1. #21861
    Quote Originally Posted by Yzmor View Post
    Guys I'm happy for everyone who's excited about the next expansion, but.. I'm devastated :'(

    I would've been happy with Void stuff, Light stuff, a world revamp, other cosmic stuff, another weird planet like Outland, Nagas and sea stuff or any combination of these.
    But this dwarves and elementals theme... jeez I got miserably disappointed.
    I've been subbed during DF only because of legacy content, since I hate dragons (at least the Disney way they are presented this time) and now I feel so sad because I know that by the time this new expansion arrives, I'll have run out of legacy content to do. To me, this means WoW is stuck for 3 more years with themes I find not only uninteresting, but demotivating. And it's sad because WoW is the only game I've ever cared about ever since I was a teenager, and in my adulthood I've found solace in it many times when I had a rough patch so this game means a lot to me, personally. And now I've lost all hope it's ever going to be something that gives me comfort again.

    I just had to share my feelings, sorry, talking about this with my friends or BF is not the same, they don't get it.

    On the speculation side: I don't think Blizz has the nerve to serve the playerbase an entire expansion underground. With the new tech from 10.1, sure, they might showcase some underground zones (though it wouldn't be the first time for them to abandon new tech take Warfronts as an example), but IMHO no matter how well an underground zone is designed, if you never get back up to the surface, it's tiring and depressing. Also the main use of this tech is literally connecting the surface and what's below it, so if everything is underground, the tech is not needed, it would be the same as designing, say, the Broken Isles, but the skybox is just earth, crystals etc. with earthen walls surrounding the borders, like a bigger Zaralek, and that would be it.
    I'm on team revamp, but even then I don't fully believe the whole Dwarf expansion possibility... if at most... All I can see is a possible raid for them. People are only looking at the mount and not the rest of the achievements that were uncovered which includes S.A.F.E, murloc Ysera, Lil'Maggz... all this stuff on top of the Algarian Stormrider... It doesn't scream Elemental theme or Dwarf theme if we look at all of them.

    I mentioned this before but... what if the Stormrider stuff is meant to promote Active Flying (Dragonriding) coming to EK and Kalimdor and for all flying mounts? Who else in those continents are the masters of flying aside from the Flightmasters? ...Wildhammer Dwarves, the Dragonmaw Clan, and the Wind Riders.

  2. #21862
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    I like how everyone is just jumping to the conclusion that it'll be a dwarf expansion.

    The Earthen of Khaz Algar are not dwarves. They are titan-forged who became affected by the same fundamental forces which were behind the Curse of Flesh, but evidently not to the same degree. So they're still Earthen, but they're breaking out from the Titans' fold to form cultures and cities of their own.

    It's also not a given that they're the main theme of the expansion, but rather part of the main theme. We don't know if their contributions to that is "dwarf stuff" or "storm stuff". It may well be the case, for example, that Khaz Algar represents the element of Wind, while there will also be other new zones that represent the other elements.

    That in turn could just be how Blizzard mirrors the new zones of Cataclysm, while a world revamp of sorts is also in the cards.

    Like Keyboardturner on Twitter pointed out, Blizzard moved Kalimdor to make room for something. Khaz Algar might be there.

    She's supposed to return to rule over the land, sea, and air. Not the cave, the dwarven inn, and the gryphon roost.

  3. #21863
    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    The dream lives on my friend, maybe 12.0...

    Also this thread is now giving the exact same vibes as when we've got the dracthyr anagram, the whole "we've cracked it!" thing that ACTUALLY makes sense. I don't know if we'll be having a full on dwarf expansion or if it will just be one central zone themed around that, but it sure has this "unexpected twist" to it we've had with expansions like WoD, Legion, or BfA, so yeah I very much think it's the direction we're headed in.

    The new boat models were probably related to that as well, if we are to sail on the other side of the continent. And the new IF guards will probably be our escort into Khaz Algar?
    It will certainly be interesting to see how the leaks will look now that we know Khaz'algar is a definite.

    Will we get a 10.3 leak? Will Khaz'algar be a name for somewhere we already know? What will the big defining feature be? How will Blizzard tie 11.0 into the 20th anniversary?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    I like how everyone is just jumping to the conclusion that it'll be a dwarf expansion.

