It's probably just a race achievement.
Maybe there's some initial promotional event that includes a dragonriding race? Or there's a race component as part of the gryphon mount? Like how the anima worm had a quest for transmog set.
If you think about it, if we assume they show 2024 roadmap, it's pretty impossible it won't be filled with patches until end of expac, even if they would be small. They won't show roadmap with big hole in the middle.
There is also possibility that expac is scheduled for August/September, with full Season 3 (5/6 month) and 12 week Season 4, which would cut any talks about content drought.
Or the Blue Dragonflight questline
Ofc it might be that they WANTED to have it ready for these things, it just wasn't ready to launch.
We have speculated that they might be trying to automate the update. Maybe they had proof of concept for it when they started those questlines but it messed up on the large scale and they delayed it, gods knows that happens with projects.
I did have the idea that they could use a visually updated old world as part of timewalking if they expand timewalking to include zones and/or move to an evergreen version of timewalking.
The elemental themed pet names are definitely sussy.
I think that's a possibility, although I'm not sure if the 5th Old God could perhaps be Xal'atath herself. But the "dark heart" could just refer to the body of the Old God itself. That could be what the children of the first flesh are digging up. But it's just one possibility out of many.
Algarian must be some sort of culture within the new expansion.
Is Lil Maggz, a chibi Magtheridon?
I'd need a good explanation for how the fuck (even though it's in Blizzard-fashion) she survived BoT, but.. "According to Zeryxia, Sintharia's whispers from beyond the grave sent her to lead the Twilight's Hammer and reborn twilight dragonflight in an attack against Deepholm." .. she or somebody impersonating her was whispering as far back as Legion, so..
Edit: Her old TBC Visage Form also has the exact same hair, that the figure in the Dawn Cinematic uses.
Though I do have to say, just before the Screen fades to black on the dawn cinematic, you can get a very good glimpse of the pose of the model in the Portal. And that's not the Belf pose, that's the Night Elf idle. The angle makes it look like the belf model, which can happen if you view both at this angle and obfuscate the actual model to where you do not have anything else to go on. But the position of the arm gives it away.
Last edited by Dismayxz; 2023-09-29 at 10:48 PM.
Last edited by Nymrohd; 2023-09-29 at 10:48 PM.
Actually yeah I think Maggz is Lil Magtheridon, it fits the Lil KT nomenclature. But then that means two Blizzcon pets?
Which leaves Fyrn and Squally as possible pets. If Squally comes with CE, Fyrn could be preorder pet. Sounds like a plant creature.
Arsenal: Stormrider's Stormhammers
Use: Collect the Regal Stormhammer and the Thundering Stormhammer appearances
"The weapons of a Stormrider are renowned across Azeroth with many mastering the power of the storm itself."
Algarian Stormrider
Storm Rider: Bronze/Silver/Gold
I mean, for one, it screams out shamanism and Wildhammer Gryphon riders. Somebody who masters the power of the storm, riding a dark Stormrider gryphon, while wielding a Regal Stormhammer in one hand and a Thundering Stormhammer in the other.
It's a pretty typical theme for the Enhancement artifact weapon appearances, too. One weapon being more regular and the other more elemental.
Have to say, the Elements connection is very sus now.