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  1. #141
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    The fact that Elune has her hands in Order, Light and Life is very odd and it was surprising to hear that she is a member of a sole pantheon when she does so much crossover. Maybe she's just a very good ambassador?
    I mean, the Winter Queen clearly uses some sort of ‘nature magic’ while being in the death pantheon. Which means it … makes sense for her “sister” to double dip too… maaaybe?

    I’m not even sure Danuser knows what the boundaries/relationships are here tbh.

  2. #142
    Quote Originally Posted by Villager720 View Post
    I mean, the Winter Queen clearly uses some sort of ‘nature magic’ while being in the death pantheon. Which means it … makes sense for her “sister” to double dip too… maaaybe?

    I’m not even sure Danuser knows what the boundaries/relationships are here tbh.
    Pantheons can definitely use different magic types (see the Titans as examples) but Elune uses lots of different things. Also theorized in-universe to be the creator of Naaru, which either is just old lore they decided against or is an example of a pantheon member meddling drastically in another force.

    We haven't seen that kind of interference since Sargeras.

  3. #143
    It would make some sense for the first ones to make one member of each pantheon connected to the others, they may have just made 6 "sisters" to act as intermediaries.

  4. #144
    I am Murloc! Auxis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Canpinter View Post
    It would make some sense for the first ones to make one member of each pantheon connected to the others, they may have just made 6 "sisters" to act as intermediaries.
    And WQ and Elune may only be able to communicate with each other because Life and Death are part of the same machine. Interesting thought.
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  5. #145
    Quote Originally Posted by Auxis View Post
    And WQ and Elune may only be able to communicate with each other because Life and Death are part of the same machine. Interesting thought.
    All 6 would be part of the same machine, I mean hell we see Elune seems to be connected to life death light and order she might just be the most willing to cooperate with her sisters.

  6. #146

    The pros: Blizz did something with baine that didn't involve the Alliance

    The cons: it feels... Clunky
    Twas brillig

  7. #147
    Quote Originally Posted by Skytotem View Post

    The pros: Blizz did something with baine that didn't involve the Alliance

    The cons: it feels... Clunky
    Ugh. Where's the spit emote when you need it. Also, even including his personal experiences years ago it's rather weird seeing Baine be a Centaur racist. The same guy that decided to give Quilboars water even after they were brutally attacking his people and ritualistically cut off his balls to hand them over to the same humans that were invading his lands and killing his people not only holds a grudge for over a decade, but he projects it even on utterly different group of Centaurs that were outright created by different demigods?

    It's either out of character (and while rather severe, it cannot be character assassination because Baine is a prop for Blizzard to expose Alliance's glory to Horde players, not an actual character) or Baine is completely full of shit and he has one set of standards for his people being treated badly by other races and one completely different standard for him being treated badly by other races.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kangodo View Post
    Does the CIA pay you for your bullshit or are you just bootlicking in your free time?
    Quote Originally Posted by Mirishka View Post
    I'm quite tired of people who dislike something/disagree with something while attacking/insulting anyone that disagrees. Its as if at some point, people forgot how opinions work.

  8. #148
    Titan Soon-TM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    I'm however, still excited to see how blizzard will completely forget the DRAGONMAW clan in the DRAGONflight Expansion.
    Well, they managed to completely and utterly forget about Death Knights in the death-themed expansion, much like they forgot about one of the first (playable) victims of the Legion, aka Orcs, during Legion.
    A snapshot of the overall state of lore since BfA:

    Quote Originally Posted by Nerovar View Post
    [Calia is] A character who is undead in name only and was introduced solely as a plot device to transform the Forsaken from a faction of tragic but cool bad guys into a group of sad, boring losers. She is the blandest of the bland. Now that she has fulfilled her primary purpose she's only there to talk about trauma and spout fortune cookie lines.

  9. #149
    I don't get why they bother with peaceful arcs with NPCs. They're boring and pointless for a game that's all about engaging in warfare. It's not like the Centaurs would ever really join or ally with the Horde anyways, and when it comes down to it they only exist to be NPC fodder for leveling zones.

