Rise, rise! Our Queen
(Azshara) calls to us from beyond the Umbral Veil. She has transcended the Circle of Stars and basks in her eternal grandeur!
(She's in space. Just say space.)
The time we have long awaited is nigh.
Even now, the Harbinger
(Xal'atath) gathers the children of the first flesh
(the Skardyn of Khaz Algar) to reclaim what was lost
(the body of the 5th Old God, Xal'atath). They must remember their vows and serve those to whom they owe fealty
(the vows are to Xal'atath).
While they toil in the deep places
(below Khaz Algar), we will journey to the shores of dragon lands, to the blessed isle where the Worldbreaker
(Deathwing) first embraced the whispers.
As one storm recedes
(the old Harbinger, Deathwing--OR Razegeth), another rises
(the new Harbinger, Xal'atath--OR Azshara's literal void storm). The torches have been lit
(Oathstones or something, who cares at this point). The secrets he buried
(Shadowflame etc) will strike as a dagger
(allegory to Black Blade of the Empire literally stabbing things) into the hearts of his kin
(the Black flight and the Dracthyr)!
The Harbinger speaks of a primal power that seeks the end of Order
(Iridikron and the Primal Incarnates seeking to topple the Titans). Such rage can be bent to serve our ends.
A hunger lost to the ages will be reclaimed
(the essence of Galakrond will be infused into the Void artifact).
A dark heart left broken awaits the taking
(probably the dead 5th Old God, but could also be figurative and refer to some event, such as a betrayal).
When these things come to pass, the Harbinger will fulfill the final prophecy and complete the awakening
(awaken the 5th Old God, which again is probably Xal'atath/the Harbinger herself... but it could also refer to Azeroth's world-soul of course).
Only then shall our Queen return to reign over sea and sky and earth
(Azshara returning to rule her new Black Empire). We must make ready.
Rise, rise! Soon all that was hidden will be revealed
(all the Old God infestation below ground will become apparent, and of course the identity of the Harbinger, and Khaz Algar).