Muzjhath View Post
    Any law probably wouldn't invalidate established contracts.
    Just new ones.
    I guarantee you, if Obergefell goes down, plenty of asshole red state legislatures are going to try to invalidate existing marriages.

  18. #8098
    The Lightbringer
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarkTZeratul View Post
    I guarantee you, if Obergefell goes down, plenty of asshole red state legislatures are going to try to invalidate existing marriages.
    Oh, 100% they will.

    But Thomas?
    That won't be his way of thinking. At least not for his marriage.

    He's one of the good ones after all.
    - Lars

  19. #8099
    The Lightbringer Iphie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Muzjhath View Post
    Oh, 100% they will.

    But Thomas?
    That won't be his way of thinking. At least not for his marriage.

    He's one of the good ones after all.
    I had to parse "one of the good ones", but I get it now. Yeah, he's defintely one of those who would be surprised they mean him if he wasn't a rich asshole.

    Quote Originally Posted by DarkTZeratul View Post
    I guarantee you, if Obergefell goes down, plenty of asshole red state legislatures are going to try to invalidate existing marriages.
    I have no doubt you are right but I'm wondering how they would try to do that since that would tear at a pretty universal legal foundation where you cannot apply a new law to an existing situation, like if theft is legal today but not tomorrow you can't be persecuted for a theft committed yesterday.
    Last edited by Iphie; 2024-12-06 at 11:43 AM.

  20. #8100
    Shit...Healthcare is blowing up as an issue because of a murdered CEO. (UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson)
    And when he gets caught, some will see him as a hero of our times.
    Difficult to not feel somewhat aligned.
    “But this isn’t the end. I promise you, this is not the end, and we have to regroup and we have to continue to fight and continue to work day in and day out to create the better society for our children, for this world, for this country, that we know is possible.” ~~Jon Stewart

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