The Explorer Class Concept
I. Introduction
With the acknowledgment from Ion that there would be more classes in the future after the Evoker, I thought it would be interesting to theorize a class concept that many have overlooked or never considered; An Explorer class, or a class based on the ever-popular characters from the League of Explorers. The League of Explorers made their debut in Hearthstone, and have since become a mainstay in that game, and began their migration into WoW as lore characters.
A future class?In terms of pedigree for future class implementation they're definitely missing some elements that have existed in other expansion classes. The main one being some presence in playable form. Typically that comes from a RTS or MOBA. With the death of HotS, and no real plays for WC4, that doesn't seem very likely. However, it is possible that Hearthstone takes the place of the playable requirement. The characters have appeared in several different game modes in HS, to the point where some consistency in abilities have began to emerge. Reno Jackon and his Gaitlin Wand for example.
The other big problem is expansion of class introduction. Expansion classes tend to follow the theme of the expansion they're introduced into. The LoE don't have a clear expansion option, but options do exist. One such option could be an expansion based on Tel'Abim, a newfound Titan continent, an underground expansion, or an expansion based on Azol' Nerub. Basically, any expansion that requires exploration on Azeroth could introduce this class into the game.
II. Overview
The explorer is a three-spec class that can tank, heal, and perform ranged DPS. Explorers wear cloth armor. If implemented in this fashion, it would be the first cloth tank in WoW. The class should be available to all races. The specs are as follows: Artificer: The tank spec that utilizes the power of artifacts to protect allies, Relicologist: A DPS spec that utilizes the power of discovery to find relics to deal damage, and Scholar: A healing spec that uses ancient knowledge from scrolls and text to heal party members.
The Explorer class utilizes ranged weapons (guns, crossbows, bows). Many of these attacks are powered by mana. They compete with hunters for ranged weapons.
The Tank spec utilizes a special type of gun called a Gatling Wand. The Healing spec utilizes INT ranged weapons.
Class Specifics
Roles: Tank, RDPS, Healing
Resource: Relics, Mana
Armor: Mail
Weapons: Guns, Crossbows, Bows, Staves, Daggers, 1h swords, 1h Axes, Wands, Fist weapons
Primary Stats: INT, AGI
Races: All races except Dracthyr (duh!)
Unique Weapons
Gatling Wands (Artificer)
Ancient weapons of great power, these magical cannons are used by the artificer spec for dealing great power at short range (10yds) and enhancing their abilities to allow tanking. While its auto attack is ranged like other ranged weapons, the Gatling Wand's abilities are restricted to 10 yds.
The Explorer is capable of utilizing a variety of whip-based abilities. Whip abilities are used for various types of damage and utility. When using a whip ability, your whip will appear at your hip.
Tomes (Scholar)
Tomes are used primarily by Scholars. When tomes are used, a tome will appear on the side of the character for a brief time. Different tomes will have different appearances.
III. Discovery
As Explorer's travel, they passively discover relics. These relics can grant Explorers increased powers and abilities. Explorers can store excess Relics for later use. You can hold a maximum of 6 relics at a time.
Relic Abilities: Gems
Create Emerald: Combine 3 Relics to create an Emerald. You can hold a maximum of 3 Emeralds.
Create Ruby: Combine 3 Relics to create a Ruby. You can hold a maximum of 3 Rubies.
Create Sapphire: Combine 3 Relics to create a Sapphire. You can hold a maximum of 3 Sapphires.
Create Topaz: Combine 3 Relics to create a Topaz. You can hold a maximum of 3 Topaz.
Note: When you consume a Gem, you gain a bonus to certain abilities for 15 secs. Only 1 gem can be active at a time. When you use the ability, the effect ends. Once the effect ends, you cannot create a Gem of the same type for X secs.
The Golden Monkey
As you use your relics to craft gems (and while your Treasure Map ability is on cooldown), you have a chance to find The Golden Monkey which immediately resets the cooldown of your Treasure Map and removes its relic cost!
IV. General Abilities
Relic Shot: 40yd range, Requires Ranged weapon. 5% Base mana. 2 Charges, 10 sec. recharge. Deals damage to a target, Generates 1 Relic.
Sacred Shot: 40yd range, Requires Ranged weapon. Shoots a magical shot at a friendly target, healing a % of the target's health. 8% of Base mana, 2.5 sec. recharge. (Gems affect Sacred Shot in Scholar spec.) Not available in Artificer Spec.
