1. #23121
    Quote Originally Posted by elderu View Post

    Stormbreak debunked.

    As we prepared for DF, the Expansion Reveal ad had a new font-face for the "World of Warcraft" in this image

    We were right in suspecting the change would be seen on an official new logo, as it was on Dragonflight.
    This tipped us off to any fake leaks, and it shouldn't stop us now.

    Both "of" and the "R" in the new Dragonflight logo are notably changed, and are unlikely to be reverted now that they have that Render of the text to reuse. Classic has a longer, curved R. DF has a shorter/straighter/sharper R.

    Stormbreak is very seemingly just using this old vanilla shape for the "R", and even the "of" is still the small one.
    Stormbreak might not be real, but this argument seems a tad pointless.

    Blizzard could go back to traditional logo design for a number of reasons. Whether it be for the sake of brand recognition, or to instil a sense of nostalgia; especially if they're trying to drive a "coming home" narrative and to have it tied to a world revamp, which is soft-confirmed to be in the pipeline.

  2. #23122
    Quote Originally Posted by milkmustache View Post
    I think the whole attatchment and belief behind Stormbreak is that they will bring the classic style logo back regardless of Dragonflight's style. Tied directly to a hypothetical revamp.
    That's not going to happen, not when they have a second brand out, Classic, which uses that old logo style.

    Even if (flying in the face of the Algarian name) we assume that 11.0 is a revamp, and we assume that they want to play on nostalgia and call back to older logo styles, they're not gonna abandon the core design improvements that make for a more eye-catching and visually interesting logo, like the multi-hued aspect. Since classic AND retail have both moved to frameless expansion (sub)titles, I also don't see that coming back anytime soon.

    What you'd end up with would be a new-style logo that is reminiscent of the old one, not just the old logo.

  3. #23123
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    I need help, lol.

    Stiven tweeted out this: https://twitter.com/Stiven_SRB/statu...21062166032827

    My mind instantly goes: "Ooh boy, he just discovered some massive mistake by Blizzard on the PTR, which reveals 11.0 in its entirety"
    His previous tweet is about diablo expansion so maybe related

  4. #23124
    Quote Originally Posted by Krelivane View Post
    Stormbreak might not be real, but this argument seems a tad pointless.

    Blizzard could go back to traditional logo design for a number of reasons. Whether it be for the sake of brand recognition, or to instil a sense of nostalgia; especially if they're trying to drive a "coming home" narrative and to have it tied to a world revamp, which is soft-confirmed to be in the pipeline.
    Sure, but this is just the original vanilla logo being squashed a bit with an expansion banner stuck below it. They didn't even do that for TBC.

  5. #23125
    Stormrider, Stormbreak, Voidstorm all these leaks are connected by a storm. In general, these are Elementals, the Sea and pirates

  6. #23126
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skildar View Post
    in Legion they went in the right direction for the franchise logo with a design closer to flat. But then have moved away from this and Dragonflight is the worst iteration of the logo.
    they should just ignore the decorations and go full flat design for "World of Warcraft" then have a fancy font and decorated design for the expansion name.
    In their communications they released a logo for dragonflight that is immensely better than the game name logo.

    I could totally see Blizzard using some wild Norse/Viking-style iconography for 11.0's logo if its going in the direction I think it is.

  7. #23127
    Quote Originally Posted by Ferlion View Post
    His previous tweet is about diablo expansion so maybe related
    I think it's more likely a reaction to the community being dummies.

  8. #23128
    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    Sure, but this is just the original vanilla logo being squashed a bit with an expansion banner stuck below it. They didn't even do that for TBC.
    Nah, the banner is redone. It's themed around classic but it definitely is its own thing.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Warcraft and WoW confirmed for the most news this year!


  9. #23129
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Nah, the banner is redone. It's themed around classic but it definitely is its own thing.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Warcraft and WoW confirmed for the most news this year!

    That kinda confirms there is more then just WOW, WOW Classic and Rumble, no?

  10. #23130
    Hearthstone is also part of the Warcraft franchise. and the recent news about Metzen also hint about more Warcraft stuff outside of WoW. Perhaps a singleplayer Warcraft game, as currently all other Warcraft games are Multiplayer

  11. #23131
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Nah, the banner is redone. It's themed around classic but it definitely is its own thing.
    Redone, yes... but for Classic. The only part that is new is the Stormbreak.

    This would be the lowest effort expansion banner they ever made if it was real.

    They put more effort into the Classic HC logo than that.

  12. #23132
    Quote Originally Posted by ZyntosAran View Post
    That kinda confirms there is more then just WOW, WOW Classic and Rumble, no?
    Well, it would be hard for the Warcraft umbrella to not have the most announcements: Besides Metzen news, Warcraft is the franchise with the most different games.

  13. #23133
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    I could totally see Blizzard using some wild Norse/Viking-style iconography for 11.0's logo if its going in the direction I think it is.
    I thought the direction you think it went was Elementals, what do the Norse and Vikings have to do with those now?

  14. #23134
    Ian Bates (Red Shirt Guy) has officially posted the leak, so it's Out There now.


  15. #23135
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZyntosAran View Post
    That kinda confirms there is more then just WOW, WOW Classic and Rumble, no?

    Warcraft, by virtue of being their biggest franchise, just happens to have the most news.

    Classic announcement
    10.2 recap and release date
    Roadmap reveal.
    Hearthstone expansion and next years teaser

    Formerly known as Arafal

  16. #23136
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZyntosAran View Post
    That kinda confirms there is more then just WOW, WOW Classic and Rumble, no?
    Guess Hearthstone counts too. In general probably:

    - WoW 11.0
    - Cata Classic
    - new Classic Era season + maybe some improvement for Hardcore (or just S2 will be focused on hardcore)
    - Rumble
    - Hearthstone.

    Beside all that and D4 expansion probably just OV2 hero/season. But if Warcraft takes 'most' of news, new survival game is out of picture this year (unless it's in Warcraft universe, which I doubt).

  17. #23137
    Oh, maybe the event isn't the key push. Unless this is part of the new promotion.


  18. #23138
    I am Murloc! MCMLXXXII's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Ian Bates (Red Shirt Guy) has officially posted the leak, so it's Out There now.


    Ooh Arafal is famous.

  19. #23139
    Looking at that art, Stormbreak seems like it would be... underwhelming. It's a dwarf on a gryphon and there's lightning, cool. So... what's the expansion about? Flying and lightning? 10.0 was already all about flying, and lightning with Razsageth. And somehow I doubt there's many people interested in a Dwarf expansion for the 20th anniversary.

    If the expansion was about a world revamp, I think the name would be more indicative of that. This just seems like a compilation of all the "real leaks" so far (something windy from Marlamin, Algarian Stormrider/Khaz Algar).

    Though with that Classic-looking logo, maybe it's a Classic+ expansion instead of being for Retail. Hm.
    Last edited by lostsoup; 2023-10-02 at 09:33 PM.

  20. #23140
    And it begins: People shitting on an expansion and calling it boring based on one image lmao.

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