1. #23181
    Quote Originally Posted by Nightshade711 View Post
    Warcraft 4 confirmed!!!

    Jk, but probably Arclight rumble. Maybe that unnamed survival game blizzard mentioned a while ago? If that wasn’t canceled.
    the survival game is a new ip.

  2. #23182
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Splitting Warcraft players between Classic, Classic+ and Retail sounds like a great way to kill the game unless they go F2P.
    I mean the player base is already very split, between phasing and dungeon finder tools and what not. Why not just cater to all players instead of trying to shoehorn them all into one game.

    Go cosmic, some people are unhappy.
    Go grounded, other people are unhappy.

    Just separate those players and give them all what they want out of WoW.

  3. #23183
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    The heroic edition mount for the expansion being an elemental is a massive reach? Perhaps you weren’t paying attention, but further data mining in this thread has supported this conclusion as well.

    I’m sure you believe that Squally and Fyrn being names for elemental based pets is a massive reach as well, right?
    Yeah, Squally is after all the dwarf datamining. It's most likely a Griffin pet. Fyrn could be any number of things including a plant pet. I'm not arguing with you because it goes nowhere. Just like your obsession with tinkers of yesteryear that were definitely happening.

  4. #23184
    Quote Originally Posted by Nightshade711 View Post
    Warcraft 4 confirmed!!!

    Jk, but probably Arclight rumble. Maybe that unnamed survival game blizzard mentioned a while ago? If that wasn’t canceled.
    Think the Survival Game is fair Game here? It wasn't Warcraft Related when they previewed the Concept, it was some sort of "Current Day People entering some survival dream world" shit, no? Though I would dig it if they shifted concept to a Warcraft-based Survival concept.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Splitting Warcraft players between Classic, Classic+ and Retail sounds like a great way to kill the game unless they go F2P.
    Blizzard has been dealing with a split playerbase since the beginning of the Game. Casuals vs Elitists, Roleplayers vs non-Roleplayers, Top End vs Mid-level, all the little infights INTERNALLY on all of the splits you can offer. Now Classic vs Retail. If Classic+ vs the other two enters the fold, it's gonna be a drop in the Bucket. People have always vied for Blizzard's attention when it comes to WoW. Every Group, every Subgroup wants to be the Developer's Favorite Children for Development Time and Resources. The MMORPG should change, the MMORPG shouldn't change. Focus more on the MMO, Focus more on the RPG, Focus less on the MMO, focus more on the RPG, focus less on the RPG, focus more on the MMO, focus more on neither. People come up with the most (sorry not sorry) retarded shit to help their narrative in the matter.

  5. #23185
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Splitting Warcraft players between Classic, Classic+ and Retail sounds like a great way to kill the game unless they go F2P.
    This foolishly assumes the players would be split. People play Classic who wouldn't play Retail and vice versa. They aren't dividing one singular pool of subs.

  6. #23186
    I would personally hate it if 11.0 adds "Stormriding Mounts" as a way to redo the 10.0 starting experience of glyphs and everything again without us just taking our dragons and any newly unlocked dynamic mounts. I'm so tired of my collection being locked away and using just 4 skeletons.

  7. #23187
    if blizzard wants to keep retail then classic+ (a full reboot of the game) is a bad idea. i'm pretty sure classic+ would at least damage retail.

  8. #23188
    I think if the survival game is years out still it won't be announced

  9. #23189
    I don't think people realize that a classic+ is just another retail. Things that people don't like will be added or changed.

  10. #23190
    Quote Originally Posted by Gurkan View Post
    I don't think people realize that a classic+ is just another retail. Things that people don't like will be added or changed.
    Not necessarily. I'm pretty sure what people want out of Classic+ is just more Azeroth to play in/on with new Dungeons and Raids where you can Press Shadowbolt, Shadowbolt, Shadowbolt, Shadowbolt, Shadowbolt, Shadowbolt...
    Oh and stack Warriors.

  11. #23191
    Quote Originally Posted by Dismayxz View Post
    Not necessarily. I'm pretty sure what people want out of Classic+ is just more Azeroth to play in/on with new Dungeons and Raids where you can Press Shadowbolt, Shadowbolt, Shadowbolt, Shadowbolt, Shadowbolt, Shadowbolt...
    Oh and stack Warriors.
    There's quite a lot of fun out of that simplicity. Like, you could probably just jump into long form content with a movie in the background and just have fun chatting with friends. That's how I used to raid back in Wrath.

    WoW was just a different type of game back then.


    Separate question, were there any compelling leaks regarding new Support specs or anything class related?
    Last edited by Triceron; 2023-10-02 at 11:43 PM.

  12. #23192
    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    There's quite a lot of fun out of that simplicity. Like, you could probably just jump into long form content with a movie in the background and just have fun chatting with friends. That's how I used to raid back in Wrath.

    WoW was just a different type of game back then.
    I agree with that and I see that. But at the same time what does that say about the Game? It feels more like the fun here is coming less from playing the Game and more from the Movie and Chatting with Friends. Things I can also just do... without playing the Game?

    Besides, that entire idea hinges on the Idea that Modern World of Warcraft strains the average Player to such a degree with it's Gameplay, that these things can not be typically done while playing the Game. Yet that is only really true for the Higher End versions of each Endgame Pillar. And even there you can argue that it's still very possible with how much "help" you can unironically download to not have to pay attention at all until that Bell Rings. As an example. My last 4 Farm Raids I was full mute, talking to the GF on Discord (while she was on a business trip) and watching an anime. We one day cleared. We're an average World 300 Guild for Mythic. All possible because I used my time on Prog actually learning the fight, so now for most of Farm I can just sleeze off, play "the Script" (aka play the Boss the same way I always do) and I dunno.. scratch my nuts while Weakauras and DBM yell at me. That's.. the same thing. I just picked a Class and Specc that are simple. And I think that is the real thing here. The Content doesn't have to be simple. The Character you play has to be.
    Last edited by Dismayxz; 2023-10-02 at 11:49 PM.

  13. #23193

  14. #23194
    Bloodsail Admiral Foreign Exchange Ztudent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blizzard Insider
    Ah yes the Living World that we figured out was for birds flying away from you. Cute.
    I no longer reply to quotations beyond if you're asking a genuine question or have a non-confrontational stance.

  15. #23195
    Warchief Catastrophy349's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Foreign Exchange Ztudent View Post
    Ah yes the Living World that we figured out was for birds flying away from you. Cute.
    Haha. The best!

  16. #23196
    The Undying Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    Separate question, were there any compelling leaks regarding new Support specs or anything class related?
    Nope, because leakers are never that elaborate. There was no leaks about a dragon race/class during 10.0's leak season either.

  17. #23197
    Warchief Catastrophy349's Avatar
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    What Sword? That Sword!
    @Teriz What are your predictions for 11.0, ol' mighty one?

  18. #23198
    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    There's quite a lot of fun out of that simplicity. Like, you could probably just jump into long form content with a movie in the background and just have fun chatting with friends. That's how I used to raid back in Wrath.

    WoW was just a different type of game back then.


    Separate question, were there any compelling leaks regarding new Support specs or anything class related?
    Mh, not exactly. But wouldn't be surprised if they'll double down on their new Role Niche.

  19. #23199

  20. #23200
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Nope, because leakers are never that elaborate. There was no leaks about a dragon race/class during 10.0's leak season either.
    Yes there was. You literally forgot about the Evoker leaks? I believe Dracthyr were mentioned shortly before Dragonflight's announcement.

    3 days before official announcement.
    Last edited by Triceron; 2023-10-03 at 12:11 AM.

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