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  1. #41
    Gonna go on a limb and say this would be a great opportunity to throw in Class Skins, and have Gnome and Goblin 'Tinkers' with Mech Forms and lasers and rockets to replace the beast forms and nature magic.

    I'm not sold on the concept of Gnomes going Hamster mode, even if it's a funny idea. I think the gameplay could easily be adapted with different forms, and we could give Gnomes and Goblins something that really works with their race rather than trying to lump em in with the rest of the Druids. I mean, they'd have to spend time making unique size-appropriate Beast forms for them anyways, might as well put that effort into designing something that fits their aesthetic instead, and just repurpose the Druid gameplay with some spanky new FX.

  2. #42
    Herald of the Titans
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    Gonna go on a limb and say this would be a great opportunity to throw in Class Skins, and have Gnome and Goblin 'Tinkers' with Mech Forms and lasers and rockets to replace the beast forms and nature magic.

    I'm not sold on the concept of Gnomes going Hamster mode, even if it's a funny idea. I think the gameplay could easily be adapted with different forms, and we could give Gnomes and Goblins something that really works with their race rather than trying to lump em in with the rest of the Druids. I mean, they'd have to spend time making unique size-appropriate Beast forms for them anyways, might as well put that effort into designing something that fits their aesthetic instead, and just repurpose the Druid gameplay with some spanky new FX.
    You said it. Why did you say it. Why man, why!
    Quote Originally Posted by Minikin View Post
    "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never....BURN IT"
    Quote Originally Posted by Kathandira View Post
    You are kinda joe Roganing this topic. Hardly have any actual knowledge other than what people have told you, and jumping into a discussion with people who have direct experience with it. Don't be Joe Rogan.

  3. #43
    The Lightbringer vian's Avatar
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    My vote is on dorfs.
    Quote Originally Posted by bizzy View Post
    yeh but lava is just very hot water

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by Darththeo View Post
    Yes, the void. Not Nature where DRUIDIC Magic come from.
    Irrelevant. Void elves already showed the ability to use Fel (Warlock), Arcane (Mage), and Death (Death Knight). There's no reason why they can't use Nature energy too. Nature is not antithesis to the Void.

    No, they aren't. Void elves are merely High elves infused with void energies.
    "Merely High elves infused with Void energies" (you forgot to mention at a biological level btw since they were physically altered by it) still makes the more different than Kul Tirans, who are literally humans. The playable Kul Tirans are literally fat humans. Nothing about them is different from Stormwind humans aside from them being fat.

    Kul Tiran humans can become identical biologically to OG Humans by simply going to the gym and working out, meanwhile Void elves will never return to their untainted state before they were injected with and transformed by the Void.

    And Blood Elves are High Elves that had fel energies in them at one point. That's it.
    Fel energies that are starting to dissipate in many Blood elves, which is why many Blood elves now have golden eyes; while the Void will never leave the VOID Elves; so No, the difference between High and Blood elves is not nearly as vast as the difference between Blood and Void elves.

    The difference between Void and Blood elves is comparable to the difference between Felblood (aka 2.4 Kael'thas) and Blood elves.

    This is irrelevant, and you know it
    If you can't even explain your point then it has no weight.
    Humans are not from Arathor
    All modern kingdoms started out as colonies from Empire of Arathor, this is basic fact of Human lore.
    The Kul Tiran have a different culture than Stormwind.
    And Void elves are different biologically. Biological difference is greater than cultural difference.
    What you are arguing is that it makes more sense to get power from a completely different source then they come from in lore than spend over 1000 years as different cultures. Nonsense, pure and simple. Nonsense.
    And what you are trying to say (you can't even explain your points > See "This is irrelevant, and you know it.") is that the difference between a fat person and a muscular person is greater than the difference between a normal person and a person that was literally transformed by an alien power at a biological level.

    Nevermind the fact that Void elves being Druid doesn't mean Blood elves can't get Druids either... But in case you missed it, this thread is about ALLIANCE races, so explain why you thought it was a good idea to mention Blood elves here?

