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  1. #221
    The Unstoppable Force Ielenia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Pretty much. They're a dragon race/class, and since dragons are cool by default, the class is cool by default. In addition, moving forward from DF, Blizzard has massive opportunities to expand the concept within the confines of dragons. For example, we could get a third spec that expands on the Black Dragonflight, we could get a third spec that deals with the Void/Old god corruption. We're definitely going to be getting more HotS-based abilities like Blessing of the Red and Cataclysm in the future. Also as the technology improves, we'll get even more options for the Visage and Dragon forms.

    In short, the chances of the DE stagnating is close to zero.
    Or more likely expand the race to allow more classes to be picked by dracthyr players, like Blizzard has said they had interest in doing. Blizzard has, three times, expanded the number of race/class combos in this game. Only once they added a new spec, and even that was them splitting one spec into two.
    "Torturing someone is not an evil thing to do if it is done for good reasons" by Varodoc
    "You sit in OG/SW waiting on a Mythic+ queue" by Altmer <- Oh, the pearls in this forum...
    "They sort of did this Dragonriding, which ushered in the Dracthyr race." by Teriz <- the BS some people reach for their narratives...

  2. #222
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ielenia View Post
    Or more likely expand the race to allow more classes to be picked by dracthyr players, like Blizzard has said they had interest in doing. Blizzard has, three times, expanded the number of race/class combos in this game. Only once they added a new spec, and even that was them splitting one spec into two.
    As I said before, if Blizzard’s goal was to make a standard Dragon race that could be multiple classes, we’d have Drakonids instead of the Dracthyr.

  3. #223
    The Lightbringer Nightshade711's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Pretty much. They're a dragon race/class, and since dragons are cool by default, the class is cool by default. In addition, moving forward from DF, Blizzard has massive opportunities to expand the concept within the confines of dragons. For example, we could get a third spec that expands on the Black Dragonflight, we could get a third spec that deals with the Void/Old god corruption. We're definitely going to be getting more HotS-based abilities like Blessing of the Red and Cataclysm in the future. Also as the technology improves, we'll get even more options for the Visage and Dragon forms.

    In short, the chances of the DE stagnating is close to zero.
    Bruh you spend all that time bringing up how DHs didn’t/won’t get a third spec and you bring up Evoker third spec lol
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Uh Demon Hunters literally had an ability called Spellbreaker.

  4. #224
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nightshade711 View Post
    Bruh you spend all that time bringing up how DHs didn’t/won’t get a third spec and you bring up Evoker third spec lol
    Well that’s the point; DEs are more likely to get a third spec than Dracthyr are to be opened up to more classes.

    Far more likely.

  5. #225
    The Unstoppable Force Ielenia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    As I said before, if Blizzard’s goal was to make a standard Dragon race that could be multiple classes, we’d have Drakonids instead of the Dracthyr.
    And "what you said before" is objectively wrong, because nothing in the dracthyr model or racial abilities preclude them being able to be warriors, priests, mages, druids, etc. Nothing at all.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Well that’s the point; DEs are more likely to get a third spec than Dracthyr are to be opened up to more classes.

    Far more likely.

    Blizzard has expanded the race/class combos three times already in the history of this game. They only added another spec to a single class only once, and even then it was to split an existing spec in two.

    So, judging by that, it's far more likely that dracthyr get more class options than it is for them to get a third spec. It's called logic.
    "Torturing someone is not an evil thing to do if it is done for good reasons" by Varodoc
    "You sit in OG/SW waiting on a Mythic+ queue" by Altmer <- Oh, the pearls in this forum...
    "They sort of did this Dragonriding, which ushered in the Dracthyr race." by Teriz <- the BS some people reach for their narratives...

  6. #226
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Ffs... There are no "failed" evokers.

    The edicts plainly state that evokers are just the elite of the elite.
    Im not the one insinuating there are dracthyr that could be other classes, the drachtyr race itself is stated to be an evoker so all the race are meant to be evokers and wield the powers of the 5 dragonflights, not to just become a lowly weak warrior or something like that, dragonflight magic is on another level to what the mortal races currently wield.

    If there are dracthyr that do not posses the ability to use all the 5 dragonflights magic then they would be a failed evoker.

