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  1. #361
    Quote Originally Posted by Yarathir View Post
    The only time a job is temporarily intimidating to me for all the buttons you get tossed at you is when I start a later expac job. Like Gunbreaker or Sage. Suddenly.. BUTTONS! Otherwise? Nah. It's strange to see people complain about the slow pace of acquiring new abilities and buttons and then also complain that you get buttons too quickly without proper explanation. Like???????????????????????

    But yes, I do think XIV is more complex and has more meaningful rotations. At least for DPS. And I like it that way. I don't think it's bloated, and as a Dragoon main, I will hiss at anyone who brings up the b-word.
    I kinda felt the same way at the start of an expansion because the newer jobs, you start off at a higher level and have all these buttons to press... trying to figure out when to press and how they go together instead of gradually adding them so you can incrementally get the idea of when they weave into your rotation.

    Quote Originally Posted by Arlette View Post
    ALMOST LIKE WoW expects all of its boosted character to be pre-existing players instead of new people
    You would think but it's fun going into a dungeon with a Shaman, asking them to Lust and getting back "wtf is that?"
    Being assertive is NOT trolling. It's alarming how many people (including moderators) still have not got that memo.

  2. #362
    Quote Originally Posted by Arlette View Post
    ALMOST LIKE WoW expects all of its boosted character to be pre-existing players instead of new people, but acknowledging that fact might break the brains of the exclusive WoW defenders like Ghost-of-Cow and his laughable ilk.
    The stupid thing about this is that I'm not even subbed to WoW and currently have been helping my wife get settled into XIV.

    But speaking of facts that might break someone's brain...

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Yarathir View Post
    My biggest issue is honestly how little opportunity I get to enjoy my level cap rotation. Otherwise, I'm fine*.

    *with the jobs I have currently played. Which isn't all of them.
    I really do wish there were a realistic way to just allow everyone their true rotation while level sync'ed. That's probably the one sole issue I have most of the time. (I know we've discussed it like eleventy times now, so hey!)

    Truly, I understand that having Holy and Assize in Sastasha probably breaks the entire game, but we're all speedrunning that place with our eyes closed anyway. Does it really matter at that point?

  3. #363
    Quote Originally Posted by Necromantic View Post
    You would think but it's fun going into a dungeon with a Shaman, asking them to Lust and getting back "wtf is that?"
    In neither games' case does a newbie Shaman using or not using lust break the dungeon and prevent you from completing it.

    Once again, as is the case with every single one of your complaints, new players are only affecting you in content that has no relevance to either games' end progression nor any kind of qualifier of player.

    If you're this pathetically transparent about your random group members in WoW, then make your own groups.

    Same as with FFXIV. Although in most cases people won't put with your dumbfuck elitist bullshit in the random duty finder.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost of Cow View Post
    The stupid thing about this is that I'm not even subbed to WoW and currently have been helping my wife get settled into XIV.

    But speaking of facts that might break someone's brain...
    Yeah that has no affect on an actual objective liar like yourself.

    Cool story though.

  4. #364
    Quote Originally Posted by Arlette View Post
    In neither games' case does a newbie Shaman using or not using lust break the dungeon and prevent you from completing it.

    Once again, as is the case with every single one of your complaints, new players are only affecting you in content that has no relevance to either games' end progression nor any kind of qualifier of player.

    If you're this pathetically transparent about your random group members in WoW, then make your own groups.

    Same as with FFXIV. Although in most cases people won't put with your dumbfuck elitist bullshit in the random duty finder.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Yeah that has no affect on an actual objective liar like yourself.

    Cool story though.
    Nobody said it would make or break the dungeon.

    What elitist stuff of mine in FFXIV?
    Being assertive is NOT trolling. It's alarming how many people (including moderators) still have not got that memo.

  5. #365
    So, I did new Praetorium last night. (Yes, extremely late to the party)

    Not only is it much shorter, but it's more fun, too. Actual boss mechanics! So job well done there, I suppose. MSQ roulette might not be quite as scary to queue for now.

  6. #366
    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost of Cow View Post
    So, I did new Praetorium last night. (Yes, extremely late to the party)

    Not only is it much shorter, but it's more fun, too. Actual boss mechanics! So job well done there, I suppose. MSQ roulette might not be quite as scary to queue for now.
    I recently returned to the game not long ago, first time playing Endwalker. I too noticed the MSQ roulette is now 4 people, queue time is much shorter because of it.

    What did you find scary before?
    Being assertive is NOT trolling. It's alarming how many people (including moderators) still have not got that memo.

  7. #367

  8. #368
    Quote Originally Posted by Necromantic View Post
    I recently returned to the game not long ago, first time playing Endwalker. I too noticed the MSQ roulette is now 4 people, queue time is much shorter because of it.

    What did you find scary before?
    Just the time investment. There were a few times that I'd queue, get Prae, and then find out that something came up because the darn place was just SO long and there's no speeding it up. So some days I'd just avoid MSQ altogether out of concern that I might not make it.

