NO I am citing facts. You are spinning my words so you can declare yourself right.
It is also humnorous that you accuse me of that when you are the one who's argument is entirely based on your own assumption. I gave reasons why they won't. You only said "They will buy because I say so".
So, assuming that "people dont have a lot of disposable income right now" is a valid reason to assume that people wont transfer off a server?
Around 30 people in my guild on bene transferred off to Westfall. No one seemed to have a problem putting "disposable income" toward a transfer off of a realm with a 6 hour gatekeeper.
Just because YOU or your gaming circle dont have the money to do it, doesnt mean alot or most dont.
It would literally be the same system as BGs, except you could pre make groups with people from different servers, rather than it being a randomized Q system. They could force a requirement that the people youre Qd with have to be BTAG friends, etc. I feel like it would absolve the issue almost completely instantly. If I could Q with all of my friends from any bongwater server, id be off any mega server instantly.
Setting up the remote desktop app or alternate programs is 5 minutes of your time.
If you need to be stingy with electricity, setting up a specific boot time for your computer in the bios is another 3 minutes.
How do people still have queues/can't play when coming home? I tap 3 times on my phone during lunch break and the deed is done, the situation and blizzards server politics suck but the solution to that takes less than 10 minutes of your time.
I wouldn't be surprised if Blizzard bottlenecks servers on purpose to create ques to make it seem like more people are playing than actual are, especially after FFXIV/endwalkers que issues when the expansion hit and how negative it impacted Blizzards image.
Conspiracy theory? yup. Possible? Yup
some people also don't want to reward shit server management and greed, I unsubbed in BC classic because I ended up a server\faction side that could not put a 5 man together, at that point if blizzard can't be bothered to give a free transfer off to the few left on a dead faction fuck em (I left and spent close to $200 on the steam summer sale). people trying to throw money at bliz for shit service (having to pay extra to play the game normally that's up to them) let them keep rewarding that shit, can't fix stupid, but maybe if they keep it up ..fool... money... soon... parted.. etc.. etc....
*after BC's run not to many want to trust blizzard on transfers to another server, just to have to pay to move to another later, (and if the big ones are still locked, could end up repeating a few times).
Last edited by Dadwen; 2022-10-04 at 03:50 PM.