1. #21681
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    Literally nothing to indicate either of these things.
    Are we talking about the elemental mount from the blizzcon thing still

  2. #21682
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    Literally nothing to indicate either of these things.
    A contingent of earthen was sent by the titan keepers to investigate a geological anomaly in a fissure detected on Sector AR-938. In time, these earthen begun to display behaviors similar to those who had fallen under the influence of the flesh, despite being separated by a great distance and sharing no cultural ties whatsoever. To the keepers, the similarities were uncanny. Although both groups remained physiologically distinct, the earthen had started to refer to Sector AR-938 as Khaz Algar, and their behaviors, language, and demeanor showed many similarities to other former earthen groups

    It relates to the titans, and it is an underground area.

  3. #21683
    Quote Originally Posted by Zebir95 View Post
    thinking about interviews, i think we're not going to get player housing next expansion. ion said they would add player housing only after updating the engine. I don't think 11.0 is going to have any of that.
    I wish they added an instance creator. So players could make & share their own little dungeons & scenarios. And this would also serve the purpose of housing as people could make living spaces for their friends to hang out in.
    Quote Originally Posted by FossilFree View Post
    Maybe Algar is the dwarf word for Avaloren?
    Maybe, but it sounds like Khaz Algar was a place the Titans were actively observing while Avaloren was someplace settled by Titan-constructs who rebelled against the Titans. It would be an incredible coincidence if they were right next to each other considering Tyr was observing creatures all over the planet.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    It relates to the titans, and it is an underground area.
    Not necessarily. They were originally tasked with investigating a fissure within a sector, and that sector became known as Khaz Algar. A sector is used in terms of top-down mapping, not elevation/depth, so it wouldn't be just the fissure or cave, but everything on top of that as well. Algar might mean the opposite of "Modan" (Mountain) in which yes, they mean a cave. But since WoW Dwarvish is mostly based on Tolkein Dwarvish, in that Dwarf Language Addûm means cave. Algar seems to mean something else, like Valley, or Island.
    Last edited by Ersula; 2023-09-30 at 12:48 AM.

  4. #21684
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Again, I think people are probably blowing the dwarven influence out of proportion. Consider that the heroic mount for Dragonflight was based on the Emerald Dream, yet we haven't even touched the dream this entire expansion, and won't touch it until we get to 10.2 in November. Similarly, we might not get to Khaz Algar until later in the expansion.

    What's the core theme of this mount? It's titan based and from an underground area. That's more than likely the thematics of the next expansion, and I for one think it could be quite exciting.
    Dwarves have just as much chance as Goblins do in playing a huge role in the next expansion. In fact moreso, Khaz Algar has already been seeded in game as a place with new dwarves and if the mount is named after the place then it’s a fair bet that Khaz Algar will be a prominent location and thus the Dwarves will be prominent too.

  5. #21685
    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    As has already been said, some of the coolest elements from classic WoW were from the Dwarves. Even the Iron Dwarf cities in Grizzly Hills were cool. With current technology and art direction we could get some awesome Dwarf cities in the next expansion. Also, I think it’s fairly safe to assume that these Dwarves will look pretty different to what we currently have in WoW. One idea that was floated around a few pages back was the Elder Scrolls interpretation of Dwarves which could be an interesting direction.
    BRD is cool because it clearly came out right after the LOTR movie where we see the mines of Moria. I'm talking about race culture in Warcraft and you're talking about a location.

    What makes the dwarf lore in WOW cool? They're just the most obvious cliché of all in RPgs, hur dur drunken dwarves. They're completely boring, and bronzebeards are just miniature Stormwind humans.

    The level of copyium on this forum is too high.

  6. #21686
    Field Marshal ArthasFanboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiivar86 View Post
    At some point we have to go places we've not heard of. We have very little existing places at this point that we haven't been. And do you think Tel'abim will draw people?

