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  1. #21
    Do not pre order this, do not even buy this at launch. Blizzard does not deserve your money.

    Also this is rushed big time because they have lost a leg with everything they put out the last few years being dog crap. Only reason they are standing on 1 leg is cuz of microtransactions.

    Get your popcorn ready cuz when this shit show is released its gonna be amazing to watch.

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Rucati View Post

    Honestly though I don't know what people are worried about. Everyone was predicting a February/March release anyway, do you really think an extra 2 months would make any difference at all?.
    Developer here and yes it does. Im worried because we havent seen any gameplay what so ever.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Rucati View Post
    Wild they're gonna shoot for a release this year, will be interesting to see if they end up deciding to delay it.

    Honestly though I don't know what people are worried about. Everyone was predicting a February/March release anyway, do you really think an extra 2 months would make any difference at all? Maybe some minor bugs would be fixed, but as far as the content itself it would all basically be exactly the same.

    This does mean season 4 is gonna end up being absurdly short though, I mean it probably won't even start until August and then prepatch will probably be early December so it'll be like a 3 month season.
    They already stated S4 would be a shorter season.
    I will not reply to posts that are non-constructive or contain flaming and/or trolling.

  4. #24

    This mount that comes with the Heroic edition looks like the old mounts that don't use Dragon Riding. Meaning you won't be able to fly with it at the start in the Dragon Isles.

  5. #25
    Well they do know they make bank with release sales 'usually' but im not so sure this time its not been going so great for Blizzard lately and quality have been worse then ever.

    I do really hope it's a great expansion though would love to have fun in wow again.
    Do you hear the voices too?

  6. #26
    Pre ordered the highest edition soon as i could a few minutes ago, I love Wow. Who cares what anyone else thinks.. I like the game no matter what they do with it. IN MY OPINION & Opinions are like assholes everyone's got one

  7. #27
    Is there even a proper alpha out yet? (With that I mean not only Blizzard internal)

    This is hella weird, I hope 2022 was simply a typo.

  8. #28
    Time for another rushed expansion!

  9. #29
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    Hmmm I wonder how far along they are. Guess we’ll find out soon

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    They already stated S4 would be a shorter season.
    I think they have one big advantage for Dragonflight, no complex intertwined borrowed powers (artefact, legos, covenants etc etc) to attempt to implement.

    For the most part - they are just implementing a system which is currently working in classic - classic talents, and new content.

    In theory it should be the least complicated expansion in years.

    Challenge Mode : Play WoW like my disability has me play:
    You will need two people, Brian MUST use the mouse for movement/looking and John MUST use the keyboard for casting, attacking, healing etc.
    Briand and John share the same goal, same intentions - but they can't talk to each other, however they can react to each other's in game activities.
    Now see how far Brian and John get in WoW.

  11. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post

    This mount that comes with the Heroic edition looks like the old mounts that don't use Dragon Riding. Meaning you won't be able to fly with it at the start in the Dragon Isles.
    Holy crap those wings are terrible. Mount looks nice though.

  12. #32
    should be free to play

  13. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Sargasm View Post
    Pre ordered the highest edition soon as i could a few minutes ago, I love Wow. Who cares what anyone else thinks.. I like the game no matter what they do with it. IN MY OPINION & Opinions are like assholes everyone's got one
    Pretty sure that's a bait post, I'm bored so I'll bite:

    That's fine but if you ever complain about anything in DF in the first year you should just get instantly banned from any WoW fansite lmao, it's your type of consumers fault publishers can be lazy.

  14. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by exsanguinate View Post
    Developer here and yes it does. Im worried because we havent seen any gameplay what so ever.
    It really really doesn't.

    What gameplay do you want to see? It's literally the exact same game we've been playing for 18 years. I can assure you, it will look exactly the same. If you expect it to look like something different you're going to be incredibly disappointed.

  15. #35
    50€ for the expansion is simply too much. I'd probably give it a try if it was 30€ at most, but I'm gonna have to skip that one I guess

  16. #36
    The Lightbringer Lora's Avatar
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    i was hyped when i read this but then conflicted. this would be the fastest from announcement to release and seems extremely rushed with no beta yet and just the barebones from the deep dive. i'd much rather wait and have them not rush and ruin it.

  17. #37
    It's a raidlog expansion with no new game mode. No shit its coming out early.

  18. #38
    This time we won't have unfinished game that feels like early alpha...
    ... this time for sure!

    I've been just talking with irl friends like 2 weeks ago about this... and one of them predicted that at the end of june Blizzard will say the release date and start preorders just to fulfill 2nd quarter money profits benchmark.
    Fuck me... he was so right.
    Last edited by Mendzia; 2022-06-21 at 05:44 PM.

  19. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by Caprias View Post
    Is there even a proper alpha out yet? (With that I mean not only Blizzard internal)

    This is hella weird, I hope 2022 was simply a typo.
    Unfortunately, this is not a mistake .. November is around the corner.

  20. #40
    Its gonna be bad. Not because its too early but because its from Blizzard. Hehe, didnt see that cmoing, did ya?

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