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  1. #1761
    Quote Originally Posted by Grinning Serpent View Post
    Can't have mages wearing plate, that would ruin immersion! People running around in bikinis totally fine though.
    All I would like is to not be forced into a 2B glamor just to not have an ass flatter than Kansas. Their shit character skeletons need improved still and quite sad they left it at just skin/hair/eye textures for the model updates.
    Last edited by Tech614; 2024-12-20 at 05:11 AM.

  2. #1762
    Officers Academy Prof. Byleth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yarathir View Post
    I like the Chaotic armor sets. I just hope that within the next few years, most gear becomes cross-role glammable. Pretty much nearly everything except the explicit DoW/DoM job artifact gears.
    I agree with this 100%. It would open up so many possibilities.

    Personally, I would like to see a glamor system revamp to work a little more like WoW. But I'll take what I can get (honestly, more slots would do).
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  3. #1763
    Quote Originally Posted by Grinning Serpent View Post
    Can't have mages wearing plate, that would ruin immersion! People running around in bikinis totally fine though.
    Oddly enough, a there have been a fair few caster sets which have been Chain and Scale Mail. It's not quite full plate, but it's a lot more armoured than you'd typically expect on a spellcaster. On the other side of the spectrum there have been a couple of the tank sets per expansion have looked, mostly, like regular clothing.

    Taken as a whole most armour sets are poorly suited to the role they're given to usually. I've long since given up on this point and just accept that the armour designs are about looking cool and demonstrating your characters power and skill in being able to use something so impractical in combat and make it look easy. Making transmog free for all wouldn't really hurt that fantasy and it's not as if PvP is any kind of serious consideration for Squenix.

    It's hard to make a serious case for immersion when you raid has 2 people in speedos and a moogle hat and 1 thinks they're a house cat. I've made peace with the fact that my character is never going to look anything close to what I'd like so I'm fine with just dialing up the crazy. Wearing shoes on your head, Frying Pans as weapons, Astronaut outfits... Throw everything at the wall and see what sticks.

    If I can't have nice things I can at least make everyone else have to deal with unholy abomination of a character too.

  4. #1764
    Yes as a WHM I really loved that one EW set that looked like you were wearing armored robes. That is absolutely a criticism I 100% agree with, letting people cross xmog regardless of role is something that needs to have been made years ago. Even including DoL/DoH gear.

    Why can't I be a ninja dual wielding frying pans?

  5. #1765
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arlette View Post
    Yes as a WHM I really loved that one EW set that looked like you were wearing armored robes. That is absolutely a criticism I 100% agree with, letting people cross xmog regardless of role is something that needs to have been made years ago. Even including DoL/DoH gear.

    Why can't I be a ninja dual wielding frying pans?
    There was the set from ShB too. The coat looked good, black or white robes with scale mail underneath. Then you had the weird plate mail stilettos and other strange accessories, but the chestpiece was cool at least.

    I'm sure the *real* reason they don't allow it is because it would be more work, but Yoshida likely decided "it would violate the sanctity of appearances" would play better than "idk spaghetti or something."

  6. #1766
    Officers Academy Prof. Byleth's Avatar
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    Replaying DT story on an Alt at the moment. It's definitely not as engaging a second time. I'm actually using cutscene skips, which I never did for previous expansions.

    Sadly, I do think SE dropped the ball with DT, and even though some of the raids and features introduced are great, it's too late to recover this mess. At this point the next xpac need to be a banger to bring back the shine it once had.

    I can't put my finger on why exactly I don't like DT's story. I'm not a Wuk Lamat hater or anything (I actually quite like her), I think it comes down to it just not being all that interesting. I get that they wanted to tone back the world ending threats and start us on a new journey, but you can still make that an engaging story with a bit of effort.

    I can see there are many interesting plot hooks for future content within the story, and I'm hopeful that the story will develop into something good eventually.
    Last edited by Byleth; 2024-12-22 at 10:44 PM.
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  7. #1767
    Quote Originally Posted by Byleth View Post
    At this point the next xpac need to be a banger to bring back the shine it once had.
    What do you mean next xpac? Just having a good patch narrative is enough. Just like with Stormblood.

  8. #1768
    Officers Academy Prof. Byleth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yarathir View Post
    What do you mean next xpac? Just having a good patch narrative is enough. Just like with Stormblood.
    Yeah, maybe for you and me. But for the masses who have already left the game, only a strong new Xpac will bring them back.
    Here is something to believe in!

