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  1. #1581

    Dawntrail is a Significant Disappointment

    I'll keep it relatively brief:

    Dawntrail is boring and it follows the same 'safe' conventions of every FF expansion year-to-date. Additionally, the graphics update is wholly unimpressive and is mainly present for weather effects. Fingers and toes still look awful and blocky. Several hairstyles still look very two-dimensional.

    The list goes on.. this expansion is already worse than Endwalker and the central character, Wuk Lamat, is worse than Lyse.


  2. #1582
    Sir, this is the WoW hating forum.

  3. #1583
    High Overlord Staccato's Avatar
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    my thoughts are that you're wrong. Its ok that it has it's formula. For me, the graphics look good. I lowered the resolution down to 99 and it sharpened the game for me a lot.

    you know there's a specific lot of people who complained about both wuk and lyse. I just wanna say that I can't stand ya'll. if wuk was a guy, you would say wuk was your himbo hero. I just think ya'll dont like to see the perspective of women, nor the idea that we are exploring a culture that has its own rules to play by. your complaints look like every other complaint from every other expansion: pale and flimsy with no real substance despite you saying "the list goes on."

  4. #1584
    Certainly warrants a third thread. Definitely an honest actor here.

    Surely there isn't a thread about Dawntrail specifically and one another criticisms of FF14.

    Definitely a thread that is needed.

  5. #1585
    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post
    Deffo a bug, I've had no issue at all with VA and there's as much as EW for me.
    Did you finish the MSQ? Did you get to the big scene before the level 87 dungeon? The one here:

    Quote Originally Posted by Arlette View Post
    The scene where everybody you've met so far is building/reinforcing the train is the one where it feels the most absent and kind of ruins that entire moment by the lack of it, imo. ESPECIALLY when they play the full lyrical theme during it too. It's so incredibly odd.
    If so was it voice acted? Because that's one scene that I was absolutely sure would be since it uses the full lyrical song of the expansion theme. And it just wasn't for me.

  6. #1586
    Quote Originally Posted by mario710 View Post
    I'll keep it relatively brief:

    Dawntrail is boring and it follows the same 'safe' conventions of every FF expansion year-to-date. Additionally, the graphics update is wholly unimpressive and is mainly present for weather effects. Fingers and toes still look awful and blocky. Several hairstyles still look very two-dimensional.

    The list goes on.. this expansion is already worse than Endwalker and the central character, Wuk Lamat, is worse than Lyse.

    "The list goes on" is a pretty useless statement. They never promisee to unblockify hands and feet either. Did you expect them not to play it safe? What gave you the impression that Dawntrail wouldn't be safe?

  7. #1587
    "Wuk Lamat is just Lyse" is such an absolutely lazy (and also untrue) statement said by somebody who either can't articulate their actual criticisms of Wuk Lamat (Which I think there -are- some valid ones) or just are dishonest actors looking to spread shit around just to be toxic.

  8. #1588
    Wuk Lamat is definitely not Lyse because I actually kinda like Lyse.

    I'm sure the story will pick up later, this is just the start of new worldbuilding and all. I'm not gonna lie and say it's thrilling and enthralling right now, but I'm sure it improves.

  9. #1589
    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost of Cow View Post
    Wuk Lamat is definitely not Lyse because I actually kinda like Lyse.

    I'm sure the story will pick up later, this is just the start of new worldbuilding and all. I'm not gonna lie and say it's thrilling and enthralling right now, but I'm sure it improves.
    You're not going to like every character, obviously, but you have to admit that it's a lazy criticism to compare the two, when they're really not that similar besides a kind of bubbly optimism. Like, that's not media literacy, that's just laziness. Would be like calling Thancred and Estinien the same just because they're both awkward and broody.

  10. #1590
    Quote Originally Posted by mario710 View Post
    I'll keep it relatively brief:

    Dawntrail is boring and it follows the same 'safe' conventions of every FF expansion year-to-date. Additionally, the graphics update is wholly unimpressive and is mainly present for weather effects. Fingers and toes still look awful and blocky. Several hairstyles still look very two-dimensional.

