1. #21321
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    There's really not any way to tutorialize the gap between veteran players at max level and a brand new player. There's just too much of a gap there and you're not gonna bridge it on the introductory side. If anything you'd have to wildly simplify the top end. That is why Vanilla "worked" in difficulty gradient between first starting the game and being a raider; because you could clear MC and BWL with 75% of your raid barely able to play their class correctly and people dying constantly to mechanics.

    The complexity of modern classes and content is too high a wall to smoothly onboard someone brand new.
    I think the idea of the AI dungeons are about as much as they can or are willing to do, assuming that pans out. Giving players a safer, slower environment to learn stuff like interrupts and the basics of tanking and healing.

  2. #21322
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    They could start by making dungeons less mechanically bloated.

    Especially as Veteran player have already shown a preference for dungeons that don't bombard you with 50 trillion different things at once.
    Remember how popular SBG was compared to RLP in Season 1?
    SMBG was popular because it was easy, not because it "lacked mechanical bloat". The timer was incredibly forgiving and the dungeon was generally just undertuned.

  3. #21323
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiivar86 View Post
    I came across this post on the wow subreddit just now:

    Link to the image it includes, as reddit's new stupid url stuff makes it difficult to direct link to them.

    Anyone with know-how, any idea if this is legit?

    Would point to the murloc from Blizzcon being ysera, there's "Storm Rider" in bronze/silver/gold as well as a heroic edition, which makes me wonder expansion? Especially with the "Heroic Edition: Algarian Stormrider." Bronze/Silver/Gold would've made me think some sort of racing but then there's the heroic edition thing too. Algarian would be Khaz Algar...

    That being said, this is just a spreadsheet image so that would not be hard to fake, either.
    Could indeed be fake, but including the Stormhammer items we've seen datamined, and the gryphon skin, this has a ton of potential to be something serious.

    Also "Squally". Squall being another term for storm, but also as in "Nightsquall". Interesting is all.

  4. #21324
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiivar86 View Post
    I came across this post on the wow subreddit just now:

    Link to the image it includes, as reddit's new stupid url stuff makes it difficult to direct link to them.

    Anyone with know-how, any idea if this is legit?

    Would point to the murloc from Blizzcon being ysera, there's "Storm Rider" in bronze/silver/gold as well as a heroic edition, which makes me wonder expansion? Especially with the "Heroic Edition: Algarian Stormrider." Bronze/Silver/Gold would've made me think some sort of racing but then there's the heroic edition thing too. Algarian would be Khaz Algar...

    That being said, this is just a spreadsheet image so that would not be hard to fake, either.
    That Algarian Stormrider name would fit well with the datamined gryphon.

  5. #21325
    Algarian = Khaz Algar

    I can see that 100% being legit. Maybe it's a Dark Gryphon because it lives underground? And that's Towellie's cave?
    Last edited by Cheezits; 2023-09-29 at 08:08 PM.

  6. #21326
    Quote Originally Posted by milkmustache View Post
    Could indeed be fake, but including the Stormhammer items we've seen datamined, and the gryphon skin, this has a ton of potential to be something serious.
    Yeah. I'm not normally one to point to such things but won't lie, this one has had me raising an eyebrow and feeling something.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    That Algarian Stormrider name would fit well with the datamined gryphon.
    Oh, there was a gryphon? Must've missed that!

  7. #21327
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Selorian View Post
    SMBG was popular because it was easy, not because it "lacked mechanical bloat".
    That's literally the same thing.

    It was easy, and relaxed and people enjoyed it because of it.
    Whereas RLP was a nightmare to run, for everybody involved.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  8. #21328
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    This is just pendantic.
    He said that to deflect from the question.

    The jist was that people asked him about a third spec, he denied it, and then when it got revealed he has the rhetorical safety of a technicallity ("weeeell, i did say 10.1 didn't i? ")

    No shit, it's almost as if that's the whole point!
    It's not pedantic. The community is saying Blizzard lied about the Evoker spec. That a blatant lie. They never lied. They can be accused of being vague, but never lying.

  9. #21329
    @Marlamin mentioned some suggestive future content spoiling stuff being buried in the current mineable data that people had apparently not picked up on yet, but that he was going to refrain from pointing out because he doesn't like spoiling things. I wonder if this is part of that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kiivar86 View Post
    Oh, there was a gryphon? Must've missed that!
    Last edited by Hitei; 2023-09-29 at 08:12 PM.

  10. #21330
    If the theme is "Storms", I wonder if we're back on the Voidstorm train.