    The Earthen of Khaz Algar are not dwarves. They are titan-forged who became affected by the same fundamental forces which were behind the Curse of Flesh, but evidently not to the same degree. So they're still Earthen, but they're breaking out from the Titans' fold to form cultures and cities of their own.

    It's also not a given that they're the main theme of the expansion, but rather part of the main theme. We don't know if their contributions to that is "dwarf stuff" or "storm stuff". It may well be the case, for example, that Khaz Algar represents the element of Wind, while there will also be other new zones that represent the other elements.

    That in turn could just be how Blizzard mirrors the new zones of Cataclysm, while a world revamp of sorts is also in the cards.

    Like Keyboardturner on Twitter pointed out, Blizzard moved Kalimdor to make room for something. Khaz Algar might be there.

    She's supposed to return to rule over the land, sea, and air. Not the cave, the dwarven inn, and the gryphon roost.
    The lore tidbits we already have on Khaz'algar specifically states that the inhabitants are the same as the Dwarves who emerged from Uldaman. Would be very weird if they were not dwarves at all, especially when Gryphons are already a Dwarf staple, and we have found some Dwarf assets.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  4. #21864
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    Quote Originally Posted by Woggmer View Post
    I'm on team revamp, but even then I don't fully believe the whole Dwarf expansion possibility... if at most... All I can see is a possible raid for them. People are only looking at the mount and not the rest of the achievements that were uncovered which includes S.A.F.E, murloc Ysera, Lil'Maggz... all this stuff on top of the Algarian Stormrider... It doesn't scream Elemental theme or Dwarf theme if we look at all of them.

    I mentioned this before but... what if the Stormrider stuff is meant to promote Active Flying (Dragonriding) coming to EK and Kalimdor and for all flying mounts? Who else in those continents are the masters of flying aside from the Flightmasters? ...Wildhammer Dwarves, the Dragonmaw Clan, and the Wind Riders.
    S.A.F.E is the name of the Rumble mascot, Ysera has focus in 10.2 (which will inevitable recapped at Blizzcon)
    Who knows who maggz is supposed to be, but a single pet hardly matters.

    The actual meat is the heroic edition achievement, which is named after Khaz Algar.
    As well as the Gryphon texture, that does not visually align with any currently known Dwarf clan.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  5. #21865
    Yeah sadly i think at this point 11.0 for revamp is not happening and i won't lie, even with my 0,01% hopium that it will happen, the hype died a little in me.

    Like i mentioned before, dwarves are my second most played race and i think it would be cool to have a zone around them plus maybe some raid, but there are questions about just next expansion like

    If it will be heavily elemental themed, how different will they make it to feel as something fresh and not just another patch of elemental themes we have around us in DF.

    If it will actually end up as whole undeground expansion at least in the beginning which i think would be a huge mistake for highlighting completely new land, even if they somehow tailored it in a way to the zones having actual sky, but undeground(which to me would feel kinda caverns of time and even there i still feel pretty much that im underground or in a cave).

    Will it just feel like another island with 5 zones and main factions having very little involvement again.

    High chance for no new races until maybe 12.0(pure speculation but rip ogre or vrykul or mok'nathal dream for me again) so hopefully, they at least will give another batch of customizations for all races beyond Blood elves getting constant updates.
    Last edited by ImTheMizAwesome; 2023-09-30 at 08:43 AM.

  6. #21866
    The Lightbringer
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    Seems pretty reasonable to expect these Dwarfs to be a faction of some kind in the new zone. Who or what they are is open to speculation but I imagine it's some kind of Titan facility or area with shenanigans going on. I don't think you can spin that into an entire expansion though. Maybe the Void will get the upper hand and Medivh will open a portal to Yrel's army to come cleanse them at the end. Maybe Iridikron will get shitcanned right off the bat and accomplish nothing and we get caught up in conflict with Xal or some other local evil that's woken up. I don't think it's going to be Dwarfs all the way down. I don't think it's gonna just be elementals everywhere. I mean fuck what are we gonna do? Resurrect Ragnaros and help him go on a redemption arc to become the Firelord again? All kinds of whacky things can happen.
    Paladin Bash has spoken.

  7. #21867
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    It will certainly be interesting to see how the leaks will look now that we know Khaz'algar is a definite.

