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  1. #181
    Field Marshal Imnotadentist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FelPlague View Post
    First part- Lol the dragons had not taking a big part in the lore up to that point? do you forget like the war of the ancients, the war of the shifting sands, the whole thing with the sunwell in tbc and the powers of the sunwell protected by kalec? do you also forget the entire badlands, sunken temple, blackwing lair? Like you think only the "tanaris quest" was the ONLY thing dragons did before wotlk?

    #1 those were work orders, not crafting orders, we had pointed out multiple times they were a new feature different
    #2 yes, welcome to every prepatch ever?
    #3, i did... i did show you cloudburst totem and wellspring, i literally show you IN THAT POST. you also said earth elemental, which is literally the very first talent resto shammies have to put in pretty much.

    #4 lolololololol that still takes work to make, balance, and organize these, aswell as add the new abilities that exist within the trees.
    #5 bagnon taking awhile to update to work with the new bag UI is not blizzard fault...
    #5.5 yes, it does happen every expac, literally.

    I don't research you, I just remember you well as you have very little posts, but almost all of them have been blatently wrong. And it is fine to be wrong, but if you are wrong with an ego, that makes ya a fool. and well.

    This... this is what we would call, making a fool of yourself.

    Fuck me yourself coward, do it. do what "no one else can"
    also, I guess I took crafting/work orders as one in the same, again, thats on me
    Shadowlands prepatch/ bfa prepatch were no where near as buggy as DF's is so far, and there was much more to do in both of those pre-patches. But I do understand, with all the overhauls to UI and what not, there have been a higher number than average bugs. Still to your original point, its buggy af.
    bagnon had day 1 prepatch updates, and that update no longer works. It does not usually take them a long time to update, so yeah. But again, UI overhaul, but then again again, it would be hard to keep your addon working with this many bugs.
    i love the 'its okay to be wrong' but then you refuse to be wrong, its kinda cute. Maybe ill take you up on coiduce

  2. #182
    Merely a Setback FelPlague's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Imnotadentist View Post
    also, I guess I took crafting/work orders as one in the same, again, thats on me
    Shadowlands prepatch/ bfa prepatch were no where near as buggy as DF's is so far, and there was much more to do in both of those pre-patches. But I do understand, with all the overhauls to UI and what not, there have been a higher number than average bugs. Still to your original point, its buggy af.
    bagnon had day 1 prepatch updates, and that update no longer works. It does not usually take them a long time to update, so yeah. But again, UI overhaul, but then again again, it would be hard to keep your addon working with this many bugs.
    i love the 'its okay to be wrong' but then you refuse to be wrong, its kinda cute. Maybe ill take you up on coiduce
    BFA prepatch literally removed all of your quests from your questlog upon changing zones, causing many people to lose quests they have had since vanilla, causing people who were long progressed through massive questlines purged, oh you are 99% done your shadowmourne quest to get all the shadowfrost shards? lol fuck you quest gone, back to step 1. It also had a massive honor farm that let people get honor level 10,000 in no time.
    again, every prepatch has had massive amounts of bugs.
    also dude, you have yet to say anything correct, and nearly had to have cloudburst totem still existing pointed out to you 3 times.
    Last edited by FelPlague; 2022-11-24 at 05:42 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    Remove combat, Mobs, PvP, and Difficult Content

  3. #183
    Stood in the Fire Uvania's Avatar
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    I'm sorry but L O L is all i can say, DF being alt friendly??? Shadowlands is by far the most alt friendly expansion ever released, there were literally skips for all future alts and i have every single class with 278 conduits, 80 renown, maxed out SL professions and a mix of fated LFR/normal gear and world boss epics on all of them and its been zero effort getting there, every week ive spent a few hours trying out a new class since fated raids went live in LFR/normal and world boss content and i've had a blast doing and learned so much.

    Now i just see the "new and improved" ui messing it all up with blacked out abilities and preset talent trees that is awful and just a big mess and all the bugs for legacy content that is in-game now is hilarious.

    I have 0% hype for DF but i'll probably try it out eventually.

    if its crap its byebye retail that ive been playing now since feb 2005 with a active sub for all these years.

