1. #3301
    I hope if D4 needs more money then the once off purchase that they create a 6 month subscription or something. I don't have a problem with companies making money but I have a problem with pay to win. Some whales who have bad gaming skills could love this system however this video is worth a watch, released yesterday. Guy spends $100k but now he cant q for battlegrounds because his char is too strong.


  2. #3302
    Herald of the Titans Rendark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Battlebeard View Post
    People are too emotional and panicky, they don’t realize how important it is fo protect the companies, cause we need them!
    This is the kind of person we are dealing with here. Someone who really thinks companies need to be protected.

    It's sad really but i guess some people suck.

  3. #3303
    Quote Originally Posted by Hightotemz View Post
    I hope if D4 needs more money then the once off purchase that they create a 6 month subscription or something. I don't have a problem with companies making money but I have a problem with pay to win. Some whales who have bad gaming skills could love this system however this video is worth a watch, released yesterday. Guy spends $100k but now he cant q for battlegrounds because his char is too strong.

    Imagine spending 100k to then be able to play less then the ftp players lmao. Crazy fucking money to spend on a game like immortal though just to kill everyone in bg's but yeah all it takes is a couple whales like him.

    And some people say its not ptw he has played 300 games and lost 3 one to dc and two not paying attention, you stand absolutely no chance against whales like him.
    Last edited by ParanoiD84; 2022-08-02 at 01:26 PM.
    Do you hear the voices too?

  4. #3304
    The Lightbringer Battlebeard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rendark View Post
    This is the kind of person we are dealing with here. Someone who really thinks companies need to be protected.

    It's sad really but i guess some people suck.

    You sound very spoiled and entitled. Who pays your salary? Who pays your parents salary? Who keeps people employed so they can pay tax and make society work? It's the companies! The world would fall appart completely if you start punishing companies. If you take away their incentive to make money, they will all shrink or disband and people lose their jobs.

  5. #3305
    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost of Cow View Post
    Yeah, the whole weird tough guy act kinda falls apart when you see their complaints in other threads about raiding being too hard or having too many mounts in the game is literally hell for him because getting them all is too hard.

    Just really awkward when people try to put on that level of tough guy façade.
    I thought that was kinda funny. Especially since he has this angle of "If you have an addiction you are just weak, just quit lol".
    Yet, he demands blizzard stop adding stuff to the collection because he can't stop and has to have 100%.
    Think he whined about inventory and bank space in another where he has multiple of certain things and lots of useless "valuables". Indicating a hoarding addiction as well...

    pot kettle and all that jazz.
    Error 404 - Signature not found

  6. #3306
    Quote Originally Posted by Battlebeard View Post
    Who pays your salary? Who pays your parents salary? Who keeps people employed so they can pay tax and make society work? It's the companies!
    And who does the work? Who provides the labor? Who generates that value? Who does the innovating? It's the people!

    Companies are great and all, but they're not some kind of separate entities that descended from the heavens. They're just groupings of individuals doing a job and - if they're lucky - reaping the rewards of it together.

  7. #3307
    Quote Originally Posted by Battlebeard View Post
    You sound very spoiled and entitled. Who pays your salary? Who pays your parents salary? Who keeps people employed so they can pay tax and make society work? It's the companies! The world would fall appart completely if you start punishing companies. If you take away their incentive to make money, they will all shrink or disband and people lose their jobs.
    You're an absurd simpleton. You claim other people make hysterical, emotional arguments, but you think that the world would fall apart if mega-rich companies and their mega-rich owners made slightly less money. The Koch brothers thank you for your service.

    Quote Originally Posted by Battlebeard View Post
    Climate change will be bad but not for at least 50+ years, we can’t panic now, panic will ruin peoples lives.
    We can't panic later; we'll be dead. Again; you're a simpleton, or you're willingly listening to people with vested interests in doing nothing who are making money from the status quo. Every shred of scientific evidence says we are moving too slowly. You can't just click your fingers and fix climate tomorrow.

    Same with this game, we cannot panic and shut down business ideas, the mtx market needs to be properly reviewed by governments and socioeconomical professors and experts, go give a proper logic based solution and that can take many years.

