1. #20661
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    And again, that's your opinion. Call it whatever you want, it is just that, an opinion.
    Just because you prefer the convenient narrative that fits your opinion doesn't make it anything else.
    The majority of the people accept that the faction war is over you should do the same.

  2. #20662
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    The Night Elf Storyline in Shadowlands will always be hilarious...
    And when did we not complain about the writing? An expansion no one wants to remember.

  3. #20663
    Guys, to those who don't believe these fake leak arts from the past couple of days/weeks are AI generated, I'd like to share my AI results for the following prompt:
    "World of Warcraft's newest Void (cosmic power) themed expansion digital artwork"

    Edit: the first one pretty much resembles that one pic everyone was discussing trying to guess if it was a void portal or a void-corrupted sword of Sargeras
    Last edited by Yzmor; 2023-09-28 at 04:28 PM. Reason: Additional thought; added image

  4. #20664
    Quote Originally Posted by Grazrug View Post
    The majority of the people accept that the faction war is over you should do the same.
    How's that advice thread in Lore working out for you?

  5. #20665
    So I had this scenario in my head for the 11.0 cinematic.

    Imagine Yrel commanding her forces in combat. You see the typical faceless troops fighting in the back ground. Orcs vs Draenie.

    Then we switch perspective to xalatath or Iri doing their void shit.

    Then back to Yrel, but now her army is disappearing one by one in golden sand puffs and she's all like 0_o. Untill she also goes poof.

    Then back to xal maybe arriving in karesh with some ethereals attacking.

    Then back to Yrel who's now im azeroth confused wondering where they are only to be met by Velen who was able to foresee the event.

    Then the camera pans out and you see a giant lightbound army and the Light Mother (AU Xera) behind Yrel wrath cinematic style.


    Title shot

    World of Warcraft: Well done steak was right

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Yzmor View Post
    Guys, to those who don't believe these fake leak arts from the past couple of days/weeks are AI generated, I'd like to share my AI results for the following prompt:
    "World of Warcraft's newest Void (cosmic power) themed expansion digital artwork"

    Edit: the first one pretty much resembles that one pic everyone was discussing trying to guess if it was a void portal or a void-corrupted sword of Sargeras

    If AI can create that imagine what blizz can. And people are worried about karesh being boring.

  6. #20666
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    How's that advice thread in Lore working out for you?
    I don't want faction war anymore. Just a leadership that is not a bunch of bland people who share the values of Anduin with every sentence they talk.

  7. #20667
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    And again, that's your opinion. Call it whatever you want, it is just that, an opinion.
    Just because you prefer the convenient narrative that fits your opinion doesn't make it anything else.
    It's not an opinion.... There are no loose ends...

    Tyrande is over it, You have a new home, sylv is taken care of. Forsaken troops are protecting your tree..

    The only loose end is your denial.

  8. #20668
    Quote Originally Posted by Well Done Steak View Post
    So I had this scenario in my head for the 11.0 cinematic.

    Imagine Yrel commanding her forces in combat. You see the typical faceless troops fighting in the back ground. Orcs vs Draenie.

    Then we switch perspective to xalatath or Iri doing their void shit.

    Then back to Yrel, but now her army is disappearing one by one in golden sand puffs and she's all like 0_o. Untill she also goes poof.

    Then back to xal maybe arriving in karesh with some ethereals attacking.

    Then back to Yrel who's now im azeroth confused wondering where they are only to be met by Velen who was able to foresee the event.

    Then the camera pans out and you see a giant lightbound army and the Light Mother (AU Xera) behind Yrel wrath cinematic style.


    Title shot

    World of Warcraft: Well done steak was right

    - - - Updated - - -

    If AI can create that imagine what blizz can. And people are worried about karesh being boring.
    I can assure you Blizzard will not make Yrel and her army the good guys.

  9. #20669
    Quote Originally Posted by Grazrug View Post
    I can assure you Blizzard will not make Yrel and her army the good guys.
    Not saying they will.

    I think the alliance will think she's good, untill she fucks shit up and bounces on the vindecarr with locus walker and alleria as their captives.

    While AU paladin garrosh fucks with the horde.