  4. #184
    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post
    I never said it wasn't an unrealistic and immature approach to sack Danuser. In fact, I think it's a pretty daft idea to sack him even if it were true that he is responsible for every narrative failure thus far. However, it's disingenuous to argue that simply because the story as a whole isn't penned by one person that the lead narrative director does not, in fact, direct the narrative. Swapping out a key figure in determining the overall trajectory of the storyline is definitely going to change it in some tangible capacity. This is especially noteworthy in regards to Danuser's contributions to the story being things like the First Ones and whathaveyou. Even the broad direction in which he's taken the story is unfortunate, and that is worth some derision. Although you are correct that posters like Syegfryed have a habit of effectively ascribing absolute blame to one particular person they dislike, and that replacing Danuser will not dramatically improve the storyline per se, it nevertheless definitely would have some tangible impact and assuming that your interlocutor would just continue to rail against his successor is definitely expressing bad faith.

    As for why I'm engaging you with sarcasm, it's because you, in spite of your prior assertions, seem to be engaging with hostility and immaturity towards other posters. Obviously, if you only address people with vague derision, assumptions about ones character, and disingenuous willful misunderstanding of people's intentions designed to argumentum ad hominem away criticism of Warcraft's current state, people will respond to you with derision and generally dismiss your opinion. Most people would like to argue with someone willing to express open-mindedness.

    For instance, if you want people to take your opinion seriously, you could've told Syegfryed "this is an immature and absolutist approach because Danuser, although he directs the narrative, doesn't have absolute control over it", or otherwise argued as to why replacing him wouldn't have the effect he thinks it would. Instead, you addressed him in an accusatory and simplistic way, assuming that he would just dislike any change made without explaining why. This is argumentation designed to express hostility, not to change opinions. Nobody will change their opinions based on being told "no, you're wrong", especially when assumptions about what the interlocutor would feel about a hypothetical change are made. Making this kind of argument will not help the conversation.
    I'm not going to warrant most of the pseudointellectual nonsense you loaded this post with because it really seems like you're trying to tone police this entire thread with a weird notion of centrist idealism.

    I will say, however, that any temporary solution like sacking the narrative director even if the new guy comes in and says "yeah fuck that guy, we're doing the exact opposite!" is that in order for the game to feel proper there's going to be some kind of weird transitionary period where the writers try to connect the dots from what was to what is going to be. Shadowlands' entire story arc is a perfect example of this. Afrasiabi's parting gift was the burning of Teldrassil at the hands of Sylvanas. Danuser spent the better part of the last two expansions jumping through narrative hoops just to get us to the point where he can tell his own story from scratch. DF isn't exactly starting off with a bang (imo) but he's just now, years after being moved to his current position, getting to the point where he can move the direction somewhere that's wholly his own. If he fails miserably in DF at least we'll know it's because he's a terrible writer and not just a guy who got served a shit sandwich. Perhaps I'm giving the guy too much of a benefit of the doubt here but I feel like that's a more reasonable position then just getting on a forum and angrily typing (for the 283,849th time this week) "FIRE HIM TO SAVE WOW!!!"
    Last edited by Relapses; 2022-11-24 at 06:51 AM.

  5. #185
    Quote Originally Posted by Popikaify View Post
    Yes they fucked up and fired those people there are still good devs among them,wow team crew is almost 3 times bigger now.People wanted an expansion EXACTLY like DF,without borrowed power,its very alt frendly,old talent trees (current one are way better in my opinion),more open world content and so on.

    Even if they didnt react to wow playerbase feedback,those guys would still google up wow content and hate it for stuff they did before ? as i mentioned "the worst psychos ive ever seen"
    Some people with questionable opinions still work at Blizzard like one dev had an argument on twitter about how it's their game and doesn't need to address things players want and another dev said they don't want white male people to play the game.

    As for some things to dislike in dragonflight. There is still some heavy timegating with the new renown tracks that do contain player power in the form of recipes and crafting materials. So you'd want to do all daily quests every day, do your weekly and the now bi-weekly world quests, do the community feast every week, do your adventures every week, your daily hunts and so on and you'd want to do all that stuff also on your alts to get the crafting materials. Recipes and transmog are account wide unlocks but the materials are still per character rewards and getting the crafting materials for 4 heroic/mythic items is something you'd want to have for your alts.

    Even if you aren't interested in player power, some endgame story questlines are gated behind renown and rep is only awarded by daily quests, world quests and so on so there's no catch up mechanic for it and we don't know which rewards those quests give as they weren't tested on beta and as they don't see recipes (like the ones for high level gems or some of the raid flasks) and crafting materials as part of player power, it could reward something that is considered player power by the community.

