I feel like looking at any game's twitter or reddit is a good way to get soured. They are their own ecosystem a lot of the time where people state stuff with the utmost confidence that is hardly reflective of the entire thing. "Everyone does x, so you should, too!" (turns out most people don't do that thing, just their other social media buddies or at most their server.)
I do agree 100%.
This game's subreddit and official forums are like two peas in a pod. I can't even stand going there myself, so I refrain most of the time. I get tired of seeing sprouts or returning players seeking advice and getting berated/downvoted while the guy doing the berating is upvoted. It's one of those "This should not be this way..." but it is. Why even make a "Daily questions" thread and let people act like that? You know the mods see it.
Being assertive is NOT trolling. It's alarming how many people (including moderators) still have not got that memo.
I'm in the camp that if you think the 'anime' aesthetic to be bad and use it as an insult, it's probably good you weren't in the game in the first place. Not saying you are, just if that's the complaint from these new players.
Also, honestly, by the sounds of your posts, you were in a server like Bulmung or something like that. Which, honestly? Would be like having your main character on Moon Guard in WoW. Every once in a while you'll swing past Goldshire and reminded 'Oh yeah... sexualization of your character is a thing'.
I will say that some people just like having their characters be sexy. But there are an equal amount of people I've seen in the game that will play through game in pig costumes, full plate armor, looking like Raiden from MGS, and more. I could also say the same thing for WoW, in terms of people being wild with their looks, that people will do what they like.
Honestly, even online, I've not had anywhere near as much issue on Twitter/Reddit when it comes to FF14 as compared to my old experiences in WoW, though that said, even WoW Reddit is pretty chill outside of the few bad eggs. Which is the same thing I feel like you can say about ANY community, really. Yeah, there are going to be those bad seeds around no matter what you do that are going to cause issues, but that doesn't mean the entire group is like that.
I would kick someone. I've done so in the past and would do so again but however, I don't do it without trying to solve the issue at first.
Obviously, leaflets gets a pass because they're obviously new so I'll try to extend my hand and help out. Same thing with someone who might seem to struggle. If I get told off, if the player is responsive or just simply doesn't care, I'll kick without hesitation. I don't have enough time in a day to do everything I want to do, less so for people with a complete disregard for other peoples' time.
Being assertive is NOT trolling. It's alarming how many people (including moderators) still have not got that memo.
The FFXIV "mainsub" is an absolute Dumpster fire and the mods gave up on actually moderating it some years back. I guess they figured it was better to have an extremely active sub flooded by the same stupid memes and "game character with much bigger/more prominent tits/ass than normal and you could totally click on my name to see a link to my twitter/patreon/onlyfans/gimme money winkwink" spam than to try and corral it to its own sub-subreddit. They're also exceptionally aggressive at enforcing what I'd describe as... I dunno, "forced happiness"? Negativity tends to get reported quickly and the mods tend to look for reasons in their subreddit rules to remove it.
It's *very* cult-like and pretty off-putting, and I would never in a million years recommend new players visit that place for any reason. But thankfully, it's really not representative of the actual in-game experience. I left during/just after the extended COVID delay where there were multiple highly upvoted threads to the tune of "guys, Yoshi-P cried on camera because he was sad he failed to deliver this product we're giving him money for on time, please go buy stuff in the online store to support this wonderful amazing developer!" That was just too fucking nutty for me to want to try and justify staying.
In-game, people are just people. I do think XIV tends towards passive-aggressivism way more than any other multiplayer game I've played, though. Some people really just need their face slapped a few times.
- - - Updated - - -
XIV is incredibly anime. But it's a JRPG, it should be expected. Complaining about a JRPG being, like, totally fucking weeb-y bro is just a case of being too dumb to know what you're getting into. I don't think there's ever been a JRPG that wasn't anime at least some of the time.
I hope you like your female characters in microskirts and gravity-defying tube tops, because you're going to find a lot of that there. I'm sure it plays into the over-sexualization of characters in that game. I play on Crystal, trust me that it is not limited to just Balmung or even just Crystal. Visit Aether or Primal and you'll find the piles of "probably using mods to be naked/posing naked" characters in Limsa and Gridania there too.
This is...an incredibly weird tangent to spend so much time on. Especially combined with this:
Why do you care SO much what other people do with their bodies or the bodies of characters that aren't yours? It's weird. Like, really weird dude. And once again:
You sure seem hung up on what people who aren't you are doing with their game. And this time it's not even this thinly veiled bullshit of, "PEOPLE IN THE RANDOM DUTY FINDER AREN'T PARSING AS HIGH AS I WANT!" it's people just glamouring stuff in a way you don't like or you randomly assuming they're using mods that you aren't using and thus can't see.
Every single one of your biggest complaints you harp on over and over and over and over are always about what people who aren't affecting you in the slightest are doing. You seem deliberately trying to just make the community seem as bad as possible for reasons I cannot discern. Despite trying to just drag it through the mud because everyone knows [Other Game]'s community is publicly known to be terrible. If there's another reason, feel free to enlighten me why you keep exaggerating and flatout lying.
Speaking of:
"Buy stuff on the store to support them" just flagrant lie aside, what is your preferred alternative way for him to break the news? It's really, really fucking weird that you seem to try and portray the developer who clearly cares about this game as something that has consumed a decade of his life having to delay something people were so excited for and being emotional about it as a negative thing.
Oh my god why is it every time somebody brings up this absolutely ridiculous complaint its just that they can't scream slurs or be rude to people without being punished. Every. Single. Time. Such as:
At least this time you're just being honest and admitting you want to be mean to people and not get punished for it.
Last edited by Arlette; 2022-10-14 at 02:56 AM.
True, to be honest. What are you in a rush to do? Why must you really leave that dungeon 5 minutes earlier or it's a bust? Are your friends waiting for you to prog savage? An Ultimate? If so, you're kind of doing a horrible job at managing your time if it comes down to the wire like that.
Otherwise, there's nothing that could demand your time. Not crafting, not beast tribes, not sidequests. Maybe Gold Saucer minigames? Maybe Sightseeing Logs? Please don't tell me you rush-rush-rush through a duty finder dungeon just to zone back into Limsa and AFK there....
Agreed. I understand that some people only have "so much" time to do things but if you're playing for a few minutes before work or during your lunch break, maybe do something else when you're pressed for time. Not everyone in the group is going to have your same sense of emergency.
When I play for a little before work, I'll do gold saucer, fates, etc.
Xalkyrie is correct as well. This is a very casual game for the most part. There is some "hardcore" aspects to it, but random dungeon finder is not one of those.
And yes, I can see someone trying to "hurry hurry!" only to go back to AFKing in town. lol
Being assertive is NOT trolling. It's alarming how many people (including moderators) still have not got that memo.
Yes, because someone who might have 1 to 2 hours a day to play, sometimes less, shouldn't try to maximize his time. Xalkyrie said so.
Imagine gatekeeping Final Fantasy XIV. Man, I have no idea how someone could even come up with something like this.
Did it ever occur to you that someone might have limited time to play or are you that short-sighted ?
Someone I know just has a toddler, moved into a new house recently and got a new job, all of which limits his playtime. Why do you think should people have the right to waste his time on the small occasions he gets to play ?
Because a game is casual doesn't mean people are entitled to waste my or anybody's time.
Last edited by Dwill; 2022-10-14 at 10:47 PM.