    ~45 min isn't a huge time commitment, but for something as (relatively) mundane as a roulette, it was just a prospect I avoided sometimes.

  9. #369
    I am Murloc! Maljinwo's Avatar
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    I just wish the Praetorium cutscenes weren't so long... Or so many

    I'd just leave the Gaius and maaaybe Nero's cutscenes at most
    "This world don't give us nothing. It be our lot to suffer... and our duty to fight back." -Vol'jin

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  10. #370
    I just wish you could skip them like any other. I'm fine with being put in a quiet limbo state while the sprout watches it.
    Being assertive is NOT trolling. It's alarming how many people (including moderators) still have not got that memo.

  11. #371
    I am Murloc! Maljinwo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Necromantic View Post
    I just wish you could skip them like any other. I'm fine with being put in a quiet limbo state while the sprout watches it.
    Wouldn't that be the same as just watching it? The same amount of time would be spent

    That's why I'd rather have them just reduce the cutscenes. It worked wonders for Castrum Meridianum
    "This world don't give us nothing. It be our lot to suffer... and our duty to fight back." -Vol'jin

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  12. #372
    Quote Originally Posted by Maljinwo View Post
    Wouldn't that be the same as just watching it? The same amount of time would be spent

    That's why I'd rather have them just reduce the cutscenes. It worked wonders for Castrum Meridianum
    Not exactly, hearing it over and over grows tiresome after a while. I'd prefer the soft music for a minute while I wait at this point.
    Being assertive is NOT trolling. It's alarming how many people (including moderators) still have not got that memo.

  13. #373
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yarathir View Post
    The only time a job is temporarily intimidating to me for all the buttons you get tossed at you is when I start a later expac job. Like Gunbreaker or Sage. Suddenly.. BUTTONS! Otherwise? Nah. It's strange to see people complain about the slow pace of acquiring new abilities and buttons and then also complain that you get buttons too quickly without proper explanation. Like???????????????????????

    But yes, I do think XIV is more complex and has more meaningful rotations. At least for DPS. And I like it that way. I don't think it's bloated, and as a Dragoon main, I will hiss at anyone who brings up the b-word.
    Yeah, for people that can't/won't go visit a striking dummy and spend some time looking at all of the skills listed on their spell page, etc it can be kind of overwhelming. I didn't even bother unlocking Sage, but I heard there's like a chain of quests that teach you what your buttons do?

  14. #374
    Quote Originally Posted by Grinning Serpent View Post
    Yeah, for people that can't/won't go visit a striking dummy and spend some time looking at all of the skills listed on their spell page, etc it can be kind of overwhelming. I didn't even bother unlocking Sage, but I heard there's like a chain of quests that teach you what your buttons do?
    Yeah because it's not your typical healer. You can get away with not doing DPS as any other healer but a Sage who doesn't DPS is the same as an Ice Mage.
    Being assertive is NOT trolling. It's alarming how many people (including moderators) still have not got that memo.

  15. #375
    I am Murloc! Maljinwo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grinning Serpent View Post
    Yeah, for people that can't/won't go visit a striking dummy and spend some time looking at all of the skills listed on their spell page, etc it can be kind of overwhelming. I didn't even bother unlocking Sage, but I heard there's like a chain of quests that teach you what your buttons do?
    Sage job quests usually show you how it plays by asking you to use certain spells.

    It does have a "beginners trap" though. You have a spell named Kardia that transforms a % of your damage as healing for a party member you cast it on. And I've seen several begginers thinking that doing damage is enough to top the tank and, trust me, damage is not enough healing after level 30 dungeons
    Last edited by Maljinwo; 2022-10-05 at 07:59 PM.
    "This world don't give us nothing. It be our lot to suffer... and our duty to fight back." -Vol'jin

    Elfposting is dangerous. Please consult your druid if you start making threads focusing on elves needing even more stuff

  16. #376
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost of Cow View Post
    The stupid thing about this is that I'm not even subbed to WoW and currently have been helping my wife get settled into XIV.

    But speaking of facts that might break someone's brain...

    - - - Updated - - -

    I really do wish there were a realistic way to just allow everyone their true rotation while level sync'ed. That's probably the one sole issue I have most of the time. (I know we've discussed it like eleventy times now, so hey!)

    Truly, I understand that having Holy and Assize in Sastasha probably breaks the entire game, but we're all speedrunning that place with our eyes closed anyway. Does it really matter at that point?
    Square-Enix like to pretend that people are slowly walking through the dungeons and taking in the sights and sounds. As opposed to pulling as many packs as we're allowed to between invisible walls, AOEing them down, and trying to grind through it as quickly as possible so we can start the next one.

  17. #377
    Quote Originally Posted by Grinning Serpent View Post
    Yeah, for people that can't/won't go visit a striking dummy and spend some time looking at all of the skills listed on their spell page, etc it can be kind of overwhelming. I didn't even bother unlocking Sage, but I heard there's like a chain of quests that teach you what your buttons do?
    A bit. It might even be sufficient for someone who's used to healing in XIV. I hadn't healed in any MMO for over 10 years so it was a little daunting at first to have all these abilities thrown on your bars. Now I more or less get it, though. It's just the prospect itself of an ability dump all at once that makes you go "WHOA NOW."

