...what are you even talking about at this point? What do any of these links have anything to do with...anything?
You are clearly just looking for some ridiculous bullshit angle to try and hate on the game in a different way. Your entire account is dedicated to saying the most ridiculously, flat-on-its-face, laughable lies that fall apart if you look into them even slightly or are remotely knowledgeable about the subject you pretend to know what you're talking about.
- - - Updated - - -
"I want to just lie about something I have a unhealthily parasocial hate relationship with without being called out on my lies, gosh!"
Last edited by Arlette; 2024-06-28 at 01:38 AM.
I genuinely cannot follow the train of thought, even using his own logic.
Is the argument that Square Enix takes out ads for shitty mobile Chinese cashgrab games using their IPs? Because I'm pretty sure literally nobody thinks they're good and Square gets roasted for their predatory mobile games all the time.
This is also completely unrelated to FF14 lol so...¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Or is the great damning accusation that a video game company bought ads on a website? Because I'm SO SURE we're going to see him saying this same thing when TWW is coming out and Reddit is advertising that too lol
Genuinely, @Fasruhdah, what the fuck are you even talking about.
Last edited by Arlette; 2024-06-28 at 02:24 AM.
My big criticism is that the 12 and zero storylines should have been switched. I know... i know, theyre setting up something for an expansion or three down the line, but where the first was dour, miserable, repetitive and tedious; the latter was a burst of genuine bittersweet joy/sorrow.
I finally resubbed (a year after 6.5 dropped) and ran through it. Jesus, the worst egregious excesses of the post ARR questline was on full display. You literally do nothing but listen to endless speeches on working together as a team and opening your heart and trusting others (it genuinely reminded me of that quest where you had to run around recruiting for the crystal braves). And then you teleport from aethernet to aethernet to listen to it again and again. I know they wanted some kind of lap of honor or something, (do you remember the first??!?! - well, yes, you sent me there midway through endwalker, i dont think i had time to miss them quite as much as you perhaps assume i should).
6.55 was a bit of a welcome relief. It wasnt amazing, but at least it had a lighter touch.
And now dawntrail dropped and ive basically finished the intro quest revealing the claimants:
Im so happy playing this game again. Thank god the tone shifted. Im super enjoying the oblivious underdog storyline despite all the red flags they're dropping. It just feels so much more optimistic... but also really draws attention to that decision... why wasnt the zeromus/zero storyline the alliance raid? It seems so much more fitting. Whilst the 12 storyline would have been such an amazing pallet cleanser after 6.0. Maybe they thought it was too whimsical? But honestly, and i know this is just a taste issue, id have loved a deeper dive into the 12 than we got? And everything in the zero storyline could have easily been told in an alliance raid quest (if we skipped the sister storyline since its sort of filler, no?)
That being said, i know it kinda lacks a narrative urgency that sells patches to the undecided. But i think theres a genuine story there about faith and tempering that was kinda overlooked.
Not complaining by the way, i love the start of dawntrail, but 6.5 really peeved me (i did it last week). Im nevertheless incredibly grateful for the tonal shift, even if (as per tradition) we're due a tesleen.
Sorry, im back with all my drunk emotional shizzposting![]()
Last edited by ippollite; 2024-06-28 at 02:06 PM.
Everything purchased in WoW is applied to every single character ever made for the lifetime of the account. Short of getting your account banned or closed, you can never lose any of it.
Virtually all purchases in XIV's store are character-specific and in the case of housing furnishings, can be permanently destroyed if your house is demolished and you don't return to the game in time to pick up your things from the storage facility NPC.
WoW also slowly drip-feeds older cash shop merch (usually outfits but sometimes mounts and pets) via their monthly token gimmick and allows players to purchase seasonal items including outfits, weapons, etc with seasonal event currency no matter how old the content is. XIV, meanwhile, requires cash payment for players to obtain seasonal event items they missed.
They are both fucking awful, but in different ways. People should stop fucking buying unnecessary shit from them, regardless. They should develop some goddamned self-control.
In FFXIV a Phial of Fantasia costs $10, while in WoW you can fully customize your appearance at any barbershop for free, including changing gender.
Most of the FFXIV store mounts range from $24 to $47 with some of the oldest discounted to $12. WoW's shop mounts are almost all $25 (one, which comes with a hitching post toy, is $30), going on sale for $12.50 fairly regularly.
FFXIV puts old cosmetics from holidays on the cash shop. In WoW they can still be obtained in-game.
