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  1. #101
    Herald of the Titans enigma77's Avatar
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    This is gonna be a rushed shitshow, wow.

    6 months from now and they haven't even launched the public alpha, not even a whisper of beta.


  2. #102
    why is everyone saying rushed lol? not like shadowlands was packed with content and they havent been working on dragonlflight for awhile

  3. #103
    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmic Janitor View Post
    It hasn't been 24h since I mentioned in another thread that there is only one constant and it is that Blizzard never learns. I didn't think Blizzard would prove me right this quick tbh, I'm quite flabberghasted. I mean do they honestly believe they can shit out a decent expansion in less than 6 months? ROFL.
    They certainly know better than you do.

    And just an obvious FYI: They didn't just start developing the expansion today *facepalm*

  4. #104
    Quote Originally Posted by Celement View Post
    Seems kinda rushed... is there even an announcement for the date of the next patch?
    huh? What next patch? You mean prepatch?

  5. #105
    I feel like we will get alpha/beta by the end of this week, or end of next week at the latest with this news. A bit soon for the expan, sure, as we see it right now it does feel a bit soon. I was thinking late q1 or early q2 would have been better. But at this point we will have to wait and see. We wont have the full story till we actually see where dev is at once it become public.

  6. #106
    Quote Originally Posted by threadz View Post
    why is everyone saying rushed lol? not like shadowlands was packed with content and they havent been working on dragonlflight for awhile
    Yeah, the irony is that those expansions that are generally considered to be among the best: Wrath, TBC and Legion had very short beta's.

  7. #107
    Banned Ihavewaffles's Avatar
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    mount looks amazing...

  8. #108
    Quote Originally Posted by Celement View Post
    Seems kinda rushed... is there even an announcement for the date of the next patch?
    Uh....the next patch will almost certainly be the Dragonflight pre-patch/systems patch. So I very much doubt there will be an announcement of the next patch for at least the next 4 months, at the earliest.

  9. #109
    Quote Originally Posted by threadz View Post
    why is everyone saying rushed lol? not like shadowlands was packed with content and they havent been working on dragonlflight for awhile
    One reason is because even if it releases on the last day of December, it would still be the shortest ever window between announcement and release. One month shorter than BfA.

  10. #110
    A worst case of dec 31st is a big yikes I really hope the new expansion isnt an overtuned mess like the current raid in shadowlands because they didn't test it enough. I would personally preferred if they set a worst case date in like march and if testing goes swimmingly announce an early launch date. Setting it the way they did screams we will prolly get a delay.

  11. #111
    Brewmaster flan1337's Avatar
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    Seriously $6 shipping from the gear store? Anyone know if this will come out on amazon?

    correction: idk why it showed $15 but came out to 6
    Last edited by flan1337; 2022-06-21 at 10:22 PM.

  12. #112
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkAmbient View Post
    One reason is because even if it releases on the last day of December, it would still be the shortest ever window between announcement and release. One month shorter than BfA.
    Didn't they announce DF later than any previous expac thus the shorter window from announcement to release?

  13. #113
    Shareholders need to see those Q4 earnings to boost performance charts.

  14. #114
    Quote Originally Posted by Cayde69 View Post
    Lol and BfA was one of it not the most rushed expansion yet so that’s not lookin good folks

    - - - Updated - - -

    Because it sounds like they are rushing the expansion which leads to… bad expansions? Where’s the part that you got lost
    And the truth is that you (and everyone on this forum) have no idea at what stage the developmnet is and how much its tested inside Blizzard and for how long.

    Last time when people complained so much before new expansion was MoP and it turned to be one of the best WoW expansion. But people on this forum are so jaded that it doesn't really matter what Blizzard do because people only wait here for new news to have a reason for bitching.

  15. #115
    Quote Originally Posted by Mamut View Post
    And the truth is that you (and everyone on this forum) have no idea at what stage the developmnet is and how much its tested inside Blizzard and for how long.

    Last time when people complained so much before new expansion was MoP and it turned to be one of the best WoW expansion.
    I'd also argue Shadowlands is the second time they seemed to cut their losses and shift resources to the next expansion after WoD -> Legion.

  16. #116
    Quote Originally Posted by Mamut View Post
    And the truth is that you (and everyone on this forum) have no idea at what stage the developmnet is and how much its tested inside Blizzard and for how long.

    Last time when people complained so much before new expansion was MoP and it turned to be one of the best WoW expansion. But people on this forum are so jaded that it doesn't really matter what Blizzard do because people only wait here for new news to have a reason for bitching.
    What are you talking about? We have seen them rush this stuff with the last two expansions. This is like having dejavu all over again. They haven’t even announced when a beta is. They haven’t even announced if they have had an alpha yet. Blizzard isn’t some brand new company where their expansion process is some massive unknown secret. This is their NINTH expansion my dude.

    Say what you want about we don’t know how far along they are, but this is for sure way quicker than most expansions and it’s in line with some of the worst ones we have ever gotten.

  17. #117
    Quote Originally Posted by ChairmanKaga View Post
    Didn't they announce DF later than any previous expac thus the shorter window from announcement to release?
    You could be right actually. Do we know the reason why? Could be covid etc.

  18. #118
    hard pass. Seems rushed

  19. #119
    Quote Originally Posted by Cayde69 View Post
    Say what you want about we don’t know how far along they are, but this is for sure way quicker than most expansions and it’s in line with some of the worst ones we have ever gotten.
    Then you will have another great opportunity to bitch about. After all thats why you are here. And since WotLK every expansion is the worst one already so everything is ok.

  20. #120
    Sigh, the first collectors edition without a soundtrack. I am really going to miss that, even if they put it on YouTube like they have been its nice to have the music for offline listening. These soundtracks have been amazing over the years.

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