1. #2001
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    I doubt that, from what I gathered on Towellie stream it's something more involving. Imo it's either 10.0.7 surprise drop (very unlikely, although EU has very suspicious two long maintenances this week) or some event connected to WoW. Or maybe you are partially right and it will be 10.1 reveal + some event for stream.
    It could absolutely be an event. I think they want to engage as much as possible with streamers right now, to pull people into DF.

    But at the very least it's probably likely the streamers will know everything and share different bits of information on their streams, coinciding with Blizzard's own info dump.

  2. #2002
    With how the PTR is structured right now, we could have a 10.1 PTR while the 10.0.7 PTR is still running as well.
    But your duty to Azeroth is not yet complete. More is demanded of you... a price the living cannot pay.

  3. #2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    OK FWIW things are likely ramping up, based on Twitter.

    MRGM tweeted the eyes emoji last night, as did Towellie. Taliesin & Evitel also responded to MRGM with "Not doing anything".

    Based on the fact that both MRGM and T&E were involved in a European event at a castle recently, and Towellie is obviously also in the know, it is probably safe to assume there will be some cool news this week (or at the latest next week, in case it's something they're all being informed about or recording together this week).

    My guess is on 10.1 information dump, since that PTR is likely to go up any week now once 10.0.7 is released next week.
    I don't think so.

  4. #2004
    Its probably something huge, but then again, its most likely nothing.

  5. #2005
    Probably another watch streamer x hours and get this type of thing.

  6. #2006
    Quote Originally Posted by inferis-culex View Post
    They should do WoW 2 with Unreal engine 5.1, cartoon style like now is shit. Mostly singelplayer so all can play.
    I prefer the stylized look WoW. I prefer stylized aesthetics in general. I generally dislike photorealistic games, particularly Western AAA games where the devs go out of their way to make the characters look as unattractive as possible.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    They will never make a WoW 2.

    Do you genuinely think people are gonna play a game without all their transmogs, mounts, achievements, characters etc.?

    Sequels to MMOs never work and might as well be new IPs.
    The only way I could see a WoW 2 working would be for it to be a new engine so you could get stuff like action combat, physics, etc, but old assets carry over. You can still wear the same transmog and pepe on your head and totems on your back and ride the same mount you've been riding. So it'd be more of a revamp rather than a totally new game. The big problem with this is that old content - questlines and raids - would not be able to be carried over, since it would be impractical to go through the game and update all the mobs and raids to account for a new combat system, so in WoW 2 you would only have access to content made after the switch over.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Forum Man View Post
    Anyone who reads the books

    What happened with the old god heart after garrosh?
    I read War Crimes and what happened to the Heart was never mentioned. Presumably it began decomposing, was burned, and the ashes either buried or dumped into the ocean, or maybe sealed away in a vault in Dalaran or back into the Vale.

  7. #2007
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Black Rider View Post
    You don't think so about what?

    I didn't say 10.0.7 would release this week. I said it'll release next week, with a 10.1 info dump either this week or the next being likely.


    I think Spring technically counts from 20 March - 21 June, with Summer being from then until 23 September.

    The Dragonflight roadmap lists 10.0.7 and 10.1 as releasing in the Spring, unless I'm reading it incorrectly.

    So 10.0.7 may be in two weeks, not one, on the 21st of March.

    That would leave them about a 13 week window before Summer begins.

    10.0.5 hit PTR on the 19th of December IIRC, and was released on January 24. So about a 5 week PTR cycle.

    10.0.7 hit PTR on the 31st of January, I think. So a week's gap.

    If 10.0.7 goes live next week, it'll be 6 weeks. 6 or 7 weeks seems fine since the patch is a little meatier.

    But 10.1 is definitely a bigger patch, and needs more testing. I think it's very possible it hits PTR within 3 weeks from today, possibly even this week but probably more likely the next two weeks.
    Last edited by Worldshaper; 2023-03-07 at 11:14 AM.

  8. #2008
    [QUOTE=Val the Moofia Boss;54060395]I prefer the stylized look WoW. I prefer stylized aesthetics in general. I generally dislike photorealistic games, particularly Western AAA games where the devs go out of their way to make the characters look as unattractive as possible.

