Favorite polls will target existing players over historical players. As a result, these polls are skewed with data from players who started in late Cataclysm and MOP in which they tend to have more favorable views of MOP. Many players from the Vanilla-Wrath era quit in late Cataclysm and MOP was the first expansion not good enough to bring them back to the game and they never did return. I have seen polls that showed a significant portion of the current player base (at least at the time of Legion) stated to play the game around the launch of MOP and I think these "favorite expansion" polls often reflect that.
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You are partially correct. I leveled to max on three characters in MoP and did some of the dailies and timeless isle content. MOP was the first expansion I did not do arenas or raids. I was previously playing at 2600 in 3s, 3100 in RBGs, and was in a top 3 guild on my server for raid progression. MoP was the first expansion I skipped that content and there is a reason for that and the reason is MoP was not good as Cata.
Last edited by Deferionus; 2022-09-02 at 07:29 PM.
FOMO: "Fear Of Missing Out", also commonly known as people with a mental issue of managing time and activities, many expecting others to fit into their schedule so they don't miss out on things to come. If FOMO becomes a problem for you, do seek help, it can be a very unhealthy lifestyle..
It must be remembered that any position put forth by Wowisdead64 comes from an alternate dimension. Because that is the only way any of this makes sense. The only way to describe his playstyle would be a "Cutting-Edge Casual Player" which is so oxymoronic as to be nonsensical. He has defined a set of content that he is willing and mostly capable of doing and God forbid anybody put even the slightest obstacle in his way of doing all of it.
Every patch is the worst until the next one arrives, then it's nostalgia and suddenly the best while the new patch takes over being the worst.
If you knew the candle was fire then the meal was cooked a long time ago.
I think the user is talking about reputation rewards in the example the OP used.
In Shadowlands, the only FOMO there is is 'Ahead of the Curve' (etc), Season achievements, and Rewards for doing said achievements, the rest can be gotten at all time, and if you are considering yourself too casual for the game, then you don't really expect AOTC.
FOMO: "Fear Of Missing Out", also commonly known as people with a mental issue of managing time and activities, many expecting others to fit into their schedule so they don't miss out on things to come. If FOMO becomes a problem for you, do seek help, it can be a very unhealthy lifestyle..
MoP ranks with WotLK as to all the reasons why I played WoW; all about the fun factor.
I'm not getting into game mechanics or related, I'm more about storylines, and all the aesthetics...the mantid were an even more unexpected treat.
I guess, I'm going to abandon mission table. I don't do it for profit, because it's very ineffective. It's actually much more effective to do callings. I do it for fun. Because I like idea of offline progression. But it requires too much effort. And overall whole SL's content is designed this way. Way too ineffective. Too crappy rewards for too much effort.
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FOMO isn't caused by time-gating only. It's caused by combination of time-gating and RNG-gating. Time - is major resource here. Logic is following. Let's say, that there 2 features. X and Y. Both are time-gated and RNG-gated. Let's say, I want to complete X first and then switch to Y. But we all know, how RNG works. You can be lucky or unlucky. Imagine that some rare Y reward pops today. You may say "Nah, I'm going to ignore you for now and switch my attention to you later". But what if you would be unlucky later, so it would take too much time for that rare reward to appear again? What if next time it would be months before seeing it again? I just hate, when such crap happens. I would be much more angry in this case. So, I tend to follow "It's better to push now, than do exceeding grind later" rule.
That's why things shouldn't be time-gated and RNG-gated at the same time. Especially many things at the same time.
FOMO, gating, RNG, grind, overtuning, competition - endgame.
Solo MMO: no more humiliating queues and toxic competing.
Aggro and combat: game would only be better without obsoleted mechanics.
DF in a nutshell: GW2 copy-paste with AFK events and nothing to do.
So, by your description, I, if I had FOMO, could make a lengthy complaint thread to Blizzard because I still haven't looted Invincible?
Again, if people play the FOMO card because they can't get things right away, then I suggest a different game, stop pursuing it, or seek help. There is no way that everything should be made available right away, or with easy means.
FOMO: "Fear Of Missing Out", also commonly known as people with a mental issue of managing time and activities, many expecting others to fit into their schedule so they don't miss out on things to come. If FOMO becomes a problem for you, do seek help, it can be a very unhealthy lifestyle..
No, my logic is following: imagine, that you want to get TWO mounts - Invincible and Nonlootable. Both have 0.1% droprate. What is more effective way to grind them? One after another or doing it in parallel? Imagine, that it can take years to loot any of them. Are you ready to spend another several years to grind second one after looting first one? Imagine, that grinding them in parallel takes too much effort. But YOU HAVE TO DO IT, cuz otherwise you would WASTE TOO MUCH TIME. Time is your resource. It's thing you MISS, if you waste it. That's, why it's called FOMO.
