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  1. #1

    World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Releases This Year - Pre-Orders Now Available

    World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Releases This Year - Pre-Orders Now Available
    Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
    World of Warcraft®: Dragonflight is now available for pre-purchase in-game and through the Blizzard Shop!

    As long-dormant forces begin to stir in their sacred homeland, the dragons of Azeroth—at times both allies and adversaries of the mortal races—call on the heroes of the Alliance and Horde to help reckon with the looming threats and ancient mysteries on the verge of awakening.

    Take Wing to a New Beginning
    Join forces with the dragonflights of Azeroth as they return to the Dragon Isles, a lost realm of magic and wonder. There await the dracthyr evokers, an all-new playable race and class of humanoid dragonkin who stand ready to join the ranks of the Horde and Alliance.

    Dragonflight is now available for purchase in three digital editions: Base, Heroic, and Epic.

    Base edition Contents
    • The expansive Dragonflight experience.
    • Drakks pet (as a pre-purchase bonus item*)

    Heroic Edition Contents
    • The expansive Dragonflight experience.
    • Murkastrasza pet
    • Tangled Dreamweaver mount
    • Dragonflight-level (level 60) character boost**
    • Drakks pet (as a pre-purchase bonus item*)

    Epic Edition Contents
    • All content from the Heroic Edition
    • Wings of Awakening (back-slot with 5 color variants)
    • Diadem of the Spell-Keeper: A crown once worn by Sindragosa herself, this head-slot transmog radiates with the magical energies of the blue dragonflight.
    • Timewalker’s Hearthstone Effect
    • 30 Days of game time
    • Drakks pet (as a pre-purchase bonus item*)

    Whether you’re just returning to World of Warcraft or inviting a friend along, the Complete Collection can help you get right into the action.

    Complete Collection – Heroic Edition
    • Every base expansion to date.
    • Shadowlands Heroic Edition, including Ensorcelled Everwyrm flying mount (grants a quest for the Vestments of the Eternal Traveler transmog set.)
    • The complete Dragonflight experience.
    • Two Character Boosts (Shadowlands Character Boost to Level 50 and Dragonflight Character Boost to level 60)
    • 30 Days of Game time
    • Tangled Dreamweaver flying mount
    • Murkastrasza pet
    • Drakks pet (as a pre-purchase bonus item*)

    Complete Collection – Epic Edition
    • Every base expansion to date.
    • Shadowlands Heroic Edition, including Ensorcelled Everwyrm flying mount (grants a quest for the Vestments of the Eternal Traveler transmog set.)
    • The expansive Dragonflight experience.
    • Two Character Boosts (Shadowlands Character Boost to Level 50 and Dragonflight Character Boost to level 60)
    • A total of 60 Days of Game time
    • Tangled Dreamweaver flying mount
    • Murkastrasza pet
    • Wings of Awakening (back-slot with 5 color variants)
    • Diadem of the Spell-Keeper: A crown once worn by Sindragosa herself, this head-slot transmog radiates with the magical energies of the blue dragonflight.
    • Timewalker’s Hearthstone Effect
    • Drakks pet (as a pre-purchase bonus item*)

    All bonuses from the Heroic and Epic Editions are unlocked immediately upon pre-purchase. All new race & class, the Dracthyr Evoker available at or before launch.

    Dragonflight Expansion Features
    • Discover the Dragon Isles—Journey to the new level cap of 70 and explore the primordial wonder and ancient secrets of the Dragon Isles across four new zones: the roiling Waking Shores; the vast Ohn’ahran Plains; the stark Azure Span; and ancient, majestic Thaldraszus.
    • New Race/Class Combo— Menace your foes (or empower your allies) as a Dracthyr Evoker, WoW’s first ever race/class combo. Design both humanoid and draconic forms, pick between the Alliance and Horde, and venture forth as a healer (Preservation specialization) or ranged damage-dealer (Devastation specialization) that harnesses the collective might of all dragonkind.
    • Soar Through the SkiesDragonriding, an all-new method of aerial movement, allows you to take to the skies atop a Dragon Isles Drake, which you will befriend in each of the four new zones as you level up. Customize your drakes as you progress, collecting more appearance options and unlocking new abilities that will enable them to fly farther and faster.
    • New Talent System—With this overhaul, you’ll be able to make creative and flavorful talent choices at every level without compromising your effectiveness.
    • New Profession System Updates—Crafters rejoice! We’re introducing player-driven work orders, new profession equipment, an all-new specialization system, and more to help you become the artisan renowned through the realm.
    • New Hud UIGet ready for a fully updated and customizable Heads Up Display (HUD) User Interface (UI) that’s been created with contemporary displays in mind, designed to be effective, attractive, and accessible.