Ghost Shot: 35yd range, Requires Ranged weapon. Fires a spectral shot that hits a target then flies to the next nearest target hitting 3 targets total before disappearing. 10% base mana, 25 sec. recharge. (Gems affect Ghost Shot in Relicologist spec).
Ol' Faithful: Blast a target in melee range, damaging them for 50% weapon damage. Ol' Faithful knocks the target back and dazes them. Requires Ranged Weapon.
Cracking Whip: (30yd range) Crack your whip on a target, dealing 200% weapon damage. (15 sec. recharge) (Gems effect Cracking Whip in Relicologist spec).
Whip Lasso: (20yd range) Lasso a target, pulling you to them, or pulling them to you. X sec. cooldown. (Gems effect Whip Lasso in Relicologist spec).
Hooked Whip: Swing towards a targeted location within 30 yds from your starting point. When you land, your speed is increased by 10% for 5 secs.
Relic Blast: Blasts a target with the power of your Relics, damaging the target for X damage. Consumes 1 relic, 20 sec. CD (Gems effect Relic Blast in the Relicologist spec).
Relic Shield: Creates a barrier that reduces damage by X%. Lasts 45 seconds. Consumes 3 relics, 2 minute CD
Relic Embrace: Instantly heals caster based on current number of relics (30 sec CD).
Horadric Staff: Strikes the target dealing increased damage. 2 charges, X sec recharge. Ruby: Restore HP based on % of damage. Sapphire: Restore Mana based on % of damage. Emerald: damage is increased and has a % chance to stun. Topaz: Horadric Staff gets an additional charge and reduces treasure cooldowns by 2 seconds per strike.
Elixir of Life: Throw an elixir on the ground that heals the first ally (or yourself) that walks through it. Costs 1 relic. 2 charges, 15 sec recharge. (Gems effect potions in the Scholar spec) Up to 2 potions can be active at a time.
Explorer's Hat: Grants 50% movement speed for 12 seconds. (2 min CD) While active, your chances of finding a relic are increased.
Sir Finley's Monocle: (passive) Allows you to collect relics from looting corpses.
Treasure Map: Discover a treasure, granting one of your 5 treasure cooldowns a charge. Costs 6 relics, (8 minute CD)
Reliquary: Immediately moves your stored relics to your resource bar for use. Up to six relics can be temporarily stored in your Reliquary. Costs 2 random Gems.
The 5 Treasures
The 5 treasures are cooldowns used by Explorers to augment their abilities. Certain treasures are enhanced based on their specialization. For example, if you are an Artificer, Gatling Wand Barrage becomes Eye of Isiset.
Gatling Wand Barrage Discover an ancient Gatling Wand! Fires 5 magical shots at a target. Each shot restores a % of mana based on damage. (3.5 minute CD). For Artificers, this is a standard ability, and is replaced with Eye of Isiset.
Treasure Bag: Discover 6 Relics and 4 gems of each type at once! (3.5 minute CD) If you already have Relics and Gems, excess Relics and Gems will go to your bag for storage for 3 minutes.
Scepter of Renewal Heals yourself and all allies within 10 yards. (3.5 minute CD). For Scholars, this ability is replaced with Scepter of Ammunae.
Soceror's Tome Cast three random spells from three random classes. (3.5 minute CD). For Scholars this ability is replaced by Tome of Setesh.
Sunstone Combines the effects of 3 of your Gems in an affected ability. Costs 1 of each Gem for effect. Standard CDs for Gems apply. Must have at least 1 Gem of each type. (5 minute CD). For Relicologists, this is replaced with Eye of Rajh.
V. Specializations
Artificers are tough explorers who utilize powerful ancient weapons like the Gatling Wand, and titanic knowledge to defend their fellow explorers against all threats.
A Titanic Mind: (passive) Your stamina is increased by your intellect.
Alternating Blast: (Replaces Relic Blast) Blast a target with your Gatling Wand, dealing physical damage. Costs 3 Relics. Alternating Blast has a chance to randomly utilize the attributes of one of your gems (see Gatling Wand Barrage for list of Gem attributes).
Gatling Wand Barrage: Fires 5 magical shots at a target. (25 sec cooldown). Your gems can alter Barrage's attributes;
+Ruby: Each successful shot restores a % of health.
+Sapphire: Each successful shot restores a % of mana.
+Emerald: Each successful shot reduces the attack and movement speed of a target by 10% for X secs.
+Topaz: Each successful shot decreases Gatling Wand Barrage's cooldown by 5 seconds.
