Now that white/grey mogs are in, as well as artifact enchantments and old racial armors, are there any other old tmog requests that have yet to be fulfilled?
So it isn't accurate. If you bother to read through it, aside from a few general details, it is very different and wrong. And even those general details aren't all right either (i.e. says we start in the southern zone, and we don't. Says zones aren't based on flights but they are. Says that the western zone is an overgrown forest, it isn't).
Its just another case of someone throwing a lot at the walls and hoping a few things stick.
After Garrosh drains it during his fight, all that's left is the Fading Breath. And it seems it fades away in time as well. Now whether or not that's the end of it, who can say.
Personally I am still waiting for the removal of armor type restrictions.
The idea that class silhouette is paramount in a time when we have cosmetic jester outfits or LF Draenei priests running around in blatant plate, is a joke. Armor type restrictions only makes sense as an inventive to have several alts for gathering.
The world revamp dream will never die!
I want account wide mage tower artifact skins, skin for winning 10 rated battlegrounds to be specific, rest is trivial. Or better, add option to do it through solo que arenas.
The WoW Twitter account only had a Baine questline image to share for their weekly Tuesday 10 am / 7 pm news drop. We must be getting close to an announcement if their news is so drained.
Nice one! So maybe a big info dump later tonight? Could be what those streamers were so excited about.
Time for a duck mount! We ARE getting duck mount in DF, right?
It's so nice to see something new on the horizon, huzzah!
I no longer reply to quotations beyond if you're asking a genuine question or have a non-confrontational stance.
Oh, now I remember what happened when streamers acted like that last time. They must have internal 10.1 build and they either were playing it last few days to make videos or will play it tomorrow. Either way, big 10.1 info dump.
Which make sense, patch must release 16th May or before to finish all race stuff before D4 come out, after that better wait with patch for mid/late June.
Hummmm. We STILL do not have a "pretty good idea" about who is gonna be the final boss. Sure, they can unencrypt some stuff after 10.0.7 hits, but at this point we may see it from 10.1 reveal/PTR.
Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.
So we have our first 10.1 encrypted build. Any guesses on how long before we got a decrypted one?
Which would be a good thing to do - one of BfA's biggest crimes was that it used Zul/Aszhara/N'Zoth as loot pinatas although each could have carried their own Expansion. Zul could have been the major antagonist alongside Ashvane for BfA, while the other two could have served as final bosses for their own Nazjatar and Ny'alotha Expansions instead. Atleast that's something Shadowlands did right - it didn't waste material from which you can create a good setting.