    The list goes on.. this expansion is already worse than Endwalker and the central character, Wuk Lamat, is worse than Lyse.

    Maybe some players like consistency?

    Also, if you think the graphical update did nothing, you really should go to DT zones.

    Or check out The Vault, Syrcus Tower, Aetherochemical Research Facility, or hell, most zones.

  11. #1591
    1+ Year Old Account
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yarathir View Post
    Maybe some players like consistency?

    Also, if you think the graphical update did nothing, you really should go to DT zones.

    Or check out The Vault, Syrcus Tower, Aetherochemical Research Facility, or hell, most zones.
    Sastasha got a pretty dramatic facelift.

    Consistency is good but XIV is definitely playing things far too safe. There's a lot of really outdated designs that are still in the game for no real reason - tribe quests being daily instead of weekly, the shitty coffer system for savage, etc.

    Those things all ought to change but likely never will because there's not enough outcry.

  12. #1592
    Quote Originally Posted by Arlette View Post
    "Wuk Lamat is just Lyse" is such an absolutely lazy (and also untrue) statement said by somebody who either can't articulate their actual criticisms of Wuk Lamat (Which I think there -are- some valid ones) or just are dishonest actors looking to spread shit around just to be toxic.
    I absolutely agree with you, I went into ffxiv not liking WL very much at all but seeing her growth and how she understands her people/brothers better made her quite likable tbh.
    Last edited by Kiria; 2024-07-04 at 08:30 AM.

  13. #1593
    While it was a little too fast for me (Which is just true of the entire 90-95 story), I really loved the revelations around Bakool Ja Ja. I was certain he was going to get the "Redemption by sacrifice" storyline during the 95 MSQ but I'm very happy he did not. The revelations don't absolve them of their sins, which the story repeatedly brings up (Despite some people I've seen saying they're just redeemed now --- they're not), but I really liked the idea of generational trauma and redemption being played out through them.

    Bakool Ja Ja isn't completely redeemed. Not at all. Wuk Lamat says, I think at least twice if not more, this fact, but there's more important things to address than his early on transgressions and they then spends the rest of the MSQ supporting her & her agenda. The moment where they inspire the people post-Alexandria's attack was great. And I think outside of this whole plot being a bit rushed, his role in it is pretty great.

    Overall I think I slightly forgot that WoW isn't FF14 because I had the near entirety of DF between EW and DT and kind of forgot what it was like to have even the minor villains have an arc instead of just being arbitrarily evil for the luls, like Fyrakk was.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Yet another critical MSQ storyline quest scene that just...isn't voice acted. This time at level 97.

    Sphene's entire plotline, the story of the soul/memory devices, and exactly wtf she's even doing...

    How the everloving fuck is this scene not voice acted? This is completely unacceptable at this point.
    Last edited by Arlette; 2024-07-04 at 08:11 AM.

  14. #1594
    Quote Originally Posted by Grinning Serpent View Post
    Sastasha got a pretty dramatic facelift.

    Consistency is good but XIV is definitely playing things far too safe. There's a lot of really outdated designs that are still in the game for no real reason - tribe quests being daily instead of weekly, the shitty coffer system for savage, etc.

    Those things all ought to change but likely never will because there's not enough outcry.
    I don't agree that it plays things too safe in terms of content rollout. I am, however, on team polish stuff up and improve what's there. But that's more on the UI and UX side, as well as side features like glamour. It seems we're mostly in agreement, though. Like, what you're asking for is more so technical than, "HEY. LET'S OVERHAUL THE ENTIRE GAME EVERY 2 YEARS FOR NO REASON OR ADD A BUNCH OF NEW FEATURES THAT WE'LL NEVER USE AGAIN." (I know XIV has a bit of that re: FC airships and squadrons, but I'd argue it's minimal.) So I'd say we're mostly on the same page there. I'd like to see more inventory slots, a more intuitive UI, WoW's appearance tab system for glamours rather than the glamour dresser, instanced housing as well as just adding a z axis to housing placement so people can forgo glitching and plugins, and so on.