FFXIV has a ton of cosmetic armor sets, minions, emotes, housing items, dyes, etc. that cost between $5 and $20. WoW has several pets and a few transmog sets that cost between $5 and $15.
FFXIV shop items apply to a single character, while WoW's are account-wide.
This is a big one, IMO: The FFXIV retainer service, which is the only means to meaningfully expand your inventory, cost $2 a month for each retainer hired. (The inventory system in general is extremely lacking, with you having to divide your stuff between the armoire, dresser, chocobo saddle bag, fc chest, and hired retainers.)
WoW on the other hand has five bag slots with new larger bags each expansion, seven bag slots in your bank, a reagents tab, sizeable guild storage, collections system so you don't even need to store any of your cosmetics, and is getting the account-wide warband storage systems in TWW. All at no extra cost.
Boosts are similarly priced.
Perhaps most importantly, WoW Token technically allows you to convert gold into b.net balance so anything on the WoW cash shop, including expansions and services, or the subscription to the game itself, can technically be earned with in-game gold.
Anyway, point is, pretending that FFXIV is somehow less predatory in its cash shop is ridiculous. They have more stuff, which is generally more expensive, and more directly impactful to gameplay.
In both cases you can also pretty well ignore them, though for me the Retainer service and Phials of Fantasia are pretty glaring things to keep locked behind cash purchases.
Let's go through each of these things in order and find out how right this is when someone knows and is being fair here, mkay?
It took World of Warcraft several YEARS after the introduction of the Barbershop to get to that point where you can effectively redo your character to the level you can now. Even a year or two back would have had it so you couldn't do things like redo your skin colors or the like without paying for a race change. WoW wins this one, but only by the virtue of constantly updating here.
XIV's mounts also go on sale on occasion. And a number of them that are store mounts are either unique models, former bosses turned into mounts, or have some other special function (Like being a multi seater). This is a drastic different from having 'Another horse, but seehtrough' or 'Dragon that should have been available in game as a mount, but we wanted money'.Most of the FFXIV store mounts range from $24 to $47 with some of the oldest discounted to $12. WoW's shop mounts are almost all $25 (one, which comes with a hitching post toy, is $30), going on sale for $12.50 fairly regularly.
About equal here, but I'm willing to give XIV the win here thanks to their mounts being more than just slapping a new coat of paint on an old horse.
XIV also changes it's holidays' EVERY time, making it so that there's a new and fresh experience for players every year. This is ontop of the old stuff being put in usually at a cheaper price compared to similar items in the store, and they almost always go on sale during their respective holidays. Vs WoW which just keeps adding more and more and more items in limited time events that have made them so bloated with stuff you have to play excessively if you're starting from scratch.FFXIV puts old cosmetics from holidays on the cash shop. In WoW they can still be obtained in-game.
XIV get's the point in for being originality and ease of availability.
Anything that hits the store in terms of minions/emotes/etc tends to be things that wouldn't fit the game in a normal circumstance. Good example would be that super hero pose, something that doesn't normally fit into the normal setting of XIV. There are a few armor sets that are fairly rare old, but otherwise most of the armor items are NPC only armors sold to players.FFXIV has a ton of cosmetic armor sets, minions, emotes, housing items, dyes, etc. that cost between $5 and $20. WoW has several pets and a few transmog sets that cost between $5 and $15.
Wow wins this point more from the lower pricing here than anything else.
Not entirely true. FFXIV is designed to really only NEED one character. While players can (And some flat out will) make alts, you're otherwise in a game where the concept is something that's not needed. You can legit do EVERYTHING on a single character, so account wide things are rarer. Not only that, it's also a design thing, as many of the single character items? Were originally designed from special events or holidays and the like.FFXIV shop items apply to a single character, while WoW's are account-wide.
Not really a win/lose here, since it's a structure thing, since XIV is designed with one character in mind, while WoW is designed with SEVERAL.
Everything you pointed out for WoW requires in game gold to open, unlock, and upgrade each and every time there's an update to the bags. While the gold can be fairly easily gotten, it's still something you'll often have to run into. And unless you're a packrat of the worst kind, the space you get in XIV is more then sizeable enough. to get what you want in the set number of spaces.This is a big one, IMO: The FFXIV retainer service, which is the only means to meaningfully expand your inventory, cost $2 a month for each retainer hired. (The inventory system in general is extremely lacking, with you having to divide your stuff between the armoire, dresser, chocobo saddle bag, fc chest, and hired retainers.)
