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  1. #641
    Quote Originally Posted by Coldkil View Post
    This is actually a reasoning i'm doing pretty consistently lately. I love raiding in wow because of two main reasons - playing with friends and being able to just log in and do what i wanted to. Pretty sure would be the same with an m+ static group.

    I'm keeping an eye on d4. IF it's really a good game and not something as short-sighted as D3, i can see myself playing that much more (while still playing wow for the raids with my guild).
    I am 100% sure than in the short-medium period M+ing with friends only is fun. I know because I was into a friends guild from Vanilla to end of Cata and I remember those times in dungeons with a big smile on my face, even if M+ weren’t a thing back then.

    But when you have not this luxury anymore and your spare time drastically diminish, well, you soon realize you just can’t waste half of your time searching for someone to do stuff with instead of doing stuff itself.

    I have big hopes on D4 too, today I just received an invite for the end game beta (even if I didn’t even opt in because I don’t have time XD), if and when NDA will fall off I will be more than glad to share my thoughts.

  2. #642
    Quote Originally Posted by Celement View Post
    Or people enjoy different genres of games and trying to make every game identical is kinda moronic.

    Why not just play a game you enjoy rather then complaining that a game doesn't redesign itself for your personal taste?
    Because this game is being redesigning all the time. Even your favourite endgame activities are later additions with M+ being quite recent considering WoWs lifetime.
    So it doesn't seem too far fetched to try to influence the next inevitable redesign with something they like.

  3. #643
    Stood in the Fire lllll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by schwarzkopf View Post
    I prefer the good old days when you planned pulls and used CC and stuff.
    When was this "good old days"?

  4. #644
    Quote Originally Posted by lllll View Post
    When was this "good old days"?
    Probably a decade ago or so, I remember when I last used polymorph

    Challenge Mode : Play WoW like my disability has me play:
    You will need two people, Brian MUST use the mouse for movement/looking and John MUST use the keyboard for casting, attacking, healing etc.
    Briand and John share the same goal, same intentions - but they can't talk to each other, however they can react to each other's in game activities.
    Now see how far Brian and John get in WoW.

  5. #645
    Quote Originally Posted by chiddie View Post
    You can have a timer that provides additional loot or bonuses if you beat it (notice “additional”) or you can have a timer that provides you nothing if you fail it.

    Given I am not a fan of timers (Dark Souls say hello) - and you know, we had some interesting chitchat about this in the past - because for me they are a cheap way to measure skill, I do recognize that some of them are better thought than others.
    I'd argue if the pass/fail for the timer isn't a big deal then the timer being there in the first place is kinda pointless but I understand your angle a bit better now.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by schwarzkopf View Post
    Probably a decade ago or so, I remember when I last used polymorph
    CC still has a place in modern dungeons. You can, for example, sheep a mob that's casting to stop its cast. Granted, it's not the same as it was in, say, OG MGT, but as we've seen with Classic TBC even MGT "back in the day" was the exception not the rule.

  6. #646
    Stood in the Fire lllll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by schwarzkopf View Post
    Probably a decade ago or so, I remember when I last used polymorph
    Then you're not playing any difficult content in the present time. We regularly plan the pulls and have to use CC in m+.

  7. #647
    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    I'd argue if the pass/fail for the timer isn't a big deal then the timer being there in the first place is kinda pointless but I understand your angle a bit better now.

    - - - Updated - - -

    CC still has a place in modern dungeons. You can, for example, sheep a mob that's casting to stop its cast. Granted, it's not the same as it was in, say, OG MGT, but as we've seen with Classic TBC even MGT "back in the day" was the exception not the rule.
    Well, to an extent I can also cope with having nothing if you fail the timer, but in order to compensate this you should at least have EASY and FAST ways to try the timer challenge again.

    You need GR keys to enter GRs in D3, but obtaining keys is braindead easy and fast. I started my yesterday evening session with zero keys and after 1 hour and a half I logged out with 85 keys (and that’s because I also cared to loot stuff in Neph Rifts, else I would have more than 100).

    It seems to me that in WoW everything is thought to make you waste the most time possible, but in the wrong way.

  8. #648
    Quote Originally Posted by lllll View Post
    We regularly plan the pulls and have to use CC in m+.
    And I dated Elizebeth Hurley in my youth ... lol.

