All right, gentleperchildren, let's review. The year is 2024 - that's two-zero-two-four, as in the 21st Century's perfect vision - and I am sorry to say the world has become a pussy-whipped, Brady Bunch version of itself, run by a bunch of still-masked clots ridden infertile senile sissies who want the Last Ukrainian to die so they can get on with the War on China, with some middle-eastern genocide on the side
If you want to experience all the immortal-only content or fight for first on the server, if people like quin are on your server, you will need to spend an equivalent amount of money to keep up. The only reason they aren't as relevant is because of how few people want to sink tens of thousands of dollars into a mobile game, most people rather just get what they can for free and walk away. Which is the monetization failing, people should want to keep playing and paying.
If they treat DI power systems like they do WoW power systems and throw them out after a year or two, then no one is ever going to want to spend money on power, which defeats the purpose of selling it. They're just alienating a large part of the market, including competitive gamers, who they clearly tried to target by making the focus of the game this shadows vs immortals system, its in the name. No matter how you slice it, they could be doing MUCH better.
(This signature was clearly too awesome for the Avatar & Signature Guidelines and was removed to prevent further facemelting)
Lol, especially considering the below
Lol, especially considering the above.
It's like do or do not - be damned.
But to give you a clue - that's how ALL successful F2P games work. Whales don't pay once to stay on top forever - that's actually boring and they leave.
So developers give them new content with even more powerful doodads, or tangential power gain, new modes to spend on, etc.
No whale would buy a new thing if it doesn't make them stronger one way or another.
The reason whales buy power - is to be powerful. Obviously.
A whale who has nothing to spend on - LEAVES.
Nobody cares about free players much. They are ad revenue. But the gap between them and whaels cannot get too wide, so catch-up mechanics and welfare doodads are introduced with the new content for whales. Who don't mind. Easy is boring too.
All right, gentleperchildren, let's review. The year is 2024 - that's two-zero-two-four, as in the 21st Century's perfect vision - and I am sorry to say the world has become a pussy-whipped, Brady Bunch version of itself, run by a bunch of still-masked clots ridden infertile senile sissies who want the Last Ukrainian to die so they can get on with the War on China, with some middle-eastern genocide on the side
They explicitly said “Paid content is built around optional cosmetic items and eventually full expansions.”
That should be end of discussion. Continuing to claim that the game will revert to P2W micro transactions is willingly disregarding what’s being said just for the sake of arguing. They’re literally running full speed to distance IV from Immortal.
DI has no seasons, lol. It will have battle pass seasons, but you can main one character forever. Apparently they were talking about eventually allowing class changes so you don't have to start from scratch? Don't know how that will work with awakened legendaries, Ah yes, pay us another $85 to fully use the gear you've already farmed.
It's just an assbackwards monetization scheme that will inevitably fall apart when they fail to deliver content at a reasonable pace. Like virtually every blizzard title with the exception of Hearthstone. (Probably because gambling came built-in with the genre)
Anchored around doesn't mean without anything else. And they have been choosing their words extremely carefully with DI. Can't pay for EXP or to rank up gear, but you can buy battle pass levels for EXP boosts and crafting materials. Won't sell gear, but will paywall awakening the gear for a bonus 30% damage and 30% reduced cooldowns and additional power through gems.
Nothing they have said or done significantly distances them from something they put out less than a month ago.
Worst case we go in with the worst possible expectations and are pleasantly surprised. Beats getting hyped up for another flop.
Last edited by Jerot; 2022-06-13 at 08:26 PM.
(This signature was clearly too awesome for the Avatar & Signature Guidelines and was removed to prevent further facemelting)
Here's the thing though... with the lone exception of Hearthstone, which really isn't an exception given the model is the same if it were a physical card game as the one that used to exist for WoW, there is no "Pay 2 Win" coming from Blizzard itself on its titles that it developed on its own. Everything is either cosmetic or service oriented. And no, WoW Tokens are not "pay to win" either.
The closest thing to "Pay 2 Win" ever was the Real Money Auction House that was in Diablo III 1.x and Blizzard shut that shit-show down because they saw it was ruining the game.
All right, gentleperchildren, let's review. The year is 2024 - that's two-zero-two-four, as in the 21st Century's perfect vision - and I am sorry to say the world has become a pussy-whipped, Brady Bunch version of itself, run by a bunch of still-masked clots ridden infertile senile sissies who want the Last Ukrainian to die so they can get on with the War on China, with some middle-eastern genocide on the side
I didn't say it's p2w
You couldn't buy gear that didn't drop for someone. And the loot system was broken - so you mostly got drops for OTHER classes than your own.
You are making this strawman into an argument.
- - - Updated - - -
Of course. But WoW Token does give you BiS gear.
All right, gentleperchildren, let's review. The year is 2024 - that's two-zero-two-four, as in the 21st Century's perfect vision - and I am sorry to say the world has become a pussy-whipped, Brady Bunch version of itself, run by a bunch of still-masked clots ridden infertile senile sissies who want the Last Ukrainian to die so they can get on with the War on China, with some middle-eastern genocide on the side
You responded to someone literally saying "And no, WoW Tokens are not 'pay to win' either" with "WoW token gives you BiS gear."
I don't believe you that you didn't mean to imply this was in fact p2w. You've realized now how messed up your statements were, and are trying to backpedal into "I never said this".
I believe the term you like to use for this is "mental gymnastics". So, 10-point landing for you, I guess.
All right, gentleperchildren, let's review. The year is 2024 - that's two-zero-two-four, as in the 21st Century's perfect vision - and I am sorry to say the world has become a pussy-whipped, Brady Bunch version of itself, run by a bunch of still-masked clots ridden infertile senile sissies who want the Last Ukrainian to die so they can get on with the War on China, with some middle-eastern genocide on the side
guys stop bothering about this and just expect the worst from bli$$ard.
if d4 on release ends up not being the worst, hey neat surprise.
otherwise there is still d2, d3 and poe/poe2 to play.
no point in arguing over what is currently unknowable.
All right, gentleperchildren, let's review. The year is 2024 - that's two-zero-two-four, as in the 21st Century's perfect vision - and I am sorry to say the world has become a pussy-whipped, Brady Bunch version of itself, run by a bunch of still-masked clots ridden infertile senile sissies who want the Last Ukrainian to die so they can get on with the War on China, with some middle-eastern genocide on the side
No one was buying gear directly in D3. Just like in WiW it had to be found first. How often are the 1 or 2 BoE items from raids BiS? Even then is 1 belt enough to make a scrub with money become a worlds/server first raider?
In all seriousness, by the time anyone can buy a carry the races are over and you win nothing. Likewise in D3, it was no different than D2. Blizzard just decided to make a safe haven for those online RMTs. How often is D2 considered P2W.
P2W is typically when the company offers the advantage directly. The token is still a trade transaction. If there is no demand for the token the gold price goes down. But this is still alot better than the old days where people bought the gold from shady Chinese gold farmers. Yet, BoEs were still around back then and no one cried P2W.
DI is as close to P2W as it gets. Really only with the gems, but it's still buying power r the chance at it directly from the game without the middleman of someone playing to get said items to trade.
And yes D4 will have MTX. We knew this as far back as the reveal in 2019. They will not sell power and that was reconfirmed yesterday.