Originally Posted by
Spoken like someone who doesn't know a damn thing about coding, much less code that was done over a decade ago, it's originally creators gone, and hasn't been touched for fear of bricking the entire damn system.
Codding isn't something you can just throw a whole bunch of people at and have it magically fix itself. It takes time, effort, and a LOT of testing to make sure you don't break everything. Add that to the lack of people who know that and live in Japan/speak Japanese, and something like that takes even LONGER.
Also keep in mind these same devs went and told us that they didn't know of Flying in ARR would ever work, at least not something they could promise up front, and then they went and did their best to develop it in their own spare time OFF THE CLOCK.
I get you're making a (bad) joke here, but as someone whose actually worked in the industry, give credit where it's freaking due.