    If you are 'planning' mid dungeon, then you aren't doing it right for M+

    Challenge Mode : Play WoW like my disability has me play:
    You will need two people, Brian MUST use the mouse for movement/looking and John MUST use the keyboard for casting, attacking, healing etc.
    Briand and John share the same goal, same intentions - but they can't talk to each other, however they can react to each other's in game activities.
    Now see how far Brian and John get in WoW.

  9. #649
    Stood in the Fire lllll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by schwarzkopf View Post
    And I dated Elizebeth Hurley in my youth ... lol.

    If you are 'planning' mid dungeon, then you aren't doing it right for M+
    Who said planning is done mid dungeon?

  10. #650
    Quote Originally Posted by lllll View Post
    Who said planning is done mid dungeon?
    Well - can't very well do it before, have no idea what CC will even have before we start - and short of the tank sometimes CCing 1 mob on pull - the rest is wham bam thank you mam.

    Challenge Mode : Play WoW like my disability has me play:
    You will need two people, Brian MUST use the mouse for movement/looking and John MUST use the keyboard for casting, attacking, healing etc.
    Briand and John share the same goal, same intentions - but they can't talk to each other, however they can react to each other's in game activities.
    Now see how far Brian and John get in WoW.

  11. #651
    Quote Originally Posted by schwarzkopf View Post
    Well - can't very well do it before, have no idea what CC will even have before we start - and short of the tank sometimes CCing 1 mob on pull - the rest is wham bam thank you mam.
    I mean the dedicated groups that are pushing M20+ know each other, play with voice com and plan the pulls on addons beforehand.

  12. #652
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    Quote Originally Posted by schwarzkopf View Post
    Well - can't very well do it before, have no idea what CC will even have before we start - and short of the tank sometimes CCing 1 mob on pull - the rest is wham bam thank you mam.
    How do you not know what CC you will have before you start?

  13. #653
    Quote Originally Posted by Echo of Soul View Post
    That's not why they did it and I dare you to find an official quote saying that they did.
    It's the most likely reason they did... not everything in life needs a quote.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by chiddie View Post
    For the same reason I didn’t really cope that much with Command and Conquer serie but I loved Age of Empires serie: the environment. I like WoW fantasy style, I don’t like the Witcher fantasy style or Final Fantasy fantasy style.

    That’s why I would just love a single player RPG based on Warcraft universe.

    - - - Updated - - -

    D3 rifts do have timers but I really never in 10 years thought for ONE time “damn if only there wasn’t a timer”, even when pushing high GRs. And WITHOUT EVEN NOTICING you are naturally pushed gently to try and finish them in the fastest way possible. I dare say I LOVE those timers because every time I beat my previous time I feel sooo satisfied. If you take too much you can just review your build and/or lower the difficulty level, you’ll only get less rewards (not lower level rewards, LESS rewards).

    This happens when timers are designed in a good way and cope well with gameplay. When the design is poor and timers are there only to punish, you end up with horrible visions.
    I get liking an IP I enjoyed command and conquer and dawn of war a lot and had to watch them be destroyed but being so in love with an ip you pass up new and from your perspective better games isn't the way to deal with it.

  14. #654
    Quote Originally Posted by Sinfelle View Post
    Honestly this wasn't even a problem until they fucked up raiding. They made a lot of mechanics where one person could fuck up the pull for 19 other people.

    A lot were put off by that and raiding never really recovered from that, even with less of those type of mechanics since then. People didn't mind raiding and looked forward to it more than the solo experience because the barrier to entry wasn't very high. But now you need all these addons and watching the guides, min/maxxing other areas to make sure you get that 1-2% increase on raid night..... it's just become ridiculous.
    I loved Ulduar for the reason I needed no addons for the fights. It was simple and fun.

  15. #655
    Quote Originally Posted by chiddie View Post
    I am 100% sure than in the short-medium period M+ing with friends only is fun. I know because I was into a friends guild from Vanilla to end of Cata and I remember those times in dungeons with a big smile on my face, even if M+ weren’t a thing back then.

    But when you have not this luxury anymore and your spare time drastically diminish, well, you soon realize you just can’t waste half of your time searching for someone to do stuff with instead of doing stuff itself.

