1. #21881
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Well as I said before; Just because the mount is based on Khaz Algar doesn't mean the expansion is based on Khaz Algar. The Dragonflight mount was based on the Emerald Dream and we're almost a year into Dragonflight and we still haven't gone to the Emerald Dream.

    We will in 10.2, but that's over a year after 10.0.
    I wonder how much time we spent in Kul Tiras, Zandalar and Shadowlands.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Kyojuro View Post
    Just pointing out:
    Mop -Imperial Quilen , was a Mogu expansion?
    WoD - Dread Raven , was a Arakkoa expansion?
    Legion-Reins of the Illidari Felstalker - was a Illidan expasion?
    SL-Ensorcelled Everwyrm - was a Sperm Expansion?
    DF-Tangled Dreamweaver - was a Emerald Dream expansion?
    - Quillen were a companion race to the most prominent Pandarian enemy.
    - Arakkoa and Dread Ravens were featured pretty prominently in WoD.
    - Well yes, it kind of was an Illidan expansion. That aside, the felstalker were demons in an expansion featuring demons as the main enemy.
    - The Everwyrms were used as the main method of transportation throughout the Shadowlands.
    - It’s a dragon mount; for a dragon expansion.

    You also missed out the Zandalari and Kul Tiran mounts, conveniently.

    I’m not sure what point you were trying to make but I don’t think it went down the way you were expecting.

  2. #21882
    Titan Grimbold21's Avatar
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    It's about time the game has an expansion focused on the best race

  3. #21883
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    With that said, Khaz Algar likely won't even be the focus of the expansion. It'll likely be a part of it, but the central focus of the expansion simply hasn't been revealed yet. Think about it; If all we had prior to DF's announcement was "Tangled Dreamweaver" as a clue we'd all think we're getting an Emerald Dream expansion next.

    And you'd be flat wrong.
    The focus will probably be Undermine, right?


    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheMizAwesome View Post
    Also i hope this character won't appear in next expansion if it's dwarven themed.. Or at least until the VA is changed.

    Dragon riders, I gotta race em.

  4. #21884
    The Lightbringer
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    Idk, imo elemental and titan stuff was very heavy already in DF, with Primalists and Protodragons, and also Tyr's quest line and Tyrhold, that another round of Elemental and Titans story in 11.0 would look to me completely out of picture if not for that leaked stuff.
    Its copium but i almost want that API leaked stuff to be a red herring thrown by Blizzard themselves to troll players and then roll out the full blown LvsV expansion on Blizzcon panel.

  5. #21885
    Quote Originally Posted by Terremer View Post
    that's right. we assumed that Khaz Alagar was on Avaloren, but nowhere does it mention that it's there specifically
    maybe the world revamp is still a possibility after all...
    It's the only possible way to revive the hype for retail...

  6. #21886
    The Lightbringer
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    Plot twist - Avaloren and Khaz Algar are on K'aresh.

  7. #21887
    I think Khaz Algar is on Avaloren - but why whould that discredit a world revamp ?

    It's fair to say a world revamp is either coming at 11.0 or 12.0 ; but I don't see Blizzard not adding any new landmasses.
    Cataclysm had ones. And if we trust Ion, they don't want to do the "same mistakes with Cataclysm revamp" - those mistakes, according to me, were making a revamp all around the expansion theme and putting the new zones everywhere on the map.

    We can be optimistic and wish for a new continent AND a (partial?) revamp.

  8. #21888
    Quote Originally Posted by Noirebene View Post
    I think Khaz Algar is on Avaloren - but why whould that discredit a world revamp ?

    It's fair to say a world revamp is either coming at 11.0 or 12.0 ; but I don't see Blizzard not adding any new landmasses.
    Cataclysm had ones. And if we trust Ion, they don't want to do the "same mistakes with Cataclysm revamp" - those mistakes, according to me, were making a revamp all around the expansion theme and putting the new zones everywhere on the map.