Eye of Isiset: (Treasure)(Channel) The Gatling Wand spins rapidly unleashing a beam of raw magical energy that sears through all targets in a straight line, dealing X damage for 6 seconds, and reducing the magical resistance of all targets it hits. During the duration, the caster's health and mana is restored based on % of damage. Caster can move during channel, and their movement speed is increased by 10%. Costs 4 gems. (6 minute CD).
Collider: (Replaces Ol' Faithful) Your Gatling Wand fires a short-range blast of gem-infused power at nearby targets within 10 yds, dealing fire, arcane, nature, and physical damage. The caster gains 2 random buffs that last for 8 seconds. Costs 4 gems. 45 sec. cooldown.
Meridian: Your Gatling Wand generates a sphere of energy that rapidly orbits you. While rotating, the sphere increases your armor and leaves a gravity well that slows any enemies that enter into it. Lasts 1 minute.
The consumption of Relics while Meridian is active increases the size of the sphere, which also increases your armor and the power of the gravity well. The duration of Meridian is also increased by X seconds per relic consumed. Once the sphere reaches its full size, it will explode, dealing damage to all enemies in an 8 yd radius, and return to its original size.
Jeweled Armor: (passive) Consuming a Gem greatly increases healing effects done to you from all sources for 10 seconds.
Horadric's Vengeance: (passive) Horadric's Staff has a chance to cause your next Collider to cost no Gems, and deal increased damage.
Bull Whip: Whips a target at 30 yds away, and forces them to attack you.
Relicologists are masters of the whip, and at finding ancient relics and utilizing their true power. Relicologists are capable of drawing out even the darkest aspects of ancient magics.
Ghost Shot: 35yd range, Requires Ranged weapon. Fires a spectral shot that hits a target then flies to the next nearest target hitting 3 targets total before disappearing. 10% base mana, 25 sec. recharge. Gems affect the attributes of Ghost Shot.
+Ruby: Reduces armor on targets for 3 seconds.
+Sapphire: Reduces magic resistance on targets for 3 seconds.
+Emerald: Reduces targets' move speed for 3 seconds.
+Topaz: Gives your Relic shot an additional charge, and your next Relic Shot is a Critical Strike.
Whip Master: (passive) Your whip abilities gain an additional charge, their cooldowns are reduced by 3 seconds, and their range is extended by 5 yds.
Cube of Mysteries: (instant) Summon an ancient relic that explodes, dealing damage to all targets within 8yds of the caster. If any targets die from the damage, you gain a random gem. Costs 3 relics.
Horadric's Disciple: Horadric's Staff gets an additional charge.
Cursed Relics: (passive) Your Relic Blast also afflicts the target with a curse that lasts for 6 seconds.
If the target dies under these effects, you gain the casted gem, and your Gem CD is refreshed.
+Ruby: Deals damage to target over 6 seconds. Damage heals caster for a % of the damage.
+Sapphire: Target's magical damage is reduced over duration.
+Emerald: Target's movement speed is reduced by 60% for duration.
+Topaz: Damage done to target reduces your cooldowns by 1 sec. DoT damage is increased based on time left on CDs.
Enchanted Whips: Enhances your Cracking Whip and Whip Lasso ability with your gems.
+Ruby: Deals fire damage, and burns target for X for X seconds.
+Sapphire: Deals arcane damage based on % of total mana.
+Emerald: Roots target in place for X seconds.
+Topaz: Cracking Whip and Lasso get an additional charge. Cooldown reduced by 5 secs.
Master of Relics: (passive) Allows you to discover Volatile, Restorative, and Pristine Relics. These relics give you bonuses in addition to granting you a relic. Additionally, these relics can be found via Sir Finley's Monocle.
+Volatile: When you collect a Volatile Relic, your damage is increased for a few seconds.
+Restorative: When you collect a Restorative Relic, your health is restored over a few seconds.
+Pristine: When you collect a Pristine Relic, it immediately transforms into a Spectral Gem.
+Spectral Gem: You can use a Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, or Topaz gem at no cost.
Eye of Rajh: (Treasure) Combines the effects of 4 Gems on an affected ability. Your Gems are not consumed, and Eye of Rajh does not trigger their cooldowns. (3.5 minute CD).
Reigns of the Tyrant King: Summons a devilsaur to ride on for 8 seconds. Increases movement speed by 60%. (2 min. CD) Enemies caught in the path of the devilsaur have a chance to be dazed. Cooldown increased while indoors.
Scholars use their extensive knowledge to use items and artifacts to their advantage in order to keep their colleagues alive. Few expeditions survive without a diligent Scholar in their party to help avoid traps, and to mend injuries!