    Dracthyr should remain true to what it is a dragon class using dragon powers and abilities and not be tainted by allowing anyone to run around as one as any class.
    Last edited by kenn9530; 2022-08-13 at 02:36 PM.
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  7. #227
    Quote Originally Posted by kenn9530 View Post
    Im not the one insinuating there are dracthyr that could be other classes, the drachtyr race itself is stated to be an evoker so all the race are meant to be evokers and wield the powers of the 5 dragonflights, not to just become a lowly weak warrior or something like that, dragonflight magic is on another level to what the mortal races currently wield.

    If there are dracthyr that do not posses the ability to use all the 5 dragonflights magic then they would be a failed evoker.

    Dracthyr should remain true to what it is a dragon class using dragon powers and abilities and not be tainted by allowing anyone to run around as one as any class.
    Lmao what?

    Dude read the edicts your self...

    The evokers are the elite few who can fully harness the powers of the 5 flights.

    All the other dracthyr and their clans are just meant to be the ultimate soldiers. Literally it's what deathwing dictates in them.

    Their not gonna be "tainted" and evokers aren't some.god class that tower above the others...

  8. #228
    Scarab Lord plz delete account's Avatar
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    No matter the topic, someone will find a way to redirect it to complain about their current aggro.
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    I dunno if your being cynical or just don't want it to happen.

    There won't be no clipping. Shields and swords will be sheathed same way we do now with special back pieces. The weapon just disappears.

    And again, the edicts outright say that not all dracthyr are evokers. Now that two groups of dracthyr join the H and A, you really think they won't learn other methods of combat?

    Just because it's been yeara since legion and still no DH races have been added doesn't mean we won't get them.

    For all we know, 11.0 will open up all race class combos. As an expansion feature.
    Don't argue with Teriz, he's due for another 3 week ban given his brigading for tinkers and how toxic he's going on about it.

  9. #229
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ielenia View Post
    And "what you said before" is objectively wrong, because nothing in the dracthyr model or racial abilities preclude them being able to be warriors, priests, mages, druids, etc. Nothing at all.
    Actually their physiology and racials are a huge barrier.

  10. #230
    Scarab Lord plz delete account's Avatar
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    No matter the topic, someone will find a way to redirect it to complain about their current aggro.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Actually their physiology and racials are a huge barrier.
    then how can blood elves and void elves be warriors/paladins? Their physiology should preclude them from that

  11. #231
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Lmao what?

    Dude read the edicts your self...

    The evokers are the elite few who can fully harness the powers of the 5 flights.

    All the other dracthyr and their clans are just meant to be the ultimate soldiers. Literally it's what deathwing dictates in them.

    Their not gonna be "tainted" and evokers aren't some.god class that tower above the others...
    Dragon magic is one of the strongest magics available in WoW lore so being able to use powers from all 5 dragonflights makes that race one of the most powerful races to exist, dragons are a superior race in WoW where no race is above them, so without being an actual dragon the dracthyr are the most superior race now and yield the some of the strongest magic available.

    The dracthyr are on another level because they are part dragon, you cant beat an army of soldiers all able to wield the magic of dragons.
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  12. #232
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lilithvia View Post
    then how can blood elves and void elves be warriors/paladins? Their physiology should preclude them from that
    Uh how? The BE and VE models don’t have giant wings, a long tail, an odd shaped head, and multiple 3d elements all over it.

  13. #233
    Scarab Lord plz delete account's Avatar
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    No matter the topic, someone will find a way to redirect it to complain about their current aggro.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Uh how? The BE and VE models don’t have giant wings, a long tail, an odd shaped head, and multiple 3d elements all over it.
    they are literally paper thin and essentially have glass bones. How do you expect them to be strong enough to stand up in plate, much less swing a mace? lol

  14. #234
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lilithvia View Post
    they are literally paper thin and essentially have glass bones. How do you expect them to be strong enough to stand up in plate, much less swing a mace? lol
    Ask Blizzard. It wasn't my decision.

  15. #235
    Quote Originally Posted by kenn9530 View Post
    Dragon magic is one of the strongest magics available in WoW lore so being able to use powers from all 5 dragonflights makes that race one of the most powerful races to exist, dragons are a superior race in WoW where no race is above them, so without being an actual dragon the dracthyr are the most superior race now and yield the some of the strongest magic available.

    The dracthyr are on another level because they are part dragon, you cant beat an army of soldiers all able to wield the magic of dragons.
    Okay, aside from your made up power levels....

    Read this very carefully

    The edicts in the evoker starting zone, written by neltharion, aka deathwing, state that not all dracthyr are evokers.

