1. #24261
    Quote Originally Posted by Zebir95 View Post
    Thank you!


  2. #24262
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zebir95 View Post
    Seems really related to storms. And also underground fissures.

    Granted it could also relate to other stuff, but if we are looking for confirmation of the other leaks, this seems to support it.

  3. #24263
    La la la la~ LemonDemonGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Just idle speculation. What if the tree was planted there and Un'goro became a crater when Aman'thul plucked it. What if Ilgynoth sprouted from it. (Why was there a World Tree on Un'goro in the Nightmare anyway?). What if the roots open up in an underground tree and forest in a Hollow Earth style expansion?
    Secret World Legends literally has a 'Hollow Earth tree', would be cool to see in WoW
    I don't play WoW anymore smh.

  4. #24264
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I honestly don't think there is such a think as Elemental at a cosmic level. Sure there is Murmur. But it is all there is, his lore never made sense and it's probably a brain fart of some TBC dev in one of the least consistent expansions in WoW.
    Well, the grandest-god (so far) in Warcraft is supposedly the "Clockmaker". Even a clockmaker needs some elementary materials to make his clockwork universe.

    It'd explain why things like sound exist in every realm if he is more primordial than those higher concept cosmic thingies.
    This is a signature of an ailing giant, boundless in pride, wit and strength.
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    Furthermore, I consider that Carthage Slam must be destroyed.

  5. #24265
    La la la la~ LemonDemonGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Hollow Earth concepts also often had a dinosaur focus but I did not go there because in WoW we associated dinosaurs mostly with Zandalar.

    Ofc that could be the tie-in for the Horde. Maybe Xibala was born there!
    Didn't Xibala have really disturbing abilities? Like being said to make people cough up blood. Sounds like something that'd make Bwonsamdi shit himself lol
    I don't play WoW anymore smh.

  6. #24266
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LemonDemonGirl View Post
    Secret World Legends literally has a 'Hollow Earth tree', would be cool to see in WoW
    Ahh Secret World has such a cool vibe. I love it. If only the combat was actually fun.

  7. #24267
    Hey so what's up with the name "AVALOREN" being from Keepers/Watchers associated with Odyn?

    Think about Odyn's "Val"ajar, his "Val'kyr", and his Halls/Trials of "Valor"..

    is it possible we've been reading too much into a nickname specifically dubbed by Odyn?
    and that the continent or "Accursed Isle" it's referred to as in fact has another real name?

    A"valor"en, I mean is it a total coincidence that the first time this name shows up, it's alongside this context, these beings, whom which "val" or "valor" always had a distinct linguistic use?
    Last edited by elderu; 2023-10-04 at 12:47 PM.

  8. #24268
    Quote Originally Posted by loras View Post
    Well, the grandest-god (so far) in Warcraft is supposedly the "Clockmaker". Even a clockmaker needs some elementary materials to make his clockwork universe.

    It'd explain why things like sound exist in every realm if he is more primordial than those higher concept cosmic thingies.
    The clockmaker was never ever confirmed to exist. It was a weird idea that was floating around but not officially introduced so far at all.
    And even if he does exist, why exactly would he need "elementary materials" to make something? This is a high fantasy story, him just creating stuff out of nothing would not be weird or somehow impossible at all.
    The crooked shitposter with no eyes is watching from the endless thread.

    From the space that is everywhere and nowhere, the crooked shitposter feasts on memes.

    He has no eyes to see, but he dreams of infinite memeing and trolling.

  9. #24269
    The Fifth Old God being wrapped up in vines/roots now makes a lot more sense IMO.

  10. #24270
    La la la la~ LemonDemonGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myrrh View Post
    Not the map explicitly, but there is some form of landmass west of Kalimdor (would have been Pangaea Kalimdor at the time, but point remains)
    Maybe a small part of the landmass drifted off into the west when the Sundering happened?
    Y'know, an expac that takes place in an Azeroth that DIDN'T have a cataclysmic event would be fun actually.
    I don't play WoW anymore smh.

  11. #24271
    Quote Originally Posted by Houle View Post
    The clockmaker was never ever confirmed to exist. It was a weird idea that was floating around but not officially introduced so far at all.
    And even if he does exist, why exactly would he need "elementary materials" to make something? This is a high fantasy story, him just creating stuff out of nothing would not be weird or somehow impossible at all.
    Well, because as we know Murmur (blessed be his absurd overpoweredness) exists and all sound hails from him.

    Add materials and a theoretical clockmaker and you've a case for "conceptuals"; true elementals of foundational powers
    This is a signature of an ailing giant, boundless in pride, wit and strength.
    Yet also as humble as health and humor permit.

    Furthermore, I consider that Carthage Slam must be destroyed.

  12. #24272
    Quote Originally Posted by LemonDemonGirl View Post
    Maybe a small part of the landmass drifted off into the west when the Sundering happened?
    Y'know, an expac that takes place in an Azeroth that DIDN'T have a cataclysmic event would be fun actually.
    I am all in for a War of the Ancients Expansion.
    Bring in a storm that is Time Infused, which transports us to the WotA. Like in Knaaks Books.

  13. #24273
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nightshade711 View Post
    Weird to be thankful for something unconfirmed.
    It’s like being thankful for Undermine/Tinkers being in DF before the announcement.
    At this point its rather clear that 11.0 will not be a void expansion of any sort. More likely its going to be taking place on a new continent surrounded by storms, alongside Avaloren and Khaz Algar playing secondary roles.

  14. #24274
    The storms of the storming sea are obviously a byproduct of the eternal clash going on on the other side of the planet between cosmic Light and Void. The element closest to Light is Air, and Void, Water. Air + Water = Storms.