    Quote Originally Posted by Eosia View Post
    Yes, they are. They're Blood Elves who delved into the Void and got banished from Quel'thalas for it because their presence was a direct threat to the Sunwell.
    You forgot the mention the part where they were transformed by the Void at a biological level.

    or now. In case you haven't been paying attention, Blizzard is rolling out new race/class combinations in stages.
    This is an irrelevant to point to bring up in defence of Human Druid and Shaman because I can also bring it up in defence of Void elf Druid.

    PAladins are of the Light, which is the antithesis of the Void.
    Which is irrelevant, since the Twilight's Hammer employed Paladins who were stationed literally in their main citadel (which is stated to be a "dark symbol of the Old Gods' power on Azeroth" and yet retained Light spells:

    So we already see that Light being antithesis to the Void on the Cosmic chart doesn't stop Paladins from blatantly affiliating themselves with Void factions.
    Last edited by Varodoc; 2023-02-01 at 09:05 PM.

  5. #45
    Draenei Druids. Draenei should have been the ones to rescue them after the burning. The nelfs could teach them about elune and Malorne, and the Draenei could teach them The Light and the Elements.

    Pand'a all day. Nuzaio Bull Bear form, Spirit of Yu'lon resto.

    Wildhammer Dwarves/Dwarves. Another easy one.
    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
    wE doN't kNoW wHaT pLaYeRs WaNt FoR cHarAcTeR CrEaTiOn MoDeLs

  6. #46
    Elemental Lord Darththeo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Irrelevant. Void elves already showed the ability to use Fel (Warlock), Arcane (Mage), and Death (Death Knight). There's no reason why they can't use Nature energy too. Nature is not antithesis to the Void.
    One, they already do. Hunter uses some of it.
    Two, they don't come from a culture with druids. Could they learn? Sure, but it then makes no sense not to also give Druid ... to blood elves. Seriously, you are merely proving one thing: You don't understand my argument and decided rather than ask clarification to attempt to show how "smrt" you are.

    "Merely High elves infused with Void energies" (you forgot to mention at a biological level btw since they were physically altered by it) still makes the more different than Kul Tirans, who are literally humans. The playable Kul Tirans are simply fat humans. Nothing about them is different from Stormwind humans aside from them being fat.

    Kul Tiran humans can become identical biologically to OG Humans by simply going to the gym and working out, meanwhile Void elves will never return to their untainted state before they were injected with and transformed by the Void.
    Void elves aren't biologically different from Blood elves. This is nonsense. The argument here is that if you cut off your arm, you are "biologically" different. Being physically altered doesn't mean your biology changed. That's just something you made up.

    If you can't even explain your point then it has no weight.
    And you aren't even remotely explaining yours ... so by your logic, yours has no weight.

    All modern kingdoms started out as colonies from Empire of Arathor, this is basic fact of Human lore.
    And it is human lore that they were diverse tribes before and diversified after. So saying "All humans need to be the same" is nonsense.

    And Void elves are different biologically. Biological difference is greater than cultural difference.
    Again, they are not biologically different. And given that most classes have cultural reasons for existing, not "biological ones", even if I say "Yes, you are right they are biologically different." You would still be wrong on the original point. Culturally differences matter more to classes than biological ones. Especially now where everyone has Rogues.

    Culture defines class. Not biology. So, biological differences are meaningless here.

    And what you are trying to say (you can't even explain your points > See "This is irrelevant, and you know it.") is that the difference between a fat person and a muscular person is greater than the difference between a normal person and a person that was literally transformed by an alien power at a biological level.
    I literally explained it afterwards, and you responded to. Why the hell are you lying?
    Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power.
    Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free.
    –The Sith Code

  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by Darththeo View Post
    One, they already do. Hunter uses some of it.
    Then you concede that Void elf Druid makes sense because they can already wield Nature magic.

    Sure, but it then makes no sense not to also give Druid ... to blood elves.
    In case you hadn't noticed, this is a thread about ALLIANCE races.

    So why are we talking about Blood elves here?

    As I said, I have no problem with Blood elves getting Druid if Void elves do too.

