View Poll Results: How do you feel about target cap?

133. This poll is closed
  • I like it

    13 9.77%
  • I don't like it

    89 66.92%
  • No effact on me

    31 23.31%
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  1. #1

    Two expansions with target cap, how do you feel?

    Since BFA, blz has introduced target cap to the game, how do you feel about this feature?

  2. #2
    The version that stopped moves from damaging more than 5-8 things at a time can fuck off, but the version that splits the damage between mobs above the hit limit is fine.

    AoE is still pretty buckwild even with the damage being spread out.
    confirmed by my uncle nitnendo and masahiro samurai

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by killimage View Post
    Since BFA, blz has introduced target cap to the game, how do you feel about this feature?
    Still feels bad

  4. #4
    I really think it was one of those talking points that specific people latched onto but did not really change much for the broader playerbase even after the change, not including MDI but your average KSM style puggery.

  5. #5
    If I'm spinning around at the same speed no matter how many targets I'm hitting, it should be doing the same damage to anything around me. Caps of 5/8 are bad, the diminishing returns after 8 still feels bad, but is slightly better.

  6. #6
    target capped sucks dick hardcore for real. It's not enjoyable. I like to pull how much i can do in out world to get world quest done fast i can but handhold me with target cap is pretty much retarded system that they had to add which i kinda fucked off and move on to different game.
    Last edited by trapmaster; 2022-08-13 at 09:16 PM.

  7. #7
    Old God Soon-TM's Avatar
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    Target cap feels just stupid and forced as all #$&%, much like the added GCD on many cooldowns at the beginning of BfA. If devs really think that mass AoE is to be discouraged, they could have set a WC3-like cap, where AoE does full damage when hitting =<5 (or it was 6?) enemies, and does progressively less damage the more targets it hits.

    Because the current iteration is just trash, there are still classes with uncapped AoE while others get to struggle every time it becomes necessary, while offering nothing in particular to offset that weakness.

  8. #8
    I still think, just like when they added everything to the GCD, that this was just implemented to ease their servers from so many/big calculations at a time. To save money. And not related to any gameplay reasoning at all.

    So of course I hate it.

    But well, it's not changing back so we might as well get used to it.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by javierdsv View Post
    I still think, just like when they added everything to the GCD, that this was just implemented to ease their servers from so many/big calculations at a time. To save money. And not related to any gameplay reasoning at all.

    So of course I hate it.

    But well, it's not changing back so we might as well get used to it.
    This is probably the single worst take you can have. You think they're target capping to save money on computing power? In 2022? On a game with a fucking 20 year old engine? You cannot be serious.

  10. #10
    Outlaw 4 target cap goes brrrrrt on gambit big pull


  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Owimyr View Post
    If I'm spinning around at the same speed no matter how many targets I'm hitting, it should be doing the same damage to anything around me.
    That's... not how that works.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    This is probably the single worst take you can have. You think they're target capping to save money on computing power? In 2022? On a game with a fucking 20 year old engine? You cannot be serious.
    If you think the engine is still exactly the same thing it was 20 years ago you're probably dellusional. And the correlation between saving money and 2022 you made, makes no sense. Saving money will be saving money in 2050 as well.

  13. #13
    I don't even notice it, really.

    If I'm doing something like running through an old instance, gathering up as I can manage in one spot (assuming I don't just run past it, which I often do), and then nuking it down with a circle aoe, I can do that, with pretty much every single spec that I'm even slightly familiar with at max level. I cannot off the top of my head think of a spec that can't do this, either with their base kit or a talent. But I also don't play every spec, so *shrug*

    And in actual dungeons where there's any big pulls, I don't really even bother thinking about any diminishing returns. It's still aoe. I'll drop my spear and hit Bladestorm. My DPS meter is going to surge massively for that trash pull, and I'll see a number for a few moments that's a bit higher than what I usually see. I'll think "Cool." Then I'll turn my attention to the next trash pull.

    Honestly, I forgot this had been a change that was made until this thread brought it up.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by javierdsv View Post
    If you think the engine is still exactly the same thing it was 20 years ago you're probably dellusional. And the correlation between saving money and 2022 you made, makes no sense. Saving money will be saving money in 2050 as well.
    I honestly don't know how to respond to this. I can't believe you're seriously thinking that they're target capping to save money on server processing. That's... I don't know. I think I need to log off the internet for awhile.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by javierdsv View Post
    If you think the engine is still exactly the same thing it was 20 years ago you're probably dellusional. And the correlation between saving money and 2022 you made, makes no sense. Saving money will be saving money in 2050 as well.
    They've updated and modified it to hell and back, but it's still the same WC3 engine that they've been using for nearly 30 years. Remember when they were forced to upgrade to 64 bit after bosses like Ra'den broke the limit of 32 bit and they had to workaround on Garrosh making him heal multiple times while they worked to replace it?

    There were multiple theads in BFA talking about the strain on the servers when the world boss in Vale was being fought, since player times spells plus procs plus spell effects plus everything else made the whole zone lag to a standstill.
    The most difficult thing to do is accept that there is nothing wrong with things you don't like and accept that people can like things you don't.

  16. #16
    Bloodsail Admiral Aldo Hawk's Avatar
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    I feel that target capping encourages groups to not take 15 mobs, thing that can get very tedious, I really dislike to have to deal with high amounts of enemies at the same time just because of efficiency, I prefer smaller fights with higher impact on performance.

    What I dislike in the way they did target capping in Shadowlands is that some classes didn't had target cap at the start, and these were the ones that were at the top of almost any content that made players able to pick up more than 8 mobs.

    The perfect balance in my opinion is somewhere between some capped abilities for many targets (8) with high duration (8-12 seconds) and high CD (1:30 or 2 minutes) and high in power, some capped abilities for less targets (2-4) with higher impact on main target and low CD (between 15 to 30 seconds), uncapped abilities with high impact and high or medium CD (1 or 1:30 minutes) and uncapped but split damage for each enemy hit abilities with low impact and no cooldown or very low cooldown (10 or 15 seconds).

    Shadowlands already has something like this, and I'm pretty happy to see this continue in Dragonflight, but as I said, Shadowlands did this pretty badly at the start and maybe there's classes with too much power on AoE while others not so much in the new expansion, unbalancing the game and creating frustrations for players with characters that can't do pulls of 20 mobs as efficiently.

  17. #17
    It mostly just hasn't worked to do what they hoped as far as I can tell. People still pull big, they just take the classes that aren't capped and can handle it!

  18. #18
    Bloodsail Admiral froschhure's Avatar
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    Never felt good or elevated
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  19. #19
    Please wait Temp name's Avatar
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    Either remove it from everyone, or add it to everyone. It feels fucking shit when you play with an uncapped class and they do 2-3 times your dps just because they can hit everything for full damage and you can't.

  20. #20
    Bloodsail Admiral froschhure's Avatar
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    Target cap should have become an affix for m+ and not a permanent thing
    love WoWarcraft

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