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  1. #41
    Field Marshal YogSoggoth's Avatar
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    Yeah this stuff needs to be put in the store separately at some point. Not everyone plays the classic servers, even if it is the fabled WotLK.

  2. #42
    Light comes from darkness shise's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YogSoggoth View Post
    Yeah this stuff needs to be put in the store separately at some point. Not everyone plays the classic servers, even if it is the fabled WotLK.
    They should remind time limted and only for Classic. Way to many things are laready given away to everyone, should keep a sense of unique

  3. #43
    Not that anybody cares but meh, gonna write about my nostalgia with WotlK

    I remember how awestruck I was with the WotlK trailer. Couldnt wait for it to come out. It was a step above anything that had come before stylistically, storywise and through just plain ol'fun. I was in a great guild with great people and raided the entire expansion. I mained as a holy paladin at the time and remember all the content like the back of my hand. The only black mark I have against WotlK is that they changed how holy paladin worked midway through the expansion from a reaction based fast healer to basically healing like the priest class did (or so was my perception). Arthas was the best bad guy WoW has ever produced. I still run Icecrown to get invincible, and you know what? I'm not actually bored of the raid instance.

    I wish I could revisit that feeling of wonder. I remember just running around on a mount looking at the terrain. I could probably just fire up WotlK now on the classic servers but it just wouldnt be the same. I'm happy for the memories though. Best mmorpg experience of my life.

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by Sorshen View Post
    Imagine paying paying 50/80 for boosts in classic, lmao.
    imagine not having this option

    nobody sane will waste hundreds of hours to get to 70 in garbage content

    now you can get boost and spam instances to max level

    only minus is lack of lfd which will make game and leveling unplayable so its extremly important to buy boost and speed level to max.

  5. #45
    People here are also misunderstanding how the boost is priced. It is not relevant how much work is involved for blizzard. I imagine its literally just a button push. But the value is in the convenience to the customer. Want to save yourself a couple of days of leveling? Pay 50 bucks. You are purely paying for a quality of life thing that you may or may not want, but you definately do not actually need beyond getting to endgame content faster. Which is a good enough reason for many to shell out the cash.

  6. #46
    Scarab Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by glowpipe View Post
    You know gaming has gone shit when they are selling you the same game you already own and people gobble it up like its the best thing since sliced ham
    You never owned anything in the first place. This was always a rent-seeking business merely selling access to their servers.
    If you knew the candle was fire then the meal was cooked a long time ago.

  7. #47
    Well... my wife and my daughter do both horse-riding. Therefore I knew very well how to spend money for hobbies - but 50 € to bring my char to a point where it already was 14 years ago: Just no.

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by glowpipe View Post
    You know gaming has gone shit when they are selling you the same game you already own and people gobble it up like its the best thing since sliced ham
    They aren't selling you the game. They are selling you the goodies ie mount, boost, pet, etc. You get the game as long as you have a sub.

  9. #49
    How the mighty have fallen.

    WTB Riot MMORPG.

  10. #50
    Bloodsail Admiral Konteil's Avatar
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    only thing i wish was taht we could put or old codes in to get stuff. i have the box set CE for all teh old expansions up to mists. i think eachof them qas like 150 at the time. it would be neat to ave the extras but pying 80 bucks for an upgrade that i paid for years ago alrady just seems silly to me

    - - - Updated - - -

    thatbeing said iw as on last night and leveled my DK to 60 and changed my paladin to tanking. ill be dual spec as soonas my auctions sell and im having a blast.

  11. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by Nalam the Venom View Post
    The warpstalker was a decently cool mount.

    But this?

    Why even bother



  12. #52
    if it takes you hundreds of hours to get to 70, you're doing something very wrong.

  13. #53
    Mechagnome terminaltrip421's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Algorath View Post
    So, since we can't spit, how are we gonna make people on this mount feel ridiculed?
    quit so the only people they have to play with are other people who don't mind paying just to get into the store.

  14. #54
    Think i pass this time because with classic and bc i played a while then got bored and realised i already played this for a unhealthy amount of hours back in the days and there is too many good games on the market right now to try out.
    Do you hear the voices too?

  15. #55
    They should have just added Tuskarr as a playable neutral race.

  16. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by Ssateneth View Post
    if it takes you hundreds of hours to get to 70, you're doing something very wrong.
    4 days /played is ”Fast” and that is 96 hours.

    I think a lot of people spend more than 4 days to level tho, Especially if it is a new character

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by ParanoiD84 View Post
    Think i pass this time because with classic and bc i played a while then got bored and realised i already played this for a unhealthy amount of hours back in the days and there is too many good games on the market right now to try out.
    What games would that be?

    I’ve played maybe 4-5 Non-MMOPRG’s since 2006.

    Awsome signature and avatar made by Kuragalolz

  17. #57
    Lol. What a silly response. My guess is you feel the pressure of it enough even after the social contract withheld how people really feel about your kind.

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