1. #23301
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    Wait.... Dark Nexus Deathwing was literally the last skin added to HotS... Could it be they announce they're going back to updating Hots?
    As someone who spends quite a bit on HotS skins back when it was hot ... that would make me so fucking happy. The death of HotS pretty much showed me that you can't trust Blizzard to keep stuff "for eternity", which is the reason I'm not even interested in investing in any of their newer ip's anymore besides WoW. How they handled the whole game (first thinking that esports are the future and than killing it) was prolly their biggest mistake besides warcraft 3 reforged tbh.

  2. #23302
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    At this point, it'll be very hard for Blizzard to drop the ball really. Practically all of the rumoured expansion themes sound great.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Melorandor View Post
    What do you think is on Avaloren?
    Even if Avaloren is a mix of the Maw and Mechagon?

  3. #23303
    Mechagnome Myrrh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    At this point, it'll be very hard for Blizzard to drop the ball really. Practically all of the rumoured expansion themes sound great.
    Oh no, you've gone and said it. Pack it up, we're headed back to Korthia.

  4. #23304
    Quote Originally Posted by Chickat View Post
    I posted this in another thread.

    What if the next xpac is titan themed and along with an archeology revamp we also get Path of the Titans. An account wide system with QoL or outdoor combat only bonuses. Something that would take years to unlock everything but its account wide.

    I would love a borrowed power type stytem but account wide and for mostly QoL features and solo world power only.

    Like Fishing takes 5% less time.
    Hearthstones only take 8 secs to cast.
    Unmounted movement speed increased by 1,2,3,4,5%
    Mounted movement speed increased by 10/20/30/40/50% (note not for dynamic flying)
    Dynamic flying vigor recharges 5/10/15/20/25% faster
    Cooking has a 5/10/15% chance to make double the food.
    Movement speed inside legacy instances increased by 10/20/30/40/50%
    Out of combat health regen increased by 20/40/60% while outdoors.
    Skinning has a 10/20/30% chance to aoe skin all nearby beasts.
    Legacy reputation gains increased by 15/30%
    Chance to loot cloth increased by 10/20/30% while outdoors.
    Second Hearthstone Legendary capstone talent. Your hearthstone has 2 charges.
    2nd location Hearthstone Legendary capstone talent. You can now select from 2 locations to hearth to.

    Stuff like that as an account wide overtime unlock system would be amazing.
    If there was one thing I would really love is for them to implement something like this "Legacy Content Talent Tree" that was floating around years ago.

  5. #23305
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myrrh View Post
    Oh no, you've gone and said it. Pack it up, we're headed back to Korthia.
    Here are the top 10 zones I hope Blizzard do not draw inspiration from for 11.0:

    1. The Maw
    2. Korthia
    3. Maldraxxus
    4. Revendreth
    5. Zereth Mortis
    6. The Broken Shore
    7. Antoran Wastes
    8. Krokuun
    9. Dread Wastes
    10. Nazmir

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    If there was one thing I would really love is for them to implement something like this "Legacy Content Talent Tree" that was floating around years ago.

    That'd be pretty neat.

    I would also love Racial Talents, like a talent tree where you are able to slightly modify or select between different talents for your race. There might even be a few (cosmetic) ones you need to unlock to really mastering your character.

    For example, a Night Elf being able to sit and pray to Elune, and if she does it for a little moment she'll be transported (in a sort of spirit form) to a small instance which is set on Ancient Kalimdor. Just for immersion.

    Or as a Void Elf, you might unlock one that lets you step through a portal a few times, taking you to different locations. Like, you step in once, and the portal is already ready to take you to your next location if you're not happy with this one.

    Race-specific Campaigns would also be nice! For example, one for the Kingdom of Stormwind if you're a Human. Lasts throughout the expansion, alongside the main campaign. If you're levelling up a new Human you'll probably have access to a few of the quests as you hit different levels, and may then finish the campaign at max level.

  6. #23306
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    At this point, it'll be very hard for Blizzard to drop the ball really. Practically all of the rumoured expansion themes sound great.
    Im open for everything except full underground expansion theme.

  7. #23307
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    At this point, it'll be very hard for Blizzard to drop the ball really. Practically all of the rumoured expansion themes sound great.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Even if Avaloren is a mix of the Maw and Mechagon?
    Mechagon was pretty fun.

  8. #23308
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheMizAwesome View Post
    Im open for everything except full underground expansion theme.
    I'm open for it, as long as it's not like Zarelek Cavern.

    If it begins with an exciting expedition and ends with a vast underground Utopia/Hollow Earth/Atlantis type of situation, then I'm all aboard.

    Key here being that it looks bright and nice, has got an interesting biome with lush plants and colourful animals, and its characters aren't just carbon copies of each other like in Shadowlands or Dragonflight.

    The experience needs to invoke the same type of feeling you get when you watch Avatar for the first time, or Disney's animated Atlantis.

