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  1. #61
    World revamp would be nice. Make more of the old world relevant at max level

    But what we can't go without. 100% needed. Is major class changes. I have spent so much time and energy trying to convince my friends to play one more expansion. Litteraly everyone keep saying the same. The classes has been the same shit for the last 4 expansions now. Playing a fury warrior in DF is more or less exactly the same as in Legion. No one else see a problem with that? Just ok with having the same shit copy pasted every expansion?

  2. #62
    For the story I would like to get a bit more into the politics of their many people.
    Why a civilisation attacks another shouldn't always be because of X unknown mystical force pushed for it. It doesn't have to get all about power schemes and treachery. But the alliance has been dealt shitty hands for quite some time and it's surprinsing that we see no issue. Survivalists came to this faction with no resources (void elves, dark iron dwarves, night elves, gilnean, lightforge) and everything is fine for the kingdom.

    For the gameplay elements, I would like to finally have a solid implementation of armors that feels like the tech has evolved from what was done in WoD.
    Stop using the same shitty robe model that was introduced in vanilla. In BfA, the only "new" armor introduced was the "kilt" (arathi warfront mail armor) which they've been using a lot since but it looks very bad. Have some physics applied on the armor like lor'themar's. Use less different parts for an armor appearance. Merge waste and chest, legs and feet, hands and wrists. Only for appearance.

    Another gameplay element I'd like to see is random adventures.
    Go to any adventure board and pick a quest that will bring you to go accross the world to either stop a menace, investigate on some intriguing events, or rescue people. And on your journey you will encounter randomly generated events that will ask you to help locals by finding some treasures, resources, etc. or get attacked by mercenaries, pirates, monsters, or opposing faction. Such activities that could be done alone or in a group.

  3. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    I don't think you grasp how difficult the balance for DF is by creating an entire new class and revamping the entire talent system into something that's never been done before in wow.
    This is bogus. Take Legion for example. Not only did they have the base specs, they had the talent system, tier gear, artifact weapons, and the legendaries. Each one of those things significantly altered how class was played.

    They have the ability to implement additional specs. There are so many retired class abilities and mechanics that each class could have six specs.

  4. #64
    Playable Ogres

    Shaman Tank Spec
    Quote Originally Posted by Zaelthon
    do i wanting my cat come the expansion due to signifying a reroll fresh scratch the night elf mage?

  5. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by Swnem View Post
    Oh? You still have the will to do these? You do know the devs just ignored them, right?

    What they will do is nothing of what we want. Best thing to do at this point is to wish for nothing and maybe we will luck out and they give us something we actually want.
    There is no "we". WoW is played by a lot of people who are completely different and want completely different things out of the game.

  6. #66
    Quote Originally Posted by BB8 View Post
    World Revamp and City buidling.
    I would like to have more larger cities to explore.
    Give the allied races more settlements and purpose.
    And of course Housing. Let us buy and sell property and have a hearthstone to your own house.
    Enough places for enough people on each server right?

    - New Tauren city on southern Northrend where all Tauren races live combined (Bison, Moose & Cattle).
    - New Silvermoon. Bigger and more interesting (Like Suramar / Kul Tiras / etc)
    - More Forsaken villages accros the world in the style of New Agamand
    - A new large Orc city somewhere between de Barrens Stone Talon and Ashen Vale. Also a combined city of the different species
    - New settlements for the Nightborn acrros Kalimdor and Northrend
    - Vulpera camps on Kalimdor
    - A large Troll city on the Hinterlands coast instead of this Revanusk Village. A center for the Forest Trolls, with a large harbor and perhaps pirates.
    - More Pandaren outpost on Kaldimor

    - Humans for me have enough big cities, but would like to see more Kul Tiran villages on Eastern Kingdoms.
    - Gilneas could be rebuild and used a large quest hub for the Worgen
    - The Draenei should rebuild their capital like Karabor on the spot where they are now. With a Harbor matching that of Kul Tiras. Lighforged joining.
    - The Night Elves should take over Mount Hyal and build a new home in the giant tree.
    - The Gnome remake Gnomeregan. Perhaps they can work together with the Mechagnomes and take over Mechacon or even connect the two cities.
    - Also the Dwarves have enough places, but they could enlarge Ironforge or build a real city under Aerie Peak.
    - Pandaren settlements accors Eastern Kingdoms

    Then further I like to play:
    - Arrakoa
    - Setthrak
    - Venthyr
    - Silvar
    - Jinyu
    - Saberon
    Don’t agree on everything but that’s a free world we won’t always. But I do support and totally agree on the city building and repairing. Especially with silvermoon and Exodar being rebuilt and repaired outside of the game already

  7. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by Tiev View Post
    There is no "we". WoW is played by a lot of people who are completely different and want completely different things out of the game.
    I maintain what i said.

    There is "we". We as in the majority that requests things on social platforms, not joey snowflake that wants strawmans in Oribos. That opinion doesn't gain traction. Ok? Ok.

  8. #68
    Stood in the Fire BB8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlmightyGerkin View Post
    Do have interesting ideas for Horde and Alliance. Arrakoa as a choice is alright. Setthrak definitely yes but Venthyr just reskinned elves and we got enough of that. Like the Gilneas one cause the zone was interesting and hated how it wasn't used at all after worgen starting area. Silvermoon and Gnomeregan and Draenei would be interesting to see.
    Yeah I know what you mean with reskinned, but still those guys and girls from Revendreth have some special faces.
    And besides that, for me Vampires, how cliché it may be, do belong in a high fantasy setting.
    I think more people would like to play one.
    Anyway, Blizzar doesn't surprises me alot with their new stuff. Its neet sometimes, but I want to have more options

  9. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by Swnem View Post
    I maintain what i said.

    There is "we". We as in the majority that requests things on social platforms, not joey snowflake that wants strawmans in Oribos. That opinion doesn't gain traction. Ok? Ok.
    See, the thing is, the majority, does *not* request things on social platforms.

    The majority just simply plays the game and stops playing if they don't like it. If you're using these forums, engaging in twitter/wowhead/official forums to discuss WoW you are not in the majority.

  10. #70
    Quote Originally Posted by Tiev View Post
    See, the thing is, the majority, does *not* request things on social platforms.

    The majority just simply plays the game and stops playing if they don't like it. If you're using these forums, engaging in twitter/wowhead/official forums to discuss WoW you are not in the majority.
    Yes, because they don't care. We are talking about the ones that care enough to leave an opinion and how they gain traction with the community.
    You sure do your best to not see the point huh? You are not making any revelations here and you know exactly who we are talking about. Stop wasting my time. Thanks.
    Last edited by Swnem; 2022-09-15 at 12:39 PM.

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