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Maljinwo View Post
    Sage job quests usually show you how it plays by asking you to use certain spells.

    It does have a "beginners trap" though. You have a spell named Kardia that transforms a % of your damage as healing for a party member you cast it on. And I've seen several begginers thinking that doing damage is enough to top the tank and, trust me, damage is not enough healing after level 30 dungeons
    It's not that bad, tbh. Kardion does do a lot of heavy lifting in boss fights. Not in big w2w trash pulls, though; try that and you're done for. During (dungeon) boss fights I mostly use Eukrasian Diagnosis and maybe a Taurochole sometimes and most of the time it's good enough to keep a tank up, if not around 80-100%. For big trash pulls you'll want to switch between different oGCD combinations. Zoe+EDiag + Physis, for example.

  18. #378
    Quote Originally Posted by Necromantic View Post
    While I get Grinning Serpent's point and it really does suck when you're putting forth your best and it seems everyone around you is doing things half-ass. It's frustrating and makes you feel like there is no incentive for you to do YOUR best if you're rewarded the same as the guy doing things half-ass. This is how some union workers feel when they work their butt off but Joe Blow whos on his phone half the day or going to the bathroom excessively gets the same pay and raise he does.
    There's a sizeable difference between 'I'm a little annoyed because I'm doing my job and the others aren't pulling their weight' and 'REEEE, YOU AREN'T DOING OPTIMAL DAMAGE, REEEEE!'. The Twisted Serpent is firmly in the latter category, considering how many times they brought up 'Download Act and tell me how 'good' others are doing their jobs'. And since outside of Savage/Extreme/Ultimate enrage mechancis are almost non-existent, it doesn't matter if it dies half a minute sooner or later than it 'should'.

    And to continue using your Union workers comparison, also think of it this way. Joe Blow there probably won't EVER amount to anything more then just a cashier and, hell, might even be fine with it. You putting in your best, though, is likely to get you promoted and moved to other areas to get ahead, which to go back into 14 means you getting into a Savage/Extreme/Ultimate group.

    Quote Originally Posted by Maljinwo View Post
    I just wish the Praetorium cutscenes weren't so long... Or so many

    I'd just leave the Gaius and maaaybe Nero's cutscenes at most
    To be fair, they DID cutdown on the cutscenes in Praetorium. And Cut the actual dungeon in half. It still suffers from what it has mostly because this is STILL trying to be the capoff point in the story for ARR. That's why they're mandatory and why, after this point in the game, FFVIX never did cutscenes in a dungeon ever again to this extent and waited until you were out of the dungeon.

    Quote Originally Posted by Yarathir View Post
    A bit. It might even be sufficient for someone who's used to healing in XIV. I hadn't healed in any MMO for over 10 years so it was a little daunting at first to have all these abilities thrown on your bars. Now I more or less get it, though. It's just the prospect itself of an ability dump all at once that makes you go "WHOA NOW."

    - - - Updated - - -

    It's not that bad, tbh. Kardion does do a lot of heavy lifting in boss fights. Not in big w2w trash pulls, though; try that and you're done for. During (dungeon) boss fights I mostly use Eukrasian Diagnosis and maybe a Taurochole sometimes and most of the time it's good enough to keep a tank up, if not around 80-100%. For big trash pulls you'll want to switch between different oGCD combinations. Zoe+EDiag + Physis, for example.
    I'll be honest, I'm a little surprised you jumped into FFXIV healing right off the bat. Healing is always been one of the more stressful jobs in ANY MMO because if you're not capable of doing it right, the entire group suffers. Some people don't do well with that level of responsibility. Kudos for being able to handle Sage right smack dab in the deep end.

  19. #379
    Quote Originally Posted by MsSideEye View Post
    I'll be honest, I'm a little surprised you jumped into FFXIV healing right off the bat. Healing is always been one of the more stressful jobs in ANY MMO because if you're not capable of doing it right, the entire group suffers. Some people don't do well with that level of responsibility. Kudos for being able to handle Sage right smack dab in the deep end.
    I mean, I main Dragoon, so it's not the thing I jumped into right away. I did, however, not touch any other healing job, and the last time I healed was Wrath of the Lich King. ICC10 as a Resto Druid.

    Childish as it sounds, I just liked the Sage job aesthetic. Very enticing. So I just went for it. I don't do any serious stuff on it, though, so the worst I've dealt with is dungeon w2w pulls or solo healing a trial whenever another healer died or something. Curious to get into more serious stuff, but I also have to do so first in general, and if I do it, I'll do that on my Dragoon first.

  20. #380
    Quote Originally Posted by MsSideEye View Post
    How… DARE you. These aren’t cashiers. These are lawn rakers. Way to be judgmental…
    Being assertive is NOT trolling. It's alarming how many people (including moderators) still have not got that memo.

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