    They did a lot of things right but there's still stuff that could be better. The way crafting is set up will result in crafted gear being expensive and it isn't set up to be a progression path but rather a catch up/bad luck protection. You need the timegated/rng materials to craft heroic/maythic gear in the first place and in addition bop materials that have to be provided by the person who wants the item that comes from heroic/mythic content. 10 boss kills/high rated PVP matches/high m+ keys to craft 1 item and you can't craft heroic/mythic gear through public crafting orders. So even if you have the materials, you need to know some high level crafter to create a personal crafting order and since leveling professions takes a lot of material there will only be a few people early on that will charge a lot of gold.

    So for high end players it isn't that much more alt friendly if you want to get the maximum power as early as possible and there is no new progression path for more casual players. If all you do are lfr or normal raids, there's no way for you to get better gear and additional content is timegated. Even the primal storm which reward an epic quality normal mode ilvl set will unlock at a later date as a form of catch up. So for more casual players there's something like 8-10 weeks of content (until you maxed out all renown) and then maybe primal storms.

  6. #186
    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    I'm not going to warrant most of the pseudointellectual nonsense you loaded this post with because it really seems like you're trying to tone police this entire thread with a weird notion of centrist idealism.

    I will say, however, that any temporary solution like sacking the narrative director even if the new guy comes in and says "yeah fuck that guy, we're doing the exact opposite!" is that in order for the game to feel proper there's going to be some kind of weird transitionary period where the writers try to connect the dots from what was to what is going to be. Shadowlands' entire story arc is a perfect example of this. Afrasiabi's parting gift was the burning of Teldrassil at the hands of Sylvanas. Danuser spent the better part of the last two expansions jumping through narrative hoops just to get us to the point where he can tell his own story from scratch. DF isn't exactly starting off with a bang (imo) but he's just now, years after being moved to his current position, getting to the point where he can move the direction somewhere that's wholly his own. If he fails miserably in DF at least we'll know it's because he's terrible writer and not just a guy who got served a shit sandwich. Perhaps I'm giving the guy too much of a benefit of the doubt here but I feel like that's a more reasonable position then just getting on a forum and angrily typing (for the 283,849th time this week) "FIRE HIM TO SAVE WOW!!!"
    The latter is a perfectly fair take and your assertions that firing Danuser would cause a great deal of problems are correct. It is definitely true that swapping writers could just mean you'll saddle some other poor writer with the terrible decisions made by Danuser leading to a plodding attempt to wrap up his problems in exactly the same way that Danuser was saddled with Afrasiabi's terrible decisions and had to find a way to resolve it. This doesn't solve everything, obviously—there are still elements introduced and maintained by Danuser which are problematic for the narrative direction, and it is true those certainly warrant criticism directed at him. Nevertheless, firing Danuser would not resolve the damage that was already caused and which seems to be the bulk of it, and it would also offer up substantially more problems than it would solve.

    If you'd opened to Syegfryed like that, you'd probably be able to start an actual discussion. You see how easy it is to make an articulate, functional, and perfectly good and reasonable argument instead of cursing up a storm or reducing your argument to ad hominem jabs and assumptions about the character of your interlocutor?
    Last edited by Le Conceptuel; 2022-11-24 at 06:50 AM.

  7. #187
    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post
    The latter is a perfectly fair take and your assertions that firing Danuser would cause a great deal of problems are correct. It is definitely true that swapping writers could just mean you'll saddle some other poor writer with the terrible decisions made by Danuser leading to a plodding attempt to wrap up his problems in exactly the same way that Danuser was saddled with Afrasiabi's terrible decisions and had to find a way to resolve it. This doesn't solve everything, obviously—there are still elements introduced and maintained by Danuser which are problematic for the narrative direction, and it is true those certainly warrant criticism directed at him. Nevertheless, firing Danuser would not resolve the damage that was already caused and which seems to be the bulk of it, and it would also offer up substantially more problems than it would solve.

    If you'd opened to Syegfryed like that, you'd probably be able to start an actual discussion. You see how easy it is to make an articulate, functional, and perfectly good and reasonable argument instead of cursing up a storm or reducing your argument to ad hominem jabs and assumptions about the character of your interlocutor?
    My guy, I promise you the off-handed dozen-word response I had to that dude which started you on this college dissertation of yours isn't that important. I've already replied to his reply to my post, I'm waiting with baited breath for the surely intense philosophical discussion which it will bring. We're gonna move past this now, I hope that's okay with you.