    We don’t yet know the longtern effect of lets say Immortal. Short time it might ruin some people who lack discipline, but long time this can lead to many positives, like employment, large tax income from increased revenue etc, Diablo Immortal can end up helping far more people than it ruin, we need to wait and see!
    No, we don't. Again; every shred of evidence says that what you are saying is demonstrably ludicrous. Just stop. You're wrong, and everything you say is stupid.
    Last edited by Delekii; 2022-08-02 at 01:41 PM.

  8. #3308
    Herald of the Titans Rendark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Battlebeard View Post
    The world would fall appart completely if you start punishing companies. If you take away their incentive to make money, they will all shrink or disband and people lose their jobs.
    The world is already on fire because of we don't punish companies.

    Making money is fine but most companies don't want to just make money, they want all the money.

  9. #3309
    Quote Originally Posted by Battlebeard View Post
    You sound very spoiled and entitled. Who pays your salary? Who pays your parents salary? Who keeps people employed so they can pay tax and make society work? It's the companies! The world would fall appart completely if you start punishing companies. If you take away their incentive to make money, they will all shrink or disband and people lose their jobs.
    I actually cannot believe this is being said unironically HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH MAN FUCK ME SIDEWAYS.

    I literally stopped responding before because when I told him the world is facing a crisis under the current system he literally responded with "what crisis?" to which I thought he was trolling but at this point I see I have the honor of talking with a single celled organism who literally thinks climate change is not an issue and we have 50+ years to solve it.

    This is the same person that literally said dumb people should suffer. Holy fuck how is it possible to contain so much irony in a single thread.
    Last edited by Delever; 2022-08-02 at 04:45 PM.

  10. #3310
    The giga whales are discovering a problem with queuing up for battlegrounds to feast on all the plankton aka free to play players. People that have spent so much money thier power level puts them too high up there is no one else to que with. So a clan is gonna hand over immortal title because they can't que for the battleground part of the challenge. Lol.

  11. #3311
    Quote Originally Posted by Battlebeard View Post
    Climate change will be bad but not for at least 50+ years, we can’t panic now, panic will ruin peoples lives.

    Seems to be having some fairly catastrophic effects now, while its no need to panic, the wait and see approach isn't appropriate when the data clearly points to what will happen. We can make changes about it now, by then it will be too late. You can't put the genie back in the bottle.

    Quote Originally Posted by Battlebeard View Post
    Same with this game, we cannot panic and shut down business ideas, the mtx market needs to be properly reviewed by governments and socioeconomical professors and experts, go give a proper logic based solution and that can take many years.

    We don’t yet know the longtern effect of lets say Immortal. Short time it might ruin some people who lack discipline, but long time this can lead to many positives, like employment, large tax income from increased revenue etc, Diablo Immortal can end up helping far more people than it ruin, we need to wait and see!
    There is no panic, we've seen a similar trend from smaller mobile developers for years. This is an advancement of the trend, companies that were once respected like Konami, Ubisoft, and now Blizzard following in their footsteps. Putting short-term gains ahead of customer satisfaction and long term product viability. They are cashing in their reputations with it.

    What is there to see, there is nothing revolutionary here, it's overcharging for things players should not be charged for given the genre of the game. It's using psychology against the consumer, not to deliver the best experience but to extract the most money.

    Anyone that thinks you can get $100k worth of value out of this game is crazy in my eyes. One guy that did ended up bricking the game for himself, making it impossible to queue for PvP, which meant the immortals on his server couldn't compete when the time came because he could never finish his initiation and he couldn't pass leadership to anyone else due to the bug. After dropping an entire mortgage on the game, blizzard couldn't be bothered to respond despite his best efforts over a month of raising awareness and using his influence as a content creator to bring additional attention to the threads/tweets. It wasn't until the news media took the story and ran with it that blizzard cared because it was hurting the games image.

    In the end, all it really got him is the same thing you could earn in any other game in the genre totally for free, or at least after buying the game if necessary.

    I spent a fraction of a fraction of what he did on another ARPG, Path of Exile, and you know what it got me?