    We can be optimistic and wish for a new continent AND a (partial?) revamp.
    My copium theory is that we get a world revamp, but with the endgame focused on Old Gods and Titans. We get heavy hints towards Khaz'algar, and its eventually the final patch zone or so.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  9. #21889
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    I wonder how much time we spent in Kul Tiras, Zandalar and Shadowlands.
    The Ensorcelled Everwyrm was decidedly Bastion in its appearance. As for the heroic mounts for BFA, I suppose 1 out of 6 isn't bad.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    The focus will probably be Undermine, right?

    Towelliee's prediction of us going underground is still in play.

  10. #21890
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    So these are the rumoured locations.

    Khaz Algar
    Also known as Sector AR-938. Exists somewhere on Azeroth, but is far away from Uldaman.
    Has a fissure that once turned Earthen into something culturally similar to Dwarves, but not physiologically. This is similar to the Curse of Flesh.
    Has rideable creatures called "Algarian Stormriders", potentially dark and shadowy gryphons.

    Has 'aggressive heretics' from the point of view of Watcher Perethales, that once did something punishable to the Titan Keeper Innaria.
    At least at some point had defensive capabilities powerful enough to withstand the other Titan Keepers and their expeditions.
    Exists somewhere beyond "our shores", and it hard to reach.
    Expeditions sent there disappear, and end up crashing against "rock and wave".

    "The west"
    Lies behind western storms, monsters and magic.
    Potentially has valuables.
    For some reason, the pirate who went there (Captain Nightsquall) wants to amass a pirate fleet, and it begins with finding secrets on the Dragon Isles.

    Goblin mine that was built in the lava tunnels beneath the volcano Mount Kajaro, on Kezan.
    Once contained a lot of Kaja'mite, the magical mineral that turned the Goblins intelligent (in an experiment by Mimiron).
    Now a bustling trade hub.

    I kinda feel like Khaz Algar doesn't have to be on the other side of Azeroth. It could probably just be a large zone somewhere near Kalimdor, or below the Undermine. Especially when you consider that the Keepers could actually send expeditions there (the Earthen), whereas Avaloren they simply could not reach.

    Avaloren and "The West" might be one and the same, though. They might be a separate continent on the other side of the planet.
    Last edited by Worldshaper; 2023-09-30 at 10:47 AM.

  11. #21891
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    The Ensorcelled Everwyrm was decidedly Bastion in its appearance. As for the heroic mounts for BFA, I suppose 1 out of 6 isn't bad.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Towelliee's prediction of us going underground is still in play.
    They’re literally used throughout the entirety of Shadowlands as the means to travel between the various afterlives. Are you mistaking the Everywyrm for Larions?

    But sure, ignore my earlier post regarding the CE mounts, which you were tagged in.

  12. #21892
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    My copium theory is that we get a world revamp, but with the endgame focused on Old Gods and Titans. We get heavy hints towards Khaz'algar, and its eventually the final patch zone or so.
    But if Khaz Algar was a patch zone, why would they include it by name via the pre-order mount?

    Whatever Khaz Algar is, it or at least a significant portion of it would have to be already present in 11.0.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  13. #21893
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    So these are the rumoured locations.

    Khaz Algar
    Also known as Sector AR-938. Exists somewhere on Azeroth, but is far away from Uldaman.
    Has a fissure that once turned Earthen into something culturally similar to Dwarves, but not physiologically. This is similar to the Curse of Flesh.
    Has rideable creatures called "Algarian Stormriders", potentially dark and shadowy gryphons.

    Has 'aggressive heretics' from the point of view of Watcher Perethales, that once did something punishable to the Titan Keeper Innaria.
    At least at some point had defensive capabilities powerful enough to withstand the other Titan Keepers and their expeditions.
    Exists somewhere beyond "our shores", and it hard to reach.
    Expeditions sent there disappear, and end up crashing against "rock and wave".

    "The west"
    Lies behind western storms, monsters and magic.
    Potentially has valuables.
    For some reason, the pirate who went there (Captain Nightsquall) wants to amass a pirate fleet, and it begins with finding secrets on the Dragon Isles.

