Originally Posted by
I posted this in another thread.
What if the next xpac is titan themed and along with an archeology revamp we also get Path of the Titans. An account wide system with QoL or outdoor combat only bonuses. Something that would take years to unlock everything but its account wide.
I would love a borrowed power type stytem but account wide and for mostly QoL features and solo world power only.
Like Fishing takes 5% less time.
Hearthstones only take 8 secs to cast.
Unmounted movement speed increased by 1,2,3,4,5%
Mounted movement speed increased by 10/20/30/40/50% (note not for dynamic flying)
Dynamic flying vigor recharges 5/10/15/20/25% faster
Cooking has a 5/10/15% chance to make double the food.
Movement speed inside legacy instances increased by 10/20/30/40/50%
Out of combat health regen increased by 20/40/60% while outdoors.
Skinning has a 10/20/30% chance to aoe skin all nearby beasts.
Legacy reputation gains increased by 15/30%
Chance to loot cloth increased by 10/20/30% while outdoors.
Second Hearthstone Legendary capstone talent. Your hearthstone has 2 charges.
2nd location Hearthstone Legendary capstone talent. You can now select from 2 locations to hearth to.
Stuff like that as an account wide overtime unlock system would be amazing.