    Void elves aren't biologically different from Blood elves. This is nonsense. The argument here is that if you cut off your arm,
    Which is literally not what happened. They didn't just "cut off their arm", they were literally being transformed into Void Ethereals, AN ENTIRE DIFFERENT BIOLOGICAL SPECIES, until the transformation process was interrupted MIDWAY; which means that they exist in a biological hybrid state between Blood elf and Void ethereal.

    Which is why, in their natural state, they have purple skin tone, tentacles growing out their hair, and they even have a racial ability that periodically turns them into a pseudo Voidform. Clearly they are no longer *just* Blood elves biologically.

    Literally just play the unlock scenario.

    And you aren't even remotely explaining yours ... so by your logic, your has no weight.
    I have explained all my points in ample detail and, unlike you, I have even presented evidence from the source material.

    And it is human lore that they were diverse tribes before and diversified after.
    Cool, thanks to explaining why Kul Tirans should have Druids; Kul Tirans indeed have Druids, so what is your point again? Do you even have a point at all in relation to this thread?

    I literally explained it afterwards, and you responded to. Why the hell are you lying?
    You didn't respond to it at all. You ended it with that sentence then moved on to something else by introducing the next sentence with "Also".

  8. #48
    Elemental Lord Darththeo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Then you concede that Void elf Druid makes sense because they can already wield Nature magic.
    In lines with the culture they had prior to becoming Void Elves.

    In case you hadn't noticed, this is a thread about ALLIANCE races.

    So why are we talking about Blood elves here?
    To argue against them getting Druids on the Alliance because Blood Elves don't have it.

    The topic, is what should be the 4th Alliance Race to get Druids, it is met to balance the playable druid with the Horde which already has 4. So the chosen race should not make an argument for why the Horde should get a 5th druid.

    As I said, I have no problem with Blood elves getting Druid if Void elves do too.
    Translation: I cannot admit I misunderstood you because I wanted an argument with you.

    Which is literally not what happened. They didn't just "cut off their arm", they were literally being transformed into Void Ethereals, AN ENTIRE DIFFERENT BIOLOGICAL SPECIES, until the transformation process was interrupted MIDWAY; which means that they exist in a biological hybrid state between Blood elf and Void ethereal.

    Which is why, in their natural state, they have purple skin tone, tentacles growing out their hair, and they even have a racial ability that periodically turns them into a pseudo Voidform. Clearly they are no longer *just* Blood elves biologically.

    Literally just play the unlock scenario.
    I have, you haven't. No where does that say they are changed to a biologically different species. That is something you made up. Hell, given the number of races that can interbreed, we have no idea how many playable species that there are. Humans can have children with elves, that means humans and elves are biologically the same or closely related species.

    There is no evidence in their unlock that says they are biologically changed. Again, even if you were right, this point is invalid because classes are not determined by biology. They are all culturally defined. And one of the goal of the Void Elves (at least it was in BfA) was to unite all of the High Elves under 1 banner. They still see Silvermoon as their home, they are still culturally near identical to Blood Elves.

    I have explained all my points in ample detail and, unlike you, I have even presented evidence from the source material.
    No, you haven't and you have misrepresented the evidence from the source material constantly.

    Cool, Kul Tirans already have Druids, so what is your point again? Do you even have a point at all in relation to this thread?
    That Void Elves won't get Druids because it makes no sense if Blood Elves also doesn't? You know, the point you agree to is valid but still felt the need.

    You didn't respond to it at all. You ended it with that sentence then moved on to something else by introducing the next sentence with "Also".
    It is almost like also means "in addition to" and not a completely separate ideal. Again, you are lying.
    Last edited by Darththeo; 2023-02-01 at 09:43 PM.
    Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power.
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  9. #49
    I think the 'it does not make sense' ship has sailed long ago if we consider that Blizzard's singing a different tune and slowly opening all classes to all races. The lore will shift to make it appropriate, so there's no sense in arguing it not making sense when the mere existence of some races on said factions are already nonsensical. Like, who thought Blood Elves on Horde made sense? Or Alliance letting Void users join the Alliance but not the non-Void using counterparts? We have lore explaining all that away regardless.