    As for the graphical update... I'm currently waiting with bated breath to see what YoshiP or anyone over at CSU3 has to say on it. His previous remark was that the zones would be finished by 7.0 release, and I do agree that most every zone got at least partial love, but some just got it more than others. The ones in the post you quoted are really good examples of like thorough polishing. But there's also areas that didn't get a full overhaul. For example: why is the Crystal Tower in the Crystarium not using that cool crystalline shader, but the inside of Syrcus Tower is? Also, most of the Endwalker zones don't seem to have been looked at much either. Stuff was absolutely done. I see some higher res textures in, say, Elpis, and of course the foliage has improved, but then I look to Garlemald, and it looks mostly untouched. I really expected them to employ some good new snow and ice shaders, where the snow gleams in the light and the ice beneath that is exposed has subsurface scattering like the Aetheryte crystals. The same applies to Snowcloak.

    Again, I hope they keep touching zones up as well, because if all zones in the game got the full treatment, you'd really be able to see that. Plus they are already planning to update gear and NPCs as well, so putting everything together would make the game look like it's brand new.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Kiria View Post
    I absolutely agree with you, I went into ffxiv not liking WL very much at all but seeing her growth and how she understands her people/brothers better made her quite likable tbh.
    I think I unironically memed myself into low expectations. 6.55 made me absolutely not like Wuk Lamat. Partially, that had to do with the voice being inconsistent and jarring. I dunno if that actually changed, or if I just... internalized it, but Wuk Lamat hasn't bothered me for like.. I'd argue, 95% of the MSQ? Whereas I expected to be groaning throughout at least half of it. Same for Erenville, whose voice annoyed me probably even more than Wuk Lamat's. As a character, I wouldn't say she's at the top of my list, but she's definitely in a respectable "she's aight," spot.

    A far cry from the, "Oh god I'm gonna hate it whenever she's on-screen," consternation I felt pre-Dawntrail.

  15. #1595
    I genuinely don't understand people who need emotional relief after reading or playing content like shadowbringers or endwalker.

    Like, what? How are you so emotionally invested that it's affecting you to the degree that you need to intentionally introduce levity.

    As a result of people like this..we end up with expansions like dawntrail...*because you need relief* honestly...2 years and counting for this shit show to get back to normal good expansions I guess
    Dragonflight Summary, "Because friendship is magic"

  16. #1596
    Quote Originally Posted by prwraith View Post
    I genuinely don't understand people who need emotional relief after reading or playing content like shadowbringers or endwalker.

    Like, what? How are you so emotionally invested that it's affecting you to the degree that you need to intentionally introduce levity.

    As a result of people like this..we end up with expansions like dawntrail...*because you need relief* honestly...2 years and counting for this shit show to get back to normal good expansions I guess
    It has nothing to do with emotions and everything to do with burnout and there being nothing left in the tank to pull some high stakes xpac story out of their ass. There is supposed to be some universe threatening force in the far west they just pull out of their ass with 0 buildup to give you another EW story? How in the world do you think that is good story telling? It's hard to take you serious if that's what you're asking for. ShB was built to since HW and EW was built to since ARR, yea just pull one of those out your ass my dudes!

  17. #1597
    Quote Originally Posted by Yarathir View Post
    I don't agree that it plays things too safe in terms of content rollout. I am, however, on team polish stuff up and improve what's there. But that's more on the UI and UX side, as well as side features like glamour. It seems we're mostly in agreement, though. Like, what you're asking for is more so technical than, "HEY. LET'S OVERHAUL THE ENTIRE GAME EVERY 2 YEARS FOR NO REASON OR ADD A BUNCH OF NEW FEATURES THAT WE'LL NEVER USE AGAIN." (I know XIV has a bit of that re: FC airships and squadrons, but I'd argue it's minimal.) So I'd say we're mostly on the same page there. I'd like to see more inventory slots, a more intuitive UI, WoW's appearance tab system for glamours rather than the glamour dresser, instanced housing as well as just adding a z axis to housing placement so people can forgo glitching and plugins, and so on.