  8. #188
    Light comes from darkness shise's Avatar
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    They are not good.

    Sure, they do look amazing, but most feel empty. Definitely nothing to do with the good old videos Blizzard used to pull.

    Another clear case of content > graphics. Just, they are doing it the other way around.

    The last video, for example, looks amazing. But what is it about? the same content as the last 5... dragon riding really.

  9. #189
    meh this xpac has zero things that i want to do beside repeating raid/mythic+ dungeons spam…like…something different something beyond new…oh well glad i discontinued my journey.
    Last edited by trapmaster; 2022-11-24 at 08:02 AM.

  10. #190
    Banned Cynical Asshole's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Popikaify View Post
    Like im wondering why DF videos got so many dislikes,i see nothing wrong with the upcoming expansion.Just curious what the f... is wrong with people being obsessed on hating wow non stop? unsub and leave,why is it that hard ? im not blizzard fanboy,but i cant stand this community,i swear to god.

    Blizzard definately did lots of bad stuff in the past and i get it,but some of the community folks are the worst psychos ive ever seen,ex girlfriend syndrome.
    Haters. They don't even play WoW anymore but still checkout videos and instantly downvote. It's a fad.

    DF doesn't bring anything better or worse than any of the previous expansions. Some even downvote vids because of things that have nothing to do with the game, like creepy stuff happening at Blizzard HQ.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by trapmaster View Post
    meh this xpac has zero things that i want to do beside repeating raid/mythic+ dungeons spam…like…something different something beyond new…oh well glad i discontinued my journey.
    You have been doing the same thing for the past 17 years. DF doesn't change that.
    Last edited by Cynical Asshole; 2022-11-24 at 08:20 AM.

  11. #191
    meh i don't really do the whole up/down vote thing on youtube. but if i did it'd most likely be a down vote. as in not interested.
    shadowlands and dragonflight do nothing for me thematically.
    I had fun once, it was terrible.

  12. #192
    As far as the DF cinematic, compare it to the WOTLK cinematic. It lacks that epic feeling in my opinion. I know others will disagree as they really like the DF cinematic and that's OK because we are all different. But I like the gritty wow and for some reason, DF seems um...less gritty. A bit too cute, so far. Maybe it will change over time. Lately we've had great cinematics(except for SL as I will never get over Sylvanas defeating the LK) but mediocre/bad expansions. Maybe a mediocre cinematic will give us a great expansion. We will see.

  13. #193
    Quote Originally Posted by lordjust View Post
    So even if you have the materials, you need to know some high level crafter to create a personal crafting order and since leveling professions takes a lot of material there will only be a few people early on that will charge a lot of gold.
    People said that about the legendary components, too but in the end every guild had their dedicated crafters who were leveled with guild mats and who made them for the material price. I guess it will be the same here. The only people who may pay high prices are guildless raiders but how many of them are there?

  14. #194
    Field Marshal Imnotadentist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FelPlague View Post
    I didnt look at every post you have made... I looked at the few posts I made that have quoted you...
    come on man, also calling me an incel???
    also it is funny how you censor fuckin now when you didnt censor it earlier?
    If you say so, just you linked like 5 of my posts, a couple from weeks ago oddly enough. And yeah, i called you an incel, because I had made an earlier comment about how you unable to be sexed, so the insult fits from my earlier insult.
    and yeah, i figured i would try to limit my curse words when im using them in anger, as per a suggestion from a different user up above there (the mr house profile pic guy). Im glad it amuses you, but also "also it is funny how you censor fuckin now when you didnt censor it earlier?" is not a question, so you dont need a question mark.

  15. #195
    Well if we are talking about the cinematic, it's pretty damn bad. I am watching streamers say how good it is and I am just not seeing it. Worst one I have seen, even below MOP and Shadowlands.

