I mean, it's a pretty great idea, yeah. Honestly, I main a druid so wacky mounts that actually do something other than normal flight is really cool because its a reason to use thats not flightform.
That being said, if I could use the Bee mount in bear form, especially if I can use a top hat, only mount I'd ever use.
10.2 NPC dialogue that tells the story of a young, rambunctious green dragon, "Erinethria", who loved flying all over the place, got bored of having seen everything and asked Tyr about new stuff to see/where the wind blowing "from the west" came from. Tyr basically told her not to worry about it because everything she needed is "here" and that only ruin lies "beyond the Storming Sea". But she went anyway and disappeared. Most dragons think she is dead, but the greens claim she appeared in their dreams having reached somewhere beyond the sea and started her own brood there.
Here you go:
I want more dense zones like the Azure Span. Less open wide zones like Ohn'ahran Plains. I can't really say much about the Waking Shores and Thaldrazus though. As much as I disliked the lore of Shadowlands I felt like the zones were all really amazing. Same with WoD. Two of the worst expansions lore wise, but in terms of environment design I felt like they blow everything else out of the water. Especially when compared to expansions that made sure it's zones were consistent with each other. Like MoP or BFA.
Really feels like revamp is on life support for another expansion cycle.
Rev up the AI for a sudden rash of Storming Sea "leaks". Makes a nice change from Stormbreak and Void ones. Still kinda liked the whole "astral alignment causes an eclipse" one, that sounded cool as hell.
Paladin Bash has spoken.
On the flipside of more negative comments aimed at you for some of the ways you've argumented, I'll give you this. One thing 10.2 is going to do absolutely feels like it requires resolution and this time around faster than when we got rid of Ragnaros in Cata and then only helped pick a new Firelord in Legion. And that is the Firelands more or less being without a Firelord again after 10.2. That is not something they'll ignore forever, the Firelord we specifically helped to his position is killed in 10.2. That is going to be a situation to deal with at some point in the future again.
Speculation about to go through the roof!
I want an island where Hozen are experimented on and rise up to overthrow the Titan Keepers managing the facility. Give me that Planet of the Apes vibe.
Paladin Bash has spoken.