    I got to spend time with the devs IRL, had a private dinner at a Brazilian steakhouse with them and many VIP guests and content creators from the community, including meeting David Brevik the creator of Diablo himself. They even signed some cards for me as a souvenir.

    I got to design an item that is permanently in the game, with help from the artists and developers to create and balance it.

    A closet half full of branded T-shirts, hoodies, jackets. A binder full of artist signed concept art, developer signed merchandise. More unique in-game cosmetics than I could possibly use in a years worth of seasons, all of which are no longer available even if someone did want them.

    It also got me a VIP ticket to their own convention called ExileCon which was actually about the fans and meeting the developers one-on-one, getting excited about the game and bonding over our enjoyment over it. Unlike the advertisement hell that was Blizzcon, where there was next to zero socializing and no chance to actually talk to devs outside of Q&A panels.

    And none of it ruined the balance of the game for other players. At no point was I strong armed into giving them money, everything about the gameplay itself is totally free. Myself as a player, my time, and my money were all treated with respect. I wasn't smashed in PvP by someone I had no chance against because they dropped more money, I didn't run into timers or limitations that could only be paid to get around, I wasn't tempted to gamble on a lose-lose outcome, nothing about those strategies is good for gaming industry because it puts us in the sights for legislation/laws to be passed that could have detrimental effects because they don't understand the space like we do.
    Last edited by Jerot; 2022-08-05 at 11:20 AM.
    (This signature was clearly too awesome for the Avatar & Signature Guidelines and was removed to prevent further facemelting)

  12. #3312
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerot View Post
    Anyone that thinks you can get $100k worth of value out of this game is crazy in my eyes. One guy that did ended up bricking the game for himself, making it impossible to queue for PvP, which meant the immortals on his server couldn't compete when the time came because he could never finish his initiation and he couldn't pass leadership to anyone else due to the bug. After dropping an entire mortgage on the game, blizzard couldn't be bothered to respond despite his best efforts over a month of raising awareness and using his influence as a content creator to bring additional attention to the threads/tweets. It wasn't until the news media took the story and ran with it that blizzard cared because it was hurting the games image.

    In the end, all it really got him is the same thing you could earn in any other game in the genre totally for free, or at least after buying the game if necessary.

    I spent a fraction of a fraction of what he did on another ARPG, Path of Exile, and you know what it got me?

    I got to spend time with the devs IRL, had a private dinner at a Brazilian steakhouse with them and many VIP guests and content creators from the community, including meeting David Brevik the creator of Diablo himself. They even signed some cards for me as a souvenir.

    I got to design an item that is permanently in the game, with help from the artists and developers to create and balance it.

    A closet half full of branded T-shirts, hoodies, jackets. A binder full of artist signed concept art, developer signed merchandise. More unique in-game cosmetics than I could possibly use in a years worth of seasons, all of which are no longer available even if someone did want them.

    It also got me a VIP ticket to their own convention called ExileCon which was actually about the fans and meeting the developers one-on-one, getting excited about the game and bonding over our enjoyment over it. Unlike the advertisement hell that was Blizzcon, where there was next to zero socializing and no chance to actually talk to devs outside of Q&A panels.

    And none of it ruined the balance of the game for other players. At no point was I strong armed into giving them money, everything about the gameplay itself is totally free. Myself as a player, my time, and my money were all treated with respect. I wasn't smashed in PvP by someone I had no chance against because they dropped more money, I didn't run into timers or limitations that could only be paid to get around, I wasn't tempted to gamble on a lose-lose outcome, nothing about those strategies is good for gaming industry because it puts us in the sights for legislation/laws to be passed that could have detrimental effects because they don't understand the space like we do.
    And yet people spend money on mobile games to dominate in PVP or PVE environment, sometimes even when you have no endgame and no competetive modes. You may view them as crazy but as long as they do that - such games will continue to exist, and mobile market is full of them. There are no indicators of it changing anytime soon.

    P.S. I am glad you enjoyed those perks of helping POE developers, though not everyone is interested in such IRL experience.

  13. #3313
    The sad thing is that, after the disappointments of D3 and D:I, I probably won't even bother installing D4.