  15. #24275
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zebir95 View Post
    Cool, it confirms again that there is a Realm of Life, aswell as their own version of Eternal Ones in it.

    I'm still saying that all the Shadowlands lore would have been more liked if they had seeded it during Legion and BfA. The Nightmare Raid and Ursoc's death there could have given us a tease for Ardenweald, while the Maldraxxi could have appeared in a side quest on Argus, maybe even with a Drakka tease there. Similiary, we could have gotten a side plot with a Kyrian during the 4th War who would be wondering why all the souls go into the Maw, or a Dreadlord hinting at Revendreth.

  16. #24276
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    Quote Originally Posted by loras View Post
    Well, because as we know Murmur (blessed be his absurd overpoweredness) exists and all sound hails from him.

    Add materials and a theoretical clockmaker and you've a case for "conceptuals"; true elementals of foundational powers
    Funny thing is I had this insane theory that whatever Zovaal was afraid of is sound related. Because sound isn't really something you can fit into the wow comsology as a force, so it is technically outside of it.

  17. #24277
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    Quote Originally Posted by Izalla View Post
    This is the best idea you've had and is super cute. I want it to be true.
    It makes sense given the info we currently have. I could certainly see a world tree battle pet with root-style attacks.

  18. #24278
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Cool, it confirms again that there is a Realm of Life, aswell as their own version of Eternal Ones in it.

    I'm still saying that all the Shadowlands lore would have been more liked if they had seeded it during Legion and BfA. The Nightmare Raid and Ursoc's death there could have given us a tease for Ardenweald, while the Maldraxxi could have appeared in a side quest on Argus, maybe even with a Drakka tease there.
    So dumb question. What IS the dream good for? Because for a long time it was supposed to be where Cenarius and the Wild Gods went to be recuperate after they are killed on Azeroth. But that is not in Ardenweald. So is it just there for druids to sleep somewhere?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    At this point its rather clear that 11.0 will not be a void expansion of any sort. More likely its going to be taking place on a new continent surrounded by storms, alongside Avaloren and Khaz Algar playing secondary roles.
    I bet there would be some void presence though. I mean how many expansion did not have an old god presence one way or another?

  19. #24279
    Quote Originally Posted by Viridiel View Post
    The storms of the storming sea are obviously a byproduct of the eternal clash going on on the other side of the planet between cosmic Light and Void. The element closest to Light is Air, and Void, Water. Air + Water = Storms.
    Or it was made by the Titans to segregate regions of the planet, ala the Dragon Isles, or it was crafted by the Avaloren Heretics, or hey, they're naturally occurring, like on Jupiter.

    I've never seen any association between Light & Air/Storm in WoW.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Cool, it confirms again that there is a Realm of Life, aswell as their own version of Eternal Ones in it.
    Unless they're trying to convey the Dream is what that is: The dream is the counterpart to the shadowlands in the cosmology chart. The chart shows the Shadowlands is not inside the "Death Sphere," It's outside of it. "Realms of Life" seem to be conceptual. We know there are Gods of Life, but they likely rule the Dream equivalent somewhere in space. And we incorrectly assume the Dream is unique to Azeroth because we can't space travel in it, but its actually an entire universe, like the Shadowlands.
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    So dumb question. What IS the dream good for? Because for a long time it was supposed to be where Cenarius and the Wild Gods went to be recuperate after they are killed on Azeroth. But that is not in Ardenweald. So is it just there for druids to sleep somewhere?
    It was always described as a kind of back up for the titans. Like it's literal backup save they can use if the planet gets too corrupted. Which would have probably been what happened immediately after Algalon scoured the planet.

    But with the Shadowlands lore it seems more like the Dream is meant to be like, a waiting room where anima is recycled from Ardenweald into new life before it passes into the material plane. And it was designed that way by the First Ones, the Titans just utilized it to its full potential; as Life without well maintained filters can get perverted with the weird invasive sentient plants of Draenor.
    Last edited by Ersula; 2023-10-04 at 01:25 PM.

  20. #24280
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    They're the same thing.

    The Orcs are on AU Draenor, in that universe, pre-orcish invasion C'thun, Yogg and N'zoth are all still alive. The Void Lords can't just casually enter reality, that is the entire reason why they had to do the Old God strategy, and the place where the Old Gods can potentially succeed is Azeroth, via the Hour of Twilight, when one of the three of those Old Gods gets free enough to continue its corruption and Azeroth is turned into a Void Titan and then the Void consumes reality.

    The races on Draenor have no context for Azeroth or the details of it being taken over by the Old Gods, so from their perspective the Void just consumes everything one day. It's still the same triggering event.
    Couple of things:

    1) It doesn't sound like we disagree too much on this bit, although I would leave it open-ended as to whether the Hour of Twilight is a universal, common threat or simply a local prophecy on Azeroth. The Void Lords slurp world-souls, it's what they do. So it is reasonable to assume they do it on other worlds as well, using their Old Gods as tools. "One Old God remains to consume the world" could just end up meaning that the Old God becomes a Void Lord, or lets one in, in that act.

    2) It's still a fact that Nozdormu was cautious about calling the Hour of Twilight a resolved matter in Cataclysm. The Endtime we saw was Ysera's vision of the HoT aftermath, but Nozdormu said he'd seen something worse than we experienced on that day.

    For what it's worth, whatever the Void has in store for us doesn't have to be called "The Hour of Twilight". After all, they see all possibilities unlike the Titans. So it might be the case that when they saw N'Zoth and Deathwing fail, the new Harbinger (probably Xal'atath) saw an opportunity to do things her way. But I still remain pretty confident in the HoT, because everything seems to be pointing in the direction of Xal'atath being a 5th Old God. If that's the case, then she's probably attempting to be the last one standing, the one who will "consume all of Azeroth" etc.

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