    As for the graphical update... I'm currently waiting with bated breath to see what YoshiP or anyone over at CSU3 has to say on it. His previous remark was that the zones would be finished by 7.0 release, and I do agree that most every zone got at least partial love, but some just got it more than others. The ones in the post you quoted are really good examples of like thorough polishing. But there's also areas that didn't get a full overhaul. For example: why is the Crystal Tower in the Crystarium not using that cool crystalline shader, but the inside of Syrcus Tower is? Also, most of the Endwalker zones don't seem to have been looked at much either. Stuff was absolutely done. I see some higher res textures in, say, Elpis, and of course the foliage has improved, but then I look to Garlemald, and it looks mostly untouched. I really expected them to employ some good new snow and ice shaders, where the snow gleams in the light and the ice beneath that is exposed has subsurface scattering like the Aetheryte crystals. The same applies to Snowcloak.

    Again, I hope they keep touching zones up as well, because if all zones in the game got the full treatment, you'd really be able to see that. Plus they are already planning to update gear and NPCs as well, so putting everything together would make the game look like it's brand new.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I think I unironically memed myself into low expectations. 6.55 made me absolutely not like Wuk Lamat. Partially, that had to do with the voice being inconsistent and jarring. I dunno if that actually changed, or if I just... internalized it, but Wuk Lamat hasn't bothered me for like.. I'd argue, 95% of the MSQ? Whereas I expected to be groaning throughout at least half of it. Same for Erenville, whose voice annoyed me probably even more than Wuk Lamat's. As a character, I wouldn't say she's at the top of my list, but she's definitely in a respectable "she's aight," spot.

    A far cry from the, "Oh god I'm gonna hate it whenever she's on-screen," consternation I felt pre-Dawntrail.
    Oh absolutely, her growth surprised me and it was a nice return to building a new arc of a story seeing a new adventurer/leader making themselves known to be capable and reliable, the voice didnt bother me as I've never played to ENG Va, all the ENG VA's started off janky at first and grew into their roles over time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tech614 View Post
    It has nothing to do with emotions and everything to do with burnout and there being nothing left in the tank to pull some high stakes xpac story out of their ass. There is supposed to be some universe threatening force in the far west they just pull out of their ass with 0 buildup to give you another EW story? How in the world do you think that is good story telling? It's hard to take you serious if that's what you're asking for. ShB was built to since HW and EW was built to since ARR, yea just pull one of those out your ass my dudes!
    This thank you for answering this so well, FFXIV isnt like WoW where there's a world ending series of events happening every expansion, FFXIV is a multi expansion story arc and just because you came in at the climax probably ShB/EW you're expecting more as those stories were ending, sorry buddy wrong game, please move on because the next few expansions will be more like ARR/HW and SB.
    Last edited by Kiria; 2024-07-06 at 11:54 AM.

  18. #1598
    Unpopular opinion (At least with the WoW players who are insisting that 14 must act like WoW on these forums), but I loved that the first 5 levels were just an origin story for a new protagonist.

    Especially since it mirrors the one the Warrior of Light went through.

  19. #1599
    Quote Originally Posted by Jikoraa View Post
    Unpopular opinion (At least with the WoW players who are insisting that 14 must act like WoW on these forums), but I loved that the first 5 levels were just an origin story for a new protagonist.

    Especially since it mirrors the one the Warrior of Light went through.
    Right riiiigggghhthtt, most of the complaints seem to be coming from people who have joined FFXIV within the last 2 expansions, you know the climax of the overarching story thats been going on for ALOT longer then just ShB/EW, I loved it had a whole back to the roots feeling.

  20. #1600
    As per standard, the people that bring up WoW the most are the people screaming that everyone else is talking about WoW.

    The chip on the shoulder thing gets old after a while.

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