    - - - Updated - - -

    The only way I could see a WoW 2 working would be for it to be a new engine so you could get stuff like action combat, physics, etc, but old assets carry over. You can still wear the same transmog and pepe on your head and totems on your back and ride the same mount you've been riding. So it'd be more of a revamp rather than a totally new game. The big problem with this is that old content - questlines and raids - would not be able to be carried over, since it would be impractical to go through the game and update all the mobs and raids to account for a new combat system, so in WoW 2 you would only have access to content made after the switch over.

    This is the issue when trying to create a new and potentially better game.
    It is not a new WOW expansion, it is a NEW wow game people want.
    Ergo if you want to keep your progress on your old game, you should play WOW 1 - with all the expansions.. Not have all your progress on WOW 2 - a totally new game, that many people want.

  9. #2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Truthseeker11 View Post
    a totally new game, that many people want.
    Got some source for that ?
    MMO Champs :

  10. #2010
    my ears are burning

  11. #2011
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by serow081 View Post
    I hope in 11.0 they add Tinker, and it'll be the 2nd Druid ie. all 4 specs. The suit-up Ironman tank, dual-pistols ranged dps, chainsaws+electric shockers melee dps, potion-grenade healer.
    Next class won't be until 12.0 at the earliest. Blizzard could even do something like class skins or new specs to push back a new class even further. While the Tinker/Mechanic is an inevitable future class, it could be years before it becomes playable.

  12. #2012
    Quote Originally Posted by MrGMYT View Post
    my ears are burning
    Out of embarrassment or what? Did content creators think it was coming this week?

  13. #2013
    I'm not expecting 10.0.7 until the end of the month. It's a meatier patch than 10.0.5 and still doesn't feel entirely ready to ship, plus the heritage questlines have yet to be tested (I'm guessing those will come up this week). 10.1 is tough after that, I definitely think they'll want to ship before Diablo 4 releases but assuming a release a week or two before that game launches, it's going to get a little under two months of PTR time which feels very breakneck. The ~60 day patch cycle is very impressive but I hope it's being built on a sustained foundation and the team isn't getting overworked to right the ship.

  14. #2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Out of embarrassment or what? Did content creators think it was coming this week?
    Nobody thought 10.0.7 was coming this week? I meant because I saw my name on the thread

  15. #2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Val the Moofia Boss View Post
    I prefer the stylized look WoW. I prefer stylized aesthetics in general. I generally dislike photorealistic games, particularly Western AAA games where the devs go out of their way to make the characters look as unattractive as possible.
    I mean the unreal engine is great for what it is. But i think a lot of the games that use it look way to similar. They don't have soul, they don't have an artistic expression. They just look realistic and highly rendered and thats about it.
    I highly prefer wows unique aestetic to stay the way it is.

  16. #2016
    10.0.7 next week... Good one. I mean I main ret and it would be great to get that totally broken rework next week, but yeah, that's not happening. They will need at least two more weeks to balance the spec. At least. My guess is: three weeks from now. At the earliest.

  17. #2017
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    In some Sanctuaryesque place or a Haven
    Quote Originally Posted by MrGMYT View Post
    my ears are burning
    You may want to go to your local doctor for that. >.>
    #TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde


  18. #2018
    Made an account to post this here, there is this leak from a year ago, witch is kind of accurate, but not exactly. Example he predicted white transmogs.

  19. #2019
    Quote Originally Posted by geusk View Post
    Made an account to post this here, there is this leak from a year ago, witch is kind of accurate, but not exactly. Example he predicted white transmogs.
    Sure, be he also failed to predict completely basic stuff like why we are there, or who we fight? The mechanics of why we are able to finally find the Dragon Isles is wrong, the premise of who we fight is wrong, the premise of a stripped back covenant is wrong.
    Being extremely generous here we could argue that plans have changed. I could maybe see the reason we find the Dragon Isles having changed. But no chance the enemies we fight there being different. The zones are designed to accomodate elemental forces, and besides Brackenhide the zones don't have any indication of having been made to accomodate Death Themed enemies.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  20. #2020
    Quote Originally Posted by geusk View Post
    Made an account to post this here, there is this leak from a year ago, witch is kind of accurate, but not exactly. Example he predicted white transmogs.
    Other than the description of the zones vaguely matching and white transmog prediction everything else is wrong. It not even kind of accurate. Its just a whole different game which is described.

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