    I have big hopes on D4 too, today I just received an invite for the end game beta (even if I didn’t even opt in because I don’t have time XD), if and when NDA will fall off I will be more than glad to share my thoughts.
    Solo shuffles work wonders in these situations, near instant queues during the evening. People for some reason think PvP is for no-lifers but unless you're aiming for like the top 5% (2100+ arenas, Diamond rank in MOBAs) it's really the pinnacle of casual gaming. You can play half an hour a day and still have fun.

  16. #656
    Quote Originally Posted by Caiphon View Post
    Solo shuffles work wonders in these situations, near instant queues during the evening. People for some reason think PvP is for no-lifers but unless you're aiming for like the top 5% (2100+ arenas, Diamond rank in MOBAs) it's really the pinnacle of casual gaming. You can play half an hour a day and still have fun.
    It's more an extremely small community and a redicoulsy high gear grind. WoW pvp isn't every well designed and at higher ratings when players know what they are doing cds almost become scripted.

    WoWs pvp make or break skill ceiling is faking a cast or loSing.

  17. #657
    Quote Originally Posted by schwarzkopf View Post
    And I dated Elizebeth Hurley in my youth ... lol.

    If you are 'planning' mid dungeon, then you aren't doing it right for M+
    Well, the planning mostly happens outside the dungeon, but he has a point. CC is used heavily in M+ above around and above 20. Especially on Fortified weeks where a caster in the back might just destroy your group. There is a level when even a great tank will be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of incoming damage.

    It is also absolutely necessary to deal with the Hypno-Bat of Zulgamux of the Shrouded affix. If you let that shit go through uninterupted someone dies, maybe it is even a wipe.

    CC and all kinds of Utility are of incredible worth in M+, especially the premium ones like Interrupts, 60 sec CC that can be applied to all subtypes (and reduce aggro range ideally) and of course Combat rezzes.

    Unfortunately even the Devs do not understand this. There is no other way to explain that Priest Dev posting about an Interrupt not being necessary

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by schwarzkopf View Post
    Well - can't very well do it before, have no idea what CC will even have before we start - and short of the tank sometimes CCing 1 mob on pull - the rest is wham bam thank you mam.
    Nah, that really doesn't work at some point anymore. Granted it takes a lot to threaten a good Tank with a good healer behind them these days, but north of 20s that does happen.

  18. #658
    Quote Originally Posted by chiddie View Post
    I am 100% sure than in the short-medium period M+ing with friends only is fun. I know because I was into a friends guild from Vanilla to end of Cata and I remember those times in dungeons with a big smile on my face, even if M+ weren’t a thing back then.

    But when you have not this luxury anymore and your spare time drastically diminish, well, you soon realize you just can’t waste half of your time searching for someone to do stuff with instead of doing stuff itself.

    I have big hopes on D4 too, today I just received an invite for the end game beta (even if I didn’t even opt in because I don’t have time XD), if and when NDA will fall off I will be more than glad to share my thoughts.
    Well, adding to this the new raid loot system appeals me much more than what we have now. I'll stick with my raid only schedule, i'll pug the ksm for the mount and be done with it.
    Non ti fidar di me se il cuor ti manca.

  19. #659
    Stood in the Fire lllll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caiphon View Post
    Solo shuffles work wonders in these situations, near instant queues during the evening. People for some reason think PvP is for no-lifers but unless you're aiming for like the top 5% (2100+ arenas, Diamond rank in MOBAs) it's really the pinnacle of casual gaming. You can play half an hour a day and still have fun.
    Solo shuffle is awful, filled with people who have no clue what they're doing.

  20. #660
    Quote Originally Posted by cantrip View Post
    There are millions that buy an expac. And more than half of them leave faster than Hazzikostas ever could lure them into mythic dungeons.

    13% of the players even leave before they reach endgame level. The game sucks that much that a 13 times as high percentage of players leave the game before getting to endgame level as there are players completing mythic raids.

    That is even more than the percentage that completed all challenge mode dungeons.

    Nobody took the bait - so let me.

    I play Fifa because my friends does.
    In the middle of the match - I reliaze that I hate soccer. I just forgot about it(that's why I prefer NBA).

    Then I quit. In the middle of the game. Can you imagine that?

    My question is: Is the game Fifa a bad game?

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