    Will we get a 10.3 leak? Will Khaz'algar be a name for somewhere we already know? What will the big defining feature be? How will Blizzard tie 11.0 into the 20th anniversary?

    - - - Updated - - -

    The lore tidbits we already have on Khaz'algar specifically states that the inhabitants are the same as the Dwarves who emerged from Uldaman. Would be very weird if they were not dwarves at all, especially when Gryphons are already a Dwarf staple, and we have found some Dwarf assets.
    Culturally yes. Physiologically, no. What's likely is that their minds were set free, and being Earthen the logical evolution of their own ideas probably landed them in roughly the same place as the Dwarves of the Eastern Kingdoms.

    We don't know what their bodies are like, though. Could still be Earthen. Could have turned into something else entirely.
    Last edited by Worldshaper; 2023-09-30 at 09:00 AM.

  8. #21868
    There is enought space in the old (revamped) world to put some dungeons in raid in there, e.g. stuff that was runoured to be in Classic+, like the Scarlet Cathedral.

  9. #21869
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    S.A.F.E is the name of the Rumble mascot, Ysera has focus in 10.2 (which will inevitable recapped at Blizzcon)
    Who knows who maggz is supposed to be, but a single pet hardly matters.

    The actual meat is the heroic edition achievement, which is named after Khaz Algar.
    As well as the Gryphon texture, that does not visually align with any currently known Dwarf clan.
    S.A.F.E. is also the name for the Gnome group in Cata that was charged with pulling people out of Gnomergan when it was irradiated. There's also the Survey Bot.
    And we don't know how big of a role Khaz Algar would be, if it's a continent, a zone, or a dungeon/raid... For all we know the Algarian Stormrider can just as easily be linked to promoting Active Riding coming to all mounts... (What I'm saying is this, we could get Khaz Algar early in the expansion or get it later on. We know it's coming in the next expansion, but we don't know what form it'll take.)

  10. #21870
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    I suppose it's possible that the Algarian dwarves could be the heretics on Avaloren, still bit unclear on how that would work though.

    My main question is what was in that fissure that caused them to change? An unknown old god/faceless? Is the Curse of Flesh exclusively a void/old god thing? Is it a Life magic thing, given how Life on Draenor was responsible for the Breakers gradually evolving into their fleshy descendants?
    By Blizzard Entertainment:
    Part of the reason is that Battlegrounds are like ducks.
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  11. #21871
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Even now, the Harbinger gathers the children of the first flesh to reclaim what was lost. They must remember their vows and serve those to whom they owe fealty.

    While they toil in the deep places, we will journey to the shores of dragon lands, to the blessed isle where the Worldbreaker first embraced the whispers.

    Xal'atath, the Harbinger, has returned to force the earthen of Khaz Algar back into servitude. They are currently working to reclaim something lost below the earth, aeons ago. While they're kept busy, the Naga make for the Forbidden Reach where Deathwing once succumbed to the whispers of the Old Gods.
    My interpretation is that the children of the first flesh are the Djaradin
    Probably titan-forged Nal ks'kol that were changed into fleshy-lava giants by whatever was in the Void portal in Zaralek. Then Neltharion went there, found it all upside-down and though "well, I can use this", constructed his laboratory on top of the Void portal, and captured Djaradin to experiment on them.

    Now, Iridikron needs them to recover some Void related McGuffin, and that's why they're helping Fyrakk to get the components for what I suspect is the axe he has in the raid. We still don't know what they would get in exchange.

    The second part refers to them being in Zaralek, while the naga go the Forbidden Reach.

  12. #21872
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    Quote Originally Posted by pacotaco View Post
    My interpretation is that the children of the first flesh are the Djaradin
    Probably titan-forged Nal ks'kol that were changed into fleshy-lava giants by whatever was in the Void portal in Zaralek. Then Neltharion went there, found it all upside-down and though "well, I can use this", constructed his laboratory on top of the Void portal, and captured Djaradin to experiment on them.

    Now, Iridikron needs them to recover some Void related McGuffin, and that's why they're helping Fyrakk to get the components for what I suspect is the axe he has in the raid. We still don't know what they would get in exchange.