    The weird dislike some of you have about going to places that aren't based on existing lore (and since Avaloren and Khaz Algar are now seeded, they count as existing lore really anyway) is baffling.
    WoW needs something BIG to bring people back. Remember that after the disaster of an expansion that was WoD with its many broken promises, many players returned after seeing Illidan, the Legion, and a cool cinematic with Varian and Sylvanas. People remembered those characters and that's why Legion was a hit from DAY 1. Now with Dragonflight that didn't happen. And it's not because the expansion has bad systems, it's because they don't care to see dragons flying and fighting in the name of friendship. Dragonflight wasn't big, so no one cared (the Blizzard drama has the credit for that too). It was the cliché premise of "Go and discover this new land we just pulled out of our asses." They did it in MoP and it didn't create any masive drop in numbres just because the player base was still big at the time because WoW at the time was still a global giant. They did it a second time with Dragonflight. Nobody cared....and now again.
    Last edited by ArthasFanboy; 2023-09-30 at 12:40 AM.

  7. #21687
    Mechagnome Myrrh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Akhinos View Post
    Everyone said that dragons were awesome, but here we are with yet another mediocre expansion, because dragons were never interesting in WOW, just like dwarves. What do dwarves do in WOW that makes them awesome? The dwarven RPG concept is cool, but in Warcraft? Never was.. People dont understand that those races are supporting for a reason.
    Honestly, that's a writing problem more than anything - a theme can only carry an expansion so far. You can't just paste a dragon or two onto an island and say 'those are some damn fine dragon isles'; the WoW team didn't really do much with the dragons to make an engaging environment/story.

    Personally I still prefer it to a certain recent example of them doing the same thing but with cosmic forces as the theme... sadly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post

    It relates to the titans, and it is an underground area.
    They were sent there by the Keepers to investigate an anomaly, and then diverged from their Earthen roots in a manner similar to dwarves (but notably not the same). If anything I'd say this is explicitly not Titan related, albeit the Keepers' forces may be quite interested in it and I'd fully expect to see a rep/renown based on that.
    Last edited by Myrrh; 2023-09-30 at 12:41 AM.

  8. #21688
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Between the Isle of Conquest/Winterspring vehicle remodels and the Dwarf stuff, maybe 11.0 and Khaz Algar/Avaloren will be kind of a Northrend 2.0 in themes and aesthetics?
    I can’t shake the feeling Avaloren will be the WoW interpretation of Camelot. If that’s the case then Khaz Algar could certainly have a far north aesthetic/theme but in relation to Scotland moreso than Scandinavia(Northrend).

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Akhinos View Post
    BRD is cool because it clearly came out right after the LOTR movie where we see the mines of Moria. I'm talking about race culture in Warcraft and you're talking about a location.

    What makes the dwarf lore in WOW cool? They're just the most obvious cliché of all in RPgs, hur dur drunken dwarves. They're completely boring, and bronzebeards are just miniature Stormwind humans.

    The level of copyium on this forum is too high.
    Because the Dwarves we encounter in Khaz Algar are not going to be Bronzebeards. They will be a completely different culture. Therefore, they’re highly likely to not be the cliche drunks that are also miniature Stormwind humans, as you claim.

  9. #21689
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    Dwarves have just as much chance as Goblins do in playing a huge role in the next expansion. In fact moreso, Khaz Algar has already been seeded in game as a place with new dwarves and if the mount is named after the place then it’s a fair bet that Khaz Algar will be a prominent location and thus the Dwarves will be prominent too.
    Again, the mount you obtain from purchasing the heroic edition from Dragonflight was the Tangled Dreamweaver, a green dragon based on the Emerald Dream. How long have we spent in the Emerald Dream during this expansion?

  10. #21690
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    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    Dwarves have just as much chance as Goblins do in playing a huge role in the next expansion. In fact moreso, Khaz Algar has already been seeded in game as a place with new dwarves and if the mount is named after the place then it’s a fair bet that Khaz Algar will be a prominent location and thus the Dwarves will be prominent too.
    At this point Khaz Algar (as zone or continent) and Dwarf theme at least in one zone are as certain as dragons when DF name leaked.