    Pre-purchase World of Warcraft®: Dragonflight or the Complete Collection now to unlock a trove of items to aid you in your coming adventures.

    Get the Dragonflight Collector’s Edition
    Prepare to step into the Dragon Isles with this limited-edition Epic Edition Collector’s Set, featuring a trove of rare and wondrous items to aid you on your journey into a new land.

    • Dragonflight Five-Pin Collector’s Set: Add iconic representations of Azeroth’s five primary dragonflights to your pin collection–red, green, black, blue, and bronze.
    • Art of Dragonflight- Hardback Art Book: Explore the visual development of the Dragon Isles, a remote realm of Azeroth that has remained hidden since the Great Sundering 10,000 years ago.
    • Alexstrasza Mousepad: Emblazoned with the powerful visage of the Life-Binder herself, standing proud in both her dragon and high elf forms.

    Epic In-Game Content
    • Drakks pet (as a pre-purchase bonus item) and Murkastrasza pet: Explore the Dragon Isles alongside your diminutive, new draconic companions.
    • Tangled Dreamweaver mount: Take wing with the Tangled Dreamweaver as you soar across the Dragon Isles and beyond.
    • Wings of Awakened: A back-slot transmog, which includes 5 color variants, one for each of the major Dragonflights.
    • Diadem of the Spell-Keeper: A back-slot transmog, which includes 5 color variants, one for each of the major Dragonflights.
    • Timewalker’s Hearthstone Effect: Ride the sands of time back to an inn you’ve previously visited with this unique cosmetic effect for your Hearthstone.

    World of Warcraft: Dragonflight PC/Mac Game Key
    You’ll also receive an Epic Edition digital key to unlock the full version of Dragonflight and 30 days of game time. The Dragonflight Collector’s Edition is available to pre-order now on the Blizzard Gear Store now.

    Upgrading From Base Edition, Heroic Edition, or Epic Edition to Collector's Edition
    If you’ve purchased a digital copy of Dragonflight from our in-game shop or Blizzard shop, and want to upgrade to the Collector’s Edition, we will automatically credit you the cost of the digital copy in Blizzard Balance—as long as you enter the Collector’s Edition key before 11:59 p.m. PDT on December 31, 2023. When you enter the key from your Collector’s Edition, the credit will automatically kick in based on the original transaction on your account.

    Remember, you will need to enter the Collector’s Edition key before 11:59 p.m. PST on December 31, 2023, as automatic Blizzard Balance credits will be turned off at that time.

    Please note, if you originally bought a lower-priced edition and then upgraded to a higher-priced edition, you will be credited based on the original purchase only. Here are the specific scenarios:

    Epic Edition > Collector’s Edition
    If you originally bought the Epic Edition of Dragonflight and pre-ordered the Collector’s Edition, your Blizzard Balance credit will be for the price you paid for the Epic Edition.

    Heroic Edition > Epic Edition > Collector’s Edition
    If you bought the Heroic Edition, upgraded to the Epic Edition at a later date, then pre-ordered the Collector’s Edition of Dragonflight, your Blizzard Balance credit will be the price you paid for the original Heroic Edition.

    Heroic Edition > Collector’s Edition
    If you originally bought the Heroic Edition of Dragonflight and pre-ordered the Collector’s Edition, your Blizzard Balance credit will be the price you paid for the Heroic Edition.

    Base Edition > Heroic Edition > Collector’s Edition
    If you bought the Base Edition, upgraded to the Heroic Edition at a later date, then pre-ordered the Collector’s Edition of Dragonflight, your Blizzard Balance credit will be the price you paid for the original Base Edition.

