Because they want a revamp. That's it.
The 10.0 speculation had to be dragged kicking and screaming into acknowledging the next expac would be Dragons because eveyrone built themselves up last time that this time for real would be the Revamp/Underground/Tinker expansion despite all of the evidence it was going to be Dragons.
It just occurred to me that Stormbreak could be Classic+ expansion rather then a regular retail expack. Has Blizzard ever said they would do classic+ stuff?
I'm pretty sure everyone knew Dragons/Dragon Isles would be involved, not that it would JUST be Dragons. That was the big disappointment at launch.
I personally am praying for something that isn't a disconnected Dwarfclysm Filler Island expansion, considering that's what we just had.
no, it's a retail thing. stormbreak is related to the algarian stormrider, the datamined mount for 11.0. the mount likely takes the name from kazh algar, a zone introduced in dragonflight.
about classic+, blizzard said they would consider it, but so far nothing was confirmed
BTW, War of the Scaleborn (DF's novel) is releasing on October 31, just two days before Blizzcon... maybe it has some massive implications?
The release date is curious because DF would be practically over at that point. We kind of know what is coming with 10.2 (probably DF's last big patch) and two days after its release we will know about 11.0.
I do not know, I find it suspicious. I still have the hope that the book shows that Vyranoth is still on team Incarnates and that everything that she has done recently was a farce. Just with that I would be happy![]()
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
Why are people insistent this next expansion is being designed to "bring people back"? There has not been a shortfall akin to WoD, BfA or Shadowlands, despite not having low launch numbers. Player retention has remained at an historic high, rather than descending into a freefall as in those expansions.
Honestly I think the big reveal will be something like
A) Tyr forcibly converted Vyranoth's babies and is super shady (10.2/10.2.5 villain/antagonist reveal)
B) Xal'atath is the one who converted Iridikron (11.0 villain/antagonist reveal)
I would love if we get Magatha too.
Not only was it argued down to announcement, people even claiming the leaked strings were "red herrings" but on the site by Blizzard to misdirect for the obvious Void/Underground/Revamp/Tinker expansion, DF from reveal was always more than JUST Dragons. We have had constant content related directly to the Elements, Titans and the Dream throughout, so if you really think this is a filler expansion I have no idea what could possibly please you.
I thought so too but so far the classic titles all had the "CLASSIC" subtitle.
But spinning off of that, wouldn't it be hilarious (because of the meltdowns) if they're actually doing a WoW 2 but it's a Classic Spinoff that continues after WotLK as an alternate timeline if Cataclysm never happened. Stormbreak could be about "breaking" through the storms between Kalimdor and EK and exploring the lands there, both those we know from "retail" as well as potentially new ones. It might even introduce dynamic flying through gryphon/wyvern riders as an alternative to dragonriding.
Remember the pages of analysis that proved dragonflight logo fake?
We sorta know whats next for Classic. 1.15 has been on their internal dev server since April and has gotten updates as recently as last week(HC patch is 1.14.4) and they send out surveys about cataclysm a while ago.
Pretty clear that whats gonna happen there is a new Vanilla season(potentially with big updates) and cataclysm classic. Dont think you'll see named proper expansions for it.
As for the Stormbreak logo there is definitely a case to be made for returning to the "old style" logo IF they are doing some sort of revamp. But I doubt that.
Last edited by justwatching; 2023-10-02 at 10:53 PM.
Hypothetically, could Stormbreak be a Classic+ expansion but without the Classic part? Say, they choose to not use that branding for these expansions. They want it to feel like a separate timeline we're exploring, not just some nonsense they've built on top of Classic for funsies.
The pitch being: "What if we erased 15 or so years' worth of lore and offered an alternate timeline for players who just got turned off by all the cosmic stuff, and lore power creep... but we still keep Classic as its own thing, as a genuine way to experience the old game frozen in time."
Basically three ways to play World of Warcraft.
A. Keep pushing retail to its limits until it becomes frigging StarCraft.
B. Offer a middle-of-the-road approach, where the modern engine exists but the story hasn't progressed much beyond Vanilla yet. This version of the game won't begin meddling with Gods and stuff. It's the "what if" alternate timeline. Heck, maybe the story isn't even Vanilla. Maybe it's "the Dark Portal never opened" and the worst of our worries are gnolls, murlocs, defies, and the occasional dragon?
C. Classic in its different forms. Essentially a museum that preserves different versions of WoW and lets friends jump in for new seasons to relive the glory days.
Is there anything about our current datamining that makes this impossible, for example the preorder stuff?
Last edited by Worldshaper; 2023-10-02 at 10:59 PM.
Splitting Warcraft players between Classic, Classic+ and Retail sounds like a great way to kill the game unless they go F2P.