    The mount is a STORMrider and the pet is called SQUALLY.

  11. #21331
    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    I would lose my mind if a Warcraft RPG got announced at Blizzcon (even just an "in-development" teaser).
    Blizzard does not do single player games.

    The closest thing that we can get is a WoW - Genshin Impact. Which honestly, if they have half a brain, they should have started developing it the second they knew about Genshin existence.

    They have the world, they have the story, they have hundreds of charismatics characters... just do It.
    Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.

  12. #21332
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Algarian = Khaz Algar

    I can see that 100% being legit. Maybe it's a Dark Gryphon because it lives underground? And that's Towellie's cave?
    People really need to stop focusing on the Towelliee thing. Even completely putting aside the guy himself or his track record or whatever, the way (and openness) he talked about the cave and the idea of below really feels more like he was just talking about what he strongly thinks is the direction rather than leaking outright expansion location information.

  13. #21333
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    If the theme is "Storms", I wonder if we're back on the Voidstorm train.

    The mount is a STORMrider and the pet is called SQUALLY.
    And the color on the datamined gryphon skin is close to some of the "leaked art" pics from a few days ago (which totally look AI, but interesting).

    Khaz Algar stormriders, Squally, all very interesting indeed.

  14. #21334
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    If the theme is "Storms", I wonder if we're back on the Voidstorm train.

    The mount is a STORMrider and the pet is called SQUALLY.
    I think "Voidstorm" is just about the least likely thing to happen possible. Even if they do make, conceptually, a voidstorm, they're not gonna call it the Voidstorm when they already did that for Legion's Felstorm.

  15. #21335
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    So, Thrall on the Blizzcon Keyart has a full render. Is that indicative of anything?


    Pre expansion key art is always indicative of something. Thrall is going to play big role in the next expansion.

  16. #21336
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    That's literally the same thing.

    It was easy, and relaxed and people enjoyed it because of it.
    Whereas RLP was a nightmare to run, for everybody involved.
    It's not. For example, Morchie has the fewest mechanics of any boss in Dawn of the Infinite and is the most hated boss because of how those mechanics are tuned--the adds are too fast and hit too hard, and you can end up in situations where there aren't enough traps out so some have to be kited for long periods of time. This isn't a mechanical bloat issue, it's an issue with how the numbers are tuned (the adds should be less frequent and/or slower; the traps should be more frequent)

    If RLP damage was reduced by like, 40% down to what SMBG is like, 99% of the issues with that dungeon would immediately evaporate without removing a single mechanic. There were *also* too many caster mobs, but a lot of issues in the dungeons were things like Thunderhead or the bosses' unavoidable damage being way too high for most healers at the key level that should have been appropriate for them.
    Last edited by Selorian; 2023-09-29 at 08:15 PM.

  17. #21337
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    I think "Voidstorm" is just about the least likely thing to happen possible. Even if they do make, conceptually, a voidstorm, they're not gonna call it the Voidstorm when they already did that for Legion's Felstorm.
    Sure, but the mount/pet being storm themed is interesting when we just killed off the embodiment of Storms herself.

    Maybe this is related to Blizzard saying we MAY see Razsageth's visage form one day?

    Also: an EARTHEN/DWARF ZONE, coupled with a STORM theme, implies that this isn't going to be just a cave expansion if it pans out. In fact, the Khaz Algar document calls it a "fissure". So it may not be Underground at all.
    Last edited by Cheezits; 2023-09-29 at 08:16 PM.

  18. #21338
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    @Marlamin mentioned some suggestive future content spoiling stuff being buried in the current mineable data that people had apparently not picked up on yet, but that he was going to refrain from pointing out because he doesn't like spoiling things. I wonder if this is part of that.

    Ah neat!

    And yeah, I'm really leaning toward it now. There's something here.

  19. #21339
    Pandaren Monk Merryck's Avatar
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    Dynamic Flying Gryphons hell yeah

  20. #21340
    Quote Originally Posted by Murlocos View Post
    I think the idea of the AI dungeons are about as much as they can or are willing to do, assuming that pans out. Giving players a safer, slower environment to learn stuff like interrupts and the basics of tanking and healing.
    I guess.

    I think part of the problem would be better resolved by what's been circulating in some of the M+ community, about the nature of who gets punished by mechanics (i.e. Healers). If failing mechanics wasn't so wipe-y or one-shotty, and more just inconvenient, I think it might help soften the sheer cliff face that is end game content for a new player.

    Community obsession with optimality and complete lack of forgiveness for missteps doesn't help.

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