    Worgens and Goblins finally get Monks. Good riddance to the old excuses.

  10. #50
    Elemental Lord Darththeo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    I think the 'it does not make sense' ship has sailed long ago if we consider that Blizzard's singing a different tune and slowly opening all classes to all races. The lore will shift to make it appropriate, so there's no sense in arguing it not making sense when the mere existence of some races on said factions are already nonsensical. Like, who thought Blood Elves on Horde made sense? Or Alliance letting Void users join the Alliance but not the non-Void using counterparts? We have lore explaining all that away regardless.

    Worgens and Goblins finally get Monks. Good riddance to the old excuses.
    Well, the reason that Blood Elves were Horde only makes sense out of world. They wanted a "pretty" race for the Horde to attempt to balance out the Horde and Alliance, as a lot of people don't like "ugly" races.

    And given the number of times the Blood Elves have gotten crapped on, I don't know why they haven't just gone full neutral. Also, I don't understand why all the Void Elves joined the Alliance, because you think some had friends on the Horde.
    Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power.
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  11. #51
    I am Murloc! Maljinwo's Avatar
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    Dark Iron druid so the best alliance race keeps winning

    Core Hound for tank
    Fire tiger for dps
    Alyzraszor like flight form
    This world don't give us nothing. It be our lot to suffer... and our duty to fight back.

  12. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by Darththeo View Post
    To argue against them getting Druids on the Alliance because Blood Elves don't have it.
    Except that your "argument" only makes sense if someone said that Void elves should get Druid, but not Blood elves... which no one did... because this is a thread about Alliance races.

    Translation: I cannot admit I misunderstood you because I wanted an argument with you.
    You are the one who misunderstood what Void elves fundamentally are and I never said Blood elves shouldn't get Druid.

    I have, you haven't. No where does that say they are changed to a biologically different species.
    And nowhere does it say that Kul Tirans are different culturally from Stormwind humans. That's something you made up.

    No, you haven't and you have misrepresented the evidence from the source material constantly.
    You haven't provided anything besides your own headcanon about Kul Tirans being different from Stormwind humans culturally.
    That Void Elves won't get Druids because it makes no sense if Blood Elves also doesn't? You know, the point you agree to is valid but still felt the need.
    I didn't say that Void elves getting Druids while Blood elves don't doesn't make sense. I said that I have no problem if Blood elves also get Druid if Void elves do. Blood elves getting Druid or not is irrelevant to the fact that Void elves getting Druid makes sense. You can simply say that their new Night elf allies taught them, or that they discovered how to replicate the Emerald Nightmare/Yogg-Saron's corruption on Nature, it's not rocket science.

    Also, you are aware that Blizzard already confirmed all races will get all classes, Yes?

  13. #53
    Herald of the Titans
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maljinwo View Post
    Dark Iron druid so the best alliance race keeps winning

    Core Hound for tank
    Fire tiger for dps
    Alyzraszor like flight form
    I withdraw anything and everything I said in favor of this.

    I would reroll Alliance to play this.
    Quote Originally Posted by Minikin View Post
    "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never....BURN IT"
    Quote Originally Posted by Kathandira View Post
    You are kinda joe Roganing this topic. Hardly have any actual knowledge other than what people have told you, and jumping into a discussion with people who have direct experience with it. Don't be Joe Rogan.

  14. #54
    The Lightbringer Huntaer's Avatar
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    Draenei, i want a space goat travel form
    ___________( •̪●) --(FOR THE ALLIANCE!)
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  15. #55
    Elemental Lord Darththeo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Except that your "argument" only makes sense if someone said that Void elves should get Druid, but not Blood elves... which no one did... because this is a thread about Alliance races.
    What? No that's nonsense and I don't see how you are justifying it. You are literally saying "You can't make your point here" without any logic behind it. I responded to saying saying that Blood Elves can, and you jumped on me.