    Goblin mine that was built in the lava tunnels beneath the volcano Mount Kajaro, on Kezan.
    Once contained a lot of Kaja'mite, the magical mineral that turned the Goblins intelligent (in an experiment by Mimiron).
    Now a bustling trade hub.

    I kinda feel like Khaz Algar doesn't have to be on the other side of Azeroth. It could probably just be a large zone somewhere near Kalimdor, or below the Undermine. Especially when you consider that the Keepers could actually send expeditions there (the Earthen), whereas Avaloren they simply could not reach.

    Avaloren and "The West" might be one and the same, though. They might be a separate continent on the other side of the planet.
    i don't see them waste all these new places in 1 expansion. each of these could be a new "continent"

  14. #21894
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    So these are the rumoured locations.

    Khaz Algar
    Also known as Sector AR-938. Exists somewhere on Azeroth, but is far away from Uldaman.
    Has a fissure that once turned Earthen into something culturally similar to Dwarves, but not physiologically. This is similar to the Curse of Flesh.
    Has rideable creatures called "Algarian Stormriders", potentially dark and shadowy gryphons.

    Has 'aggressive heretics' from the point of view of Watcher Perethales, that once did something punishable to the Titan Keeper Innaria.
    At least at some point had defensive capabilities powerful enough to withstand the other Titan Keepers and their expeditions.
    Exists somewhere beyond "our shores", and it hard to reach.
    Expeditions sent there disappear, and end up crashing against "rock and wave".

    "The west"
    Lies behind western storms, monsters and magic.
    Potentially has valuables.
    For some reason, the pirate who went there (Captain Nightsquall) wants to amass a pirate fleet, and it begins with finding secrets on the Dragon Isles.

    Goblin mine that was built in the lava tunnels beneath the volcano Mount Kajaro, on Kezan.
    Once contained a lot of Kaja'mite, the magical mineral that turned the Goblins intelligent (in an experiment by Mimiron).
    Now a bustling trade hub.

    I kinda feel like Khaz Algar doesn't have to be on the other side of Azeroth. It could probably just be a large zone somewhere near Kalimdor, or below the Undermine. Especially when you consider that the Keepers could actually send expeditions there (the Earthen), whereas Avaloren they simply could not reach.

    Avaloren and "The West" might be one and the same, though. They might be a separate continent on the other side of the planet.
    We're definitely going to Khaz Algar, and its highly likely that it is an underground location, since Dwarves almost always build either underground or within mountains.

    I'm not sure about Avaloren. Could be an added 3 zone location like Argus at the end of Legion. I have a feeling that it won't be part of the main expansion though, or might not get used at all.

    Undermine is in quite the interesting spot. I can see it being a neutral faction hub for an underground expansion, or like Avaloren, not be used at all. I don't see how you do an underground expansion without it though. Its probably the only underground location in Warcraft that is both civilized and controlled by a neutral party.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    But if Khaz Algar was a patch zone, why would they include it by name via the pre-order mount?

    Whatever Khaz Algar is, it or at least a significant portion of it would have to be already present in 11.0.
    The Emerald Dream was directly tied to the Dragonflight heroic mount (Tangled Dreamweaver), and the Emerald Dream is a patch zone in the current expansion.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    They’re literally used throughout the entirety of Shadowlands as the means to travel between the various afterlives. Are you mistaking the Everywyrm for Larions?
    Yes, it's essentially a taxi. It doesn't represent a location, and it only resembles one aspect of the Shadowlands.

  15. #21895
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Oh and another interesting fact...

    In the Twilight Highlands, the Cataclysm zone arguably the most affected by the Old Gods, what themes did we have?

    • Wildhammer Dwarves and Gryphon aviaries.
    • Dragonmaw Orcs.
    • Dragons (particularly Red and Black).
    • Twilight Cultists attempting to usher in the Void.
    • The Earthen Ring.
    • Elementals bound to the Void.
    • The Twilight Citadel, which is Cho'gall's chosen base of operations for the cult due to its proximity to the Old Gods below.
    • Fissures in the ground with Void-energies seeping out of them.
    • A great storm brewing on the horizon all around the zone.

