Half of Waking Shores, half of Azure Span and all of Thaldraszus/Ohnaran Plains was lush fields + mountains.
You want what you are complaining about lol
Half of Waking Shores, half of Azure Span and all of Thaldraszus/Ohnaran Plains was lush fields + mountains.
You want what you are complaining about lol
The world revamp dream will never die!
Never been this sad before, honestly. Bog standard patch, M+ changes to keep spam iterating on Negative Affixes and the team trusts us so little they are just leveraging content creators to do the PR while the other Blizzard Teams have Q&As and actually engage with the community in an actual capacity.
Eh, what was I expecting things always stay the same.
I no longer reply to quotations beyond if you're asking a genuine question or have a non-confrontational stance.
These aren't really that good in my opinion (with the marked exception of the Mage, which I really like). However, this is definitely the right direction to go, so I do hope that Blizzard sticks with this design direction that prioritizes class over theme, while still reflecting the environment. Still, I'd prefer if they just developed the best-looking sets for a particular fantasy rather than theming them around the location you procure them from so that they can stay aesthetically evergreen.
Like I said, not really complaining, and I'm sure there's lots of pretty stuff to be found inside Zeralak Cavern. I just find it funny, and don't understand the thought process.
If I designed an MMO, I'd make the raids menacing and scary sometimes, because they're sometimes set inside the lair of the beast, as it were. But the outside space where you hang out should be, IMHO, an inviting and immersive place you just can't wait to visit after work or school.
Personally I like the priest's a lot though had it not been labeled Priest, I wouldn't have thought of it.
I do want to add, I edited in that I got this from reddit and I'm starting to have some doubts about it unless I can find it elsewhere too, as when asked where this came from, the poster replied with just a which makes me suspicious now.
I know I shouldn't expect more from a class called Death Knight, but these sets really do just blend together don't they. All the same black and frosty blue, sometimes with sickly green or blood red for variety.
Also that is one prodigiously shitty Hunter sets. Easily in the top three shittiest mail sets Blizzard have made. I don't know who is responsible for them, but i cannot imagine it's the same set of people that designed the Priest or Druid set.
Also nice to see the longcoat appearance making it's intro to the non-Kul Tiran players. Hopefully we get more of those eventually.
The world revamp dream will never die!
Paladin set looks amazing, apart from the 2D skirt and maybe the shoulders which are a bit Revendreth cloth lookalike. Helmet and chest though, are great.
DK looks amazing as well. Just right for a DK.
Cautiously optimistic about Druid, Warrior, Warlock, Shaman, Rogue, and Mage.
All the rest look a bit iffy, or simply uninspired imo.
Gee, I sure am glad I didn't bother getting the KSM mount!
Also, where are these slides from?
looks too good to be fan-made.
especially like the half-skirts in shaman and druid sets. a return to class distinctiveness is also welcome.
Where are those images from anyway?
Is it too early to cope-post? Well...
10.0- All Flights, Primal Raid
10.1- Black Dragon-themed Zone and Raid
10.2- Blue Dragon-themed Zone and Raid (apparently being built up in this patch)
10.3- Bronze Dragon-themed Zone and Raid
Red and Green are left, but not for this expansion... Life and Dream = Life-themed expansion after DF (revamp?)
Actually the Blue patch could be the megadungeon.
Last edited by Cheezits; 2023-03-08 at 05:10 PM.
The most interesting thing I have read so far is sonething that was speculated here.
Shadow Priest is getting a rework in Patch 10.1. A lot of significant class changes will be seen on the PTR when it goes live.
Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.
Personally the most remarkable thing is the introduction of a new pool of items with a new M+ season.
Note: That is not a diss of the rest of the stuff mentioned on the preview.
Question Edit: Just to confirm, Season 2 Dungeons replace the current selection, right? As opposed to adding 8 more to the existent pool.