  9. #1769
    Quote Originally Posted by Byleth View Post
    Yeah, maybe for you and me. But for the masses who have already left the game, only a strong new Xpac will bring them back.
    Players interested in the game will always come back for every xpac regardless. The players who will only come back for a "strong xpac" are the same players who will leave as fast as they came. FoTM gamers do not keep games afloat.

  10. #1770
    Quote Originally Posted by Yarathir View Post
    What do you mean next xpac? Just having a good patch narrative is enough. Just like with Stormblood.
    Idk I really tried to get into dawntrail but I've largely written it off till next expansion.

    Like I went hard in savages, did every quest, got the mounts, farmed the wings but the world just isn't even interesting enough for me to finish leveling all the jobs

    I really want to like it, but DT is just ehhh
    Dragonflight Summary, "Because friendship is magic"

  11. #1771
    I am enjoying Dawn Trail, mainly because I have a very great FC that I am part of and we do a lot goofy stuff like hide and seek and jumping darts in the open world along with maps, fates outside of raiding that keeps us all laughing and chilling out together. My only critique was that the story just lacked punch compared to previous expansions, but then I think End Walker is hard to beat.

  12. #1772
    This is my last post on the website. I am going to stop being a long time lurker and just give up on the game altogether. Let bygones be bygones; turn the other cheek.

    FFXIV has the most toxic community in any video game ever. Bar none. I claim this without an inch of doubt in my heart. It is the only mmorpg where the developers had to turn off chat in PVP because the players are so incredibly toxic and hurtful. The userbase then started using the handful of emotes to abuse their fellow gamers. In response the developers reduced the ability and usage of those emotes. Last patch the "good match" emote was restricted. How do these developers not have the sense of mind to create a separate sound category for emotes? Now every patch has less emotes than the patch before it. Zero communication. It has already been pointed out that there is a large frequency of win traders so they are sitting on discord anyways. But for your average Timothy like me; I need to have my chat and serene after-work discord-less gaming.

    The community's toxicity extends to its social media. A while back I let it slip that I was a christian and I did not mind the company of other Christians. This was in response to a user who had been spouting non-stop bigotry against Christians. Gets old after a while. Many of these players are from south east asia and it seems rather convenient for them to be racist to foreign religions and get away with it. The mods then started a campaign where every time I interacted with their servers they would bring up Christianity and try to entrap me in a long conversation that could eventually lead to my dismissal from this discord server. I would ask a question about the game and they would steer me towards Christianity; very strange and dedicatedly toxic behavior. The discord server has hundreds of thousands of users in it. I did not fall for the trap. Started getting harassed in game. Party finders sabotaged and rumors being spread behind my back. But one day I saw a barrage of comments saying Americans were dumb and low IQ. So I pointed out that Americans were actually quite intelligent; at least people migrating from European countries. Because Europe has a good schooling system the last 200 years or so. I was banned from the discord under the claim that I was a white supremacist. I was then immediately banned from several other discord servers that I had never posted in prior. I rarely post and I had like two short posts about religion; but that was enough for them to put me on their hit list. When a video game discord allows political discourse in its rules-list; it often means its an echo chamber for them to peddle their bigotry. Apparently Europe is a race now, but it is okay to spout bigotry against Americans if you are a south east and south Asian. I am not even European. Maybe a long ago ancestor? There are other stereotypes that I willfully ignore. Like how Japanese players are more honest than north Americans. Is that why they get caught cheating every patch? because they have samurai-age honor?

    I took that as a good sign for me to spend my time elsewhere. The toxicity and veiled racism is just a tip of the iceberg. Was reading the other day how the world first clear team uploaded a screenshot of them cheating during their clear; bravo!

  13. #1773
    I see we're back once again to your monthly ragepost. Let's hope you're actually being honest this time:
    Quote Originally Posted by Skepticalpeepo View Post
    This is my last post on the website.
    I, for one, am TRULY TRULY shocked that you were banned from the discord and forums for being clearly just pushing white supremacy.

    But I'm sure when 7.2 comes out around March you'll be back with your blogpost-level paragraphs about how everybody is bad, the game is a 0/10, and you are morally righteous and objectively correct.

