Algarian = Khaz Algar
I can see that 100% being legit. Maybe it's a Dark Gryphon because it lives underground? And that's Towellie's cave?
Last edited by Cheezits; 2023-09-29 at 08:08 PM.
@Marlamin mentioned some suggestive future content spoiling stuff being buried in the current mineable data that people had apparently not picked up on yet, but that he was going to refrain from pointing out because he doesn't like spoiling things. I wonder if this is part of that.
Last edited by Hitei; 2023-09-29 at 08:12 PM.
If the theme is "Storms", I wonder if we're back on the Voidstorm train.
The mount is a STORMrider and the pet is called SQUALLY.
Blizzard does not do single player games.
The closest thing that we can get is a WoW - Genshin Impact. Which honestly, if they have half a brain, they should have started developing it the second they knew about Genshin existence.
They have the world, they have the story, they have hundreds of charismatics characters... just do It.
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
People really need to stop focusing on the Towelliee thing. Even completely putting aside the guy himself or his track record or whatever, the way (and openness) he talked about the cave and the idea of below really feels more like he was just talking about what he strongly thinks is the direction rather than leaking outright expansion location information.
It's not. For example, Morchie has the fewest mechanics of any boss in Dawn of the Infinite and is the most hated boss because of how those mechanics are tuned--the adds are too fast and hit too hard, and you can end up in situations where there aren't enough traps out so some have to be kited for long periods of time. This isn't a mechanical bloat issue, it's an issue with how the numbers are tuned (the adds should be less frequent and/or slower; the traps should be more frequent)
If RLP damage was reduced by like, 40% down to what SMBG is like, 99% of the issues with that dungeon would immediately evaporate without removing a single mechanic. There were *also* too many caster mobs, but a lot of issues in the dungeons were things like Thunderhead or the bosses' unavoidable damage being way too high for most healers at the key level that should have been appropriate for them.
Last edited by Selorian; 2023-09-29 at 08:15 PM.
Sure, but the mount/pet being storm themed is interesting when we just killed off the embodiment of Storms herself.
Maybe this is related to Blizzard saying we MAY see Razsageth's visage form one day?
Also: an EARTHEN/DWARF ZONE, coupled with a STORM theme, implies that this isn't going to be just a cave expansion if it pans out. In fact, the Khaz Algar document calls it a "fissure". So it may not be Underground at all.
Last edited by Cheezits; 2023-09-29 at 08:16 PM.
Dynamic Flying Gryphons hell yeah
I guess.
I think part of the problem would be better resolved by what's been circulating in some of the M+ community, about the nature of who gets punished by mechanics (i.e. Healers). If failing mechanics wasn't so wipe-y or one-shotty, and more just inconvenient, I think it might help soften the sheer cliff face that is end game content for a new player.
Community obsession with optimality and complete lack of forgiveness for missteps doesn't help.