    Dracthyr alone ate meant to be the supreme soldier. Each dracthyr belongs to a specific clan specializing in a form of warfare.

    The evokers are a handful of eltire dracthyr from each clan, the elite of the elite, that are able to harness the power of the 5 flights.

    2 of those clans, the obsidian wardens(alliance), and dark talons (horde) will be fighting along side mortal races.

    Since, as per deathwing, not all dracthyr are evokers, in time those evokers will learn the ways of the mortals they're aligned with.

  16. #236
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Okay, aside from your made up power levels....

    Read this very carefully

    The edicts in the evoker starting zone, written by neltharion, aka deathwing, state that not all dracthyr are evokers.

    Dracthyr alone ate meant to be the supreme soldier. Each dracthyr belongs to a specific clan specializing in a form of warfare.

    The evokers are a handful of eltire dracthyr from each clan, the elite of the elite, that are able to harness the power of the 5 flights.

    2 of those clans, the obsidian wardens(alliance), and dark talons (horde) will be fighting along side mortal races.

    Since, as per deathwing, not all dracthyr are evokers, in time those evokers will learn the ways of the mortals they're aligned with.
    Wouldn't the "elite of the elite" indicate that the Dracthyr Evokers are superior to non-Evokers?

    That's kind of what "elite" means.

  17. #237
    Moderator Aucald's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Wouldn't the "elite of the elite" indicate that the Dracthyr Evokers are superior to non-Evokers?

    That's kind of what "elite" means.
    In the context of what Neltharion wanted to achieve with the Dracthyr (e.g. creating beings that could channel all 5 forms of draconic power), yes. In the general sense, not really, no.
    "We're more of the love, blood, and rhetoric school. Well, we can do you blood and love without the rhetoric, and we can do you blood and rhetoric without the love, and we can do you all three concurrent or consecutive. But we can't give you love and rhetoric without the blood. Blood is compulsory. They're all blood, you see." ― Tom Stoppard, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

  18. #238
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Wouldn't the "elite of the elite" indicate that the Dracthyr Evokers are superior to non-Evokers?

    That's kind of what "elite" means.
    Yes from, from dracthyr culture I would assume. Its a great honor to be an evoker.

    Like how it's an honor to be a paladin of the silver hand, or a priestess of elune, or druid of cenarious.

    That doesn't mean that human and nelf warrior are worthless. Especially for the horde and alliance armies as a whole

    Plus like how someone said earlier in the thread. None evoker dracthyr would have the "underdog rising up to met his superiors in equal standing gimmick. Which is always nice.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Aucald View Post
    In the context of what Neltharion wanted to achieve with the Dracthyr (e.g. creating beings that could channel all 5 forms of draconic power), yes. In the general sense, not really, no.
    This pretty much

  19. #239
    Have they said anything about Dracthyr being able to have more transmog options in the future? Because without it, I don't know why people would want to play a race that can only alter 1-2 pieces.

  20. #240
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aucald View Post
    In the context of what Neltharion wanted to achieve with the Dracthyr (e.g. creating beings that could channel all 5 forms of draconic power), yes. In the general sense, not really, no.
    Well that's what I mean; Lorewise, any Dracthyr that isn't an Evoker is less-than, and pretty much an inferior to the Dracthyr Evoker. Obviously, that won't play out in terms of gameplay, but I can imagine plenty of players avoiding it just because of the lore.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Yes from, from dracthyr culture I would assume. Its a great honor to be an evoker.

    Like how it's an honor to be a paladin of the silver hand, or a priestess of elune, or druid of cenarious.

    That doesn't mean that human and nelf warrior are worthless. Especially for the horde and alliance armies as a whole

    Plus like how someone said earlier in the thread. None evoker dracthyr would have the "underdog rising up to met his superiors in equal standing gimmick. Which is always nice.
    It's an honor, but nowhere does it say that a Human Paladin is above a Human Warrior. Those edicts you harp on about say exactly that about the Dracthyr. It sort of makes sense when you consider that the Evoker takes advantage of the Dracthyr's physiology, while other classes don't.

    I wonder if players are willing to play as a disabled character....

    Also how would this work in terms of leveling? Is Blizzard going to create an entirely new starting experience where Dracthyr Warriors or Rogues start at level 1, while Evokers are starting at level 58? That doesn't make sense.
    Last edited by Teriz; 2022-08-13 at 08:40 PM.

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