FOMO, gating, RNG, grind, overtuning, competition - endgame.
Solo MMO: no more humiliating queues and toxic competing.
Aggro and combat: game would only be better without obsoleted mechanics.
DF in a nutshell: GW2 copy-paste with AFK events and nothing to do.
I've always seen FOMO as being in limited outcome and support but what you wrote before this, is literally what my Invincible example was, RNG and Time gated.
But I'm going to return to one line of text where you either need to chill or seek help...
You don't HAVE to do it, you WANT to do it. If you feel like you are forcing yourself to do something, then you need to stop. It is the same point with people calling dailies 'chores', if you see them as 'chores', then you either need to stop or do something else. You don't HAVE to do anything, you WANT to, it is a personal choice, or maybe even a problem that YOU have to work on solving because OTHERS cannot solve YOUR issue.
FOMO: "Fear Of Missing Out", also commonly known as people with a mental issue of managing time and activities, many expecting others to fit into their schedule so they don't miss out on things to come. If FOMO becomes a problem for you, do seek help, it can be a very unhealthy lifestyle..
May be it's my choice, but game encourages such playstyle, while it shouldn't do it. Game shouldn't offer too many things, that are both time and RNG-gated at the same time. Almost all rewards in game are designed this way now. That's why we constantly ask to solve this problem. Ok, time-gating can't be removed, because some players (may be even including me) will try to get some rewards as quick as possible. But. 1) Time-gating shouldn't be tight. It should provide room for choices. At least we should switch to weekly rewards. 2) RNG-gating should be removed. Rewards should be guaranteed. And TADAM. We already had such systems in the past. We had weekly Valor cap and gear vendor back in WotLK.
Yeah, Blizzard hate guaranteed rewards. But they hate them, not because they're bad. It's hypocrisy. They hate them, because RNG-gating provides extra artificial content stretching and they don't want to remove it.
FOMO, gating, RNG, grind, overtuning, competition - endgame.
Solo MMO: no more humiliating queues and toxic competing.
Aggro and combat: game would only be better without obsoleted mechanics.
DF in a nutshell: GW2 copy-paste with AFK events and nothing to do.
Personally I joined in mid-TBC and loved every minute of the game up till Trial of the Crusader in Wrath. I worked through it but really hated it. ICC was better, but went on a little long. Being in a top guild at the time who was going through a downturn and ultimately never beat heroic LK (even though they were server first for Alg 25 and Yogg 0 25 was very... humbling. We hopped servers for Cata and very shortly into Cata, after Firelands came out and shortly into our heroic ventures, I departed the game. Didn't really come back until midway through MoP. MoP was such a breath of fresh air when at first I thought it looked stupid and way too Asian-inspired. I know many Vanilla hardcore raiders who hold the Throne of Thunder raid from MoP in extremely high regard. Funny thing is, the person I know who hates MoP the most is not a hardcore PVPer nor raider.
To each their own.
So, your complaint is freedom of choice?
So, your complaint is options?
Nothing has changed there? I can't imagine you having played WoW long if you only just see such as an issue now? The only things I admit shouldn't be time-limited are things like transmogs (CM), and mounts (finish X achievement before Y date), the rest is more than fine.
Which is by other people also considered a problem, hence time-gating to avoid the locust behavior.
We have a weekly system that offers a selection of loot though?
So, your complaint is that you need instant gratification?
But that would also be problematic for your FOMO because you would then "force" yourself to get valor, which couldn't buy everything you wanted but just select pieces, and was more considered a, "You have fought tirelessly and found enough to gain a boon".
I believe they hate them because it means people would have less reason to do things in a longer stretch of time as they are meant to do and thus creating a lull of nothing until the next patch where the locust once more will swarm and consume everything, once max geared, they'll continue to complain about lack of things to do, and nothing for them to strive for until the next content, rinse and repeat.
FOMO: "Fear Of Missing Out", also commonly known as people with a mental issue of managing time and activities, many expecting others to fit into their schedule so they don't miss out on things to come. If FOMO becomes a problem for you, do seek help, it can be a very unhealthy lifestyle..
FOMO, gating, RNG, grind, overtuning, competition - endgame.
Solo MMO: no more humiliating queues and toxic competing.
Aggro and combat: game would only be better without obsoleted mechanics.
DF in a nutshell: GW2 copy-paste with AFK events and nothing to do.