  10. #20670
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    And again, that's your opinion. Call it whatever you want, it is just that, an opinion.
    Just because you prefer the convenient narrative that fits your opinion doesn't make it anything else.
    I hope you do realise that this fully applies to you as well?
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  11. #20671
    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    I hope you do realise that this fully applies to you as well?
    Whenever I've referred to "my narrative" I've always used "rewrite" or "revision" or similar. Because that's what it is.

  12. #20672
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    Whenever I've referred to "my narrative" I've always used "rewrite" or "revision" or similar. Because that's what it is.
    Except there's nothing left to rewrite since the story is over... Which is not an opinion.

  13. #20673
    Brewmaster flan1337's Avatar
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    Do people actually want Yrell back? Wouldn't it be better to kinda forget WoD ever happened?

  14. #20674
    Quote Originally Posted by Well Done Steak View Post
    Except there's nothing left to rewrite since the story is over... Which is not an opinion.
    If you say so.
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    I mean... what if?

    What if they've decided, fuck it. We ran out of lore. Like Ion said, we dug ourselves into a corner (paraphrasing).

    What if the new expansion is this:

    - We lose. The Void wins. Our timeline is effed. Finally, we met an enemy that was just too far ahead of us. The Old Gods really did do their homework, and there's nothing we can do. Except...

    - Chromie or somebody does a thing. We see one of those time-rewind effects, moving back through history at a rapid pace.

    - *THUNK* The effect stops. A cinematic plays. We hear the first few musical notes of an enhanced Elwynn Forest soundtrack. We open our eyes. We've been given a second chance to stop the Void.

    - The expansion is literally Classic+, but in the modern engine. Perhaps a few features are altered, but in general it's still the same game.

    Lore is reset. Ton of characters and locations return. We set out on a new journey, and it's all in glorious HD.
    With Metzen's return this might be prophetic.

  15. #20675
    Quote Originally Posted by flan1337 View Post
    Do people actually want Yrell back? Wouldn't it be better to kinda forget WoD ever happened?
    How can you forget WoD happened when we have AU maghar as a playable race?

  16. #20676
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flan1337 View Post
    Do people actually want Yrell back? Wouldn't it be better to kinda forget WoD ever happened?
    Why forget? It wont make the expansion go away, it's story and characters are integral to WoW universe. And Yrell shows nicely how good intentions and zeal can easily turn into evil fanaticism under bad influence. Y'all should really stop treating certain moments of the game like they deeply scarred you. It's childish and you wont achieve anything.
    Last edited by Makabreska; 2023-09-28 at 04:23 PM.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  17. #20677
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    Quote Originally Posted by DiscipleofCazicThule View Post
    I really feel people are overstating Thrall to fit their narrative. It could very well just be a way to announce Metzen back to the fold and nothing more and if he is prominent in the next expansion, it could literally be anything. He's the Horde poster boy and can be plugged into anywhere. Hell, he was at the start of Shadowlands even though it didn't do much else with him.
    Both could be true at the same time. His presence can be because Metzen is coming back, and it can be because he plays a major role in the next expansion. Both are probably true since we're talking about this expansion falling on the 20th anniversary of WoW.

  18. #20678
    Brewmaster flan1337's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Well Done Steak View Post
    How can you forget WoD happened when we have AU maghar as a playable race?
    Good point, but do any AU maghar appear in the story at all after WoD? I feel like that is one allied race we don't even see much at all. They exist only to give a reason why we could have uncorrupted orcs.

  19. #20679
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    Quote Originally Posted by flan1337 View Post
    Do people actually want Yrell back? Wouldn't it be better to kinda forget WoD ever happened?
    Ignoring segements of lore is not any sort of solution to the writing quality, it just makes it more disjointed.
    And wod was made impossible to ignore once Mag'har were made playable and a bunch of AU races and creatures jumped over to Azeroth with them.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  20. #20680
    Quote Originally Posted by flan1337 View Post
    Good point, but do any AU maghar appear in the story at all after WoD? I feel like that is one allied race we don't even see much at all. They exist only to give a reason why we could have uncorrupted orcs.
    Well SL and DF didn't call for it but there's maghar npc in org who still have feelings over the lightbound when you talk to them and about the Draenie themselves too.

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