    You are the one who misunderstood what Void elves fundamentally are and I never said Blood elves shouldn't get Druid.
    Says the person who makes a claim that isn't justifiable in lore AND is claiming I did something I didn't. Yeah, Karen, whatever you say.

    And nowhere does it say that Kul Tirans are different culturally from Stormwind humans. That's something you made up.
    This is 100% false and is easily proven by playing.

    You haven't provided anything besides your own headcanon about Kul Tirans being different from Stormwind humans culturally.
    Because it is obvious they are different cultures? Like, seriously, you can't walk through Kul Tiras' humans settlements and go "Wow, this is just like Stormwind!" They have different faiths, different (albeit similar) forms of government. I mean, seriously, the Humans kingdoms have clear cultural differences.

    I didn't say that Void elves getting Druids while Blood elves don't doesn't make sense. I said that I have no problem if Blood elves also get Druid if Void elves do. Blood elves getting Druid or not is irrelevant to the fact that Void elves getting Druid makes sense. You can simply say that their new Night elf allies taught them, or that they discovered how to replicate the Emerald Nightmare/Yogg-Saron's corruption on Nature, it's not rocket science.
    It is almost like I was answering why I did something and not something about you. Like, what the actual crap is this? Why are you asserting things I didn't claim to me?

    Also, you are aware that Blizzard already confirmed all races will get all classes, Yes?
    I am aware, but I prefer logic in how they do it.
    Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power.
    Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free.
    –The Sith Code

  16. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    This is an irrelevant to point to bring up in defence of Human Druid and Shaman because I can also bring it up in defence of Void elf Druid.
    It's not a "defense". It's just a statement of FACT. It's not Blizzard's problem you're impatient.

    Which is irrelevant, since the Twilight's Hammer employed Paladins who were stationed literally in their main citadel (which is stated to be a "dark symbol of the Old Gods' power on Azeroth" and yet retained Light spells:

    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post

    So we already see that Light being antithesis to the Void on the Cosmic chart doesn't stop Paladins from blatantly affiliating themselves with Void factions.
    Ummm, you might want to go back and actually read the page you linked. They didn't use Void abilities. They used Paladin ones. Divine Storm, Hammer of Wrath, Retribution Aura. None of those are Void. They're Paladin. So no, it's not mixing Void with Light. Not to mention the fact that they're not warped by the Void like the Blueberry Elves are. So they're existence is irrelevant to this discussion.

  17. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by Darththeo View Post
    What? No that's nonsense and I don't see how you are justifying it. You are literally saying "You can't make your point here" without any logic behind it. I responded to saying saying that Blood Elves can, and you jumped on me.
    No, I "jumped" on you when you said Blood elves not being able to be druids means that Void elves can't either, ignoring the fact that Void elves are in a different position than Blood elves.

    Says the person who makes a claim that isn't justifiable in lore AND is claiming I did something I didn't. Yeah, Karen, whatever you say.
    No. It is directly stated multiple times that they have been changed:

    Race description on the character creation screen:

    Seeking to harness the corruptive magic of the Void, these outcast elves endured an unexpected transformation. They are determined to master their newfound powers and resist the whispers eager to lure them into madness.
    Narration intro cutscene:

    Alleria Windrunner: The Void. A force of infinite hunger. Its whispers have broken the will of dragons... and lured even the titans' own children into madness. Sages and scholars fear the Void. But we understand a truth they do not. That the Void is a power to be harnessed... to be bent by a will strong enough to command it. The Void has shaped us... changed us. But you will become its master. Wield the shadows as a weapon to save our world... and defend the Alliance!
    Unlock questline scenario:
    Magister Umbric says: Alleria... <Name>... My people are free, but we have been... changed. And the voices...
    Magister Umbric says: Silvermoon turned its back on us long ago. Today we are reborn... and it is fitting that we walk a new path. From this day forth, the Alliance has our loyalty.
    Magister Umbric says: It will take some time for us to adjust to our new forms. We look forward to your return, Lady Windrunner. And <name>, you have our deepest thanks.
    You think that Void elves aren't anything special, this is funny, but the game proves you completely wrong.