  10. #150
    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    I don't get why they bother with peaceful arcs with NPCs. They're boring and pointless for a game that's all about engaging in warfare. It's not like the Centaurs would ever really join or ally with the Horde anyways, and when it comes down to it they only exist to be NPC fodder for leveling zones.
    All you do in the quest is kill centaur, what are you even talking about "boring"?

    I have a lot of criticisms of Blizz writing but your post here literally doesn't make sense.
    Twas brillig

  11. #151
    Quote Originally Posted by Skytotem View Post
    All you do in the quest is kill centaur, what are you even talking about "boring"?

    I have a lot of criticisms of Blizz writing but your post here literally doesn't make sense.
    Yes, that's all you do in the quest, but it leads up to a pointless narrative conclusion. The conclusion is what is boring about it.

  12. #152
    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    Yes, that's all you do in the quest, but it leads up to a pointless narrative conclusion. The conclusion is what is boring about it.
    That's INCREDIBLY subjective.
    Twas brillig

  13. #153
    Quote Originally Posted by Mehrunes View Post
    Ugh. Where's the spit emote when you need it. Also, even including his personal experiences years ago it's rather weird seeing Baine be a Centaur racist. The same guy that decided to give Quilboars water even after they were brutally attacking his people and ritualistically cut off his balls to hand them over to the same humans that were invading his lands and killing his people not only holds a grudge for over a decade, but he projects it even on utterly different group of Centaurs that were outright created by different demigods?

    It's either out of character (and while rather severe, it cannot be character assassination because Baine is a prop for Blizzard to expose Alliance's glory to Horde players, not an actual character) or Baine is completely full of shit and he has one set of standards for his people being treated badly by other races and one completely different standard for him being treated badly by other races.
    Well it is consistent with typical blizz inconsistency, it is rather fun how they managed to undo pretty much Baine's entire characterization in a few quests XD

  14. #154
    Quote Originally Posted by Skytotem View Post
    That's INCREDIBLY subjective.
    Yes, yes it is.

    It's all subjective. Even you're own questioning of it being "boring" is also subjective. What would be the difference, you think somehow you are talking objective fact and I am not?

    If I say the conclusion is boring, then it is based on my interpretation and expectations. You think it doesn't make sense and you don't understand my point, so I explain my perspective. You don't have to agree, my impression of the quest and story has no impact on your own opinion. Not sure why you're pointing out that it's INCREDIBLY subjective, you already knew "boring" is subjective, regardless of whether it makes sense to you.
    Last edited by Triceron; 2023-03-05 at 02:32 AM.

  15. #155
    Alright, 10.1 spoilers

    The mole people are called "Niffen" apparently, and are allied to the Drogbar

    Here are their buildings.
    Last edited by Skytotem; 2023-03-08 at 05:14 PM.
    Twas brillig

  16. #156
    I guess Khaz Algar is not a part of this expansion after all. I really doubt that we are going to get another underground zone/area (and I believe Khaz Algar is mentioned to be underground).

  17. #157

    Incarnate visage forms apparently
    Twas brillig

  18. #158
    Quote Originally Posted by Skytotem View Post

    Incarnate visage forms apparently
    Reusing Krexus for Iridikron looks great, but the ice one looks WAYYYYYY too close to the Winter Queen. Unless that's intentional.

  19. #159
    Alright, Sabellian gets hit with Shadowflame, Ebyssian 'cures' him and Sabellian says he doesn't feel the shadowflame talking to him anymore, but who wants to place bets on whether he gets turned evil or not?
    Twas brillig

  20. #160
    Quote Originally Posted by Skytotem View Post
    Alright, Sabellian gets hit with Shadowflame, Ebyssian 'cures' him and Sabellian says he doesn't feel the shadowflame talking to him anymore, but who wants to place bets on whether he gets turned evil or not?
    Honestly, given that this was their big chance to turn him into turbo Satan, the story actually laid on very thick that Sabe isn't going the Neltharion route without turning him into a limp dicked non-entity.
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