    I don't know about the rest of you, but to me this sounds like a description of 11.0.

    As I've been theorizing for a long while, 11.0 will be a supercharged version of Cataclysm, just like Legion was to TBC and Shadowlands was to WotLK.

    From Blizzard's point of view, that probably means they're looking at all the ingredients they had back then, and think to themselves: "Hmm, how can we do this, but twice as awesome?"

  16. #21896
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Oh and another interesting fact...

    In the Twilight Highlands, the Cataclysm zone arguably the most affected by the Old Gods, what themes did we have?

    • Wildhammer Dwarves and Gryphon aviaries.
    • Dragonmaw Orcs.
    • Dragons (particularly Red and Black).
    • Twilight Cultists attempting to usher in the Void.
    • The Earthen Ring.
    • Elementals bound to the Void.
    • The Twilight Citadel, which is Cho'gall's chosen base of operations for the cult due to its proximity to the Old Gods below.
    • Fissures in the ground with Void-energies seeping out of them.
    • A great storm brewing on the horizon all around the zone.

    I don't know about the rest of you, but to me this sounds like a description of 11.0.

    As I've been theorizing for a long while, 11.0 will be a supercharged version of Cataclysm, just like Legion was to TBC and Shadowlands was to WotLK.

    From Blizzard's point of view, that probably means they're looking at all the ingredients they had back then, and think to themselves: "Hmm, how can we do this, but twice as awesome?"
    If it comes with a twice as awesome world revamp, i am all in.

  17. #21897
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZyntosAran View Post
    If it comes with a twice as awesome world revamp, i am all in.
    I think that's part of the mix, but we'll have to wait and see how it plays out.

    I think what's the most likely for 11.0 is that we get a resolution to the Old Gods storyline, Naga and Elementals (including Azshara and Thrall), and some more Dragon stuff. Then it remains to be seen how they approach the topic of the revamp.

    They could simply do a HD update on November 24, 2024 and call it a day. Like a nice little anniversary treat.
    Or they could wait until the Void has been beaten (and Azeroth saved) before they do it, but in a more major way.

    For example, if, starting with 12.0, we'll be spending a few yeas on the other side of Azeroth anyway, then a side-thing might be that the old world gets updated as well, to prepare it for future adventures.

  18. #21898
    Quote Originally Posted by Holdodlig View Post
    If we have a whole expansion based around a titan facility, then we should start looking for hints in the Hearthstone artworks to see what kind of stuff we could expect, like Norgannon's multocolor spells. Maybe we'll even see Amitus in game ?

    Part of me wonders if Amitus will be Azeroth's true Identity but they didnt want to "reveal" her in Hearthstone they came up with another titan with an "A" name. Then again part of me also wonders if Azeroth wont have a name starting with A because all the titan facilities on Azeroth start with Uld making her true name start with an U instead. Using Argus & Antorus maybe proof of the naming scheme?

  19. #21899
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    I think it's pretty likely that Khaz Algar is either:

    • A cave deep below the earth.
    • An island off the coast of Kalimdor.

    Whichever the case, I bet we'll travel there to stop Azshara and the Harbinger from doing whatever it is they're doing, which could entail:

    • Doing something to the world-soul, such as waking it up or consuming it to summon a Void Lord or Dark Titan.
    • Resurrecting the 5th Old God, which might be Xal'atath herself.

    To go there, we'll probably need to fly across the "storm", whatever that is. Maybe Azshara has summoned one. So we make contact with somebody who lives on Khaz Algar, whether it's the Earthen or something else (it remains to be seen if these Earthen are naughty or nice).

    But once there, it feels likely that we'll come into contact with different elements. Water in the domain of Azshara. Earth and/or Air in the domain of these Earthen. Fire somewhere down below as well.

    Could also be that the elements affect lots of places around Azeroth, or that we'll recieve several disconnected zones like we did in Cataclysm, with Khaz Algar being one of them.

  20. #21900
    Herald of the Titans enigma77's Avatar
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    I really hope it's the "other side of Azeroth" expansion.

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