But what part of the lore is so horrendous that you can't ignore or fix it?
Sylvanas will always have been horribly written, but that doesn't prevent Blizzard from having Jameson the freshly risen Forsaken create a cult of personality and making the Forsaken edgy again.
The only difference between that and a complete retcon is whether the lore is literally part of the game or not. BfA would still be horribly written, even if you make Classic+: South Seas, where you do everything correct.
The world revamp dream will never die!
Then you just retcon it.
The Titans are actually the First Ones, and they twisted the Shadowlands into the abomination we saw.
That is basically the lore we could have gotten. The only difference is that we spent an expansion in a shitty expansion rather than a good one. But that is irrelevant to potential future lore.
The world revamp dream will never die!
blizzard will never retcon it. they will never come out and say "hey, shadowlands is not canon anymore". the best they can do (and they're doing it) is to mitigate the damage and for many it's not enough. Also, shadowlands "ruined" many iconic characters like arthas, sargeras and, worst of all, sylvanas. It also ruined the concept of afterlife and its culture for most races. they also failed to create new interesting long lasting character. denathrius and iridikron are exceptions but they're villains. we have no varian or old syvlanas anymore.
p.s dragonflight made the aspects whiny bitches and robbed us of murozond. this is also bad
I know someone already mentioned it, but since they announced lilith skin for OW from D4, i guess it will have something to do with the blizzcon goodies pack or whatever it is called now.
Maybe i was wrong about this manequin toy being todays new promotion and they will actually reveal blizzcon cosmetics today.
You have a very weird definition of retcon if remaking the expansions doesn't count.
Shadowlands still happened. The lore is currently canon. A Classic+ expansion would still be WoW being retconned.
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Just an example of how whatever flaws of previous expansions could be remedied if that is all a Classic+ expansion would be expected to do.
The world revamp dream will never die!
Not the same thing. classic+ would be a reboot of the game done by demand of the community. it's not the same thing as saying shadowlands doesn't count while leaving it in the game. it's also a matter of coherence, which retail lacks
You can't replace iconic characters with new ones if you don't give them the proper build up. the jailer proved this. you can't replace sylvanas with jameson the freshly risen forsaken because no one gives a shit about him
Last edited by Reive; 2023-10-03 at 10:54 AM.
Ardenweald looks beautiful, but they really put a huge emphasis into those weird grub things instead of other facets of the zone. Not to mention that out of all the zones in SL, it is one of the more under-utilized zone. The other half of the map is part of the dungeon and you don't even bother with the upper left area in the map.
Aszuna is... kinda plain looking in terms of design, and there's like four different plots going on that aren't connected to each other. Like you have the Legion attacking from the left along with a demon hunter turned traitor, then you have the Blue Dragonflight and Senegos trying to add more minutes of his life while a Nightborne wants to drain his magical essence... then you've got this weird subplot about the Sea Giants abducting people and keeping them for pets to which you have to go deal.. then there's another subplot involving a pirate cove... and then there's the main plot which is focused on Farondis and the Naga breaching into the zone trying to find the Tidestone... (Again, all this clutter is excessive)
Finally Nazjatar, I don't hate this zone... It just wasn't designed with actual walking in mind... It felt more like it was designed specifically for swimming but with the Tidestone taking away the water it just makes it a nightmare to traverse on ground. (It gets awful when you have to do stuff in that one area in the upper left with all those spider looking crabs lurking and those giant Elite worm monsters.)
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