WoW on the other hand has five bag slots with new larger bags each expansion, seven bag slots in your bank, a reagents tab, sizeable guild storage, collections system so you don't even need to store any of your cosmetics, and is getting the account-wide warband storage systems in TWW. All at no extra cost.
The only real win WoW has here comes from the Collection systems for Transmog and the fact that it's UI is a little cleaner. Otherwise, it's about equal here.
Lol to the boosts for a story based game.Boosts are similarly priced.
The WoW token is the worst pile of shit that was ever added into the game and it alone inflated Gold rates there to insane levels. And the entire reason it was done was because they wanted a piece of that Real Money Trasnaction pie that was going on and couldn't stop. To say anything good about that crap outside of getting the occasional free month of game time is ludicrous.Perhaps most importantly, WoW Token technically allows you to convert gold into b.net balance so anything on the WoW cash shop, including expansions and services, or the subscription to the game itself, can technically be earned with in-game gold.
Looking over what I've done? They're about the same, being better in some areas and worse than others. The main selling point for me, though, comes from the fact that in the end there's little to know FOMO for the XIV side of things. When something leaves their game? You know it will EVENTUALLY be put on the store, and usually at a lower price than their 'let's sell this mount' prices. When something leaves WoW? Nine times out of Ten it's gone for good.Anyway, point is, pretending that FFXIV is somehow less predatory in its cash shop is ridiculous. They have more stuff, which is generally more expensive, and more directly impactful to gameplay.
It's hard to compare Fantasia to something in WoW apples-to-apples.
Yeah, WoW lets you change hair and stuff at a barber, but so does XIV. WoW lets you gender change at a barber, and XIV requires a Fantasia, but Fantasia lets you race change as well. WoW wants $25 for a race change.
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D
Motherboard: X570 AORUS PRO
Cooler: Corsair H150i Elite LCD XT 360mm AIO
RAM: 32 GB Corsair Vengeance Pro RGB DDR4 @ 3600 MHZ
GPU: Powercolor Hellhound Radeon RX 7900 XTX
After finishing Dawntrail storyline, my main gripe still continues to be the cutscenes, specifically the ones where you do battle. Once again we're left out, standing there doing nothing while the other characters do the heavy lifting, technical limitation or not it really breaks immersion specifically when you're always talked up like this big force to be reckoned with but when it comes down to it in cutscenes, the words don't line up lol.
You could say doing the Trials are where you prove your mettle, but in a game where cut-scenes tell the story and immerse you, the cutscenes should be the main way of showing why the WoL is a powerful entity.
Last edited by NatePsy; 2024-07-03 at 06:27 AM.
The new graphics update is nice and really brings up the whole game.
The new dungeons and trials are great.
I gave up on the story, I still basically know what's happening by the forced dialogue between quests.
The game continues to have atrocious pacing and way, way too many cut scenes that are verbose, too slow, and unnaturally paced.
It's a good game that continues to have a few glaring, head scratching bad spots preventing it from being great.
Though I'll admit there is one less with the graphics update.
Last edited by Mojo03; 2024-07-03 at 07:00 AM.
Genuinely is there a bug where voice acting is just not showing up or did SE just completely slash the budget for this because it's kind of ridiculous at this point.
ESPECIALLY when they decide to play the full lyrical version of the expansion theme over a scene that isn't even being fucking voice acted. It's so jarring and off putting. I'm reading a scene that should be voice acted and would have been in other expansions, and just isn't. And then suddenly bam the full ass lyrical theme is screaming in my face.
The scene where everybody you've met so far is building/reinforcing the train is the one where it feels the most absent and kind of ruins that entire moment by the lack of it, imo. ESPECIALLY when they play the full lyrical theme during it too. It's so incredibly odd.
I think the problem is that if they had the WoL participate in battle in the cutscenes they'd have to do custom animations for every single job since they all use different weapons. They'd probably also have to do different animations for the enemy we're fighting as well since a fight between a melee or caster or ranged phys would play out differently.
It's why in the Zenos cutscene they had us punching him which felt weird for people who play a caster/healer/ranged phys. It also felt a little weird for melee and tanks as well other than Monk.
The only way they can really resolve this is to have more gameplay in the MSQ.
There is a bug with some VA from what I heard with audio enhancements turned on but I don't think that is the whole story because I play MSQ on PS5 on my couch and it still has far less VA than ShB and EW did so it can't just be that pc bug, unless the bug is also present in the console version. I haven't even touched the PC version and won't until the raids come out, so if it's a bug it can't just be the windows audio enhancement shit.
Deffo a bug, I've had no issue at all with VA and there's as much as EW for me.