Sacred Shot: 40yd range, Requires Ranged weapon. Shoots a magical shot at a friendly target, healing a % of the target's health. 8% of Base mana, 2.5 sec. recharge. Gems affect the attributes of Sacred Shot.
+Ruby: Also heals over time for an additional 3 seconds.
[b]+Sapphire:[//b] Also increases your spellpower for 5 seconds.
+Emerald: Also hits 2 other targets for reduced healing.
+Topaz: Over the next 5 seconds, your Sacred Shot is Critical.
Elixir of Life: Throw an elixir on the ground that heals the first ally (or yourself) that walks through it. Costs 1 Relic. 2 charges, 15-sec recharge. Gems affect the attributes of potions.
+Ruby: Also heals all allies within 6 yards of target.
+Sapphire: Also restores the mana of a target.
+Emerald: Also grants healed ally a shield that lasts for X seconds.
+Topaz: Healing is done over time, yet heals for 15% more.
Recollection: (passive) Your expired potions leave behind relics. In addition, Scholars can have an additional active potion.
Targeted Potions: (passive) You can throw your potions directly at allied targets or yourself.
Lorenado: (1.5 cast) Summons an enchanted tome tornado that spins forward, damaging all enemies, and healing all allies in its path. Costs 3 random Gems. 1.5 min. CD
Scroll of Sealing: Unfurls an ancient scroll that forms a triangle around an area that cleanses allies of poison, disease, and curse effects. Costs 2 Relics. Gems affect the attributes of the spell.
+Ruby: (Scroll of Mending) heals all allies within the affected area.
+Sapphire: (Scroll of Wizardry) Your spell power increases per all allies cleansed within the affected area.
+Emerald: (Scroll of Binding) Enemies caught in your Scroll of Healing are rooted
+Topaz: (Scroll of Freedom) Removes roots and protects your allies from movement-impairing effects for X seconds.
Ancient Transmutation Circle: Transforms a target into gold. Costs 4 gems, 3 minute CD.
+Ally: Increases armor, cleanses all negative effects, and increases healing effects for X seconds.
+Enemy: Target is instantly killed. Caster recieves a higher amount of gold from the kill. Only can be used on enemies with 10% or less health.
Scepter of Ammunae: (Treasure) Summons an ancient treasure to the targeted location that heals in three waves:
Wave 1: Sends a wave of healing outward, healing all targets caught in the wave. Healing is decreased the further from the scepter the target is.
Wave 2: 3 seconds after the initial wave, a grove grows in an 8 yard radius around the scepter. Anyone walking through the grove receives Ammunae's Blessing, a HoT that lasts 6 seconds.
Wave 3: 8 seconds after the initial wave, the wave returns, heading back towards the scepter. Targets further away from the scepter are healed for more than those closer to the scepter.
Costs 6 relics, 5 minute CD.
Deciphered Relics: (passive) Relic Embrace's cooldown is reduced by 15 secs, can be casted on others and has 40 yd range. Relic Shield's cooldown is decreased by 30 seconds, and its duration is increased by 15 secs.
Tome of the Afterlife: Write a name in the Tome, storing a portion of their soul within its pages. When they die, they can be instantly resurrected. Costs 1 random Gem. Only one target can be written into the tome at a time.
Tome of Setesh: (Treasure) Immediately cast 5 random spells from 5 different classes. (3.5 minute CD)
Tome of Knowledge: Obtain a random ability from a random class. The random ability lasts for 5 minutes before being lost. Costs 2 random Gems.
A Bard's Tome: The caster sings Song of the Lone Mountain from the pages of an ancient tome, increasing the stamina of you and everyone in your party by 10% for one hour. The use of Gems add an additional buff.
+Ruby (2 Gems): Aria of Power Also increases Attack Power by 10%
+Sapphire (2 Gems): The Wizard's Symphony Also increases Spell Power by 10%
+Emerald (2 Gems): Harmony of Ship and Sea Also increases Mastery by 10%
+Topaz (2 Gems): March of the Golden Horde Alo increases Haste by 5%
Enchanted Tether: When your Whip Lasso hits a friendly target, they are healed for a small amount.
VI. Conclusion
1. The specs are heavily based on the characters in Hearthstone.
2. I will be editing this post over time. I won't be doing talents or anything like that.
3. I don't own nor create any art in this post.
4. Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed it.
5. I did mention mana as a resource. It's fair to assume that such a class would be using mana alongside its other resources.
6. I may add a general ability in the future where the class can use Hearthstone packs as abilities.![]()