  9. #23309
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Here are the top 10 zones I hope Blizzard do not draw inspiration from for 11.0:

    1. The Maw
    2. Korthia
    3. Maldraxxus
    4. Revendreth
    5. Zereth Mortis
    6. The Broken Shore
    7. Antoran Wastes
    8. Krokuun
    9. Dread Wastes
    10. Nazmir
    Disagree on Nazmir. It’s one of the best zones ever added in terms of combination of story, atmosphere, vibe and theme. They really nailed the Heart of Darkness vibe. Every single original BfA zone was excellent.

  10. #23310
    I am Murloc! MCMLXXXII's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Here are the top 10 zones I hope Blizzard do not draw inspiration from for 11.0:

    1. The Maw
    2. Korthia
    3. Maldraxxus
    4. Revendreth
    5. Zereth Mortis
    6. The Broken Shore
    7. Antoran Wastes
    8. Krokuun
    9. Dread Wastes
    10. Nazmir
    I would take out Revendreth and put Bastion in. That place had me singing: I'm blue da-ba-dee da-ba-da, the entire time. And trust me, that's not a good thing.
    Would also swap Nazmir with Hellfire Peninsula.

  11. #23311
    Revendreth is still one of my most hated zones based on the fact that before flying was added, lvling and doing content in that zone was just pure ass.

  12. #23312
    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheMizAwesome View Post
    Revendreth is still one of my most hated zones based on the fact that before flying was added, lvling and doing content in that zone was just pure ass.
    Really? I think Blizzard nailed the theme. I could see Nathreza effectively be an extended Revendreth. Just less ruined (well before Illidan blew it up)

  13. #23313
    Quote Originally Posted by Hansworst View Post
    I would take out Revendreth and put Bastion in. That place had me singing: I'm blue da-ba-dee da-ba-da, the entire time. And trust me, that's not a good thing.
    Would also swap Nazmir with Hellfire Peninsula.
    Nazmir and Revendreth are great, besides Revendreth's verticality being vaguely troublesome if you're using a ground mount and don't know how to navigate it.

    Zereth Mortis and Maldraxxus are good zones that suffer from poor layout. If they were expansive, more naturally distributed zones instead of awkward circles, they'd be great.

  14. #23314
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    Disagree on Nazmir. It’s one of the best zones ever added in terms of combination of story, atmosphere, vibe and theme. They really nailed the Heart of Darkness vibe. Every single original BfA zone was excellent.
    I'm willing to budge on Nazmir. As an Alliance player, I might have missed some of the nuance. It just felt so dreary after all that time spent in Tiragarde Sound and Stormsong Valley.

  15. #23315
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Really? I think Blizzard nailed the theme. I could see Nathreza effectively be an extended Revendreth. Just less ruined (well before Illidan blew it up)
    I meant more like from gameplay perspective - i honestly only remember horrid experience from that place before flying, because you spend most of the time in these zones before patches and sometimes reaching world quests areas were really annoying.

    Graphics, theme and style of course is great, it's not one of my favorite styles, but besides my personal feelings about it, revendreth is really unique looking place.

  16. #23316
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hansworst View Post
    I would take out Revendreth and put Bastion in. That place had me singing: I'm blue da-ba-dee da-ba-da, the entire time. And trust me, that's not a good thing.
    Would also swap Nazmir with Hellfire Peninsula.
    Revendreth is interesting. I had high hopes for it as a sort of Transylvania/Worgen forest. But the way it ended up being mostly Dracula's castle, and with how depressing the music and art felt, it just wasn't for me.

    Bastion was too vanilla, too samey and bland. But it didn't annoy me the same way, because you could at least find a few pretty spots and enjoy some lively music now and then.

  17. #23317
    How long before Dragonflights announcement was that guy posting pictures of Drek'thar saying the new race was related to him but with some thing changed?

    That's the first mention of Dracthyr that I remember.

  18. #23318
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Revendreth is interesting. I had high hopes for it as a sort of Transylvania/Worgen forest. But the way it ended up being mostly Dracula's castle, and with how depressing the music and art felt, it just wasn't for me.

    Bastion was too vanilla, too samey and bland. But it didn't annoy me the same way, because you could at least find a few pretty spots and enjoy some lively music now and then.
    I think that’s a very apt description for Bastion. On my first play through I loved it. Now it’s the one SL zone I dread levelling through. It’s extremely samely with very little variety. It does have the luxury of being a very pretty zone though.

  19. #23319
    Pandaren Monk Merryck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maplesyrupgl View Post
    How long before Dragonflights announcement was that guy posting pictures of Drek'thar saying the new race was related to him but with some thing changed?

    That's the first mention of Dracthyr that I remember.
    I think that was like a week or 2 from reveal.
    Last edited by Merryck; 2023-10-03 at 08:16 AM.

  20. #23320
    Quote Originally Posted by flan1337 View Post

    Should be 10% transparency on our hype train with a gravestone.
    is this ai or what?

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