    The second part refers to them being in Zaralek, while the naga go the Forbidden Reach.
    Not impossible, but the structure of that text suggests otherwise imo. It reads as if the Harbinger put them to work below ground, and then the naga travel to thr Dragon Isles. If the deep places were on the Dragon Isles, they would shift those two sentences around.

    Plus, Zarelek is discussed in an entirely separate paragraph, with the secrets Deathwing had hidden.

  13. #21873
    If we have a whole expansion based around a titan facility, then we should start looking for hints in the Hearthstone artworks to see what kind of stuff we could expect, like Norgannon's multocolor spells. Maybe we'll even see Amitus in game ?

  14. #21874


    Quote Originally Posted by Holdodlig View Post
    If we have a whole expansion based around a titan facility, then we should start looking for hints in the Hearthstone artworks to see what kind of stuff we could expect, like Norgannon's multocolor spells. Maybe we'll even see Amitus in game ?

    this new 'titan' = HERESY

  15. #21875
    Quote Originally Posted by Woggmer View Post
    It is absurd how much magic in WoW uses different shades of green.
    Lime Green = Fel
    Seafoam Green = Maldraxxus
    Emerald Green = Nature magic
    Olive/Pickle Green = Decay

    but the Griffin aura asset we found uses a Teal Blue color. So it isn't anything that we're used to.

    I think this is pretty similar to saronite. It's not a precise match, but it looks consistent to me. The color scheme overall brings to mind Northrend for me.
    "We will soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four."
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    The frozen Mind cracks between the mineral staves which close upon it. The fault lies with your mouldy systems, your logic of 2 + 2 = 4.
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  16. #21876
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    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post
    I think this is pretty similar to saronite. It's not a precise match, but it looks consistent to me. The color scheme overall brings to mind Northrend for me.
    Oh boy, more Yogg shenanigans.

    Praise be!

    Formerly known as Arafal

  17. #21877
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Saronite does spring to mind. But I think it's more likely Yogg-Saron drew his powers from whatever was below Khaz Algar. Potentially the 5th Old God, who is depicted with bones and leaves in Chronicles.

  18. #21878
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Saronite does spring to mind. But I think it's more likely Yogg-Saron drew his powers from whatever was below Khaz Algar. Potentially the 5th Old God, who is depicted with bones and leaves in Chronicles.
    Retroactively ascribing the qualities of something people like that exists to another being made from whole cloth is wholly consistent with the current trends of the writing team.
    "We will soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four."
    — G.K. Chesterton, 1926
    The frozen Mind cracks between the mineral staves which close upon it. The fault lies with your mouldy systems, your logic of 2 + 2 = 4.
    — Antonin Artaud, 1956

  19. #21879
    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    The dream lives on my friend, maybe 12.0...

    Also this thread is now giving the exact same vibes as when we've got the dracthyr anagram, the whole "we've cracked it!" thing that ACTUALLY makes sense. I don't know if we'll be having a full on dwarf expansion or if it will just be one central zone themed around that, but it sure has this "unexpected twist" to it we've had with expansions like WoD, Legion, or BfA, so yeah I very much think it's the direction we're headed in.

    The new boat models were probably related to that as well, if we are to sail on the other side of the continent. And the new IF guards will probably be our escort into Khaz Algar?
    All we can reasonably say is that we will be heading to Khaz Algar in the next expac. We don't know if it is in Avaloren or anywhere else and we don't know why we are going there and what else is there. We absolutely know that there is a series of events we can expect in the next few expansions with the Harbinger (presumably Xal) somehow seizing the World Soul, Iridikron trying to bait the Titans and Azshara taking advantage of any opportunity presented. And it does make sense that we will visit Avaloren eventually. But we have no guarantees whatsoever that this will happen in the immediate next expansion. Heck we cannot even tell with any certainty that 10.2 is the last non-Fated season of Dragonflight.

    And the idea that because we know about dwarves, all that the next expac will have is dwarves, is beyond laughable.
    Last edited by Nymrohd; 2023-09-30 at 09:43 AM.

  20. #21880
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    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post
    Retroactively ascribing the qualities of something people like that exists to another being made from whole cloth is wholly consistent with the current trends of the writing team.
    I suppose.

    But it's also wholly consistent with the lore of the Old Gods. They consume things, even each other. The whole deal with Khaz Algar and Galakrond's hunger suggests to me that their powers can move around with these essences, and aren't unique.

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