    Oh also:
    Quote Originally Posted by Skepticalpeepo View Post
    A while back I let it slip that I was a christian and I did not mind the company of other Christians. This was in response to a user who had been spouting non-stop bigotry against Christians. Gets old after a while. Many of these players are from south east asia and it seems rather convenient for them to be racist to foreign religions and get away with it. The mods then started a campaign where every time I interacted with their servers they would bring up Christianity and try to entrap me in a long conversation that could eventually lead to my dismissal from this discord server. I would ask a question about the game and they would steer me towards Christianity; very strange and dedicatedly toxic behavior. The discord server has hundreds of thousands of users in it. I did not fall for the trap. Started getting harassed in game. Party finders sabotaged and rumors being spread behind my back. But one day I saw a barrage of comments saying Americans were dumb and low IQ. So I pointed out that Americans were actually quite intelligent; at least people migrating from European countries. Because Europe has a good schooling system the last 200 years or so. I was banned from the discord under the claim that I was a white supremacist. I was then immediately banned from several other discord servers that I had never posted in prior. I rarely post and I had like two short posts about religion; but that was enough for them to put me on their hit list. When a video game discord allows political discourse in its rules-list; it often means its an echo chamber for them to peddle their bigotry. Apparently Europe is a race now, but it is okay to spout bigotry against Americans if you are a south east and south Asian. I am not even European. Maybe a long ago ancestor? There are other stereotypes that I willfully ignore. Like how Japanese players are more honest than north Americans. Is that why they get caught cheating every patch? because they have samurai-age honor?
    None of this happened. This is some 10/10 Main-Character-Syndrome made up delusions. Again in service of just being a white supremacist.

    I'm sure I'll see you on your main posting the same shit here somewhere, though.
    Last edited by Arlette; 2024-12-31 at 03:26 AM.

  14. #1774
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    WoW came out swinging with their little article on their upcoming housing feature in the next expansion, deliberately targeting FF14:

    As a part of our focus on wide adoption, we wanted to ensure that Housing is available to everyone. If you want a house, you can have a house. No exorbitant requirements or high purchase costs, no lotteries, and no onerous upkeep (and if your subscription lapses, don’t worry, your house doesn’t get repossessed!). Your houses are also shared amongst your Warband with your different characters being able to come and go as you see fit (so your Orc character can hang out in your Alliance house without a problem). Housing rewards are also shared across your Warband, so you’ll be able to use your décor collection no matter which character earns it.
    I don't expect Square-Enix to get over their ego on this front, but anything that might convince them to budge on their stubbornness around housing is good. Still leaves me gobsmacked that they literally introduced the potential for (limited) instanced housing with the island sanctuary and then outright refused to make it an actual replacement for individual housing.

  15. #1775
    Quote Originally Posted by Grinning Serpent View Post
    WoW came out swinging with their little article on their upcoming housing feature in the next expansion, deliberately targeting FF14:

    I don't expect Square-Enix to get over their ego on this front, but anything that might convince them to budge on their stubbornness around housing is good. Still leaves me gobsmacked that they literally introduced the potential for (limited) instanced housing with the island sanctuary and then outright refused to make it an actual replacement for individual housing.
    Before they go swinging, they'll need to have more than a blogpost and 3 pieces of concept art.

  16. #1776
    Is it really swinging if people where constantly asking them if it was going to be like that simply cause a large portion of the player base only knows housing from XIV?

    This is not the "shot" you think it is. That post is like some tabloid media outlet trying to stir up drama out of nothing, total nonsense.

  17. #1777
    Officers Academy Prof. Byleth's Avatar
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    TBH, I'm happy WoW is doing well right now. Keeps the toxic weirdos out of my backyard :P
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  18. #1778
    Quote Originally Posted by Grinning Serpent View Post
    WoW came out swinging with their little article on their upcoming housing feature in the next expansion, deliberately targeting FF14
    From a quick read, WoW is focused on wide spread adoption of housing. Almost as if they know that most of their players are going to need some kind of incentive to bother with it.

    I know I'm going to need a huge carrot to get me to give it as much as a passing glance. I'm concerned that just the addition of it is going to have a negative impact on things like quest rewards, loot drops etc. As someone who doesn't plan on engaging with the system, I'd rather be free just to ignore it entirely so I really don't want to be picking up curtains as WQ rewards. Okay, it's a minor annoyance having to vendor them, but small regular annoyances have a way of snowballing.

    FF14 treats housing as a status symbol. Partly that could be due to spaghetti coding issues from 1.0, or server architecture or everything right the way through to being a conscious design decision. I don't know if WoW taking an entirely different approach is them throwing down the gauntlet as much as it's them trying to make sure that one of the box features for an expansion is actually something players are going to use.

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