  11. #21691
    Quote Originally Posted by ArthasFanboy View Post
    WoW needs something BIG to bring people back. Remember that after the disaster of an expansion that was WoD with its many broken promises, many players returned after seeing Illidan, the Legion, and a cool cinematic with Varian and Sylvanas. People remembered those characters and that's why Legion was a hit from DAY 1 in terms of numbers. Now with Dragonflight that didn't happen. And it's not because the expansion has bad systems, it's because they don't care to see dragons flying and fighting in the name of friendship. Dragonflight wasn't big, so no one cared (the Blizzard drama has the credit for that too). It was the cliché premise of "Go and discover this new land we just pulled out of our asses." They did it in MoP and didn't create any stir. The player base was still big at the time because WoW at the time was still a global giant. They did it a second time with Dragonflight. Nobody cared....and now again?
    And so they...what? There's barely any land left in lore we haven't been to. Do you really think Undermine's going to light the fire for people? Tel'abim? Plunder isle?

    Revamp's not gonna do much either despite what some of you folks desire. Unless they find a way to make the whole of EK and Kalimdor matter, all it'll do is just be window dressing people see for an hour.

  12. #21692
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post

    It relates to the titans, and it is an underground area.
    No, somewhere "on" Khaz Algar, a place where the Titans very specifically weren't there is a fissure, and it appears to just be a gryphon.

    So at best, you have an Earthen-related mount that might have a crack someplace that altered the Earthen.

  13. #21693
    as a dwarf fan, Im over here right now like

  14. #21694
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Again, the mount you obtain from purchasing the heroic edition from Dragonflight was the Tangled Dreamweaver, a green dragon based on the Emerald Dream. How long have we spent in the Emerald Dream during this expansion?
    Doesn’t matter if it was the Tangled Dreamweaver or Hungarian Horntail. It was still a dragon mount and the expansion was primarily centered around dragons. Just like the mount from 11.0 seems to be a Dwarvish mount.

  15. #21695
    Quote Originally Posted by FossilFree View Post
    Maybe Algar is the dwarf word for Avaloren?
    We know it isn't. The Keepers didn't even have a name for the place, while they do know Avaloren.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Throren View Post
    as a dwarf fan, Im over here right now like
    You're going to turn into some weird lanky figure?

  16. #21696
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myrrh View Post
    They were sent there by the Keepers to investigate an anomaly, and then diverged from their Earthen roots in a manner similar to dwarves (but notably not the same). If anything I'd say this is explicitly not Titan related, albeit the Keepers' forces may be quite interested in it and I'd fully expect to see a rep/renown based on that.
    The Earthen are titan constructs. I would definitely consider a place crawling with them to be titan-related. We pretty much only encounter the earthen in titan facilities.

  17. #21697
    Dwarves and elements and Titans oh my
    Give me my ragnaros revival
    Give me therazane actually doing stuff

  18. #21698
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    Doesn’t matter if it was the Tangled Dreamweaver or Hungarian Horntail. It was still a dragon mount and the expansion was primarily centered around dragons. Just like the mount from 11.0 seems to be a Dwarvish mount.
    How would it be a Dwarvish mount if Khaz Algar is populated by Earthen?

  19. #21699
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    How would it be a Dwarvish mount if Khaz Algar is populated by Earthen?
    I wonder who the Dwarves descended from.

  20. #21700
    Quote Originally Posted by Akhinos View Post
    Everyone said that dragons were awesome, but here we are with yet another mediocre expansion, because dragons were never interesting in WOW, just like dwarves. What do dwarves do in WOW that makes them awesome? The dwarven RPG concept is cool, but in Warcraft? Never was.. People dont understand that those races are supporting for a reason.
    Look up the War of the Three Hammers... Dwarven politics is a boiling hot mess and it leads to interesting outcomes.. like the only reason they have a council of three hammers is so that Moira could raise her son (who is also Thaurissan's kid) to take the Dark Iron throne and usher peace between the Dwarves and settle their civil war for good.

    But I mentioned this in a thread about a year ago, but if something happens to the kid.. then the whole thing goes up in smokes. Especially since there's a radical group of Dark Irons who are against Moira and want a return to the Old Regime by trying to bring back Ragnaros and restart their pact with the Fire Lord.
    Last edited by Woggmer; 2023-09-30 at 01:03 AM.

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