1. #21581
    Honestly, the more we talk about Avaloren, the more it just sounds like DF 10.3. And I'm not sure whether it's intentional or not.

    Titan keepers of dubious moral character. Potential Old God influence. Elementals. Uncharted lands. Etc.

    The Algarian gryphon is a damning piece of evidence, but still. It just sounds to me like Dragonflight, except Dragons replaced with Dwarves.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  2. #21582
    Quote Originally Posted by milkmustache View Post
    I'm worried with the "Frontier" naming convention that we'll attempt to colonize Avaloren, with the updated models serving villages, but I'll hold out some hope
    Keep in mind the Frontier stuff (name based on a single building model) is from pre/very early Dragonflight development and could have been a part of that too. There is nothing linking it to 11.0 or an indication of it being future content outside of the assumption that the new models (including the Frontier Inn) will be used for something sometime.

  3. #21583
    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    Keep in mind the Frontier stuff (name based on a single building model) is from pre/very early Dragonflight development and could have been a part of that too. There is nothing linking it to 11.0 or an indication of it being future content outside of the assumption that these models will be used for something sometime.
    Very true. It feels like it could only be tied to a revamp, but Garrison 2.0 feels real too.

  4. #21584
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    Honestly, the more we talk about Avaloren, the more it just sounds like DF 10.3. And I'm not sure whether it's intentional or not.

    Titan keepers of dubious moral character. Potential Old God influence. Elementals. Uncharted lands. Etc.

    The Algarian gryphon is a damning piece of evidence, but still. It just sounds to me like Dragonflight, except Dragons replaced with Dwarves.
    We're probably missing 3/4 of the new island area that could be filled with other themes, but Titans and OC newlore island are pretty damning.

    Hope to god the Factions are used.

  5. #21585
    The Lightbringer
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    Please, be not an Elemental expansion. It sucks after Dragonfilght, really sucks. Also not Muh Wooondz again, we just had BFA.

  6. #21586
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    Honestly, the more we talk about Avaloren, the more it just sounds like DF 10.3. And I'm not sure whether it's intentional or not.

    Titan keepers of dubious moral character. Potential Old God influence. Elementals. Uncharted lands. Etc.

    The Algarian gryphon is a damning piece of evidence, but still. It just sounds to me like Dragonflight, except Dragons replaced with Dwarves.
    Which isn't at all unprecedented, it should be said. We doubted 7.0 would be about the Legion after all the Fel stuff in WoD.

    Then we doubted 9.0 would be about Sylvanas, with a third flicking Sylvanas cinematic in a row.

  7. #21587
    Quote Originally Posted by milkmustache View Post
    Very true. It feels like it could only be tied to a revamp, but Garrison 2.0 feels real too.
    Garrisons 2.0 would certainly be, interesting...

    The assets might be there, but most of the features of a Garrison are ones that everyone agrees would be bad for the game.

    Player housing maybe, I just hope it wouldn't be locked to Avaloren in that case. Would all but kill it completely for future expansions.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  8. #21588
    Quote Originally Posted by Harbour View Post
    Please, be not an Elemental expansion. It sucks after Dragonfilght, really sucks. Also not Muh Wooondz again, we just had BFA.
    I would hope that if they use Magni, they rethink his voice acting a bit.

  9. #21589
    I'm going to make one obscure call for this expansion now that I'm pretty sure elements is the theme. Monks are one of the least popular classes in the game, and I think a huge issue with them is their theme is so closely tied with Pandaria that it doesnt fit many other non-pandaren races that well. I always wanted like Loa for troll or elemental for orc or something.

    In Dragonflight there was this random meditating tauren NPC with 4 elemental orbs floating around him - a potential hint. Coincidentally ( intentionally?), the celestials line up perfectly with the 4 elements, and this could make a really cool "Green fire" skin for monks, substituting any celestial aesthetic with elements:

    Chi-Ji, the Red Crane -> Fire
    Niuzao, the Black Ox -> Earth
    Xuen, the White Tiger -> Air
    Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent -> Water

    Last edited by ro9ue; 2023-09-29 at 11:14 PM.

  10. #21590
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    By the way, it wouldn't surprise me if they've got an expansion-neutral HD update coming to both Classic and Retail next year (perhaps announced at BlizzCon).

    But then on top of that, a few years down the line we get a more thorough "revamp" of Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms in retail, with new quests, updated landmasses, etc.

  11. #21591
    Maybe there won't be Dragonriding at all, and it'll be a new type of mount. It's like a mount that curls up and bounces off shit, getting faster and faster, and you get buttons to like aim it or redirect it.

    We could call it


  12. #21592
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    Garrisons 2.0 would certainly be, interesting...

    The assets might be there, but most of the features of a Garrison are ones that everyone agrees would be bad for the game.

    Player housing maybe, I just hope it wouldn't be locked to Avaloren in that case. Would all but kill it completely for future expansions.
    It could just be base building. Not a house, not contained to a single zone. Maybe Avaloren has massive and very empty zones and part of the expac is that we build bases on it.
    Instead of having everything be produced in the Garrison, have the Garrisons be resource hogs that constantly require you to be out in the world, stopping threats and collecting resources.

  13. #21593
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    I think they will have to heavily lean into Titan/Wrath themes, Dwarfs by themselves can't carry an expansion. But so far they are all we have.
    They add new subraces every expansion. Like the new Centaur & Tuskarr in Dragonflight.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    But why would the weapons of a "Stormrider" be renowned across Azeroth if it refers to a zone we don't even know about. It would make sense if it has to do with the Wildhammer. Heck the Stormrider title is already common among dwarven NPCs.
    I think its safe to assume a Stormrider is the lightning-bolt hurling gryphon rider from the RTS games. It's a traditional form of Dwarven combat.

  14. #21594
    Some interesting facts while researching.

    Maggarrak is an Earth Elemental in Hillsbrad - Lil Magz

    In Northrend there is a king of storm giants called Gymer, who has you kill.. you guessed it.. Algar

  15. #21595
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Which isn't at all unprecedented, it should be said. We doubted 7.0 would be about the Legion after all the Fel stuff in WoD.

    Then we doubted 9.0 would be about Sylvanas, with a third flicking Sylvanas cinematic in a row.
    Past Draenor to current Broken Isles was a pretty significant leap though.
    I do however suspect that 6.2 being so heavily Legion themed contributed to Fel fatigue in Legion.

    I mean, DF and Avaloren sound suspiciously similar at this point honestly. I would almost suspect they were originally one concept and got stretched into two.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  16. #21596
    blizzard needs to be careful with the theme of the next expansion. they might make many quit the game

  17. #21597
    I think maybe Runemaster class might fit a titan centered expansion.
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  18. #21598
    Quote Originally Posted by milkmustache View Post
    I'm worried with the "Frontier" naming convention that we'll attempt to colonize Avaloren, with the updated models serving villages, but I'll hold out some hope
    There's gonna be like 5 people who loudly complain if that's the case lol. Rest won't care.

  19. #21599
    Bloodsail Admiral Foreign Exchange Ztudent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zebir95 View Post
    blizzard needs to be careful with the theme of the next expansion. they might make many quit the game
    We're kind of too late, enjoy the chaos.
    I no longer reply to quotations beyond if you're asking a genuine question or have a non-confrontational stance.

  20. #21600
    For leveling it makes sense if every other expansion is the starter experience since they are linked

    For example it makes no sense for SL to be a new players leveling experience because the build up is in BfA as opposed to DF where it has no connection to SL and BfA serves as the default because they didn't think things through

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