  14. #3314
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  15. #3315
    The Undying Cthulhu 2020's Avatar
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    Rigging your election
    Quote Originally Posted by ImpalerEU View Post
    Since when was profit a terrible thing? Businesses grow and provide more using profits.
    Are people here so uneducated that they need someone to tell them that?
    People acting like a company can't make money if they just make a good game. God it's so fucking hilarious that people continue to defend gross amounts of monetization and mobile cash grabs under the banner of "WELL THE COMPANY NEEDS TO MAKE MONEY GUIZ"

    Sure, I guess if Blizzard has lost enough of their loyal audience that they have to make up for it with greedy cash grabs, great for them. But it's also hilarious that people think this money goes towards making more/better games. They're gonna keep making games as they always have, albeit with none of the old Blizzard magic, and most of your money is going into stock value and investor dividends.

    Anyone remember when video game companies just made good games and people bought them and that was all?


    That still exists. Game companies can make money off of just making good games still. But I guess when Bobby wants his 14th yacht, you say "yes master" and add another quick cash grab to your studio's repertoire. Not everyone can be From Software I suppose.
    2014 Gamergate: "If you want games without hyper sexualized female characters and representation, then learn to code!"
    2023: "What's with all these massively successful games with ugly (realistic) women? How could this have happened?!"

  16. #3316
    The Unstoppable Force Elim Garak's Avatar
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    Having a good game is not enough to make money in GameDev. You need marketing to sell it to the market, so that your diamond is seen among the rough. And then you have to recoup the marketing spend somehow for which the box price won't do.
    All right, gentleperchildren, let's review. The year is 2024 - that's two-zero-two-four, as in the 21st Century's perfect vision - and I am sorry to say the world has become a pussy-whipped, Brady Bunch version of itself, run by a bunch of still-masked clots ridden infertile senile sissies who want the Last Ukrainian to die so they can get on with the War on China, with some middle-eastern genocide on the side

  17. #3317
    Quote Originally Posted by Elim Garak View Post
    Having a good game is not enough to make money in GameDev. You need marketing to sell it to the market, so that your diamond is seen among the rough. And then you have to recoup the marketing spend somehow for which the box price won't do.
    We’re talking about a Diablo game, man. Franchises are their own marketing. That’s the whole point. All Blizzard needs to do is release something with “Diablo” on it and it’s marketed. It’s not going to get lost in the rough.

    But given your signature I don’t expect you to comprehend that.

  18. #3318
    The Unstoppable Force Elim Garak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snufflupagus View Post
    We’re talking about a Diablo game, man. Franchises are their own marketing. That’s the whole point. All Blizzard needs to do is release something with “Diablo” on it and it’s marketed. It’s not going to get lost in the rough.
    Only old farts know what a diablo is. TikToker's don't. Look at old farts complaining about Diablo Immortal - a game made for tiktokers.
    Quote Originally Posted by Snufflupagus View Post
    But given your signature I don’t expect you to comprehend that.
    And that's a projection.
    All right, gentleperchildren, let's review. The year is 2024 - that's two-zero-two-four, as in the 21st Century's perfect vision - and I am sorry to say the world has become a pussy-whipped, Brady Bunch version of itself, run by a bunch of still-masked clots ridden infertile senile sissies who want the Last Ukrainian to die so they can get on with the War on China, with some middle-eastern genocide on the side

  19. #3319
    Quote Originally Posted by Elim Garak View Post
    And that's a projection.
    A hypothesis, I think you’ll find.

  20. #3320
    The Unstoppable Force Elim Garak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snufflupagus View Post
    A hypothesis, I think you’ll find.
    Imagine a Venn diagram with three circles, one inside the other inside another. The inner circle says "hypothesis", the middle circle says "projection", and the outer circle says "Alanis Morrissette's song about anecdotes that do not fit into the song's title exactly"
    All right, gentleperchildren, let's review. The year is 2024 - that's two-zero-two-four, as in the 21st Century's perfect vision - and I am sorry to say the world has become a pussy-whipped, Brady Bunch version of itself, run by a bunch of still-masked clots ridden infertile senile sissies who want the Last Ukrainian to die so they can get on with the War on China, with some middle-eastern genocide on the side

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