    As for gameplay videos while DF seems to have some good parts (no systems although it's not the systems imo that are the problem it's the fact they delete them every expansion) it really just looks like more of the same. Endless mythic + and raids which I cannot stand personally. Having said that I have not played in 2 years now. I am still hoping for the game to make more changes so still watch the videos. But this is the first expac I will not buy. It's not DFs fault really, I just have very little faith in Ion and hope he goes away

  16. #196
    Merely a Setback FelPlague's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Imnotadentist View Post
    If you say so, just you linked like 5 of my posts, a couple from weeks ago oddly enough. And yeah, i called you an incel, because I had made an earlier comment about how you unable to be sexed, so the insult fits from my earlier insult.
    and yeah, i figured i would try to limit my curse words when im using them in anger, as per a suggestion from a different user up above there (the mr house profile pic guy). Im glad it amuses you, but also "also it is funny how you censor fuckin now when you didnt censor it earlier?" is not a question, so you dont need a question mark.
    Bro idk if you know but you can click on someone's account, go to their "quotes" section, then just look...
    it literally took me 30 seconds to go there, then look at the ones where I quoted you...
    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    Remove combat, Mobs, PvP, and Difficult Content

  17. #197
    Elemental Lord sam86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Accendor View Post
    They fucked up 3 of the last 4 expansion and had tons of scandals that have not been solved.
    Mostly this, tbh i was skeptical on this exp until i tested it (the 3 free days) and it seems better than i even thought
    but i completely understand the hate, and even now i wonder if it will stay good or not, they did after all burn all bridges, for first time for me in 16 years i deleted wow, even for short time
    The beginning of wisdom is the statement 'I do not know.' The person who cannot make that statement is one who will never learn anything. And I have prided myself on my ability to learn
    Thrall 7:20+ "Alliance remaining super power", clearly blizz favor horde too much, that they made alliance the super power

  18. #198
    Field Marshal Imnotadentist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FelPlague View Post
    BFA prepatch literally removed all of your quests from your questlog upon changing zones, causing many people to lose quests they have had since vanilla, causing people who were long progressed through massive questlines purged, oh you are 99% done your shadowmourne quest to get all the shadowfrost shards? lol fuck you quest gone, back to step 1. It also had a massive honor farm that let people get honor level 10,000 in no time.
    again, every prepatch has had massive amounts of bugs.
    also dude, you have yet to say anything correct, and nearly had to have cloudburst totem still existing pointed out to you 3 times.
    Firstly, I agree that BFA bug was pretty bad, but it also got rolled back and was more or less the only seriously damming bug from that pre-patch. Not to say it wasn't a big deal, but it was immediately fixed. and i mean if every expac prepatch had this many bugs, why only referance bfas launch? I mean shadowlands had a couple bugs in prepatch, with elites freezing and despawning, which kinda sucked.
    But, unlike this pre-patch, these problems were fixed within a single week, despite them being rather impactful bugs that would seemingly take a longer time than say, fixing enchanting vellums? (they didnt work for 8 days) Mechagnomes racial still doesn't function properly, The blue primal thing (from the boss in the events) won't trade for some reason, and thats just the issues I noticed today. Never have I seen DAILY hotfixing pretty much since release of the pre-patch, and THERES EVEN MORE BUGS STILL!
    And I did very clearly say that i saw cloudburst/wellspring in your earlier post, but I guess you missed that.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by FelPlague View Post
    Bro idk if you know but you can click on someone's account, go to their "quotes" section, then just look...
    it literally took me 30 seconds to go there, then look at the ones where I quoted you...
    right and to link each indivdual quote too, right? with clickable, custom links? Sounds like you didnt commit a bit of time to that.
    Last edited by Imnotadentist; 2022-11-24 at 11:27 AM. Reason: bad at english at 330 am

  19. #199
    Quote Originally Posted by Swnem View Post
    People like or dislike whatever they want. It's none of your business. Why are people like you always looking for a "yes" bubble? Do you need approval to play or enjoy a game?

    I completely understand people having grievances given past experiences and it's far too early to be calling DF a winner. After all the burns it would be insane to not be cautious.

    I still remember the thread made by some guy 2 weeks into SL saying how great the expansion was and i told him the same thing i'm telling you now. Launch is not when you find out if an expansion is good. It's a month or two in.

    Either way, don't expect people to be giving an easy 4th, 5th, etc chances to WoW. The way back to earning customer trust is a long one and it will take years to achieve.
    I swear its an American thing. So many cannot accept other people's opinions and feel the need to try their hardest to call out/shame other people until they stop talking/posting. They think they are smarter than everyone else, when it's more that they were not brought up correctly, nor have any manners. They treat people poorly, then get a surprised Pikachu face when they get treated poorly back. Just look at your political system as perfect evidence. Fuck them! But pooor me!!

  20. #200
    maybe because not everyone seems to like dragonflight or modern wow?

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