    Base Edition > Heroic Edition > Epic Edition > Collector’s Edition
    If you bought the Base Edition, upgraded to the Heroic Edition and then the Epic Edition at a later date, then pre-ordered the Collector’s Edition of Dragonflight, your Blizzard Balance credit will be the price you paid for the original Base Edition.

    World of Warcraft®: Dragonflight™ will be available on or before December 31, 2022. To learn more, visit the expansion’s official website at

    *Drakks pet as a pre-purchase bonus item offer ends with the launch of Dragonflight.

    **In-game items and Character Boost not available in World of Warcraft® Classic.
    Last edited by Lumy; 2022-06-21 at 09:35 PM.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Wait, what? This year? I was expecting mid/late 2023 at the earliest.

  4. #4
    Holy shit this is going to be super rushed

  5. #5
    It's six months from release without a beta in sight. That release date is batshit.
    Dickmann's Law: As a discussion on the Lore forums becomes longer, the probability of the topic derailing to become about Sylvanas approaches 1.

    Tinkers will be the next Class confirmed.

  6. #6
    Well there goes the chances of this being good... Gonna be rushed just like SL T_T

    Most likely a last-effort cash grab from Kotick before he gets fired once Microsoft takes over...
    Last edited by z0ddicEU; 2022-06-21 at 05:34 PM.

  7. #7
    Stood in the Fire
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Sep 2011
    Far too soon. There's no indication alpha has started yet, and I would be extremely concerned with a beta period that lasts less than 4-5 months. I know they want to exit Shadowlands as quickly as possible, but the answer for that isn't launching another buggy, unfinished expansion.

  8. #8
    i predict a buggy launch not even in beta yet.. is it even F&F alpha?

  9. #9
    The Unstoppable Force rhorle's Avatar
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    I would say this is surprising but it always felt like they were pushing for it to be this year. It is why they are super nerfing mythic sepulcher to get HoF finished.

  10. #10
    Wasn`t there another expansion that was promised to launch by the year`s end, but needed to be postponed?
    BfA or SL maybe?

    It`s not a guarantee then.

  11. #11
    Stood in the Fire Grimalkin of Old's Avatar
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    Under the bridge
    You got to be kidding me.

  12. #12
    Seems unnecessary with Wrath coming out, they could have waited another few months. OW2 probably really hurting outlooks.

  13. #13
    Confirmed barebones rushed expac, but I mean that was confirmed when they announced like zero new features besides copying GW2 mount.

    Still hyped, though because the zones looked good at least.

  14. #14
    Wasnt shadowlands delayed too? I'm going to assume this will be too. Unless they are much further ahead than everyone thinks...

  15. #15
    $90 collectors edition to play a rushed expansion yesss

  16. #16
    haha sounds like war3 reforged all over again, management rushing out unfinished games.

  17. #17
    Guess this explains why drachtyr feel so limited. Must be saving a crapload of dev time for themselves.

  18. #18
    Pandaren Monk Mhyroth's Avatar
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    Sep 2012
    The mantra that they learned about their mistakes and will listen/adjust and not rush things (release when ready), feels very hollow and fake right now.
    "If you are what you HAVE and you lose what you have, what then are you? But if you are what you ARE and you lose what you have, no man controls your destiny".

  19. #19
    Wild they're gonna shoot for a release this year, will be interesting to see if they end up deciding to delay it.

    Honestly though I don't know what people are worried about. Everyone was predicting a February/March release anyway, do you really think an extra 2 months would make any difference at all? Maybe some minor bugs would be fixed, but as far as the content itself it would all basically be exactly the same.

    This does mean season 4 is gonna end up being absurdly short though, I mean it probably won't even start until August and then prepatch will probably be early December so it'll be like a 3 month season.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Dejiko View Post
    Wasn`t there another expansion that was promised to launch by the year`s end, but needed to be postponed?
    BfA or SL maybe?

    It`s not a guarantee then.
    It happened with warcraft reforged. Shadowlands (i think) got delayed by like a month but still made it within the original timeframe they promised.

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