    Void elves are special compared to Blood elves, this is a fact which you tried to disprove.
    This is 100% false and is easily proven by playing.
    Give me a quote that states this like I did amply for the Void elves then.
    Because it is obvious they are different cultures?
    And it's obvious that Void elves are biologically different from any other elf by simply looking at them, yet for some reason that's not enough for you

    I am aware, but I prefer logic in how they do it.
    Void elf Druids make perfect sense and are completely logical.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Eosia View Post
    Ummm, you might want to go back and actually read the page you linked. They didn't use Void abilities. They used Paladin ones. Divine Storm, Hammer of Wrath, Retribution Aura. None of those are Void. They're Paladin. So no, it's not mixing Void with Light. Not to mention the fact that they're not warped by the Void like the Blueberry Elves are. So they're existence is irrelevant to this discussion.
    ? I literally acknowledge in my post that they retained their LIGHT spells. The point is that these Paladins still affiliated themselves with a Void faction; and not just that, but they lived in a bastion of the Old Gods power and were surrounded by Void users everywhere.

    So there is literally no reason why a normal elf paladin can't choose to align themselves with the Ren'dorei and travel to Telogrus Rift.

    And not all elves that start in Telogrus Rift are corrupted by the Void, that's why they have High elf options since Shadowlands and why many elves there are uncorrupted, despite aligning themselves politically with the Ren'dorei and living in Telogrus Rift.

    So, there is literally 0 reason why, amongst them, there can't be a few Paladin elf users.
    Last edited by Varodoc; 2023-02-01 at 10:18 PM.

  18. #58
    Elemental Lord Darththeo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    No, I "jumped" on you when you said Blood elves not being able to be druids means that Void elves can't either, ignoring the fact that Void elves are in a different position than Blood elves.

    No. It is directly stated multiple times that they have been changed:
    Changed is not the same as "biologically different." Blood Elves were changed by Fel energies, even though it can leave their bodies, but you don't define that as a biological difference. Orcs, regardless of their skin color, are the same species too; even though the reason the main universe has green orcs is because of fel magic changes. I never claimed "They weren't changed." I stated they are blood elves infused with void energy. That kind of implies that they were changed ... but, you know, you have to argue with me even though you conceded the main point already.

    You think that Void elves aren't anything special, this is funny, but the game proves you completely wrong.
    Again, you are claiming things about what I said, that I never did.

    Void elves are special compared to Blood elves, this is a fact which you tried to disprove.
    It isn't a fact. They are different than Blood elves, but differences doesn't make them "special."

    Give me a quote that states this like I did amply for the Void elves then.
    You mean quotes you are misrepresenting?
    Do you not understand that Kul Tirans have a religion that isn't in Stormwind? While some worship the light, they have an entire other faith around the Tidemother.
    Or they are led by a Lord Admiral as opposed to a King?
    And their culture has been impacted by their interactions with the Drust ... something Stormwind didn't have in their area.

    Also, you are ignoring that Void Elves still see Silvermoon as their home, and want to reunite (or at least at some point did). Do Kul tirans see themselves as Stormwind humans and consider Stormwind home?

    And it's obvious that Void elves are biologically different from any other elf by simply looking at them, yet clearly that's not enough for you
    The main difference is skin color. The only other difference is hair tentacles, which given they are hair tentacles are likely modified hair.

    I never claimed they aren't different. I said they arent significantly culturally different. Why the hell are you lying?

    Void elf Druids make perfect sense and are completely logical.
    Only if Blood elves get Druid too. Which again, was the original point in all this that you have already conceded.
    Last edited by Darththeo; 2023-02-01 at 10:58 PM.
    Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power.
    Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free.
    –The Sith Code

  19. #59
    Titan Orby's Avatar
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    Dwarfs... For no reason but my own reason to roll more dwarfs :P
    I love Warcraft, I dislike WoW

    Unsubbed since January 2021, now a Warcraft fan from a distance

  20. #60
    I miss the time when everything was not homogenized..... I miss the restrictions that made sense. Meh, maybe I should just go away.

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